Those who saw the light of Inspiration and chose to devour it whole, Empowered can temporarily exceed their normal physical limitations when they experience sufficiently strong emotions. A disturbing number of Empowered seem to consider it their duty to kill Inspired whenever they get the opportunity, probably because their own "gift" becomes stronger with each Inspired slain. Ignorant heathens.
It isn't particularly difficult for an Inspired to create an Empowered. It is, however, considered to be a suicidally stupid plan. Biological creations are notoriously finicky to begin with. Intelligent ones, especially ones which were once human? Ones who directly benefit from killing you? So very much worse.
Refers both to those who were originally human before being altered and any biological creations granted human-level intelligence. To the consternation of numerous Inspired and Fused alike, this term often includes those who remain human save for a few mechanical parts.
Not to be mistaken for Constructs, a term which refers to any non-sapient biological organism modified by an Inspired.
A slang term used for the uninspired scavengers who loot the graves of those slain by the Blackburn family. It's also a surprisingly popular occupation for Empowered. Can be quite lucrative and respected, but few Heartseekers make it to retirement.
It's rumored that a few Blackburns keep Heartseekers on payroll for their own amusement. The Blackburn family may also have been the original source of the term.