Just writing an Omake here and needed a roll:
Why are you peeking?
Company: Cobalt Defense and Aerospace

EDIT: Looks good for us. Not that this will provide a major boost to anything really.
cryptoam threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Project Total: 82
82 82
A Start (1/???):
Soo... I was watching some battlefield 4 and the UAV reminded me of IRL military drones in development.
This sparked the idea of disposable drones for GDI to use for all sorts of purpose. I also didn't want Vanguard to hoard all the new stuff that I created in my omake. So, let's see what ideas our (not yet existing) start up has.
Soo.... I present:
A Start (1/???):

Peder Rebekka looked up from his table. Soldering and assembling components in the aerospace lab was getting monotonous. Sure, the various ideas that he was implementing were novel and the process was difficult and worthy of the grants that the lab was getting. However, just designing and validating new designs like various control schemes or drones for the his field was getting boring. The relatively low pay didn't help either.

"Vanghaun, are you done with the code yet? I'm done with the assembly here."
"Almost there. I'm still trying to work out why the telemetry keeps cutting out after a minute randomly. It looks like a memory leak or something here. The damn code can be a little temperamental."
"Did you check to make sure that you are using the latest version of the telemetry library? They did release a patch to fix various leaks and other problems."
*Thwack*"No... What day is today?"
"Patch Friday of course for the relevant library. Let me guess, you forgot?"
"Yep. Why do they release the library if it's still somewhat unstable at times?"
"Because they wanted to create demand for their hardware and have people find bugs and improve the code? The same reason why quite a few companies do the same thing?"
"True, that is a compelling reason. Oh, and the patch has been applied, recompiling... and now let's see of the problem reoccurs."

Vanghaun quickly turned around from her seat and looked over the assembled drone. The drone was the latest attempt by them to create a small man portable drone that had the ability to conserve power for a long time as needed. Ideally they would've been able to drastically speedup the design and testing process by using known components and code. However, the goal of their current research was to demonstrate the effectiveness of using multiple different power modes for the drone allowing it to switch power between flight and computationally heavy tasks. Unfortunately the demands that the old telemetry system had forced the main processor to continuously wake up, obviating the entire point of the new design.

Still, it was a marvel how they could manage to pack all the components in the design. High energy density lithium phosphate batteries were used as ballast in key sections to help balance the drone. At the same time, the heavy(as in the level of computation, not weight) computational components were successful fitted into a small form factor amenable to carrying and storage in the deployment tube. The engine for the drone was also a thing to marvel. The high efficiency and powerful motor allowed the craft to carry itself or a long distance while the specially designed fold out wings reduce the drone's footprint while giving it great lift and glide capabilities. None of the design could've been done without careful design and testing of prototypes.

"Hmm. What do you think Peder? Think this time the drone won't suffer a hard failure due to the main controller being locked up?"
"Your the one responsible for that this time. I've been busy assembling the entire thing and validating all of the connections."
"You are right about that. Anyways, it appears that your suggestion has worked. The software hasn't crashed yet in simulation. Time to see of this will fly for longer without entering a deadlock."
"Same here.
Uhh, it's getting late now. Why do they not pay us overtime?"
"Because it's not part of our contracts?"
@Ithillid I've notice that in Tiberium harvesting that the obtained income is referred to as a trickle; are there greater income adjective and if so, what are there scales? i.e. How much would we have to gain for it to be called a stream, torrent or ocean?
@Ithillid I've notice that in Tiberium harvesting that the obtained income is referred to as a trickle; are there greater income adjective and if so, what are there scales? i.e. How much would we have to gain for it to be called a stream, torrent or ocean?
It is mostly me not wanting to edit those, so trickle is pretty much going to be the standard. Originally it was because I wanted a word to indicate a small amount of additional income before the Stat Planning options finished, but that has been superceed by giving a numerical range.
Ithillid threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Yellow Zone Harvesting Total: 1
1 1
Wait @Ithillid , what is GDI's DARPA equivalent?
There is not really a single quote DARPA unquote. Instead, things are organized as Development Bureaus, Research Institutions, or similar, which are typically held under one branch of the military. For example, the Steel Talons are one such Development Bureau, held under Ground Forces Command. If you are looking for the people who are at the borderline between pure sciences and developmental application, that is generally going to be the Advanced Research Project Administration, which is held under the Treasury, because it does both civil and military investment. The system, as it is, is pretty well kludged together, mostly as a result of bureaucratic territory marking and the way that GDI came together on a fairly ad hoc basis.
Q2 2051 Results
Q2 2051 Results

