[X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
-[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
-[X] Defenestrate her if still pissed at end.
[X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
-[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
-[X] Defenestrate her if still pissed at end.

Defenestrate is such a fun word
[X] Choke her with Telekinesis.
-[X] Shave her hair.
I've been swayed, this just seems too perfect a response (also hopefully Louise will be satisfied at seeing how horrified Yang is at the loss of her hair and not decide she needs to finish the job and murder her too).
Let's think about possible consequences instead of the most satisfying impulse we could fulfill right now, okay? If Louise successfully completes her mother-troubles rant then she will have to deal with her emotions again. Possibly by flying off on her own for a few days. Another outcome is that both sisters snap out of their funk and try to console Louise. I don't really see what would happen between that and the whole team acting sheepish, apologizing to one another, and agreeing to do better. I doubt it would be calm though.

Next we could use magic on Yang, possibly chucking her out the window. I think that this would be perceived as an attack. Yang might activate her semblance and shoot Louise or Summer. That seems like it would get the attention of other students with the risk of a magical fight, exposing Louise's secret. If Yang is thrown out the window then I think she will either rocket her way back up to the room or she will leave to fight on the training grounds. Or put some miles on her motorcycle to de-stress.

You know what I think? Hinata is Louise's rock. She is somewhat capable of calming Louise down and, in spite of her stuttering, can ease tense situations. I'd also like Hinata to be present when Louise gives Yang any sort of "Let Me Point Out How Wrong You Are" speech. I'm not sure what sort of vote (that'll pass anyway, given how many have been cast so far) will result in that though.
You know what I think? Hinata is Louise's rock. She is somewhat capable of calming Louise down and, in spite of her stuttering, can ease tense situations. I'd also like Hinata to be present when Louise gives Yang any sort of "Let Me Point Out How Wrong You Are" speech. I'm not sure what sort of vote (that'll pass anyway, given how many have been cast so far) will result in that though.

Then i guess you're lucky that Hinata is in the room with them at the moment.
[X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
-[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
-[X] If still pissed at the end of the rant leave the room and go to Tsun and Blackie. Maybe Blackie can soothe your anger.

If we have to leave Beacon because of Yang and Ruby we still get to keep our cat right? We're the one that found her and took care of her, so she should go with us at the end of the divorce.

Even if we have to leave Beacon I don't think bringing one lousy huntress back from the dead is world ending. Worst case scenario that doesn't end in Louise killing Luke Yang, Ozie hears the commotion and finds out that Cynric is involved in bringing people back from the dead. We can probably keep the fact that we still have magic from him with "My three pupils are learning about their specialties. Louise is a battle-mage and Kiba here happens to specialize in bringing things back from the dead. Louise is very proud of me and likes to (rightfully) attribute all of their accomplishments as mine." That's if we even care if Ozpin finds out. Whats the worst that'll happen if we get outed as still having magic?
If we have to leave Beacon because of Yang and Ruby we still get to keep our cat right?
It's certainly possible. She has closer ties to your people than she does to anyone else at Beacon.
Whats the worst that'll happen if we get outed as still having magic?
Best case scenario is that he simply questions the 'noble sacrifice' of your magic and learns that you aren't as limited as he is. Worst case? Overall you wind up an enemy to the state(s) and Ozpin in particular, the man being somebody willing and capable of pursuing you to the ends of the world if he deems you a threat... Further if he happens to witness your exit from RWBY-verse or reaches the place that you left from. You'd have to majorly screw up to make that happen, but I have faith in you guys.
So how much of a mess do we need to make to get him busy and off our back? I don't think a single Dremora Lord would cut it anymore. :V
So how much of a mess do we need to make to get him busy and off our back? I don't think a single Dremora Lord would cut it anymore. :V
Not gonna lie, if you loose a Dremora on Remnant like you did in Albion, I'm giving it to Salem.

Also, check the beginning of Louise's PoV. Your Lizalfos hasn't been sleeping peacefully.
[X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
-[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
-[X] If still pissed at the end of the rant leave the room and go to Tsun and Blackie. Maybe Blackie can soothe your anger.

Happy Halloween!
Adhoc vote count started by Madou Sutegobana on Oct 31, 2018 at 7:50 PM, finished with 74 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
    -[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
    -[X] Defenestrate her if still pissed at end.
    [X] Choke her with Telekinesis.
    -[X] Shave her hair.
    [X] Choke her with Telekinesis.
    [X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
    -[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
    -[X] If still pissed at the end of the rant leave the room and go to Tsun and Blackie. Maybe Blackie can soothe your anger.
    [X] Explain that Master Cynric brought her spirit back with magic like Ozpin's... only better, because it's Master Cynric.
    [X] Explain that Master Cynric saved her. Somehow. It's fucking magic, accept your miracle. Not everyone gets to have a happy reunion with their mother.
    -[X] If you have to be paranoid about it, I mean if she knows everything she should know that's proof enough right?
    --[X] Who's gonna fake her being back alive anyway, are ghostly fake dead relatives a common thing here or something?
    [X] She thinks she knows betrayal. Go on a full out rant, elaborating what YOUR mother did, down to outright trying to kill you and nearly succeeding. Summer there was dead, which is a pretty big obstacle to most people, and a pretty good excuse. But she actually cared enough to know what her daughters liked for their food. Karin had solely her reputation and standards in mind, you doubt she even knew of a favorite food.
    -[X] Telekinetically lift Yang and keep Flame Cloak going as you rant. No choking. Choking would keep her from listening.
    [X] Leave the room and go to Tsun and Blackie. Maybe Blackie can soothe your anger.
I think teams share a room, as evidenced by bunk beds in canon, and our team was just chilling before Cynric called. Then Louise brought Summer back. Pyrhha should be around too, if she didn't go off to kill Jaune. Love the new color scheme.
The news girl? I thought they were talking about Torchwick's goons or something.
Yep, the news girl. Torchwick isn't in the habit of disappearing people like that... and by 'like that' I mean in a way that would attract attention with their absence. He is a professional, after all.
The very first episode we see him robbing a Dust store with a customer - who happens to be a Hunters Academy applicant - still inside, then he gets his ass handed to him, and then his mug is all over the news.
Excuse me while I doubt his competency. I honestly thought it was referring to another of his... misadventures, rather than just a missing person report.
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The very first episode we see him robbing a Dust store with a customer - who happens to be a Hunters Academy applicant - still inside, then he gets his ass handed to him, and then his mug is all over the news.
Excuse me while I doubt his competency. I honestly thought it was referring to another of his... misadventures, rather than just a missing person report.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! To be fair, Glynda was the real threat in that scene and the mugshot is obviously from an earlier incident where he got away in the end. That little girl in the hood was just lucky he was in a hurry to catch his flight. He's a notorious thief/conman/debonair of class and character, not some back alley brawler and certainly not a trained Hunstman, though Team RWBY learned firsthand that that doesn't mean he can't handle himself.

