Results Q4 2052
GDI Online Q4 2052
Schools Thread Episode XVII: Return of the Schools
Edward Kirk
Well, I am back with another announcement. The High Schools are Back! One more step to having a functional society. I don't have a kid who is going, but am expecting to go and teach, at least part time, once my local is in session. Mostly going to be teaching history, focusing on the 20th century in the developing world. Not something most of the kids are going to care much for, but I will be doing my best.
The days are going to be long though. Looking like they will run a pretty similar schedule to the Primaries, just with one less hour of PE, and an extra block at the end for more subjects. Still, better to have the kids doing something, rather than finding something for themselves to do.
Fireofunknown origin:
It's good to see our education systems getting back on it's feet. Though I wasn't lucky or unlucky enough to get an army brand education so I am still waiting for some of the technical colleges to come back personally but I am curious if there is anyway I could help, currently working as an apprentice in a small garage.
I'm all for more education, but tbh sometimes I think having kids just finding something to do for themselves is severely underrated. I hope they will at least get a decently sized vacation where they will get to just be kids.
I'm grateful that my son can finally get back into school-the local Blue Zone schools never shut down, but they were emphasizing 'higher performing' students ever since we lost two of the school buildings to aliens! I can't believe that it took so long to fix this problem, my boy was never the best student, but now he's missed three whole years of school. I understand things have been hard, but between the lack of food in the shops and the lack of anything else and this, it's been a very trying time for a single mother with limited income.
So, now I get to tease my big sister about going back to school. Turnabout is fair play! (I learned about that phrase last week.) Oh no here shecomes
"I'm all for more education, but tbh sometimes I think having kids just finding something to do for themselves is severely underrated. I hope they will at least get a decently sized vacation where they will get to just be kids."
I understand where you are coming from it all depends on what the end goal for the education is but food for thought the Noddie preachers rely on the kiddos being under educated to spread their BS. you either get your education from papa hawk or creepy uncle scorpion and the uncle is promising far more than just knowledge many of which he cannot really provide.
Yeah that's a good point. Ugh, fucking NOD ruining everything as usual.
Well, now I'm actually a PE teacher instead of "that guy who tries to keep the kids from breaking ankles while they play ball." Which basically means we actually have defined rules, better equipment, and fewer shell-craters on the playing field. I'll take it!
I'll be teaching Physics and Tech Graph which is pretty great, since they were my favourite school subjects growing up. Its going to be weird going back to school as a teacher though, I still sometimes have dreams and nightmares of being back there as a student and it's been decades, haha
As far as concerns about "kids being kids", from everything available to the public (which seems to be all schedules, lesson plans, textbooks, and the like) we are seeing children at all levels being given the space to play as well as learn. This is unquestionably a positive step. Furthermore, for those in their teenage years, non-PE time is likely to be more enjoyable and productive anyway. From what I've seen, there are several options in the midst of the more traditional class blocks for students to engage in peer group activities. Things like chess, journalism, art, and so on that we know we can trust teenagers, on the averaged whole, to use genuinely and productively. Teenagers can be a bit rambunctious, but they will surprise you with how thoughtful and responsible they can be.
I would caution against the simplified idea that it's the "uneducated" people who turn to the Brotherhood of NOD, @fireofunknownorigin. While there's elements of truth to that, history has proven that NOD has plenty of intelligent, educated members in its ranks. Simplifying people's reasons down to "they're dumb and have creepy relatives who convince them" is a dangerous path. I'm not saying that you, specifically, bear any sort of large biases here, but that sort of rhetoric has long been in use by the more...militant...members of GDI to justify authoritarian measures. It is clear that it's not an angle that Director Granger has chosen, which is laudable. Whenever people try to simplify the factors behind whether someone joins GDI or NOD, there's always a few bits of complicated reality that poke holes in those theories.
Resources: 350 + 0 in reserve (45 currently allocated to other departments)
Political Support: 65
Free Dice: 5
Tiberium Spread
14.36 Blue Zone
31.50 Yellow Zone (51 points of mitigation)
54.14 Red Zone (21 points of mitigation)
Current Economic Issues:
Housing: Sufficient but low quality (=) (++++ in refugee camps)
Energy: Substantial Surpluses (++++)
Logistics: Marginal Surpluses (+++ +)
Food: Sufficient production, inefficiencies in distribution (++)
Health: Substantially improved (+++)
Capital Goods: Massive Shortfalls (---- --- --) (collapse in 4-7 quarters)
Consumer Goods: Titanic Shortages (------)
Labor: Gargantuan Surpluses (120)
Status of the Parties
(strong support, weak support, weak opposition, strong opposition)
Free Market Party: 19 Seats (2; 2; 6; 9)
Hawks: 31 Seats (3; 7; 16: 4)
United Yellow List: 10 Seats (7; 2; 1; 0)
Independents: 7 Seats (0; 4; 2; 1)
Developmentalists: 53 Seats (32; 18; 3; 0)
Political Working Group Reports
Currently the military has been focusing on the Siberian counterattack and other conflicts around the world. While the ongoing conflicts have brought up a number of interesting holes in the Initiative's arsenal, the military primarily desires more hardware at this time to replace losses, and ensure continuing superiority in weight of metal. While new developments would be welcome, at this time they are not the priority.