First Fusion Launch:

Timothy Whichard (AeroSpaceAdministration) (Public Relations)

The first of the fusion heavy lift designs has successfully touched down in Hampton Roads yesterday at 2300. The crew are safe, and the rocket retrieved. Its 200 ton test launch makes it the largest single launch ever constructed, beating out the Saturn 9's 175 tons and the Saturn 5's 140 tons. The 200 tons were also safely returned to earth.

Crewed by Flight Commander Colin Richter, Pilot Theresa Crippen, Flight Engineer James Gargarin, and Technical Specialists Vikram Patel, Werner Goddard, and Charles Rutherford. GDI's Space Command has once more made history.

Dr. Acidic
What in the name of Kane's unholy balls? Like why is this project getting the green light? I was hoping Dr. Granger will invest more in anti-tiberium technologies instead of this luxury thing! Is it because of the hellhounds in the military demanding this kind of thing? Even when we just finished Nod just a few years ago. I really shouldn't have hoped about getting more effort in abating Tiberium instead of investing in flights of fancy stuff.

Henry Olvier (ZOCOM)
@Dr. Acidic I am part of ZOCOM's engineering branch, and ever since we were reassigned to the Treasury's Tiberium branch six months ago, we have been working flat out. With recent indicators saying that Tiberium has been pushed back over a hundred thousand square kilometers in the last observation period, a lot of my men are looking forward to actually being able to take a break. And as for Granger, to call him a militarist is the exact opposite of reality, he is about as much of a stereotype of limp wristed dove as it is possible to get. Basically not seen any investment in military developments, no matter how much the forces want them.

Zoe Levitt
Always wanted to go to space, dream died with the war. This gives me hope GDI restarts the space program before I am too old to be an astronaut :p

Claire Dane
I know everything's gone crazy these days, but I still can't wrap my head around this sort of thing. Back when I was in college, fusion technology required an incredible amount of massive instrumentation to even get close to a fusion event. For that to be streamlined enough to create rockets useful within a gravitational well is nothing short of astounding to me. What black magic are the nuclear engineers using to make this work? Hats off to them.

(Message deleted by moderator: Reason: Nod Sockpuppet)

Melanie Beck
@Dr. Acidic I don't know, this could be the result of pressure to get the Philadelphia back in the sky. The station was a big symbol before it got blown up, maybe Doctor Granger is being pushed to start putting it back up there. This could also be a precursor to moving offworld or building up a space fleet because, well… what if The Aliens come back?

What a pathetic waste of resources. The GDI must surely know that these escapist fantasies will not save them from the power of Tiberium?

Well holy shit. Never thought I'd see the day. Me and Fate actually bloody agree on something for once. Nod might want to pack some winter clothes because it sounds like hell has frozen over. Seriously, they are spending our tax dollars on this while the homes in my area are regularly at least 3 times over their intended capacity?

Urban Metro Lines:

Melanie Beck
So I don't know about you guys, but look at this! <Linked Pic>

There's a bus system again! An actual bus system! I can actually ride the bus to work instead of getting up before the crack of dawn to walk six miles! Maybe even have time to cook the fungus bars into something semi-palatable first! Sure, it looks like there's only two busses a day and that means I'm still walking home, since I get off later than the second one, but still. Never imagined I'd be so excited about a working public transportation system, but you learn not to take things for granted I guess.

Steven Richards
The busses are over here too.<Linked Pic> Although I doubt the fungus bars can be converted into something somewhat palatable, I have seen what goes into them.

