Dmol, what the fuck are you talking about?
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Sometimes Dmol just... makes up entire categories of concepts and classifications and makes complex arguments based on them as if everyone already knows and has accepted his system of taxonomy. He never bothers to explain why anyone should
use his system, and it almost never makes logical sense to people who aren't Dmol. When you press him on the subject, he generally mumbles about how all of this is very common knowledge on the Serbian-language science fiction fan community and just keeps going.
I well remember that time when he was going on about categories of apocalypses and talking about a Chloros Cowl and a Pure Archer, whatever the fuck those are.
I'm talking about how Edit 2: MightbeaMimic mmgaballah linked to a piece of Libertarian Propaganda that ignores a lot of reality of how coups happen to justify societal dysfunction as a natural part of the political process as an explanation for a call of a small possibly non-canon group of politicians for a greater privatization of our economy. And why that is utter bullshit of an argument. Like meaningful participation of private citizens in the economy?
Like private citizens being able to afford a normal Edit: 20th/21st century life? Or rich bastards being able to affect the legislature to get their way?
Dmol8, I don't know if you're familiar with the work of CGPGrey; he's never struck me as being especially libertarian. I think you're disastrously and entirely misunderstanding the point of that video, and the message it delivers. We can discuss it, but only if you're willing to stick to using terms that exist in consensus reality, with no rambling about "Level 2 Slave Empires" or whatever.
he isn't trying to wean the GDI off tiberium , he is pushing for an expanded private sector not beholden to central government control so that the GDI can't lock private citizens out of meaningful participation or say so in the economy , the only part that is worrying is them wanting to slow down GDI harvesting efforts for alternative abetments means in some belief that it will give the private sector time to catch up and become relevant enough that the treasury can't shut it down...
Well, that's kind of my point. Our economy's material basis is so firmly rooted in tiberium that tiberium's sudden disappearance would, ironically, be a disaster for us. Thus, as long as the Treasury controls the tiberium sector- and there are damn good reasons for tiberium mining to be a public-sector activity- the heart of the whole economy remains in the Treasury's fist. Just by
existing, the possibility of automated factories, combined with tiberium, means that the bulk of the citizenry will always be susceptible to being locked out of the economy if the political system doesn't remain in firm control of the planned economy by other means.
I don't think there's really a way to fix this
without removing the tiberium-dependency or somehow making tiberium so safe to work and live with that we don't need all work with it to be done under tight control by a group that doesn't stand to gain any personal profit from it.
the fact that they are concerned that the treasury might try to shut down private economic initiative in the name of holding on to their centralized power is worrying but not exactly 100% false
True, although a lot of that has to do with
@Ithillid taking our ability to do grants away because he got tired of listening to socialism vs. capitalism and market vs. central planning arguments. We don't even
have a button to push that gives meaningfully more economic initiative to the private/co-op sector.
If Parliament wants to take away a slice of the budget and put it into a grants program under their control, they can. [shrug]
Or .. or and hear my out here I know this is a bit radical and unorthodox , we could just do a bunch of grants and let the private sector take care of it...
We literally cannot do that because the QM took our "Grants" button away many many turns ago.
...we are going to consistently have more resources than we have dice to spare...
I'm pretty sure we're about to slam
hard over from "more Resources than dice" to "more dice than Resources" in 2062Q1, because that's what happened at the end of both the previous Four Year Plans in 2054Q1 and 2058Q1. The government is going to notice that our budget is roughly 50% of the total government budget, and strip us back down to 25% or so. Maybe 30% if we argue hard for it, though if this Lawrence guy and those like him have traction, it's more likely to be 25%.
In 2061Q1, our budget was 1020 R out of a total government budget of, I believe, 2030 R. It's hard to predict
exactly how much income we'll bring in to increase that between now and 2061Q4, especially since it's very much up in the air whether we'll get around to
Tendril Harvesters Phase 2... But basically, I think we should anticipate our budget getting kicked back down to around 500-550 R, maybe 600 R tops, after you count the deductions from various ongoing programs.
Which means we're back, at least for a while, to the old days of having to leave some dice idle and having great reason to pursue projects that cost 10-15 R/die if they're even vaguely helpful.
Assuming the option isn't taken away from us in 2062Q1, I am very much in favor of pursuing
Personal Electric Vehicle Plants in early 2062. That and
North Boston Phase 5 are practically the only things left that let us activate our Heavy Industry dice for less than 20 R/die, after all, and for the first few turns of the new Plan we are
really going to want to be able to avoid spending a full 80-100 RpT on Heavy Industry if we can.
lets be honest, we don't have a big surplus of capital goods to distribute. We really need either Boston 5 or Nuuk 4/5, or some of our major light industry projects to bump it up after dropping down to like +12 this past turn. Anadyr and lasers will help, as will Enterprise. But we need a really big project to fund both refilling our stockpiles and restoring our private sector economy.
I'm not too worried. We've got enough little projects bouncing around that we can keep things going...
Post reallocation actually, we need to fill our reserves to a comfortable level first...
That's a "need," not a need. It invites the question,
should we be prioritizing "refill the Capital Goods reserve to the point where we can ride out a shortage on the same scale as the one following the devastating apocalypse of Tib War III" over "get the civilian economy flowing properly?"
Now, as with the Stored Food target, the government's wishes in this matter may reflect post-TWIII trauma. On the other hand, they may well be reconsidering their priorities- because you cannot have your cake and eat it too. There's a direct competition between stored goods waiting for the next apocalypse and goods
in use, and it seems likely to me that with the post-Steel Vanguard surge in confidence, GDI's political structure may want to prioritize "in use." In which case we'd expect to see prioritization around Capital Goods and Food emphasizing "make more and use it in ways people like" over "stockpile vast amounts in our many many bunkers."
Alternatively, it may well be that mechanically speaking, what we were seeing was simply the consequences of being in negative Capital Goods
without a reserve, in which case it's not necessarily reasonable for us to build up such a gigantic reserve in anticipation of a disastrous setback that would (to make us need it all) be even worse than Tib War III.