Currently, welfare programs are well in hand, and there are few new demands and desires. Many are looking forward to reallocation to ensure that there is enough funding for the entitlement spending that GDI has promised its people.
[ ] Run of River Campaigns
While subject to seasonal flooding and droughts, Run of River dams and hydro plants can serve as a safe means of producing power, without the security concerns of high dams. Even though they are not as substantial a power source as additional nuclear reactors, they are a substantially easier system to create, and require far less maintenance.
(Progress 259/200: 10 resources per die) (- Labor +++ Energy)
Around the world, run of river dams have begun to be brought online as turbines become available. While the immediate result has been taking nuclear plants built during the Third Tiberium War offline for more intensive inspections and refurbishments, they will be coming online as new factories require additional power. More broadly, the additional power supply is sustainable, and relatively hard to take out, a substantial comfort to many who remember the rolling blackouts of just two years ago. While not a properly hardened power supply, they are much lower profile than the nuclear plants, hopefully allowing them to be left mostly intact in the case of future conflicts in the Blue Zones. While there are more rivers, and more potential energy that can be tapped, most of the available good options are either in use, or being used for some other project.
[ ] Rail Link Reconstruction (Phase 1)
Heavy combat & reconcentration of resources and manpower away from the rail linkages that connected Blue Zones to each other saw these facilities heavily damaged through destruction or simple neglect during the Third Tiberium War. Reconnection of these facilities to each other will be a significant step in the process of reconstruction. Development Party strongly desire this. (Progress 340/300: 20 Resources per die) (+++ Logistics)
Primary rail links between the blue zones, such as the B1-B5 primary line, the B2-B16-B11 Triangular line, and the B7-B16 coastal line, have finally finished construction. Lined with turrets and sonic projectors, the rail links are well protected from the Brotherhood's attacks. While many blue zones are better connected by sea and air, trains form a substantial third leg, carrying heavy cargoes and masses of passengers between the zones. With the completion of many of these links, there are two major advantages for the Initiative. First is that local Yellow Zones can be more effectively tied into the broader transit networks across the world, and second, more air assets can be transferred to lower throughput options, offering far easier support to less geographically suited areas. A more localized win was the connection of Blue Zone 18 to Blue Zones 7 and 16, turning one of the most isolated areas into one that can substantially rely on the other two regions, a result of Cherdenko's victory and the heroic efforts of civilian construction teams.
Future programs are likely to focus on expanding these connections, and adding additional secondary lines to improve linkages within the blue zones, and link emergent Yellow Zone industrial areas with Blue and Yellow zone consumers.
[ ] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 3)
GDI's newest Chip Fabricator is ready to enter full scale production. While this will begin to require substantial amounts of energy, it will also provide much of the capital goods required to begin replacing old equipment and bringing online projects like the Zone Armors currently being stockpiled for a lack of chips. It will also begin outputting some substantial amounts of consumer goods with supplies that are not immediately needed. While it will not fully fix the Capital goods crisis, it will solve the chips crisis in the immediate term.
(Progress 474/600: 15 resources per die) ( ++++ Capital Goods +++ Consumer Goods -- Labor --- Energy)
Progress has continued in the construction of the North Boston Complex. In this quarter, in addition to producing additional general computing elements, the expansion has created the lines for various specialized controllers. While most of the production of these chip fabricators is and will always be generalized computing hardware, there are substantial numbers of systems that require more dedicated hardware. The most common of these are motion controllers, used for everything from a harvester's arms, to Computerized Numerical Control, to assembly machines on the production lines that keep GDI's industrial might running. While at this time the finishing machines have not yet been installed, they are on site, and with a final push, the initiative's efforts to supply its industrial needs can take a substantial step forward.
[ ] Blue Zone Perimeter Redoubts (Phase 3)
A final wave of redoubts, primarily closer to the perimeter fence will both thicken the line as forward bases leapfrog each other as Tiberium sites are harvested, and future proof positions as the line begins to extend, both along the coasts and the interior. While in the future there are likely to be further phases of redoubts as the lines of the Blue Zones expand, the time to begin assembling them is not today.
