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Are any more battles being covered or is the next thing starting the new turn?
Next thing is the new turn. I am trying to get that out probably tomorrow morning, with it going out to my betas tonight.Are any more battles being covered or is the next thing starting the new turn?
Chill, my dude. GDI did in fact loot the hell out of Indochina, Indonesia, India, etc - basically the entire vicinity of Bintang - and then leave them for dead. There's a lot of very justified anger there.
Also you can't just lump this all under "Nod wants/does X." Nod has been pretty clearly shown as a group of semi-compatible factions with different goals and values, and while they share some of those between themselves they're not a single unified bloc in all respects. Bintang's faction so far has been fairly agnostic to the 'expected' Nod philosophy of 'Tiberium good, abatement bad.' And this entire section, Bintang's operation against GDI Japan? This is her retaliating against GDI's indiscriminate use of WMDs (the Ion Cannons).
I think it would depend heavily on some specific decision points and details.
Karachi would almost certainly have had priority for the most advanced weapons available, so we would have seen a significantly greater density of Apollo interceptors (with their drones) and tactical lasers and plasma missiles (which would inflict considerable losses among the Kelpies).
The Kelpies would also have been less effective in sustained combat than in this kind of one-off raid, because subsequent airstrikes would have carried a higher proportion of air to air armaments, reprogrammable missiles would have been adjusted with an eye to hit-to-kill direct hits instead of proximity airbursts, autocannon would have been loaded with armor-piercing rounds, and so on.
However, the Kelpies' ability to significantly blunt land-based aviation and other airstrikes while providing Nod with very sinking-resistant aircraft carriers would still have been a nasty surprise.
The submarines' attack on the landing forces would have caused considerable damage. A closely comparable attack would likely not have been disastrous, because long range cruise missiles smacking into an invasion force that's already hit the beaches isn't that big of a deal; India would presumably already be pelting the beachheads with similar munitions anyway, and they'd be much better prepared to defend themselves than a random stretch of Blue Zone Japanese coastline. However, those same submarines launching torpedo attacks against the invasion shipping could have been quite bad, despite how much of the operation we could sustain with an air bridge.
In the worst case scenario, we note that Bintang could afford to be far less inhibited about using nuclear-tipped torpedoes and missiles against an invasion force pushing into Nod-held territory than she would be about launching such attacks against Tokyo. On the other hand, the more damage she actually causes with nuclear weapons, the greater the risk she faces of GDI being infuriated into retaliating against her with full-bore strategic weaponry onslaught of its own, so I don't think scenarios like "Bintang carpet-bombs our whole invasion beachhead with nukes" are realistic even if there is some hypothetical possibility of it happening.
Next thing is the new turn. I am trying to get that out probably tomorrow morning, with it going out to my betas tonight.
We don't know if the pylon is support for existing Ion Disruptor tech in terms of handling the power arrangements for it, or if it's actually part of the mobile Ion Disruptor. Similarly, we do know that this setup required dedicated Power Ships - and ships are far larger than any payload that will be workable for a rocket.Nod just put wireless power transmission sourced from alien tech on the battlefield, I think you'll agree that being wary of them overcoming a few engineering challenges is not undue alarm.
First World (GDI supporter territory) organizations are responsible for much of the initial spread of Tiberium. Depositing it in paid-out mines, setting up Tiberium harvest fields in the US Midwest, etc.Five billion.
That's a 5 with nine zeros.
Nod loves to talk about GDI's crimes against the Third World, but they were the ones throwing Tiberium down wells and burning villages In the Name Of Kane. For all of GDI's sins, we have always held the moral high ground. The "justifications" of Kane worshippers are the empty words of people who are doing their best to destroy the planet, and they should be given exactly as much respect as they deserve.
The Caravanserai took our hand, and we saved Mecca. Stahl sent us his old and his sick, because he knew that we'd take care of them. None of this is a secret to Bintang, but she's still fighting.
Eisenhower said it best. "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone."
