[X] Just the healing, you can determine your own hours and it is less risky. Besides, it would be nice to accomplish something other than killing.
Breaking And Trespassing
"Am I the only one who thinks we made a terrible mistake?" Newter asked uneasily once the little psychopath left the room. "Like dodging a bullet only to step in front of a train."

Rubbing her temples now that she was free to remove her mask, Melanie 'Faultline' Fitts decided not to respond. She'd asked for a demonstration of the new cape's healing power and was rewarded with the most conflicting satisfaction possible from such an event. The girl had nodded as though expecting that sort of request before casually breaking Newter's hand. Armored hands easily pulled the fingers from his hands as he screamed and then a golden light filled the room. It was only the shock of the unexpected attack that prevented a fight for the second or so it took for the kid to start healing him. The result was a perfectly human hand that was only now returning to Newter's orange complexion.

The girl's power had effected them all in some manner or other, healing old aches and pains in Melanie's bones and causing Gregor to lose a couple of his shell-like protrusions. Did the healing come with some hidden side effects? Could it cure a case 53? She would probably need to have the whole crew looked over by a thinker to be sure... Hopefully she could call in a favor from out of town instead of hiring that stupid Undersider. Her crew might be like family, but moments like this sometimes made her feel like retiring from mercenary work and just being a club manager. She'd never do it of course, not when it would mean abandoning the people who depended on her to lead them in the field. Gregor and Newter notwithstanding, Elle needed all the support she could get.

Speaking of Elle, the platinum blonde was being helped out of the small room beneath the cashmere rug. A simple use of her power to cut the locking bar on the trapdoor and she could have dropped their visitor into Labyrinth's realm. Gregor set the insensate girl on the couch as their newest recruit came in from the adjacent room.

"Don't be such a drama queen. Seriously, a new healer in town and we have her on speed-dial, how could that possibly be a bad thing?" Emily, aka Spitfire, asked and tore off her gas mask. Faultline and Newter groaned in unison, causing her to give them a puzzled frown. "What?"

Gregor slapped a hand down on the pyrokinetic's shoulder and gave her a pitying look. "You have much to learn."


Slipping out the back door to avoid Madison, Louise took off into the air. There was something, maybe several somethings, wrong with that girl and the pinkette was willing to bet the same applied to whatever friends she had. She'd willingly touched the obviously diseased man and seemed to enjoy her brief time in that den of deviancy! No, it would be better not to associate with someone like her if it could be avoided.

Having originally set out for the day in the mid afternoon, Louise wasn't surprised by the fact that the sun was setting by the time she returned to Greg's home. The proprietor of the run down building gave her an odd look upon entering, but she didn't pay him any mind as she rode the elevator to the proper floor. The door refused to open at first, so she simply increased her strength until the knob made a snapping noise as she forced it to turn.

The place was empty and it didn't appear that anyone had been inside since she'd left, so Louise went to Greg's room and removed her armor. The day had been strange, but productive. Sure, there had been some disturbing revelations about some of the locals' customs, but she'd made contact with Faultline and would soon have funding for her plans. She wasn't sure yet what those plans would entail, but hopefully she could make enough progress for Master Cynric to overlook the failure that sent her to Brockton Bay in the first place.

It was an hour later that her efforts to rearrange Greg's room for her own comfort that she heard somebody enter the other room. Setting down the the floating mattress so that it helped support the impromptu barrier of ice and desk boards that she'd constructed over the window, Louise cracked open the door. Greg was holding several bags and a white box as the tall blonde from the boardwalk cafe inspected the broken doorknob.

"-y by the phone, they could still be here." The man said as he grabbed a cleaver from the kitchen counter and crept toward his bedroom door as the pinkette walked out.

"Louise, you came back?" Greg asked, causing his father to turn around. The blonde man looked at her and slowly pulled his phone from his pocket before starting to type, cleaver brandished in one hand.

Status: Healthy
Magicka (6450/14000)


[] Kill them both before the father can sound the alarm.

[] Crush the man's phone and try to explain the situation.

[] Flee. RNG for destination.
[] Take the boy.​

[] Write in.

A/N: I almost decided to have Greg's dad be Lightstar after he changed his identity, but thought it would be too much of a Simmught plot coincidence to run into Greg and Madison plus the Veders being secretly related to New Wave.
[x] Grab the phone with Telekinesis and have Greg explain the situation.

We have a minion with us to do whatever it is minions do to make their masters' lives easier.

...I have no idea about any of the implications of displaying obviously parahuman powers in front of Greg's father. Since I have no idea who these people are.
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[X] Grab the phone with Telekinesis and have Greg explain the situation.

Greg's dad never appeared in canon, so who knows how that's gonna go.
Since I am getting somewhat frustrated by how much Louise willingly limits her interaction with the world by dividing them in cattle peasants and the rest, I was wondering if Worm has any individuals that could be an influence on us while we are free from Master Cynric's wise supervision and infinite kindness.

