A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

I still sorta exist but I have a midterm friday and I feel like crap.

Cool with lynching 1k or Absum today.

Would also like to see some pressure towards Happerry.
Busy at the moment, won't have time to case before thanksgiving dinner. Sorry for the thin reasoning, I will get back to you in a few hours.
It's been days. You have done nothing but avoid actually giving any reasoning. You have now multiple times expressed that you think I or others are scum or even voted, rarely ever providing a reason. I get that you're busy, but this is ridiculous.

[x] Lynch Evenstar
I do believe that I need to say the following, I don't really want to but in terms of fair play its important, gonna still be vague as I can be, but I do believe I know the reasoning behind TD's read of Absum and why they wished to vote those voting against them. I will say its a horrible reason for it if I'm right and that is the reason behind it, but I'd be lying if I said I don't know why he believed it pertinent to defend them. Once again the reason is horrible and shouldn't be used as a reason to think someone is town or even scum, but there is a reason behind it that I have no intention of revealing because of just how horrid a reason it is.
[X] Lynch 1KBestK

I don't got shit. Voting me will not magically make my brain work better. As such, gotta read this as an attempt to push an easy ML.
This only up to page 21, but I'm getting annoyed not posting for some reason.

Mesonoxian: 241, them explaining their reasoning of suspicion on Rosen's posts at the behest of Est for expansion, what I find fascinating is "until we get some votes or actions to analyze" couldn't one push towards that by voting themselves? 285, answering for Absum, really perhaps jumpy perhaps protecting ally? 290, seems like further set-up to a Rosen Lynch we'll see if they ever fire on it. 298, lynch all liars set-up is such a scum thing to do really, because there are plenty of reasons for deception and lying as town that Lynch-all-liars is more likely to be utilized in favor of scum than town. 410, okay we finally see the Rosen lynch vote they've been indicating being in favor of for awhile now, find it fascinating that they call it a gut reading though, when they have been giving reasons around it previously, distancing from the mislynch perhaps? 445, fine post. 465, fine post.

-Rosen: 301, is legitimately not that great of a post, but I kinda get it, but I like to predict exact scum comps fairly early its just how I play. 302, it'd be better if it was a talk of unverifiable randomness, but pushing the yeah I did something random thing isn't a great look.

Look to the Left

Cyricubed: 294, really not a fan of this post. 320, says finds Rosen weird, eventually ends up on the Rosen isn't scum argument though, we'll see how this develops. 421, so they sheep Nictis here, but they do have a post saying they feel weird on Rosen, they also reasonably go after TD for the reasoning given on their vote. But choose to not vote for them because TD is new, it is a reason I see used a lot but I also see it used as a lets kill an experienced player first and set up a easy lynch for later dynamic, which this falls into easily. 422, why only ping QT, and not also Meso… that comes off weird to me… like Cyric has a habit of trying to poke his known allies in particular to action, 1k last game, this game he's done it with DG, and sort of with Meso here. Kinda Absum as well with the previous vote of them. 463, I don't really get why Cyric has been shaken off the Rosen lynch, no quotes were made, they just choose to go after TD without any further reasoning. 504 (Post not found), reason is weird and seems pretty bad, but why do so many want TD to bleed more information it keeps reading badly especially post the way the lynch and night kill are verbalized. 524, okay didn't read the whole reasoning thing personally, but like I don't know I find it strange that they gain a strong TD and Absum scum pair from this, I guess maybe its reasonable, but does Cyric really believe TD would be that plain about it?

PyrrosWarrior: 183, not sure why town should be paranoid about about the doc claims, I totally get frustrating, not sure I get paranoid around it.

Est: 248, set-up spec day 1 rarely leads anywhere, and falls apart during the night phase, I find it strange that Est believes that its possible for town to get split by set-up spec pushed by a scum Rosen that scum would then be able to infiltrate. I don't see that as a viable scum tactic so not really seeing the point of this post other than to throw shade on Rosen. 255, calling Rosen Mislynch bait, okay… they've helped lessen my scum read from that last post. 283, good question. 366, could be scum signalling, but I really doubt this is the design.