Why aren't we taking in more refugees? Because Nod won't let them have a choice. Why aren't we doing more to halt Tiberium? Because Nod forces us to spend resources fighting them instead of halting the spread of their precious cancer rock. Every one of Bintang's victories is a defeat for the hungry and the sick and the homeless, the people that GDI could help if it wasn't for the self-righteous warlords venerating a cult leader.
However far NOD has to go to get a rocket past the Ion Cannon network, I think it's hard to deny they've taken another step towards doing so with Bintang's fleet-wide defense. If we don't improve the network soon enough, it will come under attack. We can speculate on how fast or slow that might be, but if GDI doesn't take action to counter, it will happen.Nod just put wireless power transmission sourced from alien tech on the battlefield, I think you'll agree that being wary of them overcoming a few engineering challenges is not undue alarm.
Just one more reason to keep some of our free dice in MilHowever far NOD has to go to get a rocket past the Ion Cannon network, I think it's hard to deny they've taken another step towards doing so with Bintang's fleet-wide defense. If we don't improve the network soon enough, it will come under attack. We can speculate on how fast or slow that might be, but if GDI doesn't take action to counter, it will happen.
Sure. Doesn't mean an attack on the network is an immediate threat. It's added to the priorities listHowever far NOD has to go to get a rocket past the Ion Cannon network, I think it's hard to deny they've taken another step towards doing so with Bintang's fleet-wide defense. If we don't improve the network soon enough, it will come under attack. We can speculate on how fast or slow that might be, but if GDI doesn't take action to counter, it will happen.
First World (GDI supporter territory) organizations are responsible for much of the initial spread of Tiberium. Depositing it in paid-out mines, setting up Tiberium harvest fields in the US Midwest, etc.
And prior to the Granger/Granger administration after TW3, GDI ignored the Third World for the most part. NOD is very much not solely responsible for the mass die-off.
It's a pretty big ask for the Yellow Zone populace who have had ~50 years of getting shat upon by GDI, and only starting to see some people helped over the past decade, to suddenly decide that the only organization that offered them any help is evil.
The fact that last page someone unironically used the term "Midwest flyover states" when out-of-hand dismissing the horrific tragedies of Tiberium proliferation before and during the first Tiberium War, proliferation that 110% is the fault of First World colonizer countries and their successor, GDI, is just more proof Bintang and those who think like her are not 100% wrong about how shitty GDI has been in the past.
As a reminder, all of the refugee aid we've seen in this thread is a massive, massive departure of policy for GDI. The QM is on record that the canon opening scene in C&C4 (the one where GDI HQ is in a deep Red Zone and the building itself has Tiberium growths) is basically the result of GDI not changing course thanks to SecTreas Granger and (now) Seo.
So trying to act like GDI has always cared about the entire mass of humanity and has spent as much time and effort on humanitarian outreach as we have in our specific tenure, is disingenuous.
Um, didn't we just capture some Nod shipyards in Australia, likely with some examples to learn from?The thing I was getting at is that Nod has more experience working with submarines and making them very stealthy than we do. We'd have to relearn that more or less from scratch, because I'm pretty sure GDI's navy hasn't employed a significant number of submariners in a very, very long time, nor engineers who specialize in designing them. This isn't like surface combatants where we have continuously updated experience pools in how to operate them and what they need to have in their design.
So Nod submarines will also be able to play the game of "I hear a sub and I'm pretty sure it's not one of mine, plus it sounds like there's a fucking broken dishwasher bolted to the propeller because GDI forgot how to build an attack submarine thirty years ago. Must be a GDI hunter-killer, full torpedo spread, praise Kane!"
Which is, yes, an argument for more sensor nets and drone subs... And the problem with drone subs is that GDI doesn't trust autonomous robotic combat vehicles, and remote-controlling a drone underwater is hard.
Generally speaking, they do. In a hypothetical "vacuum" where NOD, instead of starting off in the various "Third World" countries of this planet, aka the ones exploited and left with fewer and fewer resources, had access to most of the space and resources GDI did, they'd probably look more similar.
Generally speaking, they do. In a hypothetical "vacuum" where NOD, instead of starting off in the various "Third World" countries of this planet, aka the ones exploited and left with fewer and fewer resources, had access to most of the space and resources GDI did, they'd probably look more similar.
