You had to admit, the horrible conditions of that cabin dampered your already pretty sour mood. You were worried about your grandkids.
But standing around fretting about it wasn't going to do anything.
After a bit of muttering amongst yourselves, you carefully make your way over to the cabin next door.
You frown as you look around. It's still extremely dark, but a few windows let in enough light for you to squint until your eyes adjust.
Unlike the last cabin, this one had actual furniture in it. Small, cheap looking furniture surrounded shabby wooden tables. The wooden floor below was filled with holes the size of your head; some even bigger. You can't imagine how many times someone must've tripped over them. Overall, the room looked like the cafeteria at the retirement castle but worse. Far worse.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the wall across the room had a long/small rectangular hole in it, no doubt for serving food. Someone had put iron bars over it, which frankly seemed like overkill for a cafeteria.
Wilhelm approached the window and, without a word, reached his head through the food slot. Next came his arms, then he stopped, like he was stuck. Tony clenches his teeth
dammit Wilhelm you could've looked for the door before trying this! You better hope there's crisco back there because I will not hesitate to rip you out of there until-"
The Kaiser merely laughed. "Ha! No need to trouble yourself friend, I have a trick for zis!" his voice oozes confidence, despite sounding like he couldn't even move his jaw. You and Tony are about to tug, when Wilhelm's body starts to move. With the sound of a hammer drug through raw hamburger and a sickening pop, the kaisers arms reappear at his sides, right arm to his left and left arm to his right, as though a second rotting man was on the other side. The arms firmly grasp at his torso and pull with inhuman force, swallowing him whole into the kitchen like an insect's mandible.
You desperately look around the room for something to distract you from this horrible display.
*hole,table,table,door,hole,roof,door,grey stain,wall,map-*
20 feet from…
that, there was a map of the camp, showing 5/7 places you haven't seen. You and Tony both look intently at the labels. If you're right about being in the cafeteria, then that means you're on the underside of the camp. Or maybe the left side? It doesn't matter, the point is you're where the Time Out, Arts and Crafts, Main office, Visitor's Center, and Whitman's tower(?) aren't. And the cabin you came from was
the kids cabin.
"This is truly despicable…" Fat Tony growled, getting clearly increasingly unhappy with all this.
Suddenly the noises stop, and you can hear kaiser say "Okay, I'm in!" It takes all your willpower to turn and look at the now empty slot. Kaiser searches the kitchen from behind the bars
"Hmmm … vot much besides a weird grey metal box…"
You assumed that was probably a freezer. An old timey one you were surprised (however mildly with how this was going) was still in use, but a freezer nonetheless.
More importantly; "what. the hell. Was that!?!"
"Oh zat? That vas a trick I learned months ago: handy, no?"
You're about to respond(re

omit) when you hear a quiet but notable squawking. You all turn to see ….a parrot?
Oh! The Finale had a parrot! It must be his.
The Parrot hops throught the bars and lands on Wilhelm's head(he seems intrigued), turning to face you.
"Squawkkkk! Cameras! Cameras found! Squawkkkk!" It informed.
You curse silently. Of Course such a place would have cameras to protect themselves from intruders. But you suppose it doesn't matter now, the Finale seemed to noticed it. Good thing you brought him along.
The Parrot groomed itself as you squinted and thought things through.
"Where to?" Fat Tony inquired.
"I'm thinking…" you sighed.
There were three obvious choices. The visitor center, the time out area and the arts and crafts area.
All three had things you wanted, but splitting up was too risky, so you had to pick one to enter first.
You looked over the map, tracing your finger on it
You hope you make the right choice…
Where do you go?
[ ] Arts and crafts center
[ ] Time out area
[ ] Visitor center