Okay so NODs augmented infantry is going to be a problem. We'll need to work on the GD-3 sooner then expected. Also with Gideon considering his nukes, SADN construction has to start next turn.
Can someone tell me what project the Remembrancer segment refers to? Because nothing comes to mind with that description. Or is it a non-treasury project?
It's the portal project
Lmao, whoops beaten repeatedly. Yeah looks like the same things we've been having issues with are still issues, hopefully the converted carriers perk up when they start scoring kills
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For the entire war so far we've been told that the GD-2 is not very effective against NOD's new strategy of expendable Gana swarms. We need something more anti-armor and more easily producible in large numbers than a heavy or exotic weapon. A new rifle for a new age.

We just need some dice to spare.
Portals. Unsurprisingly Nod is foaming at the mouth to get them, since they provide a colossal benefit in every possible way to their holders.
NOD with portals sounds terrifying. Our main advantage is that NOD is spread throughout the world in many different regions and the only way the Warlords have to connect to each other is to sneak around in subs and stealthed aircraft. If NOD could unify these different regions using a portal network then GDI would be in very an incredibly rough time.
So we have confirmation that Nod has lizard-people working for them. Also that they've had them for a while, as the "short, hunchbacked" being that is and has been hanging with the Order for a while matchens the descriptions from the Himalayas. Also, they might be precogs? Dodging barely-subsonic railgun smart-munitions seem like something that takes more than just ridiculous reflexes to me.

Honestly, my biggest question is Why? I mean its presumably an outgrowth of their Gana tech, but seemingly sapient lizard-people seems a bit at odds with every thing else we've seen so far.
Honestly, my biggest question is Why? I mean its presumably an outgrowth of their Gana tech, but seemingly sapient lizard-people seems a bit at odds with every thing else we've seen so far.

The Brotherhood is rapidly running out of population. They started with like a 4-5x edge over us at the start of TW3, by the time the thread started they were down to a ~2x advantage in population size, and by the time the dust settles on the Regency War we're going to be roughly at parity. The Brotherhood has spent the past 70 years getting used to an environment where they had access to vastly more manpower than the Initiative, now that they're losing that advantage they need some kind of replacement. Artificially produced gana that are still smart enough to act as officers/skilled labor/whatever you need is a natural evolution of producing gana to act as your frontline chaff. They're replacing militant swarms with gana swarms, the officers eventually coming out of cloning tubes too was inevitable.
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For the entire war so far we've been told that the GD-2 is not very effective against NOD's new strategy of expendable Gana swarms. We need something more anti-armor and more easily producible in large numbers than a heavy or exotic weapon. A new rifle for a new age.

We just need some dice to spare.
We can fit 1 die in next turn, I know I am dropping ASAT and shifting 1 die to GD-3 with the 2nd die waiting to see what the new and updated projects are. Given the nature of underground combat it might be our most effective action, that and the zone armor but that takes a lot more dice. Also fairly sure going to go 2 dice on sub orbital shuttles now.

The Brotherhood is rapidly running out of population. They started with like a 4-5x edge over us at the start of TW3, by the time the game started they were down to a ~2x advantage in population size, and by the time the dust settles on the Regency War we're going to be roughly at parity. The Brotherhood has spent the past 70 years getting used to an environment where they had access to vastly more manpower than the Initiative, now that they're losing that advantage they need some kind of replacement. Artificially produced gana that are still smart enough to act as officers/skilled labor/whatever you need is a natural evolution of producing gana to act as your frontline chaff. They're replacing militant swarms with gana swarms, the officers eventually coming out of cloning tubes too was inevitable.
Kind of hoping we get a gana uprising at some point, would be amusing if that hits NOD but this makes too much sense not to be the case.

1020 Income
985 Used, 35 Open

[ ] Plan Carriers, Goals and Food Reserves
Infra 6/6 1100R +34
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6) 220/300 1 die 20R 70%
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3+4) 72/320 3 dice 30R 65%
-[] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1) 92/200 2 dice 60R 97%
HI 5/5 160R +29
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 8) 67/300 3 dice 60R 65%
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 85/320 2 dice 100R 8%
LCI 5/5 55R +24
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) 276/300 1 die 15R 100%
-[] Civilian Drone Factories 104/380 4 dice 40R 73%
Agri 4/4+1 free 50R +24
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4+5) 75/280 2 dice 20R 18%
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200? 1 die 20R 91%
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38/150 1 die 10R 28%
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 die auto
Tiberium 7/7+1 free 240R +39
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) 0/600 8 dice 240R 95%
Orbital 6/6 120R +26
-[] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 102/1535 (3 Dice, 60 R)
-[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1+2) 45/305 (2 Dice, 40 R) (96% chance of Phase 1, 12% chance of Phase 2)
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 276/320 (1 Die, 20 R) (98% chance)
Services 1/5 15R +27
-[] Hallucinogen Development 0/60 1 die 15R 88%
Military 8/8+5 free 235R +26
-[] 1 die reserved 20R
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3) 5/295 4 dice 80R 81%
-[] Skywatch Telescope System 64/95 1 die 15R 100%
-[] Railgun Munitions Development 38/60 1 die 10R 100%
-[] GD-3 Rifle Development 0/30 1 die 10R 100%
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Dublin) 0/240 3 dice 60R 54%
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (New York) 0/240 1 dice 20R 0%
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Nagoya) 171/240 1 die 20R 73%
Bureau 4/4 +24
-[] Conduct Economic Census 4 dice 1 Erewhon die 96%
Free 7/7
1 Agri, 5 Mil, 1 Tiberium

