I'm not completely sure I understand what we got by developing the Tick, but it sounds like something that would pair well with those harvesting claws, which seem ready for development much sooner then I was expecting, and sound perfect for vein mining. I really want both ready for the next plan at least.

Kind of annoyed the Airforce doesn't want our new fancy lasers after all the work we put into them, but STUs are limited I suppose.

Should probably bump up that last shell plant in our priority list, don't want to get caught running low.

Health is going to be a pain in the ass. Nothing to do but throw dice at it and not get quite so shity rolls.
Health is going to be a pain in the ass. Nothing to do but throw dice at it and not get quite so shity rolls.
Health we have 2 projects that should finish next turn and a 3rd that we can finish the turn after- so it is a blip that will quickly correct itself
-[] Medical Supplies Factories 129/225 2 die 40R 95%
-[] Automatic Medical Assistants 0/300 3 dice 60R 16%
-[] Neural Interfaced Operating Theaters 122/160 1 die 20R 100%

That is +10 Health next turn (Q3) and another +2 in Q4 more than enough to move us back into the positives.
Kind of annoyed the Airforce doesn't want our new fancy lasers after all the work we put into them, but STUs are limited I suppose.
It is not like they are going to stop using the laser pods, and if STUs stop being so limited, they are right back on the Infernium laser train, but right now, they know they can't hog all the STU production, and pushing forward other things in the meantime.

Edit: It is also a thing where they are looking at the question of "Can we afford mount up to four of these things on a given airframe, especially given that we are rapidly increasing the number of airframes?" They can afford one per firehawk, maybe one per firehawk wingman. They can't afford to mount four of them on an Apollo, and four more on an Apollo Wingman.
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So our Medical situation is a bit precarious at -1, however it has only changed by -3 from the previous turn, assuming that trend continues we need 4 Health minimum in the coming turn to stabilize. This can be more then accomplished through 1 die on Neural Operating Theaters which gives a 100% chance of +6.

I am far less worried about Food with the recent Aquaponics bay coming online. It is good to see that Parliament is willing to consider delaying the Food Reserve commitment though.

As for Logistics, the situation is not good, but it is not catastrophic yet. We need more ships, but our massive Logistics buildup has mitigated some of the consequences of increased raiding.

Shell Plants are going to be needed soon either this turn or the next given we only have 2-3 turns of supply left for certain shell types.

[] Draft Plan We Need More Power And Ships
Infrastructure 6/6 Dice 105 R
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6): 1/350 (3 Dice, 60 R) (5%)
-[] Rail Network Construction Campaigns (Phase 4): 128/325 (3 Dice, 45 R) (92% chance)

Heavy Industry 5/5 Dice + 4 Free Dice 170 R
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plant (Phase 6): 30/300 (5 Dice, 100 R) (99% chance)
-[] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (Phase 3): 352/600 (3 Dice, 60 R) (54% chance)
-[] Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Development: 0/80 (1 die, 10R) (70% chance)

Light and Chemical Industry 5/5 Dice 130 R
-[] Reykjavik Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 4): 514/640 (1 Dice, 20 R) (81% chance)
-[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 1): 0/95 (3 Dice, 90 R) (100% chance, 19% chance Phase 2)
-[] Medical Supplies Factories: 129/225 (1 Dice, 20 R) (95% chance)

Agriculture 4/4 Dice 50 R
-[] Wadmalaw Kudzu Plantations (Phase 2): 3/300 (3 Dice, 30R) (13% chance)
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants: 126/200 (1 Die, 20 R) (56% chance)

Tiberium 7/7 Dice + 1 AA Die 150 R
-[] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 9): 2/325 (4 Dice, 80 R) (80% chance)
-[] Intensification of Green Zone Harvesting (Stage 6): 46/100 (2 Dice, 30 R) (100% chance, 82% chance Stage 7)
-[] Railgun Harvester Factory (Porto): 44/70 (1 AA Die, 10 R) (90% chance)
-[] Harvesting Tendril Development: 0/40 (1 Die, 30R) (100% chance)

Orbital 6/6 Dice 120 R
-[] Lunar Heavy Metals Mines (Phase 2): 145/385 (6 dice, 120R) (99% chance, 2% chance Phase 3)

Services 5/5 Dice 95 R
-[] Automatic Medical Assistants: 0/300 (3 Dice, 60 R) (16% chance)
-[] Neural Interfaced Operating Theaters: 122/160 (1 Die, 20 R) (100% chance)
-[] Hallucinogen Development: 0/60 (1 Die, 15 R) (88% chance)