I kinda hope for her having a relapse in absense of her Master, though don't see who can give her the incentive to try. Vicky? Panacea, whoever that might be?
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I was wondering if Worm has any individual that could be an influence on us

Oh boy, wow, there are plenty of people that could be an influence on us, but very few of them would be a good influence. Worm also has this pesky problem known as Shards, which is basically what powers are. They interact with people by growing inside their brains as tiny lobes in their brains that give them powers and also cause them to make decisions that lead to more conflict. Also, they only 'trigger' to get powers by hitting an absolute breaking point by having the worst day ever. Basically everyone who is anyone in Worm has powers, so they'll make all kinds of bad choices when dealing with the particular brand of messed up that Louise is, even if they had her best interests at heart (which many would not). The other people with powers would be those given them by Cauldron, and we really want to stick clear of those guys if we can help it. Honestly, right now Greg is probably one of the better choices for interacting with us and slowly guiding us along the path of being a better person. Most other characters would be 'mages' like herself and thus she'd never have to confront that peasant/mage divide she's built up in her mind. If she can learn to empathize with Greg, as ordinary and commoner as they get, then maybe she can start breaking down that worldview of hers.
Since I am getting somewhat frustrated by how much Louise willingly limits her interaction with the world by dividing them in cattle peasants and the rest, I was wondering if Worm has any individual that could be an influence on us while we are free from Master Cynric's wise supervision and infinite kindness.

I kinda hope for her having a relapse in absense of her Master, though don't see who can give her the incentive to try. Vicky? Panacea, whoever that might be?

Panacea is Amy Dallon, Vicky's adoptive sister and member of New Wave, an indy hero group that eschews secret identities. Sadly, poor little Pan-pan is something of a basket case. Amy's publicly a healer, with the caveat that she cannot affect brains, but in truth has the power of total biokenisis; any living matter she can touch she can alter and shape to her whim. Amy also has a massive lesbian crush on Vicky, and is constantly worried that if she bends on her rule of 'no brains', then she'll go full Galadriel on Vicky. She's also getting really burnt out on healing people (due to how powers in Worm affect wielder's minds) , and there are at least half a dozen other things weighing on her that make her a very unhappy camper. Panacea would probably love Louise for being another healer and taking some weight off her own shoulders, but I dunno if she'd be a great influence.

Victoria Dallon, aka Glory Girl, aka Collateral Damage Barbie, has a personal force-field that basically makes her Supergirl, and also possesses a variable aura that makes people love/fear her. Spider-Vicky is essentially a depowered clone of her from a parallel reality (Putting Down Roots). Since Spider-Vicky has gotten on so well with Louise, odds are Vicky Classic would as well. But this Vicky hasn't experienced all the assorted weirdness that Spider-Vicky has, so maybe not. And she's not terribly empathetic to the common man, or at least the common gang member, so maybe not a great influence either.

Tattletale, for all the (questionable) good she did for Taylor in canon, would most likely get herself exploded. She cannot help but talk shit, no matter how many times she inevitably gets hit.

Honestly, Dragon would probably be the best influence on Louise, if only because she's the best person in the setting. She's not based out of Brockton Bay, but she is close friends and collaborates with Armsmaster, the head of the local Protectorate (govt. sponsored superhero team), and as Dragon and Armsmaster are both tinkers, and everyone mistaking Louise for a tinker, there's perhaps some thin possibility they could interact if Louise interacts with the PRT/Protectorate.

@Blueshift has a point about powers messing with people's heads in Worm, but I'm not sure Greg is the one that'll make her emphasize with the common man. Greg doesn't have the strongest personality, so I don't see why Louise would decide to stop walking all over him as she has thus far.
[X] Write in. "Sooo... What's for dinner?"
I mean, that's kind of the reason Lousie is there anyway? And why would she find a commoner threatening, especially with a body shield in arms reach?
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I was wondering if Worm has any individuals that could be an influence on us while we are free from Master Cynric's wise supervision and infinite kindness.
Oh yes, there are plenty of people who could influence Louise. Why, there's this one fellow by the name of Vasil who lives in Canada and is well known to take in battered women and children. His son Alec is also similarly talented, if not as inclined toward the same hospitality as his father. Paige Mcabee could help, but she's probably not the best influence... what with the whole mutilating her boyfriend thing.
but I'm not sure Greg is the one that'll make her emphasize with the common man. Greg doesn't have the strongest personality, so I don't see why Louise would decide to stop walking all over him as she has thus far.

