Mission: The Iron Bank
(Jon POV)
Rolls: 30+30=60, 44+30=74, 59+30=89, 31+30=61
You were escorted to the magister of the bank with post-haste, the sweltering sun forcing you to ditch many of your emblems, save for the blue falcon on your cape, and Armor. Your weapons and your guards were forced to wait outside.
The Iron Bank certainly liked to exhibit its massive wealth and offices. The entire office was made of Marble, granite. The granite table was covered in both papers and jade from the far east. A few canisters of gold coins rested on the table, to the side. "Ah, Lord Arryn, I apologize for keeping you waiting. When we heard a Lord of Westeros was requesting an audience, we had been informed it was Lord Lannister?" The fake veneer of politeness was hiding clear contempt for you.
The feeling was mutual. "I can accept that the bank is quite busy with their affairs and other clients, and the mistake for a more… wealthy Lord of Westeros to be here, so I hope to make this visit quick." You quickly handed over the letter you were instructed to give.
There was a smile, this one, quite genuine. "I am glad to see one of the Westerosi lords understand that time is a valuable currency." There was a heartbeat pause as the man's eyes scanned the room, both left and right. He then read the letter and nodded.
He was being watched, by whom, you did not know. But you kept your guard up. "Indeed." While verbally sparring with this man would have cost you little in the way of effort, you much more important business to attend to.
"The letter, with His Graces hand and seal, states I am the acting attorney for King Aegon, the fifth of his name while I am here in Bravoss." There was a hint, a slight rise of the eyebrow as you said your kings, name. "He has requested a status on the Deposit he made-" you started.
"Ah yes, one moment please." The magistrate of the bank moved a few papers through the stack of papers, before saying. "Ah yes, the 100,000 Dragon deposit for the Targaryen account."
"The other investment." You replied. "The one under the account name, the Kingdom of Westeros."
The magistrate was quick to hide his fear with a smile and did not move the stacks of papers. "Ah. What would his Grace, the King of Westeros like to know of his account?"
You nodded. "He has heard rumors that an unknown party has tied to withdraw the contents of the account a moon ago. He wishes to know of the party, and if the contents were removed."
The magistrate smiled. "The contents were not removed from the vault, as the party could not verify themselves as acting representatives of His Grace."
"Could you tell me the identity of the party itself?" You asked.
The magistrate frowned. "That I am afraid, I am not allowed to tell. They were members of our clientele and we ensure that our meetings with other clients remain secret from other passing ears."
"Yet someone tried to steal from the account of the Kingdom of Westeros… It would be quite damaging for an institution that prides itself for getting their debts paid to allow a thief to steal from your bank… The Iron Throne and the Lord's of Westeros may just pull all money from their respective accounts if such news got out." You replied.
The magistrate smiled. "Which is why we refused the transaction Lord Arryn. Is there anything else you would like to request our services."
You nodded. "Yes. I would like to request to view the ledgers of the Arryn family and of the Royces as well."
Quickly paper moved and you saw the ledgers.
No… there was nothing odd, or suspicious.
Everything was exactly as you remembered the last time you were here. "I hope the chest of gold my men brought in will be a suitable deposit for the accounts?"
The magistrate smiled. "It will sir. It will. Thank you, for your patronage."
You sighed as you stared at Ser Emory. "Find anything?" He asked quietly.
"Nothing, unfortunately. They're clients of the Bank. We can't get their names from them" You replied.
"Well, that narrows it down considerably… only half of Essos and a good chunk of the lord's of Westeros use this bank." The knight joked. "At least nothing has gone wrong."
You shake your head. "Not yet at least."
You tuned to see the many people within Bravoss, Bravos, merchants, simple folk carrying on their day. Some were staring, while others tried to ignore you. "But I think we have overstayed our welcome. Meet me at the ship, and make sure the crew is ready to sail back to Gulltown in case we need to leave post haste. We need to send a raven to His Grace in the meantime."
"And tell him what exactly?"
"That Bravoss is no longer safe for whatever he is hiding in that vault." You replied.
"It will take a fortnight at least to get a message back from him?" Ser Emory stated.
"Then we'll just have to stay alive until then." You stated. "Gather the men, we'll make the apartment our fortress, no one in or out."
"We expecting a fight?" Ser Emory asked.
"Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid."
"And if you're not just being paranoid?"
"Well, we might get out of this city alive."
AN: Enjoy.