The Navy could have made us promise frigate yards along with carrier yards. That was something they could have done. The Navy could have explicitly written into their priorities "we're still holding you to the carrier yard promise, but we need the frigate yards done even faster if there's any way at all." That was something they could have done. And we've completed 2/3 of our target frigate yard capacity but only 1/4 or so of our target carrier yard capacity.
That's all I know.
To the best of my understanding, they couldnt.
The Navy only got the chance to make this one request because we approached them, and it was directly related to our issue.
More and the other services would have a right to butt in.
At least, thats my understanding.
We've been told that wingman drones are designed to be operated at a 1:1 level. It seems likely that getting any ratio more favorable than that will require radical alterations to the designs.
I recall differently.
Navy wingman drones are restricted to 1:1 ratios because of volume and weight constraints for carrying aircraft on a carrier.
Landbased aircraft are not subject to the same restrictions; being based on airbases with often arbitrary amounts of hangar space, munitions and jet fuel, the ratios can be 2:1 or higher, depending on eventual doctrine and drone production/availability.
I did say maybe on that one.
I'm fine with it personally.Flamethrowers have their place in war. Jungle fighting is one of them and I believe we are planning to build a city in India. Plus bonus damage vs biological horrors.
We will probably be alright without it but one more tool in the shed. And we might get something surprising from researching like we did when we found T-Glass.
So who precisely is going to carry a tank of incendiary stuff where a bullet in the tank could set him and everyone around him on fire and lead to an agonizing death or even more agonizing survival? Or drive a vehicle with the same payload?
This is GDI not Nod. We generally dont have suicidal zealots.
Inferno gel seams like its going to be a good counter to the buzzers. The smaller a thing gets the more vulnerable it is to thermal and chemical damage.
We already have a good counter.
Every GDI grenadier carries EMP grenades as standard isue. There's a reason why this is used as a rear area terror weapon against civilians and cops, and not against conventional regulars in composite suits and with EMP grenades in their loadout, riding IFVs.
Furthermore, you cannot use incendiaries anywhere near your own troops or civilians or even stuff you care about.
Which is a problem since these knifeweapons are used in precisely those situations.
EMP grenades do not have that problem.
This assumes Nod never improves those Buzzers, and that they won't employ them in more active combat zones. As I understand we're not doing Karachi for about two or three years. That's more then enough time for the technology to improve and be more suitable for the field. We can't know the future. It's better to have the technology and not need it, then it would be to need it and not have it.
Scrintech buzzers were explicitly vulnerable to EMP in TW3, and they're xenotech decades and centuries in advance of domestic Nod tech. You are not going to convince me that the Brotherhood knockoff version, which is explicitly made to be a cheap throwaway weapon, is going to be better at this than the OG version.
I think people underestimate Inferno Gel. This isn't just napalm, this is an in incendiary agent that can given time melt through tank composites and is lethal for heavy powered armored infantry to be exposed to.
We didn't get the Tiberium infused Purifying Flames I don't think, but NOD fire weapons are probably a massive step up from anything we're used to. If NOD flamethrowers worked on Buzzers and environmentally sealed Zone Armor, I think they'll definitely work on Gana and NBuzzers.
I dont agree.
This is probably something that will be deployed by aircraft in order to torch areas. People arent going to be carrying canisters and backpacks of this on their person; we're not Nod, we're not crazy. Even most Noddies wont carry liquid fire.
It is a field weapon.
You dont use it indoors, or near anywhere you have valuable people or equipmemt that could catch fire.
And it will likely have onerous storage requirements.
It would be a nice to have if you had no ethical quandaries about using something worse than white phosphorous on people or near-people, but even there its efficacy is (probably) questionable compared to conventional explosives.
The Regency War: Part 9 - A Final Flame
Things are ramping down apparently.
GDI is probably going to be running a series of reprisals for those assassinations; too high profile not to merit a vigorous response.
Still not the Treasury's problem.
It says something about how the Navy is currently stretched that for a major corps-strength land operation to clean out a section of coastline and relieve some of the pressure on the southern Atlantic convoys, the Navy could only muster 2x Governor cruisers with barely any escorts.
Interesting trick by Krukov here with his Banshees.
Railgun Munitions will probably help by upgunning the Slingshots, and rolling out isotronic computing should help with improving Pitbull and other SAM sensors.
Tactical stalemate for him, with initial victories that stalled and turned into a not quite rout under fire with sacrificial rearguards.
