[X] Drag the pair out of the parlor and hurry away as you explain.
Good idea, it'll at least throw things for a bit of a loop.
[X] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?
[X] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?

At least it's non-hostile and nice to her.
[X] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?

Penny's internal review has bought tolerance
[X] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?

This is a win/win/win/win to ALL voters.

To those who want Louise to be better, the benefits of friendships are obvious.

To the Louise-sadists, this just exacerbates this line
though if they were bound to her as ghosts, she could be assured that they wouldn't leave her.
through chance of Penny's demise or just the travel to another world without her (i asume)

To those looking for the most drama, same as above but focused on Louise's eventual rampage during Vytal event and the possible need to abbandon world again.

To those who want another tally in worlds destroyed, this is practice for the possible eventuality of Louise going to a fully mechanized world.

So I say we vote for best choice.
Penny is a weapon, even magic tattoos agree, Notorious for their wise council in all matters. Weapons have a purpose. A scary, scary purpose. Not that it matters much, considering Louise is apparently the third most important person in the world to penny, right behind her dad and the general. So she'll be our weapon friend.
Also anybody else notice Louise admitting her insecurities? Progress!

[X] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?
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[X] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?

Penny's internal review has bought tolerance

And through tolerance comes understanding, understanding then becoming friendship, friendship too eventually turning into a comfortable partnership finally culminating into what all us voters want... a human-shaped mech-shift android sword! That's what all this studying with Ruby is leading up to!

Imagine the terror we'll strike into any fool who dares oppose us! Our second in command, a small wounded pink-haired child skillfully obliterating everything in her path by wildly swinging another girl by the ankles. "Hi, I'm Penny! It was nice to meet you!" They'll hear, right before being cleaved in half.
[X] Feign agreement and wait for it to return. You just have to outlast this event and then you're free to avoid the machine forever. Nobody has to know about the terrible secret you've uncovered.
-[X] Except for your master and his servants! They must be informed immediately.
[x] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?

As an aside, maybe she can't be all that bad, after all, it is bringing you more of the frozen treats and has you under the designation of a friend... You don't have a lot of those, but the good news is you can read it's mind to know it to be true!
[x] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?
[x] She isn't wrong, per se... just ignorant of its true nature. But it is nice, for an abomination that shouldn't exist, and that is more than you can say about some 'people' you've met. Maybe you can give the thing a chance?
Hah, more sympathy for an abomination that people. Why not?
At Least It's Better Than Kirche
For all that Yang didn't understand just what she was talking about, the blonde bastard had a point. Louise had to agree that though the machine might be offensive to her idea of what counted as alive, P.E.N.N.Y. was still leaps and bounds ahead of most people she'd had the displeasure of being acquainted with. Not that she believed harlots and traitors like Zerbst or Montmorency were a worthwhile measuring stick.

Digression aside, it hadn't been anything but benign since they'd met and it wasn't the one to blame for the atrocity that was its creation. P.E.N.N.Y. was the third step in Atlesian research into the soul; phase 1 being responsible for the Aura detecting devices in use all over Remnant, phase 2 having proven the possibility of stabilizing a wounded creature and preparing their soul for transfer, and Phase 3 combining the previous two with existing robotics research for use on humans. From what Louise could gather from the fake human, phase 2 hadn't been tested with anything more advanced than a dog before the failure that resulted in the abomination that was ordering ice cream.

Well, if nothing else, she was at least secure in her runes' ability to use P.E.N.N.Y.'s origins in the Atlesian Knight program to make sure it was genuine.

Turning from the blonde to the orange haired thing's fumbling at the register, Louise nodded. "Yes... I guess you're right."

"Okay?" Yang said questioningly, looking to her sister.

Shrugging, Ruby asked, "Are you feeling alright, Louise? You've been kinda... weird and spacey."

"I'm fine." She replied with a shake of her head. "Sorry, I... I was focused on something else. Anyway, did you two find out what your uncle was doing at Master Cynric's business?"

"Not yet, but we're working on it. Uncle Qrow might act tough, but he always caves when his two favorite nieces are involved." Yang answered with a cocky smirk.

Rolling her eyes, Ruby gave her a shove. "We're his only nieces."

"So? Trust me, we got this."

"If you're sure." It wasn't as if Louise had proven any good at investigating in the past, so she'd trust them to do it. For now. "What about Summer?"

"Nah, wouldn't work." Yang sighs. "Dad's in denial and who knows what him and Ozpin've fed him. I doubt he'd tell her anything and she's been out of the loop for, like, a decade."

"What about on your end? Maybe someone who works there's learned something?" Ruby offered.