I will admit that the news bit could have been clearer, but I also didn't want that to become the focus of attention at the time. You guys have a hard enough time not running off to destroy the world without derailing everything to go investigate a mysterious news report. Case in point: Louise is literally on fire. :p
Whoa, whoa, whoa! To be fair, Glynda was the real threat in that scene and the mugshot is obviously from an earlier incident where he got away in the end. That little girl in the hood was just lucky he was in a hurry to catch his flight. He's a notorious thief/conman/debonair of class and character, not some back alley brawler and certainly not a trained Hunstman, though Team RWBY learned firsthand that that doesn't mean he can't handle himself.

I will admit that the news bit could have been clearer, but I also didn't want that to become the focus of attention at the time. You guys have a hard enough time not running off to destroy the world without derailing everything to go investigate a mysterious news report. Case in point: Louise is literally on fire. :p
To be fair, Louise set herself on fire with no prompting from us. It wasn't in the plan, she apparently just felt like it.

But then, she wouldn't really be Louise if she did something that didn't end in fire and failure, now would she?:p
To be fair, Louise set herself on fire with no prompting from us. It wasn't in the plan, she apparently just felt like it.

But then, she wouldn't really be Louise if she did something that didn't end in fire and failure, now would she?:p
To be fair, you guys wanted to tell them that Summer came back via magic. Something that 'everyone' knows isn't real. What was she supposed to do to prove the naysayers wrong in a way that couldn't be Dust or Semblance, not set herself on fire? Like a protesting monk, she decided the best course of action was a grandiose display of her learnings. Ergo, she covered herself in the elements, turned invisible, and flipped the table(or the beds, desk, and bookshelf since they don't have a table.) with her mind.
What was she supposed to do to prove the naysayers wrong in a way that couldn't be Dust or Semblance, not set herself on fire?

Set Yang on fire, obviously. Not only would she have saved us a turn and a vote, and proven magic real, she also would have traumatized not one, not two, but three members of the Rose-Xiaolong family. She would have been three times as efficient, but hey, it's why she's an apprentice and Cynric is her master.
She would have been three times as efficient, but hey, it's why she's an apprentice and Cynric is her master.

You're right. We need to teach Louise to be more. No longer will we accept accidental maiming, terrorizing, and chaos. No, she needs to step up her game and emulate her master. That means intentional maiming, terrorizing, and chaos.

She'll surpass her old failure of blowing up the moon. Next time we'll have her destroy the Sun. It's clearly the only way to escalate, and everyone knows that if you aren't constantly escalating you aren't improving.

Aaand now I really want her to do that. Just look at the sun hanging there in the sky all illuminating and round. It's practically begging us to destroy it by being such a large and inviting target!
You're right. We need to teach Louise to be more. No longer will we accept accidental maiming, terrorizing, and chaos. No, she needs to step up her game and emulate her master. That means intentional maiming, terrorizing, and chaos.

She'll surpass her old failure of blowing up the moon. Next time we'll have her destroy the Sun. It's clearly the only way to escalate, and everyone knows that if you aren't constantly escalating you aren't improving.

Aaand now I really want her to do that. Just look at the sun hanging there in the sky all illuminating and round. It's practically begging us to destroy it by being such a large and inviting target!

Clearly Louise needs a tutor. We're just insufficient for the task. I say we summon Taylor and force her to teach the ways of escalation. Unless Taylor died with the remnants of x-com, in which case, we hand Louise a vial of werewolf blood and leave her in a tavern. If she doesn't sacrifice the world to our patron deity over a petty slight, she's not fit to apprentice for us.
We hand Louise a vial of werewolf blood and leave her in a tavern. If she doesn't sacrifice the world to our patron deity over a petty slight, she's not fit to apprentice for us.

Louise doesn't do the subtle revenge that Cynric does. If she got slighted in a tavern she'd just burn it down around the slight-ee's head. If we're looking to teach her a lesson in petty and inconsequential revenge then maybe we can do something about that Taiyang fellow? He probably deserves a bit of divine retribution and who better to deliver it then us? We can go with her and show her that collateral damage is not only expected... it's encouraged.