(Progress 138/200: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (4 points of yellow zone mitigation)
While the final wave of redoubts has been constructed, there is the other problem, moving the redoubts forward. Already, many of the rear line redoubts are out of position for best coverage, and do not have easy access to local tiberium fields. To fix this, a permanent allocation of transport assets is required. While it will certainly not be substantial enough to even put a dent in the Initiative's transport capacity, dragging the units out of their existing allocations has proved more difficult than expected, and existing production has weeks of backlog to get through from the outpost requirement, and will require further resource expenditure to acquire.
[ ] Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts (Phase 3)
With the first wave of outposts completed, further work needs to be done. There are two key parts to this. First is moving forward, a creeping line of outposts moving deeper into yellow zones, especially aiming to link up to Harvesting operations deeper into the yellow zones. Both will require a further wave of new construction, and reinforcements, especially as many of the easily secured areas are behind the lines by this point.
(Progress 211/150: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (5 points of Yellow Zone Mitigation)
The expansion of the outposts however has gone much better. The allocation of additional transport assets, primarily V-35s, has allowed many of the rear line to be moved forward, leapfrogging existing positions to more efficient locations, and a further wave of construction has filled in gaps created by the expanding lines. While even these forward lines are only as far as the edges of the prewar blue zones, current estimates indicate that on average the Blue Zones are slated to expand. The next, and final, step is an expansion of the transport assets provided to the outposts, both to ensure that they are better supplied, and more importantly, to ensure their continued movement ever deeper into the yellow zones. While much of this will be eaten up by the allocation of artillery to these outposts, it should ensure that at least some fresh food is regularly available to the garrisons of even the most far flung outposts.
[ ] Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 3)
The advent of Tiberium Glacier Mining has substantially changed the mission of the Red zone Tiberium Harvesting efforts. Rather than attempting to string long thin lines around the perimeter, Red Zone Mining has shifted focus toward more narrow and deep deployments, securing a region from NOD attack before bringing in heavy mining equipment. While the new approach brings roughly the same amount of abatement progress, it is a substantial change in doctrine. (Progress 245/150: 25 resources per die) (additional income trickle [10-20 Resources]) (1 point of Red Zone Mitigation)
Substantial progress has been made on two major fronts. First is the finalization of the work begun before the attack of the Marked, focusing on finishing the protections for the rail line running through the asiatic red zone. The second has been attacking the South American Red zone, which has not yet reached the positions for the next phase to be called complete. With Initiative planning looking ever more towards the Red Zones as the next crisis area, GDI's planners have begun looking towards more ambitious and comprehensive solutions rather than the construction of more rounds of red zone basing. While fencing campaigns are an easy first step, the harvesting operations are likely to see diversification, not just to support ongoing glacier mines, but also to support other operations both in and around the global Red Zones.
[ ] Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs
The first stage in making use of new methods of Tiberium exposure treatment is the establishment of a series of new labs to handle the material safely. The key element is a series of negative pressure rooms, designed to contain any potential outbreak. Additionally, all staff are required to wear positive pressure suits, and all outgoing materials must be thoroughly sterilized and decontaminated before exiting. There are also a series of sonic fences between labs, another attempt to control any potential outbreak. While this may seem paranoid, Tiberium is one of the most dangerous substances known to man, and bioactivated Tiberium is the most dangerous form of that.
(Progress 108/100: 20 resources per die)
The Tiberium Age, like the Industrial one before it, brought with it a host of new diseases. Many fall under what is commonly known as "Rock Lung" a painful cough, progressing towards bloody phlegm, internal bleeding, and eventually death. There are a few major causes. The most common is the inhalation of Tiberium dust, but can also be caused by inhalation of liquid droplets or gas phase Tiberium. While the former two are heavy, and tend to not stay in the air long, the last one can at times. Usually a side effect of Tiberium Mining, it is a chronic problem, especially for people without the resources to provide high grade filtration or enclosed rebreather systems. It is also one of the diseases that existing measures have often struggled against. While an infestation of Tiberium crystals in the hands, feet, or other body parts can usually be surgically extracted, or an amputation performed, Tiberium in the lungs is a substantially more difficult problem. Before the war, the best option was precision sonics, however these only slowed the spread, and were themselves extremely painful. The new treatment labs, now staffed to sufficient (although far from plentiful) levels, have targeted this as their inaugural treatment project. While results are not expected soon, it is a sign that problems endemic to the yellow zones will see substantial investment from GDI's scientific establishment.
[ ] Secondary Schooling
With primary schools once again open, GDI needs to massively expand its educational investments and reconstruction. New secondary schools will prepare people for work and further education, a required step towards preparing a long term educated population. While secondary schooling is not going to be the only means of education available, it is intended to be the main pipeline.
