As I read it, being married is fine. They're sane for Inspired. The courtship is a bother.

They apparently care when you kill one of them too nastily. And they are able to form a large, stable empire, and apparently quite willing to do diplomacy if you 'proof' yourself.
@Alivaril Can you weigh in here?

They do tend to vastly decrease their number of murder attempts after courtship ends, yes. However, they seldom pull their punches during the process; for every outside Inspired who ultimately marries into the family, there are nine-plus corpses. Plus, one of the most popular honeymoon activities is territorial expansion and/or the construction of doomsday weapons.
Sorry for being late to the party. I was distracted by a new (for me) video game. Stellaris is fun, even if my first attempt ended up in me drastically over-extending myself and kinda screwing myself over. No matter. My adorable snail-people will rule all next time.
Otherwise, you'll get the infamous "You don't know.TM​"
Fixed that for you.
They do tend to vastly decrease their number of murder attempts after courtship ends, yes. However, they seldom pull their punches during the process; for every outside Inspired who ultimately marries into the family, there are nine-plus corpses. Plus, one of the most popular honeymoon activities is territorial expansion and/or the construction of doomsday weapons.
Hey, given SV's collective paranoia and brilliance, I see no problems with this plan. Also, that sounds like a fun honeymoon to me, personally.

[3] Stubborn
[4] Organized
[2] Redundant
[5] Deceptive
[1] Lazy

Though I have to admit, it's a close one with Redundant and Lazy. One hand, copying+imrpoving stuff is awesome. On the other, resilient and low-maintainence designs are really practical. Not too fond of the personality traits associated with Deceptive and Organized (even if Alivaril would excellent at writing the former), and the crunch doesn't make up for it for me. Stubborn is just in the middle in all categories.
You're starting to hate your family.
I'm surprised that it's only "starting"; this entire civilization sounds like it needs a good kicking. Which we are, I hope, in a good place to provide. >:]

[2] Stubborn

This is a perfectly serviceable option and I'd be okay if it wins.

[3] Organized

Fetch quests, eeeeeeeeeh.

[1] Redundant

Added bonus: We have to spend less time repairing and baby-sitting things. That opens up more time for tinkering and resource acquisition.

[4] Deceptive

I feel like this would make questing pretty difficult.

[5] Lazy

I feel like I want to build my own stuff, rather than running around collecting things.
my first though to dealing with being replaced with a male heir in a MAD SCIENCE! setting is the make him into our little sister

[3] Deceptive
[2] Redundant
[1] Organized
[4] Stubborn
[5] Lazy
Sorry for being late to the party. I was distracted by a new (for me) video game. Stellaris is fun, even if my first attempt ended up in me drastically over-extending myself and kinda screwing myself over. No matter. My adorable snail-people will rule all next time.
I expected more of you. Why not sneks in tophats?

Hey, given SV's collective paranoia and brilliance, I see no problems with this plan. Also, that sounds like a fun honeymoon to me, personally.
Agreed, it sounds like an exceedingly good idea.
Totally Not Girl Genius Quest?

Fuckin' sold.

[2] Stubborn
[3] Organized
[1] Redundant
[5] Deceptive
[4] Lazy
[1] Stubborn
[3] Organized
[5] Redundant
[2] Deceptive
[4] Lazy
[1] Stubborn
[4] Organized
[3] Redundant
[5] Deceptive
[2] Lazy

I like deceptive 3rd-best as a character trait, but SV isn't great at that, and it has by far the least interesting bonus.
I guess you could call it that.
There's only a thin line between brilliance and insanity. And I mean one measured in fractions of a micron, for some people.
I expected more of you. Why not sneks in tophats?
Not an option in Stellaris, sadly. And the snails are cute. Which makes them even better as ruthless galactic overlords, IMO.
I like deceptive 3rd-best as a character trait, but SV isn't great at that, and it has by far the least interesting bonus.
It also comes with free compulsive lying. Which isn't entirely surprising. Alivaril enjoys being deceptive for no damn reason, sometimes. Mostly crops up while doing board games. Somehow, his aura of being up to something works across the internet, too.
...Which isn't entirely surprising. Alivaril enjoys being deceptive for no damn reason, sometimes. Mostly crops up while doing board games.

Blame my uncle. His poker face is smiling and cracking jokes. Mine is bluffing constantly. Considering my win/loss ratio for those board games, it seems to work out for the most part. :p

Somehow, his aura of being up to something works across the internet, too.

It can sometimes nurture a healthy mindset in the playerbase. I also find it hilarious.

EDIT: For example...
In other news, someone adopted one of the quest ideas I mentioned earlier. Both their name and the exact concept will remain unmentioned unless they themselves choose to announce it. :p

It miiight involve magical talking horses. :whistle:
This was in reference to DQO.
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[2] Stubborn
[1] Redundant
[3] Organized
[4] Deceptive
[5] Lazy

A combination of perfectionism and an obsession with durable, fault-tolerant systems means that anything we make will be nigh-impossible to repurpose, neutralize, or hack. This is great, since the last thing we need is for some bozo who specializes in that kind of shit to come along and gank us in one go.

@Alivaril what do we know about our family, kingdom, and country? Would also appreciate deets on the forest and our minders. Brother, too, if it's not too much to ask. Lore me, daddy.
There's only a thin line between brilliance and insanity. And I mean one measured in fractions of a micron, for some people.
Oh, there is no such line. Brilliance and insanity, like courage and stupidity, are only distinguished after the fact. The proposed existence of that line was itself a stroke of genius, a way for such creative minds as myself to reassure people - "Oh, yes, that line certainly exists, I know exactly where it is, you don't have to worry that I'm crossing it with this." You have nothing new to fear when any such line was crossed long, long ago.
EDIT: For example...
This was in reference to DQO.
Technically correct. The best kind of correct. :D
The proposed existence of that line was itself a stroke of genius, a way for such creative minds as myself to reassure people - "Oh, yes, that line certainly exists, I know exactly where it is, you don't have to worry that I'm crossing it with this." You have nothing new to fear when any such line was crossed long, long ago.
The downside being that eventually everyone inadvertently starts to convince themselves that the line exists, at which point everyone(naturally believing that they fall into the "genius" camp) thinks everyone who disagrees with them must be insane.

It's like having a waifu: eventually, people began to take the joke seriously, and then madness was begotten.
[4] Stubborn
[5] Organized
[3] Redundant
[2] Deceptive
[1] Lazy

If we do go for the Blackburns, which I'd love to do, the idea of repeatedly attempting to counter assassinate one of them with better versions of what they attacked us with sounds amazing. Deceptive sounds fun as a way to flavor the character especially if we go full comedy-evil mad scientist.