NOD started off punching up. Kane was 100% twisting the truth, but NOD has always used the tech and tactics it has because, generally speaking, they're working at a disadvantage. And once the first Tiberium War happened and they didn't achieve total victory, it meant GDI was more likely to just murder them all if they tried peacefully surrendering, so they had to keep fighting (at least in their eyes).
Again, Granger's acceptance of the Qatarites, even as just a convenient resource, was a massive shock and departure.
NOD surely views itself in just as much of a fight for its existence and way of life as GDI. Some of them are coo-coo for coco puffs (Gideon and Reynaldo), but many are just working within what htye have.
But NOD runs harvesters. They perform abatement, it just doesn't look like ours and we keep blowing theirs up to grow ours.
NOD has done terrible, terrible things. But let's not act like the only reason someone still sides with NOD is that they're a one-dimensional genocidal cackling maniac.
Generally speaking, they do. In a hypothetical "vacuum" where NOD, instead of starting off in the various "Third World" countries of this planet, aka the ones exploited and left with fewer and fewer resources, had access to most of the space and resources GDI did, they'd probably look more similar.
NOD started off punching up. Kane was 100% twisting the truth, but NOD has always used the tech and tactics it has because, generally speaking, they're working at a disadvantage. And once the first Tiberium War happened and they didn't achieve total victory, it meant GDI was more likely to just murder them all if they tried peacefully surrendering, so they had to keep fighting (at least in their eyes).
Again, Granger's acceptance of the Qatarites, even as just a convenient resource, was a massive shock and departure.
NOD surely views itself in just as much of a fight for its existence and way of life as GDI. Some of them are coo-coo for coco puffs (Gideon and Reynaldo), but many are just working within what htye have.
But NOD runs harvesters. They perform abatement, it just doesn't look like ours and we keep blowing theirs up to grow ours.
NOD has done terrible, terrible things. But let's not act like the only reason someone still sides with NOD is that they're a one-dimensional genocidal cackling maniac.
Back in the Second World War, by June and July of 1944, just under twenty percent of all V1 attacks were being shot down by proximity-fused, radar-directed anti-aircraft guns across southeastern Britain. While a modern missile would be faster, harder to spot, and flying far lower, the same basic principle applies, with anti-aircraft emplacements and missile launchers creating curtains of fire to reduce the effectiveness of the attack. A ballistic missile, for a comparison, flies much higher, and by the time it arrives at the target it is well north of Mach 3, and depending on the model and course, can reach velocities north of Mach 5, and presents a very small target to the defenders below.
Chill, my dude. GDI did in fact loot the hell out of Indochina, Indonesia, India, etc - basically the entire vicinity of Bintang - and then leave them for dead. There's a lot of very justified anger there.
Also you can't just lump this all under "Nod wants/does X." Nod has been pretty clearly shown as a group of semi-compatible factions with different goals and values, and while they share some of those between themselves they're not a single unified bloc in all respects. Bintang's faction so far has been fairly agnostic to the 'expected' Nod philosophy of 'Tiberium good, abatement bad.' And this entire section, Bintang's operation against GDI Japan? This is her retaliating against GDI's indiscriminate use of WMDs (the Ion Cannons).
Red Alert didn't happen ITTL. If I remember correctly, it was too difficult to reconcile with canon.So Stalin's armies managed to get close enough to send V1's at Britain during the war that is a interesting tidbit.
I think you'll find that was the Germans.So Stalin's armies managed to get close enough to send V1's at Britain during the war that is a interesting tidbit.
To be fair, they seem to be more annoyed that Nod're claiming to have the moral high ground after causing billions of deathsMan you guys are absolutely furious that these people don't just roll over and let us annex them.
My general view of this is pre quest gdi was shit, nod was shitter. Dark gray vs even darker gray. Quest GDI OTOH is fairly wholesome overall, a far lighter grayQuite egotistical of Nod to claim all of those billions of deaths. GDI got their licks in too, pilfering the Third World for all it was worth.