Nothing a little whiskey won't fix! <Link> I got some recipes on my blog for how to turn the stuff GDI is feeding you into a meal fit for a king with stuff you can find just about anywhere.

Melaine Beck
@Straylan1998 Does that include localization? My Zone got something of the short end of the stick when it came to food distribution, lots of fungus bars and not so many carrots and onions. At least we have great hospitals though.

@Melaine Beck Yep, I got recipes for that. In terms of localization I try my best, but I am always open to collaboration with others whose local ingredients may be different. DM me if you want to talk about this more.

Timothy Whichard (AeroSpaceAdministration) (Public Relations)
From what I have heard (completely unofficially anyway) the big limiter has been production of rolling stock for most of the urban metros. Current production is just not enough to get anywhere close to demand. Things are ramping up, but it is looking like full restoration of service is likely somewhere around one to two years out.

While strict political parties have been either quienscent or dismantled due to population displacements and the shift to effective military dictatorship, they will not be gone forever. As GDI begins to prepare for elections at the end of the year, three major emergent political trends have emerged.
First are the "Hawk" parties. Supporting military expansion and substantial spending on development projects, Hawks see the lesson of the Third Tiberium War as being an absolute need for a prepared and proactive military, taking the fight to the Brotherhood at every opportunity.
Second are "Developmentalists" These parties are the most naturally aligned to current Treasury policy, emphasizing the need for restoration, recovery, and growing the economy. While many also have substantial Hawk planks, it is as of yet unknown both how successful these planks will be, and how serious they are.
Finally there are the "Free Market" parties. These primarily aim to bring back free enterprise after much of it has been nationalized during the war. While few, and none with a serious chance of winning, have proposed dismantling many of the Treasury's larger industrial concerns, or the privatization of major components, more worryingly, a common plank in these parties is the publication of significant industrial and research developments.
While direct political action is not within our remit, addressing of some immediate concerns may well aid us in shaping the political landscape in our favor.

Resources: 305 + 0 in reserve
Political Support: 20
Free Dice: 5

Tiberium Spread
14.86 Blue Zone
33.57 Yellow Zone
51.68 Red Zone

Current Economic Issues:
Housing: Substantial Shortages (---)
Energy: Significant Shortages (--)
Logistics: Barely enough(=)
Food: Sufficient production, significant inefficiencies in distribution (+)
Health: Sufficient(+)
Labor: Practically unlimited

[X] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 1)
With millions of people dehomed or displaced during the war, and the widespread destruction of the conflict, there is the opportunity for one of the largest campaigns of urban reconstruction in human history. Building on a standardized plan, residential units can provide rationalized transport networks, communal recreational spaces, and distribution points. While the housing blocks are not particularly artistic, they will provide quite a number of units, with pre planned spaces to grow into as needed.

A first wave of new residential construction in the aftermath of the Third Tiberium War has gone up in a matter of months. However, it was far from completely successful. Quality control issues with the new Aggregate plants has meant that multiple buildings have failed safety inspections, due to cracking or shifting in the concrete foundations. While none have yet fallen down, they are not fit for habitation, and are scheduled for demolition in the coming weeks and months.
Currently, housing is being prioritized towards families, especially those with children. While somewhat cramped, with many reports of larger families needing to have members sleep in the kitchen, they are also high quality and thoroughly modern construction, planned to last for decades. While too cramped to offer a full range of amenities, such as four unit stoves, or full sized ovens, these apartment units are substantial improvements over refugee camps.
(Progress 231/200: 10 resources per die) (- Labor, ++ + Housing)

[X] Urban Metros (Phase 1)
While much of the battle damage has been cleared out, there are many lasting injuries from the war. The most pressing of which is the lack of urban rolling stock. Ranging from busses and trams to subway cars and personal vehicles, many were destroyed outright during the war, and many more were seized and used to shore up the Brotherhood of NOD's shaky logistical backing, or converted into technicals. While it will require a substantial investment to even begin to replace these units, it is an investment that needs to be made.
(Progress 148/100: 15 resources per die) (+++ Logistics)

Urban metro system reconstruction began with the allocation of a massive number of new vehicles. With existing fleets vastly diminished by the war, an opportunity was created to reallocate towards more mass transit, and away from personal vehicles. While Prewar GDI thinking prioritized personal vehicles as a luxury good, postwar development has prioritized buses. Similarly, trams, light rail, and monorail systems have proliferated, dedicated transit systems for a suddenly far more compacted workforce. As an added benefit, the trains, trams, and other metro systems are far harder for the Brotherhood to convert for military use, only having limited interconnectivity with external systems, and those often to other urban areas, thar than being lootable like the prewar personal vehicles.