For us, painful in casualties, but it still amounted to a strategic victory, because he's gonna have trouble replacing his heavy metal losses here.
Terrorism R Us opens a new franchise.
It reminds me that it was Reynaldo fucking around the first time that got the initial Glacier minimg stopped, amd got the Treasury to eventually respond with overwhelmimg funding. Keep going asshole.
They got thoroughly spanked. Which is good.
They should also have trouble replacing both materiel losses and experienced personnel for a while, and the big boys should have too many problems of their own to defray their expenses for a bit.
Not great, not terrible.
Okay so NODs augmented infantry is going to be a problem. We'll need to work on the GD-3 sooner then expected. Also with Gideon considering his nukes, SADN construction has to start next turn.
For the entire war so far we've been told that the GD-2 is not very effective against NOD's new strategy of expendable Gana swarms. We need something more anti-armor and more easily producible in large numbers than a heavy or exotic weapon. A new rifle for a new age.
1) Its a new rifle.
How much recoil do you think a GDI soldier can manage if you make the round more powerful?How much ammo can he carry if the bullet is bigger and heavier? There are hard limits to weapon performance designed for normal people.
You dont fight Gana with assault rifles, you fight them with grenades, crew served weapons, vehicle autocannons, power armored troops, airstrikes and artillery. Rifles will help, but there's a hard limit of performance you can shrink into a kinetic rifle that an infantry grunt can carry before it becomes counterproductive.
You're probably going to see more effect from funding ZA and rocket artillery or Railgun Munitions.
2)SADN is a strategic defense. It protects cities and industrial nodes against strategic attack.
It does not do anything for field formations or FOBs that get hit by a couple tactical nukes that get through their A2/AD defences.
There you benefit from laser PD proliferation, force dispersion, and the roll out of power armor to make infantry harder to kill.
GD-3 rifle is 1 dice for dev and easy to fit in Q1. Zone armor is Q3/Q4 to get started maybe next plan depends on how the rolls go.
1 dice for development. Deployment not included.
Alternative viewpoint: this kind of tactic used in the Himalayas is inherently limited to skirmishing warfare. It's good for slowly disrupting an enemy or forcing them to pull back, but you can't do massive breakthroughs with forces fed in through a skinny little tunnel. As long as we can detect and counter any really big tunnels (the kind that are as wide as a highway), Nod just can't push enough force through these tunnels to rapidly move the front lines. It's a problem that needs to be addressed, but it's well within the envelope of the kind of warfare Nod already knew how to do.
Alternative alternative viewpoint:
Nod has a history of undetectable tunnelling activity dating back to at least TW2, if not TW1. And with increased Tib activity underground, detection is likely to be questionable. SK was still finding North Korean tunnels under the DMZ up to at least 1990.
If they are sending Underminers, given their recent acquisition of GDI inhibitor tech to help clear underground Tiberium deposits out of the way, we are looking at either active probes of GDI defenses or attempts to blood their forces and work out underground doctrine ahead of a sustained offensive.
Either way, I fear that Nod India's actions suggests that the armed peace on that border is coming to an end and we're on a timer.
We already have frigates under construction to run escort. But we need escort carriers to help provide extended ASW coverage since it looks like we need multiple Orcas to deal with subs give the AA subs NOD has rolled out.
Edit- And the conversions are already showing their shortcomings and they were supposed to be a bridge until we get the CVEs out.
We do not have enough frigates under construction to run escort for surface action groups and simultaneously cover our convoys.
Thats the issue in my opinion.
The conversions are doing their jobs fine.
They have issues, but they are merchant conversions, not dedicated warships. Issues are expected, and will be addressed when they put in for maintenance, as much as possible.
Ask about the teething problems of real life warships; Nimitz class CVNs list to starboard by 1.5 degrees, requiring additional ballast to stabilize them and compromising their damage control capacity. Ticonderoga-class cruisers literally developed cracks in their superstructure weeks after being commissioned. I'm sure there's more.
If there is a deploy action than we can probably knock it out Q2 unless it is a lot of progress. Even then given the enclosed nature a lot of our upgrade paths are not going to help a lot in the tunnels.
We have an army of 25 million regulars, compared to Nod's fluctuating 15-35 million.
This does not, to the best of my knowledge, count the Home Guard or paramilitaries.
You are talking about rolling out enough weapons for a complete changeover, with spare weapons, spare parts and accessories, new electronics, and a whole different set of ammuniton stockpiles for everything from standard ammo to training rounds.
I fear you are very much underestimating the scale of this project.