InterstellarHobo: 143, was honestly not far off my initial predictions, so I like this post. 297, really don't like this wish I was taking hard notes on who exactly keeps asking questions of what Evensar is doing/can do in their neighborhood, because there is no need to do so that really helps town, while it certainly helps scum. 412, this post reads like such a scum slip I could write an essay on it. It coming from a newbie is the only thing that makes me not want to really dive into it though. 508, others talked about this so I'm not going to be a broken record. 511, I'm just going to point out the whole "almost entirely thanks to Nictis's actions," putting all credit for any lynch on one individual even day 1 is dangerous and scummy.

1KBestK: 92, Not much of a fan of this post, somewhat genuine analysis of their past play, but I don't know directly stating this is my X-town game seems needlessly specific as if trying to push the idea of being town again stronger than the already pointless "I'm town" statement. 333, says if you're in a neighborhood don't trust your partner(s). Seems a bit pointless to say, I'd probably only say it if well I was scum and didn't really have any or maybe only 1 known neighborhood infiltration role in my party to make sure people don't utilize them in full. 361, we only have 1 claimed neighborhood, if 1k isn't in one themselves, I'm growing more suspect of this because one doesn't make a game's conceit focused on neighborhoods. 399, a reads post. 407, not all lynch votes are intending to lynch the person they are intending and with 5 new players in the game of 17, its not unreasonable to vote and pressure new players day 1. 491, Yes pressure the newbie to revealing information willy-nilly, and stay off the rosen lynch, that totally reads like the best play for a scum to do whilst others of their faction push the Rosen lynch, let the newbie bleed more potential info. I will say this argument is pretty mutually exclusive if Absum is scum though. 505, if TD does have pressure you don't want to be on it? Strange.

Nanimani: 124, really… just ugh. 145, reads so hollow to me, there isn't anything really here. 350, first line is fine pretty softball though. Last line seems a bit vicious, especially knowing that Rosen is town. 403, true post but like why isn't Nanimani really making any moves? 517, I don't like this, at all. Just a bandwagon post on a strong player.

TurtleDucks/ComiTurtle: #264 is just a bad post, "I'll be serious, have some wine." 270, sigh. 277, why past me? 400, huh? 477, past me is weird, do we get a response from absum though?

Nictis: 310, good post. 383, you were already leaking knowing more of the set-up than the average joe before this, agree in full though that game appears to very bad for town to reveal information needlessly. 417, its a legitimate post, certainly Nictis's classical bulldoging. Against known town now but reasonable at the time, though scum Nictis does the same sort of stuff, generally there is something you can poke at being wrong but day 1 scum Nictis doesn't make those mistakes really as there isn't anything that can be really twisted as everyone has super limited posts to work off of, so its really NAI.

Happerry: 142, Happery is town, scum Happery would not make this post.

DimensionalGuy: 416, there was a reason behind Evenstar's reveal, but I get that, I really can't recall a proper claim from QT… other than them saying they thought they were scum at first, which didn't make sense with their role as something one could influence, like the only thing is them basically claiming a power-role I guess, but yet you don't extend that suspicion on Nictis who has claimed to know more about the set-up than the general group seems strange to me. We'll see if they vote Rosen, but so much distancing from the vote is done in this post.

BanTheFairyKing: 431, Toss up, I disagree with the thought process but I can follow it. Don't like the last line of distancing from the lynch itself.

Absum: 112, I find it interesting that they question if scum would choose to just not respond. I mean if you think about it if town as a whole basically does an action it forces scum to do it does it not? Also I find it fascinating that Absum comes out right away assuming we don't have a traditional set-up. 133, Interesting that its the first post really interacting with Nani's "claim" outside of a joking matter. 143, I don't see the point of Absum saying it could help, but scum don't need to respond as town positive outside of trying to reverse-psych them into being alone in not responding. 426, there isn't a decent reason I'm aware of. 428, great post actually. 436, this is a strange post. 487, great question, I don't even know the answer here. 489, is fine, TD is being weird and the question they asked for was just bad.