Plan Goals
Looking to Finish:
Income: 20 Points more than enough
Complete ASAT Phase 4- 2 dice 45%
Railgun Munitions Development- 1 dice at 100%
Complete at least two more phases of Blue Zone Apartment Complexes- one will finish chance of the second (65%)

Making Progress:
Complete at least three phases of Space Mines- 1 at 98%, 2nd at 96%, 3rd at 12%
Consumer Goods: 12 Points 4 at 100% and 4 at 73%, Chicago will provide 8 and is tentative Q3 (see processing)
Food: 18 points in reserve +8 into reserves, 28% for another +2
Complete OSRCT Phase 4- 4 dice 81% to finish Phase 3
Complete GDSS Enterprise- 3 dice to start last phase
Complete All remaining Escort Carrier Shipyards- 1 at 73% 1 at 54%, 3rd is being started but will not finish
Complete Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr- 2 die at 8%

Future Turns:
Processing: 280 points - tentative Q3 Chicago
Complete at least one more phase of URLS production - tentative Q2
Complete Karachi Planned City by end of Q4 2065 - next plan
ASAT Phase 4- tentative start Q2
Deploy Mastodon- tentative Q2
Deploy Crystal Beam Industrial Laser- tentative start Q2 finish Q2 or Q3 depending on progress needed and resources per die
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In the Himalayan Blue Zone, a new attack vector has opened up: underminers. The mountain ranges that provide the Initiative's defensive perimeter are a warren of bunkers, caches, and outposts, the results of decades of work fortifying the zone. Taking a page from Krukov, and seemingly the technology as well, the Indian warlords have begun sending in small squads of troops, almost entirely Gana based, into the tunnels using underminers as the primary attack vector. Bursting into the deeps, the tunnelers have to be dug out by hand, with most combat occurring in the depths using little more than rifle and grenade. The attackers are a new breed: small, fast, still lizard-like, but fundamentally dangerous and uncanny.
Think we've put off Karachi too long, though not that that's entirely something we could have changed as is. Also thank god they didn't get at the portal tech.
Do ZA.

Zone Armour is a far better option, and can then benefit from the rollout of better guns.
We do not really have the dice available to do it short term.
GD 3, on the other hand, can be developed with just one die, and I expect the deployment, at least limited deployment, to be far cheaper than the deployment of Zone Armor, since we only need to modify existing production lines, not create new ones wholesale.
Okay, everybody take a deep breath and chill. We really can't afford to panic and pivot to the latest proposed solution to every single issue that crops up. We're in the last year of the plan, we have major military obligations to fulfill, we really don't have the time or the dice to do stuff that isn't plan requirements. Maybe in Q4.
Well now.

Someone who sounds very fit for thinking about portals.

The end result of the campaign in North America was not quite an untrammeled victory. However, it has been a grand victory with far reaching consequences. While Gideon remains a relatively significant warlord, he is far from the ranks of the great powers in the Brotherhood. With his armies all but annihilated, his air forces spent, and his ports increasingly closed off, the strategic situation for him is incredibly grim. His power now rests on his stockpiles of atomic arms, and his tiberium arsenal.
I believe this makes the case for SADN.

His position was a hide on some rock nobody had decided on a particular name for, overlooking one of the highways that once led into the Blue Zone. He remembered the ride, bumpy, hands holding the backpack with all his worldly possessions as the radio crackled with the sounds of Delhi falling to a Brotherhood offensive.
Is Delhi in the Himalayan BZ? Or could this be a case of infighting?
Okay, everybody take a deep breath and chill. We really can't afford to panic and pivot to the latest proposed solution to every single issue that crops up. We're in the last year of the plan, we have major military obligations to fulfill, we really don't have the time or the dice to do stuff that isn't plan requirements. Maybe in Q4.
GD-3 rifle is 1 dice for dev and easy to fit in Q1. Zone armor is Q3/Q4 to get started maybe next plan depends on how the rolls go.
Honestly, my biggest question is Why? I mean its presumably an outgrowth of their Gana tech, but seemingly sapient lizard-people seems a bit at odds with every thing else we've seen so far.
I strongly doubt that the lizards are sapient, they're very likely purpose-created commander Gana. Psionics, which we know exist, might explain the reflexes.

Of every idea I had, it certainly wasn't this.
To add my voice to the thread, I am very much of the opinion that we need to start shifting away from dumping so many dice into the military. We need to provide for the people we are now responsible for, as well aa catch up in food, con good, and space investments relative to the amount poured into the military.

More specifically, any die spent on military projects not required by the plan at this point is not a wise investment in my opinion.
Fortunately the Regency War has drawn to a close. I say that because we aren't going to continue to advance and the only warlord that isn't licking their wounds is Stahl and he seems content to shadow box, having gotten what he wanted out of the war. Reynaldo is going to be a continual issue, but with the reconstruction funding the damage should be relatively minimal.

As for the Remembrancers, the GD-3 is definitely one of our top priorities in the new plan, along with Fe-Al armor. But we have specific goals currently that need completing along with stuff like Skywatch and Seattle, which while not plan goals, they are extremely important to our general strategic situation.

I don't think the GD-3 should be on the docket for the next turn. It is a platform project, which means we would have to construct the factories for it, and that is something we can't afford dice wise until Q4 at the earliest.
I wonder: How difficult would it be to refine the Ion Storm Collectors into anti-energy armor? As a replacement or supplement to Ablat.
I also expect that once we have working moon colonies, one of our first priorities is going to be a high-security research campus.
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