Memes Cause Louise To Drink
Once she was sure Greg wouldn't be interrupting her studies, Louise sat down on the floor in front of the come-pewter. "Maybe using the desk for the barricade wasn't such a great idea."

Stretching out to lay on her stomach, she began researching a topic that Espinoza said would be useful for understanding people. 'Meems'. Apparently it was some form of disease that infected people and made them act a certain way, at least that's what she understood between the man's strange speech about barrel rolls and calling her a grumpy cat... which she now suspected meant Cattleya was telling the man stories.

After three hours of browsing through various articles and images, she still didn't feel very confident in the subject. Did she have some resistance to the contagion? Normally that would be a good thing, but she couldn't afford to face down an entire world on her own if she was discovered. It didn't make sense! How was she supposed to use the majority of these things if they required a corresponding picture? Who is the person in black and white stripes and what do naval vessels have to do with them? Why was that man flying around shooting sandwiches from his hands? Even the meems from some 'Aleph' place didn't make much sense and the locals were quite clear on the lesser quality produced there.

She clicked on one last picture of what could have been a trio of dogs, if you ignored the carapaces and size, as they burst through the wall of building. The text read 'Pardon us, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Scion?'. Were the dogs supposed to be talking? Whatever it was, she had had enough for one day. Closing the page, she sighed in frustration before shuffling out of the bedroom.

Having just spent hours on fortifying the base just a couple days ago, the Veder home was severely lacking in defenses... especially after she broke the lock on the door. Deciding to rectify the situation, the pinkette began laying down a wall of ice around every entrance, be they the main door or lavatory windows. Pushing all of the furniture against the walls for added material to be moved in the event of a breach, she used Frost to stick it all together.

After the physical defenses were set up, she began placing runes of all types around the room. Ash and Poison went first to bind any intruder in place for subsequent attacks. Second were Frost Runes to reinforce the ice and create a gap between waves. Lightning Runes were placed across the ceiling to keep the enemy on the floor rather than climbing the walls or flying. Lastly, the innermost portion of the Veder residence, the dining room and lavatory, were filled with stacks of overlapping Fire Runes to destroy as much of the building as possible in the event she was forced to flee.

It was two hours past noon by the time she finished and she spent several more minutes covering as many of the runes with pillows, blankets, and rugs as possible to disguise them. Sure, the place was an untidy mess that would have sent her family's maids to an early grave and the decoy pillows probably didn't help matters, but it was as heavily defended as she could make it without additional spells or resources. All in all, Louise felt that it was a job well done.

Deciding to reward herself for all of the hard work, the pinkette put her armor on and left in search of a place to purchase a gift for herself. She deserved it after all the nonsense these people put her through just to blend in.


Approaching the front of the shoppe with a bottle in her hand, Louise counted out the appropriate amount of money. Though it no doubt would pale in comparison to proper Tristainian wine, she was relieved to find any in the first place considering what she'd learned about the city so far. When the man at the register gave her a look of disbelief, she glared up at him in challenge... which completely lost it's effect due to her helmet.

Not only is it uncomfortable with all of my hair stuffed inside, but the peasants can't even see my disdain. Maybe I should just forget about the helmet, I never had one for my old armor.

Hearing a cough, the pinkette looked up to see the merchant staring down at her. "Uh... Can I see your ID?"

"Dude, you can't ask a cape that!" Someone called out from out of her view. "Are you trying to get us killed?!"

"I... I don't... I could lose my license." The man whined.

Deciding to put her earlier research to good use, Louise slammed one hand on the counter-top. As the shopkeeper recoiled in shock, she thrust out a handful of the local currency and ordered, "Shut up and take my money!"

She must have done it wrong, because the man replied, "Ma'am, please... I need something to show you're older than twenty-one, I can't sell alcohol to minors."

Growling as she lit her empty hand on fire, Louise was about to grab the fool before a younger man rushed over to push the fool aside. "I'll take care of that for you, miss."

Dropping the money on the counter, she waited just long enough for him to take it before grabbing her prize. Maybe she was supposed to combine the meem things, like leekspin before money thrusting? Were there grammar rules that the interweb place didn't tell her about? Contemplating these ideas on her way out of the building, she heard the man shout out something about changing, but it didn't matter. She wasn't going to change just because of some commoner's sense of entitlement.


Walking up to his apartment door after school, Greg unslung his backpack and walked inside... or rather, he tried to. Though the doorknob turned, the door itself refused to budge. Figuring his dad must have had somebody come by to install a deadbolt or something, he knocked. After several minutes of knocking with no answer, he pulled out his cell.

From inside the apartment, he could hear the home phone ringing along with several thuds, a shattering crash, and unintelligible cursing. The ringing stopped a moment later as he heard girlish giggling from the other end.

"Louise? Can you open the door, please?" He asked, receiving more giggles and a long string of French sounding words. Considering the only languages he knew were English and Spanish, he was at a loss as to what she had said, but felt it was safe to assume she wasn't being polite. His suspicions were confirmed when she blew a raspberry and hung up.