Evenstar: Very early posts are fairly low effort, but they do attempt and act like they are trying to get people to be active and act. 205, feels like proper substance, especially given the later neighborhood claim, I can see this being very directly related to knowing one's own role and then extrapolating that to be part of the game as the whole and being sensitive, so this is a post I consider fairly towny from them, despite me finding it probably very off the mark. 209, the neighborhood claim. 220, okay I did just say I'm townreading them but this post concerns me, if they truly have only 1 other member, then they are basically shouting at their neighbor "look at me I'm town you can treat me as concerned as you," which is something I'd personally do as scum in a neighborhood if I felt I could get away with it. 330-340s, Evenstar is just being helpful but not in any truly alignment indicative, just being informative on what things can exist and general terminology, really wish I was seeing something more from her. 481, this is rude Evenstar, can we not make a habit of it please?
Oh people get paragraph heavy at page 22, probably was best I posted that then these section probably deserve direct quotes.
[X] Lynch 1KBestK

I don't got shit. Voting me will not magically make my brain work better. As such, gotta read this as an attempt to push an easy ML.
Like, seriously. You know me. You know I hate inactivity. Go away.
No, I don't know you. I've seen you play a few times, yeah, but I've repeatedly stated that I am bad at reading you. You have avoided all attempts to get anything out of you. You have repeatedly made posts just to rile me up. Even if I knew you well enough to know that you 'hate inactivity,' I can't just accept that you're just going to be continually evasive because you say you aren't feeling up to it. Like, I pulled back on the lynch d1 after you said you were busy because I didn't really want to lynch someone who might very well jsut be town that's having a hard time, and hopefully you'll actually post something of something today so I can vote for someone else, but it's getting ridiculous at this point. Pray tell, when am I allowed to vote to lynch you for evasiveness and inactivity? Or do you get to keep needling me forever without posting content with no consequences? I feel like shit constantly when I play this game. Hell, this game represents a time period of the biggest mental health regression I've had since I was sent away to residential treatment. I can't sleep. I hardly eat. I'm on edge all the time and have trouble focusing or getting motivation. Does that mean I get a free pass to do nothing? For all I know, you're pulling one over me and this is all an act. I don't fucking know. You trying to aggravate me does not help me read you. I'll probably get around to redoing my reads list tomorrow when i have more energy and am less pissed off, but until then, I'm leaving my vote where it is. Maybe it's jsut me feeling spiteful, maybe I'm in the right, but I'm goign to put off thinking about this fucking game until i don't feel like I want to die.
I should probably actually vote.

[x] Null
[x] Lynch Absum

Still got about thirty-eight hours left, so I'll see what else I can dig up, gonna take a break to eat in the meantime though.
Yeah, no. I'm not holding with this shit.

[X] Lynch Nictis

Let's not engage with the roleclaim, even though you said that was what you were expecting, then immediately go straight for the lynch.

The mention of TD being a specific Town role for why they would see Absum as Town, and Comi saying they don't have role info that states Absum is Town as disproving it are eyecatching.
My, yes, eyecatching. Where's your point in this again? No seriously, what is your point here? Actually provide a reason rather than just confidently asserting something is a scumslip.

Absum seemed to act as if he had a place in the succession of the Crown, but I'm fairly certain that his claim is illegitimate. Hubert's successor is not Absum.
Hubert? Am I missing something? Also, he's kind of claiming the opposite, from what I can see.
Like, yes, he pretends that the roleclaim is totally what he was expecting, sure, but.
You notice he kind of makes shit up about it?
Its 7:51 my time, and Ive finally got the hours to spare!