Military 8/8 Dice + 3 Free Dice + 1 AA Die 200 R
-[] Wingman Drone Deployment (Firehawk Wingmen): 0/450 3 Dice, 60 R) (3/6 median)
-[] Plasma Warhead Factory (Phase 1): 52/90 (1 Die, 10 R) (100%, 15% chance Phase 2)
-[] Shell Plants (Phase 6): 7/150 (2 Dice, 20R) (72% chance)
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Battleship Yards): 0/120 (1 Die, 20 R) (22% chance)
-[] Merchantman Carrier Conversions (High Commitment): 150/200 (1 Die, 20 R) (92% chance)
-[] Shark Class Frigate Shipyard (Melbourne): 0/300 (3 Dice, 60 R) (14% chance)
-[] Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Development: 0/30 (1 AA Die, 10 R) (86% chance)

Bureaucracy 4/4 Dice
-[] Administrative Assistance: 4 Dice, Auto (Railgun Harvester Factory (Porto) and Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Development)

1000/1020 (985+35)
7/7 Free Dice

This plan focuses on two things, supporting Steel Vanguard and pushing the Wingmen Factories, Shell Plants and Shipyards towards completing. That isn't to say the shell plant and the two shipyards will all complete, but it drives all of them towards completion, while minimizing the chance of roll over. It also heavily invests in Fusion Power to support the wingmen and shipyard expansion. It does run the possibility of a net reduction in Energy despite finishing another phase of Fusion and starting Bergen, however it does put a lot of progress down on rolling out our recent developments.

Energy Budget (Worst Case Scenario): 10 Current + 16 Fusion - 8 Nuuk + 1 Bergen - 1 Medical Supplies - 1 Freeze Dried - 2 Porto -2 Auto Medical Assistants - 1 Shell Plants - 3 Battleship Yards - 6 Melbourne = 4
Capital Goods Budget (Worst Case Scenario): 16 Current - 2 Operating Theaters - 1 Battleship Yards - 2 Melbourne = 11
-Assuming Nuuk does not complete, if it does (54% chance), we would have 27 Capital Goods.
Wars going good overall, glad we're finally doing some focused naval investment. Medical is worrying and having a cap goods shortage after the war would suck hard, but those should be resolved within the next two turns and I don't see the war ending before then baring some truly sicko mode rolls from us.
The Brotherhood choses a different method, with a more limited but deeper harvesting, instead of sweeping large amounts of surface Tiberium into the harvester, as has been done since the earliest days of Tiberium harvesting, it digs deeply into the ground, pulling up Tiberium from the roots, and is able to tear through rocks in order to get to the Tiberium.
Tick series digger robots
Throw in the harvesting tendrils and we'll be ready to tear up those underground deposits.
Medical & navy hurts, and it looks like Railgun harvesters should be lower in priority. Need to get on the shell/missile supply in advance too.
Neural interfaces for the Talons was very nice though, bumped up the squad numbers without needing more pilots.
Edit: looks like we'll need to specialise our new space station for military or construction efforts. Thoughts?
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Looks like we are suffering from to much success. The war is going really well on most fronts so now we have a big refugee problem straining our infrastructure.

Still better than not winning the war so oh well.

We need to keep up investment in steel vanguard. Whatever we can do for it.

The last phases of consumables are becoming more in demand as the war continues.

Need ships and wingmen.

Need health, capital goods, and energy.

Still a lot to do but we seem to be doing very well, temporary shortages and the navy being the exception rather than the rule.
I think we should capitalize on the north american nod weakness by finishing Chicago. Might also slow down the war a lil giving us time to chew what we bit off.
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So Health, Infra, Logi, Energy and Cap Goods will be super hard to come by for another 3 turns, cuz everything turned into a shithole lol

Also time to eat Aussieland, cuz its free for the taking.