Groaning in pain as her brain tried desperately to escape her skull, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière did as any delicate maiden would in her position. She rolled over and vomited on the floor. Perhaps drinking the entire bottle on her own was a bad idea, she seemed to be having a few of those in the last few hours.

Not wanting to risk a miscast, Louise refrained from testing whether or not a healing spell would cure her current ailment. Why am I even awake? She wondered, before a heavy impact on the front door gave her a spike of painful insight.

Stumbling to her feet, careful to avoid the sick on the floor, the pinkette slowly made her way out of the kitchen and tripped over a spiraled cord. Grumbling to herself as she climbed back up, she kicked the stupid device and answered the door. Blinking blearily up at an unfamiliar man standing beside Greg's father, Louise idly noted that the man's hat had too many points and there was a bunch of metal objects pinned to his shirt. On the man's sleeve was a stack of three upward pointing arrows and a patch that she couldn't quite make out.

Status: Hungover, Dehydrated, uninjured.
Magicka: (9800/14000)

Choose 1:

[] Close the door and ignore them.

[] Kill all witnesses.

[] Diplomacy write in.

[] Turn invisible, equip armor, and leave.
[] Find Victoria.
[] Find Vista.
[] Find Taylor​

[] Go back to sleep.

[] Find a new hideout.

[] Write in.
I approve! We are only a few jumps away from Louise fitting in with burly vikings and high-spirited sailors.
[X] Plan: This Sounds Like a Job for the Louise of Tomorrow!
[X] Close the door and ignore them.
[X] Go back to sleep.
[X] Plan: This Sounds Like a Job for the Louise of Tomorrow!
[X] Close the door and ignore them.
[X] Go back to sleep.
The Louise Of Tomorrow, Today!
As James and the man with the funny hat made to speak, Louise rubbed her eyes and shut the door. Whatever they wanted could wait, she wasn't ready to deal with any idiocy at the moment. A quick layer of frost on the door seam and she was soon laying back down to sleep.


Standing on a nearby rooftop as eight floors of residential space burned to the ground, Louise screamed in frustration. Thankfully her magic still held and nobody could hear her. Hours of work was now ruined because some peasant guardsman couldn't wait until morning.

Setting down the various items she'd managed to grab before the eccentrically dressed man set off every one of her traps almost simultaneously, she pondered what to do next. It was unlikely that the man could have escaped, even with his ridiculous speed, so she didn't need to worry about witnesses... not with Greg and his father having perished when the guardsman forced his way into the foyer and set off the first layer of defenses. Now that she was fully awake and calming down after making her escape, it was obvious the man was a city guard and Veder senior had summoned the man to remove her from his home. Well then, good riddance to the traitor! It wasn't like she had done anything to warrant such treatment and now the man was responsible for the death of his own child.

Sure, they were her Runes, but it wasn't her fault the fool didn't think before he acted. She refused to feel guilty over someone else's poor choices. She felt bad because of the pointless waste of a helpful servant, that was all.

Louise shook her head to clear it of such useless distractions and inspected the items she managed to grab before the 'cape' in red arrived to investigate. The black bag itself had two straps for her arms to fit through and several pouches that were held shut by interlocking teeth. The oddly sealed bag of supplies contained a jar labelled 'wheat flour', a butterfly net with a telescopic handle, several plastic boxes with slices of ham, a dark blue blanket, a pillow, a charging cord for her datapad-phone-thing, and two boxes of 'Legend-Berry Bites' that she recognized as the yellow squares from breakfast. Apparently they were 'Super healthy' so she chose them food she was more familiar with.

With limited supplies, no shelter, and an increasing amount of law enforcement arriving, the pinkette gathered her things and flew off.

Status: Dehydrated, uninjured.
Magicka: (7400/14000)


[] This constant lack of stability is getting frustrating, a friend or a friendly face would be nice... or even a friend of a friend.
[] Find Victoria.
[] Find Vista.
[] Find Taylor.​

[] With Greg dead, a new minion is required. Luckily, Madison has already volunteered.

[] Search for an uninhabited place to set up in, these constant interruptions aren't helpful.
[] Boat Graveyard.
[] Abandon dock building.
[] Captain's hill.​

[] Faultline might not be done with her negotiations, but perhaps free healing at a hospital can be used to gain some favor and a place to stay until she is.

A/N: It's been a while since I've done an entry this short. Did you really think ignoring the situation would be a way to avoid conflict? In a booby-trapped apartment? When the residents are waiting with a cop outside the door?
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Oh goddammit.

[X] This constant lack of stability is getting frustrating, a friend or a friendly face would be nice... or even a friend of a friend.
[X]Find Victoria.

[X] Search for an uninhabited place to set up in, these constant interruptions aren't helpful.
-[X] Abandon dock building.
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[X] Search for an uninhabited place to set up in, these constant interruptions aren't helpful.
-[X] Abandon dock building.

It's times like this that it's most apparent that Louise is, in fact, Cynric's apprentice. She destroys and/or corrupts everything she touches.:lol:rofl::lol:rofl:
[X] POV switch to anyone else.
(Have I mentioned that I don't really like Louise?)
[X] This constant lack of stability is getting frustrating, a friend or a friendly face would be nice... or even a friend of a friend.
- [X]Find Victoria.