As if they would trust a failure like me with important information. They probably wouldn't think I could keep it a secret and they're not-

Shaking her head, both in answer and to stop those depressing thoughts, Louise closed her eyes. Master Cynric said she needed to have faith in herself and she'd promised to try. "No, they... I'm supposed to be focusing on Beacon, so I don't think they'd tell me if they did."

"Are you sure you're ok-"

The table shook as P.E.N.N.Y. opened her arms to drop four large cylinders between all of them. "I have successfully purchased the ice cream!"

"Penny, this is way too much!" Yang shouted, staring wide-eyed at the containers that were bigger than her thighs.

Already having torn hers open, Ruby cheerfully agreed around a mouthful, "Mmhmm, 'ish a'rot, bu' 'ish goo."

Reeling back in disgust from the child's display, Louise turned to see the machine staring at her in hopeful expectancy. Clearing her throat and trying not to listen to the disturbing sounds coming from her team leader, the pinkette reached up to pat the thing on its head. "Good... good work?"

Praising others was a strange experience.


By the time Ruby had finished demolishing half of her food and collapsed in heap of bloated child and melted confections, the three others had also stopped. Yang because she apparently didn't want to gain weight, Louise because she could only stomach so much of that strange sweet potato flavor and should probably get something that wasn't misleadingly purple in the future, and P.E.N.N.Y. probably stopped just to blend in.

So with their ice cream slowly turning into vats of liquid, P.E.N.N.Y. asked, "So what are we to do now? Should we commence with painting our nails, and trying on clothes, and talking about cute boys?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but there's this one fine~ specimen at Beacon I've got my eye on." Yang said with a salacious grin.

Between the abrupt shift in topic, the use of the term 'specimen' reminding her uncomfortably of Doctor Vahlen, and the fact that a lifeless machine wanted to talk about courtship, it took a moment for Louise to understand just what the blonde was implying. When she did and connected that to how everyone at Beacon had a sickening interest in her familiar, the pinkette stood up with a slam of her hands on the table.

"No! I refuse to take part in this discussion."

Surprised, Yang asked, "Wha- What are you doing?"

Already on her way to the door, the pinkette declared, "I'm leaving!"

"Aww... Come on!"



She didn't respond, stepping out the door with haste. It was one thing to not point out their perversions, it was an entirely other thing to indulge them. That being said, she wasn't displeased when she heard them calling out to her a few minutes later, Yang carrying her groaning sister alongside P.E.N.N.Y.

"You know you don't have to be embarrassed about liking someone, right? We won't make fun of you or anything."

Choosing not to comment, Louise held her chin high and marched on. Now if only she had had a plan for where she was going. It was still midday and admitting that she'd stormed off without a destination would make her look foolish.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (12010/12010)


[] Wander deeper into Vale with the excuse of shopping.

[] Kwama Korp

[] POV Switch: Cattleya

[] Write in.
[X] POV Switch: Cattleya

Now for a completely unexpected POV shift! Lets tune in to older sister's questly adventures.
[X] Wander deeper into Vale with the excuse of shopping.

I still really want us to meet Torchwick and Neo, though I have no idea where either of them are at this point. Are they still working under Mountain Glenn with the white fang in this timeline?

We've yet to horribly abuse the Fang

Give it time. With us at the wheel? No one will escape.
Is this robot hate going to be a thing with Louise? If so, I curse her sudden but inevitable betrayal, when Cynric goes full synth.

[X] Wander deeper into Vale with the excuse of shopping.

We already framed the white fang for several dust thefts. If we continue to destabilize them, they won't be able to help destroy Vale. We want to destroy Vale right? It's where Ozpin performs all his evil operations, and Tai-Yang physically and emotionally abuses his family. It needs to go.
Is this robot hate going to be a thing with Louise? If so, I curse her sudden but inevitable betrayal, when Cynric goes full synth.
I don't think Louise would betray Cynric--not for that reason, at any rate. Louise's problem with Penny isn't just the fact that she's not human, but that she never was human in the first place; Cynric placing his soul in a machine body doesn't change the fact that he was human (or human-ish, whatever Bretons/Reachmen qualify as) prior to that. She still seems somewhat uncomfortable about Lily, but not nearly as much as she is about Penny.

[X] Wander deeper into Vale with the excuse of shopping.
We already framed the white fang for several dust thefts. If we continue to destabilize them, they won't be able to help destroy Vale. We want to destroy Vale right? It's where Ozpin performs all his evil operations, and Tai-Yang physically and emotionally abuses his family. It needs to go.

You've convinced me. I have seen the light.

[X] Wander deeper into Vale with the excuse of shopping.

Re-enslaving the faunus with Cattleya shall wait another day.