To do list:

1) Catch up to the thread
2) Post reads
3) Respond to stuff
I don't got shit. Voting me will not magically make my brain work better. As such, gotta read this as an attempt to push an easy ML.
It might, however, make you provide your reasoning when you vote. That's what? Two, three minutes of your time? I'm sure you're capable of doing that to get votes off you.

Oh, but I'm sure the attempts to go on the inactives weren't trying to go for an easy ML at all, no, that's just genuinely pushing inactivity.
Please, you're better than this.
Mesonoxian: 241, them explaining their reasoning of suspicion on Rosen's posts at the behest of Est for expansion, what I find fascinating is "until we get some votes or actions to analyze" couldn't one push towards that by voting themselves?
Haven't we decided that's a bad thing and just ends up hitting people with the "I am Town!" cudgel instead of actually producing results?
Now, admittedly, they weren't here when that was talked about, but I'm not sure why you're suggesting it.
285, answering for Absum, really perhaps jumpy perhaps protecting ally?
First of all, it's really annoying to look up these posts. Second of all, that's a flat-out lie.

For those who have the patience to read through the wall it's looking like this post's gonna end up as, here.
I know it is day one and we have very little to go on, but these posts are both giving me a pretty scummy vibe.

Well the first one is kind of almost admitting to being mafia. If they're going to do a better job of being hard to accurately read this game, and they are claiming to be town... kind of suggests they aren't actually town.

The second one is much hazier. It just seemed unnecessarily cagy for a very neutral question that wasn't even about this particular game. It's probably just a joke, but it seems kind of twitchy. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth" and all that. I am sure I am reading too much into things, but until we get some votes or actions to analyze, parsing people's comments is all we have to go on. The first one is a lot more concerning.
Meso clearly responding to Est's quoting his post here.

But choose to not vote for them because TD is new, it is a reason I see used a lot but I also see it used as a lets kill an experienced player first and set up a easy lynch for later dynamic, which this falls into easily.
Mate. We don't lynch newbies D1. Are you seriously trying to throw shade on this when it's been a constant thing the past... what, two dozen games? More?
422, why only ping QT, and not also Meso… that comes off weird to me… like Cyric has a habit of trying to poke his known allies in particular to action, 1k last game, this game he's done it with DG, and sort of with Meso here.
So lemme get this straight. You're drawing a line with Cyri not tagging Meso... to Cyri pinging his allies... to Meso being his ally.
Do I need to explain why this is not a sound argument?
Est: 248, set-up spec day 1 rarely leads anywhere, and falls apart during the night phase, I find it strange that Est believes that its possible for town to get split by set-up spec pushed by a scum Rosen that scum would then be able to infiltrate. I don't see that as a viable scum tactic so not really seeing the point of this post other than to throw shade on Rosen.
Read to me like not mechanical factions but basically trying to set up different voting blocks, then scum goes and you get it.

That said, it's still a bad post, just pointing it out for the wrong reason :V
297, really don't like this wish I was taking hard notes on who exactly keeps asking questions of what Evensar is doing/can do in their neighborhood, because there is no need to do so that really helps town, while it certainly helps scum.
Unless, you know. You don't believe they're telling the truth about it. I know my townread was made with the caveat that I get something of note from that eventually. Should probably edit my notes, actually. Day 3 is just a standard check back on this later for me, but I should hold on longer for this. Maybe 4 or 5.
412, this post reads like such a scum slip I could write an essay on it. It coming from a newbie is the only thing that makes me not want to really dive into it though.
Please explain. I'm interested.
491, Yes pressure the newbie to revealing information willy-nilly, and stay off the rosen lynch, that totally reads like the best play for a scum to do whilst others of their faction push the Rosen lynch, let the newbie bleed more potential info. I will say this argument is pretty mutually exclusive if Absum is scum though.
Excuse me, but what info are he and Cyri trying to bleed here? My post-looking-up only got the reasons for his townread on Absum, which uh...
Yeah. You should post reasons when you post how you see people. Why you see them that way.