- - -

((I'm not sure why we didn't go searching for the friendly noble in the first place. Though now we might be consider a villain so it might not go as well))
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I don't really think finding Victoria is a good idea (and by that I mean it's a worse idea than usual since none of our ideas are good, but this one is extra bad). This isn't Louise's friend Vicky, this is Glory Girl, A.K.A. Collateral Damage Barbie; she's one of the few people in Brockton Bay who are actually a credible threat to Louise. She, like the rest of New Wave, tends to have a pretty black and white view of morality, and Louise is kind of a monster.

This is likely to end in violence. Violence that could go very badly for Louise. It'll also be especially traumatizing since it'll be against someone wearing her friend's face, which will probably reinforce the notion that everyone in her life will betray her just like her mother did.

This is a Bad Plan.
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I suppose it couldn't hurt to lie low for a bit...
[X] Search for an uninhabited place to set up in, these constant interruptions aren't helpful.
-[X] Abandon dock building.
House Hunting
Flying over the city while invisible, Louise searched for a place to stay. Constantly being interrupted and forced to set up in a new location was slowing down any progress she might have made and that was annoying. With that in mind, she hoped to find a place that nobody would bother investigating while remaining close enough to occupied areas in the event she needed to purchase something.

The area around the boardwalk was out due to how populated it was, but the bordering docks region held potential. Entire streets had been abandoned in the city's spreading decay and the only people who wandered the area either were either in small groups that hurried on their way or obvious members of the Asian Bad Boys. If a few criminals were to disappear in their own territory, surely nobody would care.

Landing half a mile from the nearest occupied area, Louise found what would once have been a quaint little antique shop. Inspecting the nearby building exposed a few beggars in the partially collapsed house at the end of the street, but no others were present. The shop itself appeared to have been abandoned long ago; it's doors and windows were blocked by planks of wood, a thick layer of dust covered everything inside, and the immediate surroundings were overgrown with plant-life.

Walking through the wall meant she didn't need to replace the boards on the door, but she did shift the shelves and most of the furniture around to help barricade each possible entrance. After a sneezing fit caused by the dust, Louise went down into the basement to find that there was another window near the top of the wall that needed blocked as well. It was half an hour later that she had cleared everything from the basement and cleaned enough to be satisfied. Oh, how she wished for her family's maids so that she wouldn't need to do such menial labor on her own.

She sighed as she threw out the grime coated rags that had once been lace doilies and pushed an armoire to block the door at the top of the stairs. Freezing the barricade in place, she marched back down the steps and collapsed on her new 'bed'. Though much of the goods that were once sold at the shop were useless to her, she did manage to find a few fine selections that wouldn't have been out of place at her family estate. A fancifully carved tea table of oak and glass, fine porcelain crockery, a crimson velvet chaise to sleep on, assorted shelves and end tables, a grandfather clock, and an quilt blanket. None of it belonged in the dingy cellar of a ruined building.

Bundled up on her cushioned seat and surrounded by a pale mockery of the life she'd once lived, the pinkette did her best to ignore her loneliness and went to sleep.


Waking up from another dream about her mother, Louise checked the clock and saw that the hands hadn't moved since the night before. Checking her phone showed that she had slept a bit later than intended. It was ten in the morning and Faultline had sent a message.

'Pink, you have an appointment at Brockton General @3pm. Dress up nice and ask for Dr. Bailey.'

Looking down at her somewhat dirty clothes, Louise realized that not only did she not actually have anything else to wear, but the building also lacked both a bath or perfumes. It seemed she would be relying entirely on her winning personality and magical talent.

Status: Dehydrated, uninjured.
Magicka: (14000/14000)

Before the meeting:

[] Additional fortification.
[] Write in.​

[] Use the last of the mugger cash to stock up on water and food.

[] Do nothing, just make sure to arrive early.

[] Write in.

A/N: 9 hours till Gene-mod completion. PDR!Shop-Chan makes a Cameo.
[X] Hit Brockton General with the largest Explosion you can make using the majority of your magicka (save about 10% for emergencies, though).
-[X] This was always going to end in destruction, so you may as well do it on your own terms. At least then you can say it was on purpose.

There's no way that place will survive a visit from Louise. Let's just get the inevitable out of the way.:rolleyes:
[X] Plan: Shopping now, explodin' later
-[X] Cast Mark on your new hideout.
-[X] Use the last of the mugger cash to stock up on water and food.
-[X] Use Alteration Invisibility on yourself to render yourself intangible, but not the accumulated dirt and filth on your person.​
-[X] Bask in the savings on laundering and bathing!
-[X] If this cunning plan fails, text Madison to find you some nice clothes in time for your interview.​
-[X] Should Madison prove unhelpful, use Alteration Invisibility to shoplift some nice clothes. You have to put your best foot forward!​
-[X] Arrive at Brockton General with time to spare, dressed to impress!
[X] Hit Brockton General with the largest Explosion you can make using the majority of your magicka (save about 10% for emergencies, though).
-[X] This was always going to end in destruction, so you may as well do it on your own terms. At least then you can say it was on purpose.

It was obviously a killing for hire job.