Plan: Very Cursed Plan
Infrastructure +34 (6 dice) 70R
-[X] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 2)(Progress 28/160: 10 resources per die) 4D
-[X] Rail Network Construction Campaigns(Progress 0/325: 15 resources per die) 2D

Heavy Industry +29 (5 dice) 140R / 2FD
-[X] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 6)(Progress 030/300: 20 resources per Die) 4D
-[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (Phase 3)(Progress 352/640: 20 resources per die) 2D+1FD

Light and Chemical Industry +24 (5 dice) 110R
-[X] Reykjavik Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 4) (Progress 514/640: 20 resources per die) 2D
-[X] Medical Supplies Factories(Progress 129/225: 20 resources per die) (+4 Health) 2D
-[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 1)(Progress 0/95: 30 resources per die) 1D

Agriculture +24 (4 dice) 60R
-[X] Freeze Dried Food Plants(Progress 126/200: 20 resources per die) 1D
-[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays(Phase 2)(Progress 3/140: 10 resources per die) 3D

Tiberium +39 (7 dice) 165R
-[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 9) (Updated)(Progress 0/325: 20 resources per die) 5D
-[X] Intensification of Green Zone Harvesting (Stage 6)(Progress 63/100: 15 resources per die) 1D
-[X] Harvesting Tendril Development (New)(Progress 0/40: 30 resources per die) 1D

Orbital +26 (6 dice) 120R
-[X] Lunar Heavy Metals Mines (Phase 2)(Progress 145/385: 20 resources per die) 6D

Services +27 (5 dice) 110R
-[X] Automatic Medical Assistants(Progress 0/300: 20 resources per die) 2D
-[X] Neural-Interfaced Operating Theaters(Progress 122/160: 20 resources per die) 1D
-[X] Hallucinogen Development(Progress 0/60: 15 resources per die) 1D
-[X] Human Genetic Engineering Programs(Progress 0/120: 25 resources per die) (-5 Political Support) 1D

Military +26 (8 dice) 210R / 5FD
-[X] Melbourne (Progress 0/300: 20 resources per die) 4D
-[X] Seattle (Progress 0/300: 20 resources per die) 1D
-[X] Firehawk Wingmen (Progress 0/450: 20 resources per die) (-1 Labor, -6 Energy, -2 Capital Goods) 1D+2FD
-[X] Plasma Warhead Factory (Phase 1) (New)(Progress 0/90: 10 resources per die) 1FD
-[X] Shell Plants (Phase 6)(Progress 7/150: 10 resources per die) 2FD
-[X] Merchantman Carrier Conversions (High Commitments 20R) 1FD

Bureaucracy +24 (4 dice)
-[X] Conduct Economic Census 4D
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I think we should capitalize on the north american nod weakness by finishing chigago.

Finishing phase 4 (along with finishing the Processing Refits) is a valid alternative to building another set of Tib Processing Plants for our Processing Goal, and it provides a valid way to continue Steel Vanguard without YZ Harvesting and GZ Intensification which strain our supply lines. In my opinion though, it is more an option if we need to slow down the push due to political/economic pressure, or shell shortages. Something to keep in our back pocket as a way to buy time for our Logistics, Health, Food, and/or Military production to catch up to our advance if needed.

That sound you hear is the chance of 2061 Karachi crashing and burning.

A full Karachi Sprint has not been viable since the outbreak of the Regency War. We shall see how the frigates and carrier conversions rolling off the line change the equation in the coming turns. I personally am not willing to state that a more limited Karachi Push during Q2 and Q4 in 2061 is completely off the table until at least the end of 2060.
The new warlords are interesting, though I am very concerned now that Krukov is expanding his influence into North America.

In a raid on Jacksonville, Florida, GDI captured a number of technologies. First is a new model of shield, code named Buckler. Essentially a revision of Gideon's earlier attempts at shielded units, it projects a defensive field across a lightweight mobile frame, somewhat similar to the armored skirts used in previous wars as a means of protecting against anti-tank rifles and shaped charges. While a tank's power pack is not able to provide more than three to five square meters of protection against even light threats, those can be across any covered facing.
Second is a revised version of the Mantis combat drone, including a fully functioning core and support equipment.
Very interesting, I wonder what we can learn for our shimmer shields, if anything.

Similarly, the new Tick series digger robots have had a production line of their own start construction. While initial production will be slow, with maybe a dozen units produced a month, the scalability is high, with up to six hundred a month at maximum production from the south wing of the facility.
Seems we won't need a deployment project for the Ticks.