[X] Aggregate Plants
While much of our light and heavy industrial output has at least some tangible involvement with Tiberium, one that does not require the mineral is aggregate, a mix of gravel and sand widely used in construction. By establishing networks of aggregate plants, reconstruction efforts can be drastically increased.

The aggregate plants have whirred and clunked into activity. While there have been numerous quality control issues (see Report on Structural Cracking in New Build Housing Units Q2 2051) they seem to have been worked out by the end of the period. Even with teething issues, they are on track to substantially accelerate planned and ongoing construction starting in Q3 2051. These plants primarily produce premixed dry aggregate, bags of prepared material to be mixed with water on site, and then poured near immediately. (Progress 201/200: 10 Resources per die) (reduces infrastructure costs) (-- Labour)

[X] Blue Zone Perimeter Redoubts (Phase 1)
While Tiberium outbreaks in the Blue Zones have been fought back substantially, yellow zones have continued to break into Blue Zones, converting fertile ground into glowing green crystal. By building a series of fortified redoubts along the perimeter of Blue Zones around the world, harvesting operations can ensure continued perimeter security.

The formation of the blue zone perimeter has been a substantial success, with multiple redoubts having to be moved forward before they were even completed. This has meant an unfortunate degree of resource waste, however it is also a mark of early victories in properly securing the blue zones. Expansion of Blue Zones has become a major victory, one where celebrations have occurred on many streets around the world. While Yellow Zone populations have not responded with the same enthusiasm, for most not within the Brotherhood of NOD it has become a mark of hope for this to mark, if not the beginning of the end of reconstruction, at least the end of the beginning. While it is in truth more of a fluke, with unusually slow growth of Tiberium in the last three months, combined with expanding efforts to contain it, that is not the feeling on the street.
(Progress 202/200: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)

[X] Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts (Phase 1)
Running a good hundred kilometers beyond the line of redoubts, preparing small outposts can begin taking pressure from both intercepting NOD incursions, and prevent major Tiberium outbreaks from expanding further. Each is intended to be a small encampment, little more than a barracks, a small harvesting operation, and some perimeter turrets that can be easily deconstructed and pushed further out as needed.

A standardized outpost in the yellow zones is placed a good fifty to a hundred kilometers forward of existing Blue Zones. Each outpost is very small, and not at all self sufficient. A handful of earthworks, and heavily automated defensive emplacements, and a harvesting operation, built around a communications hub, these act primarily as a fail deadly tripwire, in constant contact with the redoubts, and bases behind them. The line of outposts creates what could be termed a "Green Zone" where harvesting operations can be conducted with relative safety. While NOD attacks are still a threat, and in the last three months there have been six attacks on outposts, and a further two on harvesting operations within the perimeter, these attacks have been on a substantially smaller scale than those found before the Third Tiberium War.
(Progress 222/150: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)

[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 2)
Phase 2 of developing Tiberium Harvesting, once harvesting operations are set up, and resource areas secured, is to begin fencing in tiberium outcroppings. Harmonic Resonance technology was discovered and originally fielded at Hammerfest during the Second Tiberium War. However, it was interwar development of the systems that created the "fences" Essentially, a fence is a series of sonic disruptor pylons that shake the crystal apart at a molecular level.