(Progress 335/300: 5 Resources per die) (--- Labor) (5 Political Support)
Secondary schooling, much like primary schooling, has long days. A typical high schooler has eight hour long classes. Usually, a high schooler will take four years of history, mathematics, english, a second language, and shop/physical education classes. The other three subjects are determined by the high schooler, from an array of electives, intended to specialize the student towards a profession. Each week is split into two groups. Three standard days, typically Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and two Block days, usually Tuesday and Thursday. The block days have half as many classes, but double length periods, intended for larger projects, and activities. While at this time, few schools are fully appointed with computers, or all of the tooling needed for their workshops, those can be solved with time, and continued investments into improving the overall capital goods situation. While even this expansion is not truly a universal education program, and it is certainly not enough to fully prepare people for work in modern industries and services, it is a large step forward. One of the key problems is in finding enough teachers for the Yellow Zone schools. Most well qualified teachers view the newly built programs as uncertain, risky, and potentially damaging to their job prospects. While this will inherently lead to continued stratification, it does bring the Yellow Zones closer than they have in a long time to the standard of the rest of the world. The other problem is that it is not really a full preparation for work. While there are certainly a wide array of jobs that can be done with nothing more than a secondary education, many more are specialized, and require further educational development. In light of this, many industrial and service programs have already begun looking at some form of apprenticeship as GDI looks towards an aging educated population, although most have every confidence that the Treasury will ensure that the tertiary education and other programs are funded in the near future.
[ ] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Development
Derived off of ZOCOM, the Orbital Strike regiment is intended to give Space Command a significant striking capability. Rather than relying exclusively on surface garrisons, Orbital Strike RCT will be able to deliver overwhelming force to any location on the planet in a matter of hours, depending on the relation between the target area and a stationed unit. (Progress 53/75: 15 resources per die)
The development of the Orbital Strike Combat team relies on having the ability to deliver reentry capable drop pods that can carry a fully combat loaded vehicle into battle. Without that capability, the entire project is doomed. And that is where the problems this quarter began. In initial testing, using scrapped combat vehicles, no vehicle was able to both survive reentry, and land with even the most basic systems intact. Impact reports are a listing of popped tires, bent track, and litanies of shattered optics and sensor systems. The key issue is the suicide burn. The core technique of all drop pods, a suicide burn is a last minute high intensity burn designed to bring the pod to a gentle enough landing in the shortest distance possible, minimizing the threat window of any anti aircraft armaments. While the teams will continue working on this, it seems likely that any drop maneuver will have to accept a lengthy final run, and potentially require either separate crew pods, or specially modified equipment to finalize the project.
[ ] Field Artillery Rollout
GDI's new field artillery pieces are ready to begin rollout. With most of the tubes being used in various equipment already, the primary problems are optics, mountings, and positions. A series of smaller factories are needed to turn the pieces into fieldable equipment, primarily giving them gun shields, optics mountings, mechanical fire control computers, and similar equipment before shipping to outposts around the world.
(Progress 195/150: 10 Resources per die)
GDI's rollout of field artillery pieces has been extremely rapid. Multiple battalions were ready for Operation Dawn Star, and many more have been dispatched around the world. However, the full deployment, especially for the light and heavy pieces, is almost certainly to be the work of years, not months. This is due to two major factors. First, artillery is relatively easy to operate, especially with computer assistance. This has meant that the Initiative Ground Forces command wants thousands of these pieces to equip nearly every outpost and holding outside of the blue zones, and many inside, generating a massive scope to the project. The second is a more transitory problem. While there are more than sufficient tubes for the 152mm gun coming off the production lines now that railgun rollouts have been fully authorized, the 120mm and 203mm guns are still in widespread use, and there is not enough surplus production capacity to fill demand at this time, especially with the immediate need for replacement barrels due to military operations.
[ ] Forgotten Band Outreach
As Tiberium harvesting operations look to expand operations in the deep Yellow and Red Zones, one group that is likely to become important is the Forgotten. While they have become less of a unified nation and more of a collection of scattered tribes and bands after the Second Tiberium War. However, many of them are still capable of offering significant resistance, or substantial aid in our harvesting operations. By reaching out and offering aid, and support, the worst of any potential conflict can hopefully be avoided. (DC unknown, results unknown) (241)
When GDI officers started looking for the Forgotten, the Forgotten were there. Finding them proved to be the easy part however. While some Forgotten bands are already ready to come in from the cold, others are far less trusting, and have wide ranging demands, oftentimes looking for effective, if not absolute independence of action, and substantial concessions from the Initiative for harvesting in their areas. However, as the Initiative has been able to bring together the largest bands for a conference, prospects are good for a long term alliance. In the tradition established before the Second Tiberium War, GDI must bring in all who are willing to work together for the good of earth, and its peoples.
*Next Update will be a two parter, with the Conference, and the Turn*