His keep could shelter hundreds...His gold could feed far more...I have but one last question...What are you waiting for
No. Just no. Let's repeat yesterday's post about Slavery, but this time focused on the Innocent Class of Slaves instead of the Chattel and Penal Classes:
So lets start with the problem of Slavery which can be simply defined as: Slavery only matters to Neutral and Evil People , but doesn't matter to Good People. It is the End of Slavery that matters to Good People.
So if one is a Good Person you don't want Slavery to be a thing and you want it to end. One of such Goodness seldom cares about what exactly Slavery is or how it came into being, all that matters is stopping it.
If one is a Neutral Person then Slavery is. It's not one's problem most of the time other than as one of the threats to one's well being, close or far doesn't really matter, and as such slaves are there and can be used if useful and capable, but otherwise don't matter. One has their own life to care for and can't both live it and go fixing broken things after all.
If one is an Evil Person then Slavery is one of the points of being Evil. As in one of the things that draws people towards being Evil is the idea of having control over other people and as such making enough of an ablative out of other people's lives that they can feel secure in control of their own life.
So what exactly is Slavery? Or to be more precise what definition of Slavery am I using in this post as a means to analyze the arguments I've picked out to make my own argument?
Well Slavery isn't a single system of human exploitation, instead it is multiple overlapping systems of human exploitation that come from both the top and the bottom, but some are more top heavy and others are more bottom/grassroots based. There are classes to Slavery that are connected to the, for lack of a better word, levels of Empire the vile practice is made in:
- The
Batman Class which is a Level 3 Empire Bottom/Grassroot Class of Slavery that is based on turning people into slaves by the belief that some people's lives have less worth that other, on the surface more successful, people. It's an internalized inferiority complex that is combined with wanting to do something of value but also "knowing" that one isn't worthy of such a "great" act and should find some "great" person to serve and help their preferred act come to life. I could point to Elon Musk's fanbase for a lot of people who are like that, but there is a great historical example of such a person rising high yet never getting their own internalized collar thrown off:
Dragutin Dimitrijević Apis. The man who directly caused WWI by his own actions and in the canon of the Tiberium CnC games the leader of Kane's Black Hand at the time.
- The Innocent Class which is a Level 2 Empire Top Class of Slavery that is based on turning people into slaves by the belief that their innocence in a matter matters the most. As in: "Why should I wear a mask to protect others from COVID-19 when it still spreads even trough masks when I am innocent of causing it. Go after the guilty parties and leave me alone." Basically people who focus on and demand of others only personal responsibility and no collective action/responsibility is ever thought of as worthwhile to them. Created from people who have been broken by the various governmental systems and now don't want to participate in any government system that isn't made of their own beliefs. On this site a good example would be how every once in a while there are tribunals that permaban users who keep demanding their own worldview be followed over the rules of the site.
- The "Servus" Class which is a Level 1 Empire Bottom/Grassroot Class of Slavery exaptated with parasitism from parenthood/caretaking. I don't actually know the proper name for this one, but it is based on exploiting the parent/teacher-child/student relationship to limit peoples' worldviews and turn them into cogs in the machine of an Empire instead of well-educated/adjusted members of society.
- The Indentured Class which is a Level 1 Empire Top Class of Slavery based on the idea of forced debts to give the right to exploit people to a select few.
- The Penal Class which is a Level 2 Empire Bottom/Grassroot Class of Slavery based on the idea that people should be punished for their crimes and having them work of their debt to society trough their punishment.
- The Chattel Class which is a Level 3 Empire Top Class of Slavery based on the idea that some people are just animals and should be treated as such and so hunted and domesticated for their use in Civilizationtm.
So the Levels of Empires are:
- Level 1: Multi-City Entity bound by a single leadership.
- Level 2: Multi-People Entity bound by a single unifying ideal.
- Level 3: Multi-Territory/Colonial Entity bound by a single dominant ethnic group.
CGP Grey's Rules for Rulers is an excellent example of the slave collar of the Innocent: They are Innocent because that is the way of the world and no one can change that. Except that isn't true:
- The whole you have to pay your own keys or they will be flipped mostly ignores that payment doesn't have to be in some form of money/economic gain. It can be in ideological alignment or in (in)stability of state.
- The whole resources that are independent from the people's work are ripe for a coup ignores that such coups were almost always incited by outside influences coming in and killing the unwilling keys and buying up or even establishing their own keys.
- The whole you have to pay the Dark Money Interests their due or they will overthrow you ignores grassroot politics and how they can be a powerful enough counterbalance to Dark Money to get people elected that will fight only for populist interests. See the Progressive Era in the US for how complicated such a conflict can be.
Fun fact the modern name for a State System built on the Innocent System of Slavery is Mega-Corporation and we have a few historical examples of this with the one coming to mind first being the East India Company. As such this whole act of concern trolling by CGP Grey about how Rulers can't be anything other than tyrants is a naked piece of libertarian propaganda with bitcoin being used as a token for money being especially on the nose.
As for our own in-thread problem of relying too much on Tiberium for our resources income?
We have insiders that would like a coup and going back to the old way of doing things in the Initiative First and the Free Market Party, we have outsiders that would like us to go back to our old ways that are agitating in their own way for that happen in the Brotherhood of Nod and we may be getting infiltrators that want us harm and may choose supporting a coup as a means of weakening us in the form of the Not-Scrin/Visitors. Also the Open Hand Party will be a headache in itself when it comes to political takes starting next plan.
None of this means we should just accept being strong armed into less Tiberium production. Remember our final goal is the removal of Tiberium from the Solar System. As such at some point if our abatement is effective enough we will find ourselves in a situation where we will be trading an income decrease for an improvement in our environment. We should take it when it comes along and continue to build up our civilian economy in the meanwhile.
Edit: Also I overfocused on the Top part of society in this post because this sort of logic is not something you see coming from the grassroots. It's always astroturfing or brownshirts who would would like to be a part of the Top that argue for these sorts of things. As such if OP feels like it we may end up with a new party that replaces the Free Market Party: The Civil Infrastructure Party.