Massive progress has been made towards containing Yellow Zone Tiberium. Thousands of miles of sonic fencing have been laid, and even a number of new built Tiberium Spikes have begun marking the map. While neither has even reached one percent of the number of sites needed, nearly twice as much work has been done as was expected for this period. Tiberium Spikes have primarily been erected near or inside the outpost perimeter that has been established around Blue Zones, easing the way towards more rapid expansion of those areas in the near future. However, rising security concerns and expanded security measures in light of a worrying uptick in NOD chatter, from SIGINT, ELINT, and HUMINT sources has meant that future work will begin requiring a much more substantial military investment. (Progress 200/100: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5-10 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal) (Phase 2, Phase 3 Completed)

[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 2)
With the initial Italian mining site fully online and operational, opening a new further site will be a substantial increase in the income. The addition of the new Italian site will also make a far more substantial logistics system a requirement, instead of the V-35 transport system.

Established directly south of the initial mining site, the new mine has already begun substantial outflows. However, the larger part of the investment has been the erection of a Mulberry type dock and security perimeter on the Italian coast near Anzio, and a pair of light rail lines from the original and second mining sites to the coast, connecting the mines nearly directly to the cargo ships that had formerly had to wait offshore for airlift. While combined, these measures have not quite doubled the output of the mining operations, they have substantially increased throughput. However, this faces a twofold problem. One, Italy, especially around Threshold 13, is, by an order of magnitude, the best secured Red Zone on the face of the planet. Second, local processing capacity, in Brittany and the south of England, is near reaching its limits. These issues combined have meant that further expansion of glacier mining operations is not practicable. A further expansion of Red Zone basing will be required to establish glacier operations elsewhere.
(Progress 336/200: 30 resources per die) (-- Logistics) (additional income trickle [40-60 Resources])

[X] Fusion Heavy Lift Experiments
GDI has cracked many of the secrets of fusion. While long term (in the sense of power plants) stable fusion has still eluded GDI scientists, fusion rockets are a known quantity. While before the Third Tiberium War, no practical heavy lift rocket had been developed, it is at least theoretically possible.While plans had been made prior to the Third Tiberium War to construct these vessels, they had gotten no further than the planning table before every resource was dedicated to our survival. By constructing these heavy lift rockets, much larger payloads can be lifted at significantly lower costs per ton, both reducing the cost and progress needed to construct orbital infrastructure.
The first fusion rocket achieved orbit in early March 2051, carrying a two hundred ton test payload. After spending two days in orbit, it made a retropulpuslive landing in Hampton Roads, This test platform has since been designated GSS Union, the first of the Union class ships. While the aircraft platform is still under development, the Union being proved viable has caused a reconsideration of the Tower platform, leaving two designs still in the competition. The Aerodyne had its first launch near the end of the month, carrying a somewhat lighter payload, and made safe launch and landing from Langley AFB. Designated GSS Leopard, the Aerodyne design has also been accepted into service.
The next step will be to begin serial production, substantially reducing launch costs, especially with how fusion engines have far more generous DeltaV budgets than any chemical rocket. While initial startup costs will remain substantial, as both designs are extensively reusable, they will cut costs over time. Current proposals are for a New York facility for the Union class, and a Glasgow based facility to begin construction of the Leopard class.
(Progress 49/80: 10 resources per die) (Unlocks further options)

[X] Yellow Zone Refugee Camps (Phase 2)
In camps around the world, millions of people have food, water, and shelter thanks to the efforts of GDI. However, millions more remain without. Additionally, the good sites that can be secured by already existing deployments of GDI ground and naval forces have been nearly exhausted, meaning that significantly more construction, and an organic garrison will be needed. To do this, we will need to both redouble our efforts to construct a healthcare apparatus and more permanent shelters at existing camps, and begin to establish new camps. While some camps have been technically established, there is far more to be done before they can be called ready.

