- Location
- canada
Very important, since it concentrates on producing the Capital goods that are still insufficient for fulfilling the plan's promises, and directly supports this:[ ] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (phase 1)
GDI needs ever more heavy robots, and ever greater supplies of automation. With projects in the Red Zones, and potentially underground mines, the current construction yards and systems are completely insufficient. Nuuk is planned to be the largest existing robotics construction work. While it will be expensive, it will also provide masses of capital goods.
(Progress 0/160: 20 resources per die) (- Labor)
since I expect people continue to ignore options such as the following:[ ] Tiberium Vein Mines (Phase 1)
With major development of the prospecting expeditions having discovered vast amounts of Tiberium under the surface, fairly conventional underground mines have become a significant proposal. While they will require additional robotic support, especially because it is politically nonviable to have large scale human losses, these will be expensive, but also a major source of income without having to expose GDI assets to the Brotherhood of NOD.
(Progress 0/200: 20 resources per die) (Additional Income Trickle [20-30]) (+1 Yellow Zone Abatement) (- Capital Goods)
despite the high priority marking.[ ] Red Zone Containment Lines (Phase 3)
Fully replacing the Forgotten in some areas will require a substantial additional investment. However it will also do far more to contain the spread of the Red Zones, by intensifying both GDI and the Forgotten's harvesting efforts.
(Progress 8/180: 25 resources per die) (additional income trickle (10-15 Resources) (3 points of Red Zone Mitigation) (High Priority)
Then again, this plan is at it's second half already, so perhaps it's best to minimize increasing income with the cheapest and fastest options before the next plan anyways, since the start up phase of the next one would need to gain income quickly again after redistribution of income.
This is probably highest concern for Tiberium dice, since it can potentially slow down growth at all the heaviest growth spots, and keep the blue zones from turning green from the subterranean Tiberium veins.[ ] Tiberium Inhibitor Development
The Scrin, during their invasion deployed a number of Tiberium Growth Accelerators. By constructing a version of the hardware essentially running in reverse, the Initiative can slow the growth of Tiberium in a relatively small area. While not able to stop the growth of Tiberium, it should provide a significant boost in overall abatement potential.
(Progress 0/60: 30 resources per die)
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