But of course, that can't be it, right? So I must be missing something.
505, if TD does have pressure you don't want to be on it? Strange.
Yeah, I may be missing something here too, but from what I see, that's off.
350, first line is fine pretty softball though. Last line seems a bit vicious, especially knowing that Rosen is town.
Really? I thought they had similar energy, myself.

Btw dont be alarmed if Im silent for about 20mins, Im a slow reader :(
I would, in fact, be not-alarmed even if you take longer. I don't know how much you have to read through, after all, and just skimming would be bad.
Okay no, I can save this.

Mesonoxian: 241, them explaining their reasoning of suspicion on Rosen's posts at the behest of Est for expansion, what I find fascinating is "until we get some votes or actions to analyze" couldn't one push towards that by voting themselves?
Haven't we decided that's a bad thing and just ends up hitting people with the "I am Town!" cudgel instead of actually producing results?
Now, admittedly, they weren't here when that was talked about, but I'm not sure why you're suggesting it.
285, answering for Absum, really perhaps jumpy perhaps protecting ally?
First of all, it's really annoying to look up these posts. Second of all, that's a flat-out lie.

For those who have the patience to read through the wall it's looking like this post's gonna end up as, here.
I know it is day one and we have very little to go on, but these posts are both giving me a pretty scummy vibe.

Well the first one is kind of almost admitting to being mafia. If they're going to do a better job of being hard to accurately read this game, and they are claiming to be town... kind of suggests they aren't actually town.

The second one is much hazier. It just seemed unnecessarily cagy for a very neutral question that wasn't even about this particular game. It's probably just a joke, but it seems kind of twitchy. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth" and all that. I am sure I am reading too much into things, but until we get some votes or actions to analyze, parsing people's comments is all we have to go on. The first one is a lot more concerning.
Meso clearly responding to Est's quoting his post here.

But choose to not vote for them because TD is new, it is a reason I see used a lot but I also see it used as a lets kill an experienced player first and set up a easy lynch for later dynamic, which this falls into easily.
Mate. We don't lynch newbies D1. Are you seriously trying to throw shade on this when it's been a constant thing the past... what, two dozen games? More?
422, why only ping QT, and not also Meso… that comes off weird to me… like Cyric has a habit of trying to poke his known allies in particular to action, 1k last game, this game he's done it with DG, and sort of with Meso here.
So lemme get this straight. You're drawing a line with Cyri not tagging Meso... to Cyri pinging his allies... to Meso being his ally.
Do I need to explain why this is not a sound argument?
Est: 248, set-up spec day 1 rarely leads anywhere, and falls apart during the night phase, I find it strange that Est believes that its possible for town to get split by set-up spec pushed by a scum Rosen that scum would then be able to infiltrate. I don't see that as a viable scum tactic so not really seeing the point of this post other than to throw shade on Rosen.
Read to me like not mechanical factions but basically trying to set up different voting blocks, then scum goes and you get it.

That said, it's still a bad post, just pointing it out for the wrong reason :V
297, really don't like this wish I was taking hard notes on who exactly keeps asking questions of what Evensar is doing/can do in their neighborhood, because there is no need to do so that really helps town, while it certainly helps scum.
Unless, you know. You don't believe they're telling the truth about it. I know my townread was made with the caveat that I get something of note from that eventually. Should probably edit my notes, actually. Day 3 is just a standard check back on this later for me, but I should hold on longer for this. Maybe 4 or 5.
412, this post reads like such a scum slip I could write an essay on it. It coming from a newbie is the only thing that makes me not want to really dive into it though.
Please explain. I'm interested.
491, Yes pressure the newbie to revealing information willy-nilly, and stay off the rosen lynch, that totally reads like the best play for a scum to do whilst others of their faction push the Rosen lynch, let the newbie bleed more potential info. I will say this argument is pretty mutually exclusive if Absum is scum though.
Excuse me, but what info are he and Cyri trying to bleed here? My post-looking-up only got the reasons for his townread on Absum, which uh...
Yeah. You should post reasons when you post how you see people. Why you see them that way.