Secondary refugee camps have been established around the world. Even with massive investments into their security and health systems, the new wave of camps are far less secure and substantially more violent than the previous round. Much of this violence has come from clashes with increasingly bold NOD confessors and agitators proclaiming to speak the Word of Kane, prophesying the return of their "Messiah" and the promises of "Divination." While these seem to be operating in isolated cells, it is a worrying escalation in activities. This makes moving the bulk of the population of these secondary camps into more permanent habitation a high priority. However, these camps have also dealt with nearly half of the remaining population in search of houses, a substantial improvement on the situation three months ago, let alone this time last year.
(Progress 742/600: 5 Resources per die) (++++ Housing, + Health)

[X] AP Ammunition Plants
Armor Penetrating ammunition is generally fairly simple. While most bullets use a heavy core, most often lead, but sometimes other materials, AP ammunition relies on an open face, and a hard core. The early versions typically used steel, while later versions generally used tungsten, or tungsten carbide cores. When even more penetration is needed, the general move is away from full caliber rounds, often switching towards something that more resembles APCR or APDS. While a modern round for the GD2 already exists, it was not manufactured in anywhere near the numbers to replace standard ball ammunition for most of GDI's soldiers. By switching field fabrication units to use the new process, and expanding back line ammunition manufacturing, GDI rifles and machine guns will have a significantly better chance against heavily armored enemy infantry, such as the Black Hand, or Confessors.

At this point, 15 percent of GDI's rifle caliber ammunition, and 20 percent of machine gun caliber ammunition issue have been replaced by AP type rounds. While AP is unlikely to ever fully replace ball ammunition, with its lack of fragmentation and tumbling against softer targets, GDI aims to be issuing 60/30/10 loadings of AP/Ball/Tracer by the end of 2051 to all of its forces. However, stockpiles are still an ongoing problem, likely not to reach readiness goals until the end of 2052 at the earliest. Primarily, this is due to their substantial size, as even with the expenditures of the Third Tiberium War, there are still tens of millions of bullets held back in depots around the world.
(Progress 68/60: 10 Resources per Die)

[X] Security Reviews
GDI has often faced problems with infiltration by the Brotherhood of Nod. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort. (DC 60 + 1 operations die) (148)

The Tiberium bureau has been one of the most critical areas of investment in the last year and a half. Ranging from controlling and spiking Tiberium outbreaks across the blue zones, to developing an admittedly loose net of perimeter protections against Tiberium encroachment around surviving Blue Zones. Beyond that, a series of both Yellow and Red Zone operations have been undertaken, including the creation of an entirely new breed of Tiberium mining, attacking glaciers in the Italian Red Zone.
Of course, the Bureau has not been without its controversies. Most notably, the assignment of hundreds of defectors to the Bureau, members of Kilian Qatar's branch of the Brotherhood of NOD.
A thorough investigation however has revealed that the defectors are almost entirely operating honestly. While some have been funneling resources to elements of the Brotherhood of NOD, they have been safely taken into custody, and quickly convicted.

My thanks to the Discord Lobbying and Allocations Group for their assistance with the forum segment.
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There seems to be a general theme here, and it is "NOD is ramping up, spend your Military Dice already."

On the other hand, most of our fires are put out or at least guttering and the Tiberium Department is expanding apace, so pretty soon we should have the Resource Slack to actually start throwing some at the Military on a regular basis. Call it 2051 Q4? Hell, next turn I want to throw a die at ASAT (although that shouldn't really be affecting the ground war all that much, we are planning on doing some Space Stuff, so I want that up and running)
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Well that went well over all, I still think it's time to start increasing our spending for the military though since it seem to me that things will start to heat up again. After all we can't be caught flat-footed by NOD.
Okay, logistics is finally out of the negatives but it's also the kind of thing you always need more of. I'd rather have too much transportation then not enough.
We've tapped out all the easy Yellow Zone harvesting locations. The next phase will bring us into contact with NOD forces.
Glacier mining is also tapped out until we have more Red Zone harvesting operations set up.

Next up probably the power grid and more housing. I'd also support getting the education system back up and running.
Also more military projects, or at least just the anti-nuke missiles.
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Hmm Nod activity is getting worrying maybe we should ramp up military spending next turn.
However, rising security concerns and expanded security measures in light of a worrying uptick in NOD chatter, from SIGINT, ELINT, and HUMINT sources has meant that future work will begin requiring a much more substantial military investment.
I could help with SIGINT somewhat. How does autonomous drones with variable payloads sound?