I said that he was one of the better choices, not that he was a good or likely option to work, which underlines the many issues in Worm. I don't remember all of Dragon's restrictions, but I'm pretty sure that at least one of them would pop up and cause her to have to work against Louise. And those were created by another good-ish person, Richter, the one who created her, by his shard helping to push along his fear of AI, so that he would restrict her, so that there would be more conflict. Ideally, we'd need someone level headed, not a push over and without a shard, but the only character like that that pops to mind is Yamada, and I think she's only working with the Wards (and only after Leviathan if I recall correctly).

Honestly, I think we should try and leave Worm quickly, there are too many things that could easily kill us in the setting, we have no backup right now, and there is other, better stuff (both morally and power wise) we can get from other places.
The Veder Patriarch
James Veder didn't consider himself a good man. Graduating Brockton University in the same year Scion arrived, he'd lost himself in a haze of drugs and alcohol. A lifetime of attending mass, Sunday school each week, and a major in theology just seemed like so much wasted time. When any and all feats of divinity become common place, a man could be forgiven for having a crisis of faith.

Months later, he was living on the streets after narrowly escaping the fire that burned down the apartment complex. Homelessness wasn't so bad, he'd managed to scrounge up enough between the grass and booze to buy a fishing rod, so while it wasn't a luxurious life, he didn't starve. Father Price would preach at the corner church about how God's plan and how the tests of hardship would be rewarded in time, but James had stopped listening long ago. The wine was his real reason for showing up anyway.

Eventually the times got worse though; parahumans grew in numbers and violence, gangs began to stalk the streets like never before, and civil unrest was growing. The city was dying and yet the only thing James really cared about was the sudden availability of shelter as more and more building were abandoned. It almost seemed like an improvement.

The death of his parents slapped down any sense of optimism that might have been forming. An unfortunately timed heart attack on his father's part caused the family car to swerve into oncoming traffic, a semi truck colliding with them. When the news had finally reached him a month after the fact, he tried to comfort himself with the knowledge that it would have at least been quick. That didn't stop the pain, though.

He doubled down on the booze, stealing from buskers and charity jars to fuel his stupor until... until one night he committed his worst crime. In his drunken state, he stumbled upon a foreign woman. She couldn't have been in her thirties yet, her broken english as she asked for directions and the lost expression on her face... She cried herself to sleep that night beneath an overpass.

When he awoke the next morning, James took one look at what he'd done and threw up. The worn out leather belt didn't work fast enough and the poor woman saved his life. It didn't make any sense, she had every reason to let him die and she hadn't. Her name was Marietta and she was a refugee from the Sao Paulo attack. Things were tense and uncomfortable between the two of them for a long time afterward, but neither had anywhere to go and they made due.

Two good things came from his indiscretion, however. The first was that Marietta's introduction to his life served to snap him out of the daze he'd been living in for so long. He'd been wasting his life and doing nothing but dragging down those around him, mooching off the kindness of others. It was disgusting to him now that he looked back at it. He'd become on of the parasites to society that his father had ranted about while he was growing up and he just knew the man that raised him would be ashamed.

The second was little Gregory, a constant reminder of the horrors a man could stoop to. It didn't become apparent for a while, he hadn't touched her since that fateful night and they'd thought her morning sickness was just food poisoning from bad fish. By the time Marietta showed signs of pregnancy, the bay was clogged with sunken ships and food was scarce. Father Price accepting the two of them into his home that winter was something James would never forget.

Unfortunately, Marietta died in childbirth and poor Gregory would never know his mother. James never had the heart to explain any of this to his son, avoiding the topic as best he could whenever asked. Samantha, Father Price's Niece, would come over to help take care of Greg while James went to work. One of the congregation had offered a job at the Bayside Cafe shortly after his child's birth and did his best to not disappoint. When Gregory turned three, they moved to the current apartment and Samantha offered to disguise herself and pose as Marietta for some family photos.

Greg always seemed to enjoy Samantha's company more than his own father's, not that the man blamed him. He worked hard to provide for the boy, not touching a drop of alcohol since, but James knew he wasn't the best dad. The young woman was always willing to help out and he had the horrible suspicion that she had some sort of crush on him... something he would never allow himself to return. A week after Gregory's fifth birthday, the ABB knocked over the church and shot Father Price. Samantha disappeared that night and James prayed to God for the first time in years.

She was found during a raid on an 'auction house' two years later, her empty stare made headlines as the mayor tried to use her suffering for his own gain and James knew for certain that God was dead. He hid the papers from his boy and said she had moved away, dreading the day an older Greg would demand answers. Afterward, the apartment was a dim reflection of what it had once been. Too many nights ended with the two of them isolating themselves away in front of their respective screens and most meals at home were microwaved junk or takeout.

He never did understand how Marietta could forgive him, but he would be forever grateful to her for bringing his son into the world. Even if he had no clue what to do most of the time and the current situation made him want to tear his hair out.

"You're telling me-" James began, feeling a pounding behind his left eye. "That a little girl tried to kidnap you and your first instinct was to offer her a place to stay?"