But of course, that can't be it, right? So I must be missing something.
505, if TD does have pressure you don't want to be on it? Strange.
Yeah, I may be missing something here too, but from what I see, that's off.
350, first line is fine pretty softball though. Last line seems a bit vicious, especially knowing that Rosen is town.
Really? I thought they had similar energy, myself.

Btw dont be alarmed if Im silent for about 20mins, Im a slow reader :(
I would, in fact, be not-alarmed even if you take longer. I don't know how much you have to read through, after all, and just skimming would be bad.
Sorry about vanishing, friend came back suddenly.

About? Well, one thing I can say is that you asked me if I thought TD was a highly specific townrole, so I don't actually agree that me responding that I can think of a role TD could be is all that eyecatching?
A role that specifically is told that you, Absum, are Town. And that that role is Bodyguard, which would mean that you have a designated protector. ie: The person that the Scum need dead.

During Day 1, I had a thought that you might have been another VIP, the Princess perhaps, and that would explain what was going on between you and Turtle. The big curveball that I thought I saw in the setup, so yes, it was eyecatching.

You aren't the King's heir, but you know enough about the setup to know that the heir would be protected. You don't know who the actual heir is, so why did you know this?
[X] Lynch 1KBestK

I don't got shit. Voting me will not magically make my brain work better. As such, gotta read this as an attempt to push an easy ML.
Like, seriously. You know me. You know I hate inactivity. Go away.
Eva, you've brushed off 1K at every interaction. They are understandably aggravated here. Please stop.
Hubert? Am I missing something? Also, he's kind of claiming the opposite, from what I can see.
... Absum was not Roleclaiming. Absum was saying what he expected TurtleDucks/Comi to be, and specifically decided they weren't because TD/Comi were not told Absum was Town in their rolecard.
You notice he kind of makes shit up about it?
... Makes shit up huh?
Just making shit up as I go... Yep, totally. @Nanimani
Yellow is my progression on Turtle and Absum.
Purple is hinting that I know more than most.

Making it a bit too obvious there Turtle, although I suppose that works out for you.
I feel like I've got a pretty good idea on some of what's going to be in the game, but don't want to inform the scum if I'm wrong on how many there are. I will say that I'm curious on what roles @BanTheFairyKing might expect to be in this one though.
I don't think it's a cult game, but people trying to assert that it isn't always niggles at my paranoia somewhat.
Things I want to say that can't be said... Argle.
Gimme a minute, need to figure out a way to respond to this. I have my answer, but I need to find the most politic way to say it.
*Trying to phrase things in a way that gets it across without giving it away, fails*

So, I know more than some might expect. What I do know lets me get a feel on what the general setup is, and it gives me the expectation that giving out too much information to the public is worse than usual for the gamestate.
I will say that I have not gotten word of any cult, and I have my own reasons separate from the others to doubt its existence.
... Started looking at other things, think I found the game's curveball.

Okay. So, I probably shouldn't be posting while hyped on caffeine, and I might be hitting myself for this later, but I need to ask before I forget or lose the opportunity to bring this up.

@Absum I'm pretty sure that @TurtleDucks is either a very specific Town Role, or is Scum. Which do you think is more likely right now?

Okay, so I didn't really do that reset thing I was talking about, but I've been considering some of my conclusions and I'm pretty sure that my big realization was just wrong. I can still see why I had thought it, but I am looking at some other info I have and it doesn't quite fit.

So, TurtleDucks. Near constant hinting at being a Survivor, turned around to claim Town and suggest that Absum is Town as well. Absum meanwhile does not seem to suspect the same role I did, but outright says that they might be NK-Proof. I'm going to want at least one of these two to clarify soon, because town-locking them from a misunderstanding and a guess at the unknown bits of setup is probably a bad idea.
This just feels like you already know who is Town, and I know you don't know what I know.
And I just realized that my hidden "Reasons" behind lynching Rosen might not actually be relevant.

