Eh, I could take a die off the Islands, but I'm not feeling the pressure on SADN now that phase three is done. And I would like to show the Navy a bit more love then just one die.
I'm pretty sure there are cities with hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in them, all over the world including some danger areas, that are left largely uncovered by Phase 3.
Me, I'm still feeling the pressure.
Okay, this is what I've got.
1190/1215 R budget
6/6 Free dice (2 Heavy Industry, 1 Tiberium, 3 Orbital)
[] Plan Attempting to Science the Apertures
-[] Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, +27 bonus, 80 R)
--[] Blue Zone Arcologies (Stage 4) 1/480 (3 dice, 45 R) (3/6 median)
--[] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 1) 114/165 (1 die, 10 R) (92% chance)
--[] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 2) 159/380 (1 die, 25 R) (82% chance)
-[] Heavy Industry (5/5 Dice + 2 Free Dice, +34 bonus, 240 R)
--[] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 2) 263/305 (2 dice, 40 R) (Phase 2, 2/4 median on Phase 3)
--[] U Series Alloy Foundries (Phase 5) 136/485 (5 dice, 200 R) (91% chance)
-[] Light Industry (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus, 75 R)
--[] Reykjavik Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 5) 883/1100 (3 dice, 60 R) (76% chance)
--[] Adaptive Clothing Development 0/60 (1 die, 15 R) (90% chance)
-[] Agriculture (6/6 dice, +29 bonus, 50 R)
--[] Agriculture Mechanization Projects (Phase 2) 83/230 (2 dice, 30 R) (74% chance)
--[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 1) 252/815 (4 dice, 20 R) (4/7 median)
-[] Tiberium (7/7 dice + 1 Free die, +39 bonus, 200 R)
--[] Tiberium Vein Mines (Stage 9) 22/160 (2 dice, 40 R) (91% chance)
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-4 Southeast Arabia) 52/85 (1 die, 30 R) (100% chance)
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-9 East Australia) 59/85 (1 die, 30 R) (100% chance)
--[] Red Zone Border Offensives (Stage 5) 158/210 (1 die, 25 R) (100% chance)
--[] Coordinated Abatement Programs (Phase 1) 82/195 (2 dice, 50 R) (99% chance)
--[] Tiberium Field Refinery Development 0/80 (1 die, 25 R) (80% chance)
-[] Orbital (7/7 Dice + 3 Free die + EREWHON!!!, +34 bonus, 230 R)
--[] GDSS Columbia (Phase 5) 643/1030 (3 dice, 60 R) (2% chance, 1-2 dice remaining)
--[] GDSS Shala (Phase 4) 486/520 (4 dice, 80 R) (Phase 4, 4/11.5 median to Phase 5)
--[] Hospital Bay 0/315 (2+E dice, 60 R) (12% chance)
--[] Life Support Processor Development 0/80 (1 die, 30 R) (75% chance)
-[] Services (4/4 Dice + AA Die, +35 bonus, 175 R)
--[] University Program Updates 137/250 (1 die, 15 R) (38% chance)
--[] Cosmetic Biosculpting 0/350 (1 die, 30 R) (2/4 median)
--[] Library Enhancement Programs 0/180 (1+AA die, 30 R) (26% chance)
--[] Primitive Prototype Portal Construction 0/400 (1 die, 100 R) (1/4 median)
-[] Military (7/7 Dice + AA Die, +31 bonus, 140 R)
--[] Strategic Area Defense Networks (Phase 4) 125/365 (3 dice, 60 R) (65% chance)
--[] Infantry Recon Support Drone Deployment 0/170 (2 dice, 20 R) (58% chance)
--[] Shark Class Frigate Shipyards (Seattle) 0/240 (1+AA dice, 40 R) (0.3% chance, probable result ~1.5/3 dice needed)
--[] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Development (1 die, 20 R) (72% chance)
-[] Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus)
--[] Administrative Assistance: Shark Frigate Yards
--[] Administrative Assistance: Library Enhancement Programs
Big observation: Portals being available changes a few things in my analysis, as does the fact of severe ZOCOM strain. Portal dice are insanely expensive, and my plan is perhaps unusual in fitting in one of them. The already fairly comfortable cash surplus made this possible, but implications abound, along with other notes.
Infrastructure: I'm trying for a slower rollout of the housing refits; the idea of doing one more phase of arcologies to cushion the shock is relatively palatable and not that expensive. Yes, it will mean that after the housing refits and the arcologies are done, we'll be significantly over our needs in High Quality Housing. I don't consider that such a bad thing, especially with a probable refugee wave inbound (from Karachi), and the possibility of significant dehousing or internal refugee populations (from al-Isfahani yeeting strategic weapons towards BZ-4 and BZ-18).
Heavy Industry: Still want to finish strong with
Alloys Phase 5 and continue aggressive work on fusion power. Not sure what to do next, but the last phase of alloys discounts is worth a lot regardless of what comes after it. Fortunately, whatever we take next will likely be cheaper per die than alloy foundries, leaving us more wiggle room for portal dice in future turns.
Light Industry: This should get us the Reykjavik capstone, probably, which is good. Especially with the new zone armor plants being so big. Also a relatively economical stack of options to take in this category, which helps us afford the portal die.
Tiberium: I'm backing off the super glacier mines and just committing enough resources to finish the fifth border offensive stage and push seriously on
Coordinated Abatement. Also finishing the two ongoing inhibitors, of course... and resuming vein mining a bit! We're going to need the cash, this was a project we more or less inevitably had to take, so we might as well do it now at a time when we're trying not to make ZOCOM's life TOO much worse. Also, of course, doing the field refining tech, which I expect to be very popular.
Orbital: Relatively heavy dice investment. Not really planning to finish off
Columbia, but I want to put it within easy finishing range next turn with 1-2 dice and high confidence.
Shala needs heavy work, we have a fighting chance of getting the hospital bay done or at least seriously underway, and there's a die for life support research. Dicewise, Orbital is my biggest focus; there may be heavier space plans this turn but I'm trying to be a contender.
Services: Service dice are scattered widely to bring two educational projects to or near completion, make a start on
Cosmetic Biosculpting as promised to
@Derpmind , and still have room for a portal die.
Military: By far my highest priority is
SADN Phase 4 because those defense installations, even if not fully 100% tuned in, could potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives if al-Isfahani goes nuclear in the impending Karachi War. Second priority for me is drones for ZOCOM, and third is starting something the Navy wants. I expect to finish the Seattle yard next turn, hopefully. For the Talons, I figure that we might as well wrap up the research project before the big factory, which won't be done for a year unless we go even higher on Talons spending.
Approval votes:
[X] Plan Thinking With Portals