His eye twitched when Greg shushed him and turned to look toward his bedroom. The place where the little vandal was making strange noises like walking on broken glass... which might just be true if the front door was any indication. "Please don't let her hear you say that, dad. She really really doesn't like it."

"Super powers or not, I won't be intimidated by a child, Greg. That little brat broke our door, my phone, and I'm guessing your story about tripping was a lie as well."

"It's not her fault, really. Louise is just really bad with people and doesn't understand a lot of stuff." Greg tried to explain.

Giving him a flat look, James replied, "You do realize the irony in you saying that, don't you?" The boy spent too much time on his computer and it was frustrating to watch him flounder at the few social events they attended. Watching his son deflate at his words, he sighed. "Come on, Gregory... What about her family? Someone has to be looking for her."

"She's French or something, I don't think her parents are going to check the Bay for a while and we can't just throw her on the streets, she didn't even know she was a cape until I explained it to her! You know what the gangs are like, dad."

Damn it all, he did. "Fine, she can stay." James relented, earning a triumphant grin from his naive child. Giving the boy a stern look, he continued, "Only until we can figure out what to do with her. I'll talk go down to talk with the PRT when I get the chance, they should have some sort of procedure for this kind of thing. In the mean time, you're responsible for anything she breaks. Any violence or thievery and she's gone, understand."

Greg nodded and scurried off to the other room as James sank into his chair. Turning on the news, he listened as the reporter drones on about construction delaying traffic in the docks after a bomb went off. Three four dead for no apparent reason other than being in Asian territory. He was at least able to take some comfort in the reports of Lung's capture. One less psychopath on the loose was good news and if the bastard got the birdcage? Well, it wasn't the death he deserved, but it was better than nothing.


Louise sat at the table the next morning, eating a strange meal of milk and yellow rectangles. It wasn't bad, the sweetness was more than welcome, but it was unlike anything she'd eaten before... perhaps it was the porridge she'd heard of the poorer peasants eating.

The meal passed in silence as Greg's father glared over his newspaper. James Veder had an obvious dislike for her and she wasn't sure as to why. Not that it really bothered her much, but it would be troublesome if the man decided to be an obstruction to her plans and needed to be removed. Not a lot of trouble perhaps, but it would still be more than he was worth. The man finally set his paper down and, after exchanging a few words with his son and boring her with vague threats, left for work.

Since Faultline was still arranging things on her end and Greg needed to go to his school in a few minutes, Louise had the day to herself.

Choose one or more:
[] Follow Greg to school. (Exclusive)

[] Find-
[] Victoria.
[] Vista.
[] Taylor.​

[] Loot the place and search for a new hideout before Veder senior becomes a problem.

[] Search for alchemy tools.
[] Steal them.
[] Wait to buy them.​

[] Build more fortifications on the Veder home.

[] Write in.

A/N: No idea how it turned into this, it just happened. As a side note, if Louise dies before Cynric wakes up and locates the world she's on, the odds of recovering her shrink dramatically.
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A/N: No idea how it turned into this, it just happened. As a side note, if Louise dies before Cynric wakes up and locates the world she's on, the odds of recovering her shrink dramatically
I noticed you didn't say disappear.
[X] Follow Greg to school. (Exclusive)
-Invisible and Muffled (does she even have Muffle?) if she can, though she might step all over some insects if you know what I mean ;) ;)!

This is mostly for things such as history, how the local slang is used, and maybe some classes of the local magic if she's lucky!
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Our Character Sheet says we have a Scroll of Recall. Does anyone remember what we Marked last?
[X] Build more fortifications on the Veder home.
[X] Find-
[X] Victoria.​

Our Character Sheet says we have a Scroll of Recall. Does anyone remember what we Marked last?

I think that scroll was used up to effect the rescue of Cynric when the Ethereals nabbed him, and the inventory just hasn't been updated; I think the last thing Louise marked was either Cynric or Vicky, but in the update where she entered Worm, it was noted that her current Mark was lost as a result of the imperfect Recall spell she cast.
I think that scroll was used up to effect the rescue of Cynric when the Ethereals nabbed him, and the inventory just hasn't been updated; I think the last thing Louise marked was either Cynric or Vicky, but in the update where she entered Worm, it was noted that her current Mark was lost as a result of the imperfect Recall spell she cast.
Yeah, I had forgotten that I forgot to update it until after you tried to reverse engineer it, so you basically got a free recall scroll. The Mark is gone, though. On the bright side, you can Mark something to use the scroll as an emergency escape.
[X] Use Greg's come-pewter to attempt to research these "meems" that Espinoza mentioned to you once.

What could possibly go wrong?
[X] Use Greg's come-pewter to attempt to research these "meems" that Espinoza mentioned to you once.

Do Eet. Gaze into the abyss, and come out stronger for it.