... Fuck, time to review.

[x] Null

Probably gonna go back to it, but I need to figure out how much that was coloring my perception.
Rating list of trustable peeps.

-Mesonoxian: Has been feeling very good, particularly from a new player. Their pushes against Rosen feel good and natural to me.
-Interstellar Hobo: Is learning, but also feels good.
-QTesseract: Part of me is still suspicious of the whole "Ah, I thought I was scum :( " charade, but it does feel like a natural progression and I've liked most of his interactions so far, if only there was more there for me to look at.
-Nictis: I still don't like rating myself, place me whenever /:
-Est: I should probably rate higher, but I can't seem to ever remember much of them? Don't know why, but unless if I'm looking for their posts I just don't seem to see them while reading through the thread.
-EmperrorPyrros: Feels good, well centered, but doesn't have enough posts or active views to really cement things. They're more like a momentum killer at this point, mainly providing counterpoints to lynches.
-Ban: Variable slot depending on Rosen's review, but I'm still pinging him as the most likely Rosen ally if Rosen is scum.
-Nani: Not enough content to be trusted.
-Look To The Left: No content, do not trust.
-TurtleDucks: Constant hinting at Survivor, then claiming Town with a strong Townread of Absum does not fill me with confidence. Is either a very specific Town Role for the setup, or is scum.
-Absum: Has seemed like a contender for a position that I already know is filled.

Off the list:
-1KBestK: Originally was going to top the list, but had to take her off it for something I saw after waking up, and is currently facing a review.
-Rosen: Was originally going to be bottom of the list, and is probably still going to be low, but is facing a review.
Rosen: To preface, there were two early plays that caught my attention from him. One was the attempt at shifting the game into RQS instead of the usual RVS, which doesn't mean much on its own but had me looking for what they would be trying to get from people with it. The other is private, but was the reason for the initial suspicion and much closer observation.
I mean, yeah. It was a review. It was me making sure that I wasn't being too biased by stuff that I was keeping out of the thread, there wasn't exactly going to be a new selection of stuff for me to point at as scum. I'm kinda curious on what you would consider important if none of that was though.
So, Absum feels like an odd mix of knowing too much, and missing the critical detail. The mention of TD being a specific Town role for why they would see Absum as Town, and Comi saying they don't have role info that states Absum is Town as disproving it are eyecatching. [Pauses to question Absum]

I mentioned it in my list Day 1, and it was actually the 'curveball' that I had thought I recognized before I realized that it was incredibly unlikely. Absum seemed to act as if he had a place in the succession of the Crown, but I'm fairly certain that his claim is illegitimate. Hubert's successor is not Absum.
I cut out some of it, but here. Have some posts to look at of me 'making shit up.' (I feel like SV didn't hold all the quotes I did take, but eh)

Now to look at Comi's post. (I also strongly disagree with cutting out the quote boxes to make things more presentable if you aren't going to link the posts. Quote boxes make it easy to compare what you're saying to what you're quoting, if you want to avoid making a wall just stick them in spoilers... Which is probably what I'm going to have to do when reviewing the post. Damnit.)
Okay, yeah. It definitely forgot some of my quotes, and I can think of at least one of those that are relevant to the Absum/Turtle thing. Blegh.
Now to look at Comi's post. (I also strongly disagree with cutting out the quote boxes to make things more presentable if you aren't going to link the posts. Quote boxes make it easy to compare what you're saying to what you're quoting, if you want to avoid making a wall just stick them in spoilers... Which is probably what I'm going to have to do when reviewing the post. Damnit.)

K when its properly done I'll get quote boxes in spoilers for each name.

Felt it more important that people had more time to interact with the post so posted it unfinished and early.

For clarity you're reading legitimately my notes for this game.
K when its properly done I'll get quote boxes in spoilers for each name.