The railgun harvester in combat has not been quite as revolutionary as it could have been hoped. Part of this is a matter of how action has been shifting. When the Brotherhood of Nod breaks through to the harvesters, it is not a small raiding force, or a group of militia taking potshots with rocket launchers or mortars. It is an armored knuckle. Scorpion tanks, Avatars, or their lighter Centurion cousins who have forced a gap in GDI lines, and have seized upon the opportunity to run rampant. While the rapid fire railgun is certainly more than capable of penetrating weak points in the armor, the harvester lacks sufficient armor over critical areas to survive the fire of their harasser. Similarly, the fire of Venoms, Vertigos, or even the occasional Barghest gun run can be blunted, but losses (often significant ones) still occur as fires cross in the skies. In areas without the new harvesters, the fights go in much the same way, with only marginally lighter losses for the Brotherhood of Nod. The keystone protectors of the mines are not the harvesters, but the armored forces of the Initiative.
I wonder if they're even worth investing Tib dice in.

The Developmentalists see the clear purpose of the station as a prototype, an asset to be leveraged to claim the Solar system as a whole, favoring conversion into a shipyard, building both fusion and gravitic drive ships, but also as a birthing point for large chunks of station components. Enterprise may be the only one of its kind, but, fundamentally, as a station high in Earth's gravity well, it can do things that are difficult or impossible down on Earth.

Their main opposition however is the Militarist party, seeing Enterprise's more immediate uses. Most notably its ability to support further development of the OSRCT concept that has proven its validity repeatedly in the last six months of heavy action. With the current war their immediate focus, they see it as a means of providing GDI with an incredibly rapid means of reinforcement, building orbital support satellites, combat equipment, and advanced equipment that is difficult to manufacture properly on Earth.
I wonder if we'll see these discussed at reallocation.
We need to get our Ground Forces some Zone armor
This is the first update in a long time where they're not asking for Zone Armor at all:
  • Ground Forces
In immediate terms, the key priority is the allocation of more resources towards consumables production to slow the bleeding and provide enough support to maintain the thrusts of Steel Vanguard.
Currently, the allocation of revolutionary technologies, both for infantry and vehicles is a relatively low priority, especially as GDI is currently winning the war on most fronts.
I wonder if they're even worth investing Tib dice in.

I don't think so, right now at least. Based on this turn's results, it sounds like YZ harvesting is hands down the most effective Tib option for supporting Steel Vanguard with Green Zone intensification being a distant second (although hopefully it helps the offensives more as we develop closer to the front, I think the phase of GZ intensification we just did was covering territory we got all the way back in the 2056 offensives not stuff from Steel Vanguard). The railgun harvesters aren't helping much at all right now, since if a NOD force is chonky enough to get through the frontline Ground Forces formations currently all up in their grill then a dinky little railgun bolted to your bulldozer won't slow them down either.

The railgun harvester factories will probably be a lot more useful at holding the new territory long-term so I don't want to act like they're useless, but they're more for the years long consolidation phase after the front stops moving and harvesting operations stop being constantly surrounded by Predators. While we're still in the thick of the fighting trying to make the front go as far as we can before stopping, YZ harvesting and GZ intensification are sounding like more effective uses of our limited Tib dice than the railgun harvesters though.
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I do think we should relegate most military dice to frigate/carrier yards. Even if we're not doing Karachi, we need new hulls yesterday.
I wonder if they're even worth investing Tib dice in.

I don't think so, right now at least. -snip-

The railgun harvester factories will probably be a lot more useful at holding the new territory long-term so I don't want to act like they're useless, but they're more for the years long consolidation phase after the front stops moving and harvesting operations stop being constantly surrounded by Predators.

If we were hard-up for resources, they pay for themselves in 2-4 turns with a pretty low energy cost and no capital goods investment; capital goods will be a major problem post-war. So they're not bad in general, but yeah, they're not really having the impact we want in terms of war-fighting ability. This seems like something to bulk out resource income after the inevitable "next plan" budget re-allocation when our income is gutted again.
Also can we investigate Zone armor to try and get Zone marines? Drop from space right onto the pirate queen's bridge yo.

Oh, and the low orbit support sats and the space marine bay. The orbital shipyard can wait till after the war.

All this is intended to take the pressure off the navy NOW, rather than in two years.
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A full Karachi Sprint has not been viable since the outbreak of the Regency War. We shall see how the frigates and carrier conversions rolling off the line change the equation in the coming turns. I personally am not willing to state that a more limited Karachi Push during Q2 and Q4 in 2061 is completely off the table until at least the end of 2060.
Unless Nod's navy decides to commit ritual suicide we can't do karachi 2061. We don't really have anything coming out in time