Felt it more important that people had more time to interact with the post so posted it unfinished and early.

For clarity you're reading legitimately my notes for this game.
Ah, in that case then I might just wait for it instead. Annoyingly, it means that I have to wait to look at Nani's response to it as well, but oh well.

Did I ever actually get around to looking into Nani? The only real callout I can remember doing on Nani is saying they felt like they were piggybacking a confirm off of QT's claim of being Town.

Maybe I should do that. Or sleep. I'm tired, and kinda annoyed by Nani trying to call me out for making shit up when he was at best misreading the stuff I was responding to.
I still have to read page 30-34 but here, have my current reads

Absum: Chill dude, gets the point across, asks pointed questions, almost everything I want in a town player right here...used to be rated higher but the fact that 2 people townread him on D1 with no explanation made me wary, because the cake could be a lie
1K: Seems to genuinely be trying to win the game her own way
PW: Frustration at not knowing anything is a town mindset, but combined with the reveal of a possible 'twist' of the current game setup, I cant put him any higher...plus I am self aware of my weakness to appeals to emotion

CANT MAKE UP MY MIND (but verging on scumlean)
Cyricubed: A lot of going back and forth on this one, his deep ISO of Absum and TD simultaneously on D1 felt like useless busywork to me especially with the weak conclusion at the end and all the NAI posts that didnt need to be included, BUT I am liking his later posts
Nictis: Some grit I dont like, and some refusal to be tamed that I do like, plus that decision to do a partial-reveal of his in-game knowledge could be seen as a masterful play by a maf to cover his ass...I wouldnt lynch him early either way, because if he were maf his posts provide content to bounce off of, and if he were town it would be terrible if we lost 3 strong townies in a row...
Ban: Toneread them as distant, or perhaps disconnected from the thread on D1, and then came his vote to lynch ES which contained a backdoor in the same post, both which would make sense from the lens of a maf, but recent reveal of RL stuff has me reconsider my scumread anew
ES: see Nictis

Cyri, Absum, 1K, Nictis: The sooner I can confirm my reads on them, the less I have to worry about – especially Nictis
A role that specifically is told that you, Absum, are Town. And that that role is Bodyguard, which would mean that you have a designated protector. ie: The person that the Scum need dead.
Alright, let's get the quote says me to myself.
Nani, you are an idiot, says me to myself.

[X] Null

Anyway, Bodyguard at least me revealed, because
You can at least see where I got confused though. Like, that wasn't *just* me being an idiot, that was some bad phrasing.

Fuck's sake, here I thought there was something to react to finally.
Thread has been incredibly lethargic Day 2, and as soon as things start to heat up nearly everyone involved goes to bed.

Of course.

@Happerry Haven't heard from you in a while, or much to begin with. Thoughts?
@QTesseract Your insight is usually pretty good, and I can't recall you posting anything on what's happened so far.
@Look to the Left Still looking like a good backup lynch, what with you not saying anything. Fix that?
@PyrrosWarrior Actually have been hearing from you, but hoping to see your thoughts now that more substantial things are being said. It's still a bit cloak and dagger but... Right, thoughts?
@BanTheFairyKing I get the feeling that things aren't shifting much for you at this point, but I am curious on if there was any impressions you want to share once you have time to do so.
Est: Not tagging since you're on your way, just letting you know that I'm looking forward to the rest of your thoughts when you finish catching up.
@Evenstar Just wanted to clarify that when I was talking about not sharing some info, that I was mostly trying to cut down on things that would help the scum narrow down who their target is, so in general to everyone try to avoid giving out too much info as far as roles and flavor go. And also wanted to ask you to stop antagonizing 1K, I think it's unintended but every interaction other than 1K asking about your neighborhood has had you brushing off her concerns.
@1KBestK Just wanted to say sorry.

That's a lot of people I felt I needed to tag for content, kinda concerned about that. Anyways, I'm probably going to go to sleep now... Probably.