Having A Blast
Not an eldritch abomination
- Location
- The Server Farm
At least he's been quiet since I Yang'ked it out. Gods, poor taste or not, I'm using that one if we make it through this.
As Jaune grunted at being jostled and bled down her back from a mangled arm, Yang was more than a little upset. She'd been hoping to run into Vicky's cute... friend? Sibling? Hopefully not her boyfriend, it'd be a shame to find out a stud like that was off the market already. Anyway, not only was she stuck with her little sister's friend as a partner instead and almost guaranteed to have Ruby giving her jealous looks for the next month, but the guy'd been sabotaged by Pyyrha Nikos of all people screwing up his landing strategy!
She'd heard that prickly little princess ask about attacking other candidates, but had been launched before the rest of them received an answer. Which apparently the Headmaster had given them the go-ahead, since Nikos didn't waste a second before attacking when they were all launched right after her. The fact that a world famous tournament champion considered him enough of a threat to eliminate him so early would normally be a sign that she'd lucked out in terms of partners. Or it would be if she hadn't knocked out his Aura with the hit and pinned him to a tree by a bicep. Honestly, it was a miracle he'd even survived in the first place... not that it helped their chances of passing.
How am I supposed to get through Grimm infested territory, find the temple, grab a relic, and scale a cliff all while literally carrying my teammate?! I might be strong, but that's insane!
Stopping when the coast was clear, she set him down as gently as possible and tried to do some first aid. Yang didn't know much more than household remedies for fixing Ruby's scrapes and bruises when they were younger, so tying a couple strips of Jaune's hoodie around his upper arm was about the best she could do. The fabric turned sticky with blood way too fast.
Grimacing, but trying to hide it with a smile, the blonde brawler gave him a mock punch in his good arm and joked, "Damn Jaune, you sure know how to pick 'em, eh?"
"Never listening to Dad's advice again." Was roughly what she thought he said... it was hard to tell with how out of it he seemed.
"Well whatever, up you go." She said, lifting him back up with one arm just in time for a beowulf to enter the clearing. Not giving it a chance to call for backup, Ember Cecilia blasted it in the throat and took off running. "We're gonna get you out of here and everything'll be A-Okay, just you-"
A sudden explosion from the side knocked her off her feet and she barely had the presence of mind to tuck Juane into her lap and curl up before her back hit a tree with a crunch. Dropping from the deformed oak, she shifted her passenger to one arm and readied her free gauntlet at the dust cloud. When it cleared though, she dropped it in shock.
Three Ursa minor, or what was left of them, lay scattered around a clearing that hadn't been there moments before... along with the two people she least expected to see. "Great, it was just the trollop."
"What did you just call me?" Yang asked, feeling pretty sure she'd just been insulted somehow.
"Are you al-alright?" The confessed twelve year old bodyguard asked in genuine concern, guiding the pink haired girl closer. Rather than wait for an answer, the girl made an odd hand sign and the veins around her eyes bulged unnaturally before shrieking, "Louise, his arm! Quick, we have to do something before he bleeds to death!"
Giving Hinata an unimpressed glare at the command, Louise watched the blood-soaked and now extremely alarmed Yang set the boy down. While her young friend talked with the other girl about the boy's injuries, she inspected him cooly.
It was the same boy who'd proven himself rather inept at several points already. Unable to properly equip himself, not socially capable if that morning's experience in the locker room was an indication, not martially inclined to make up for it judging by how slim and undefined his now exposed arms appeared, unable to even phrase a simple question. The fact that she'd interrupted his question was irrelevant, since he should have been quicker and not stumbled over his words like an idiot. He didn't even have any ability with magicka as far as Louise could tell which, compared to the rest of those participating in the trial other than those she'd brought, made him unique... and not in a good way.
All in all, a completely useless person.
Status: Healthy.
Magicka: (11375/12000)
[] Leave them be and hurry on to the objective, it isn't as if anyone other than Hinata and Vicky know you can heal him and this is a competition. You can't waste time helping others.
[] It isn't as if he'd be the first or the youngest child you'd let die, but you can heal the oaf rather easily if it'll make Hinata happy. Rotting faces of children, blood running between shaking fingers, fires raging in the streets of Londinium.
[] Let Hinata do what she can and stay with the duo, but you're not wasting magicka on him. If nothing else, they can be a distraction for any enemies you encounter.
[] Write in.
As Jaune grunted at being jostled and bled down her back from a mangled arm, Yang was more than a little upset. She'd been hoping to run into Vicky's cute... friend? Sibling? Hopefully not her boyfriend, it'd be a shame to find out a stud like that was off the market already. Anyway, not only was she stuck with her little sister's friend as a partner instead and almost guaranteed to have Ruby giving her jealous looks for the next month, but the guy'd been sabotaged by Pyyrha Nikos of all people screwing up his landing strategy!
She'd heard that prickly little princess ask about attacking other candidates, but had been launched before the rest of them received an answer. Which apparently the Headmaster had given them the go-ahead, since Nikos didn't waste a second before attacking when they were all launched right after her. The fact that a world famous tournament champion considered him enough of a threat to eliminate him so early would normally be a sign that she'd lucked out in terms of partners. Or it would be if she hadn't knocked out his Aura with the hit and pinned him to a tree by a bicep. Honestly, it was a miracle he'd even survived in the first place... not that it helped their chances of passing.
How am I supposed to get through Grimm infested territory, find the temple, grab a relic, and scale a cliff all while literally carrying my teammate?! I might be strong, but that's insane!
Stopping when the coast was clear, she set him down as gently as possible and tried to do some first aid. Yang didn't know much more than household remedies for fixing Ruby's scrapes and bruises when they were younger, so tying a couple strips of Jaune's hoodie around his upper arm was about the best she could do. The fabric turned sticky with blood way too fast.
Grimacing, but trying to hide it with a smile, the blonde brawler gave him a mock punch in his good arm and joked, "Damn Jaune, you sure know how to pick 'em, eh?"
"Never listening to Dad's advice again." Was roughly what she thought he said... it was hard to tell with how out of it he seemed.
"Well whatever, up you go." She said, lifting him back up with one arm just in time for a beowulf to enter the clearing. Not giving it a chance to call for backup, Ember Cecilia blasted it in the throat and took off running. "We're gonna get you out of here and everything'll be A-Okay, just you-"
A sudden explosion from the side knocked her off her feet and she barely had the presence of mind to tuck Juane into her lap and curl up before her back hit a tree with a crunch. Dropping from the deformed oak, she shifted her passenger to one arm and readied her free gauntlet at the dust cloud. When it cleared though, she dropped it in shock.
Three Ursa minor, or what was left of them, lay scattered around a clearing that hadn't been there moments before... along with the two people she least expected to see. "Great, it was just the trollop."
"What did you just call me?" Yang asked, feeling pretty sure she'd just been insulted somehow.
"Are you al-alright?" The confessed twelve year old bodyguard asked in genuine concern, guiding the pink haired girl closer. Rather than wait for an answer, the girl made an odd hand sign and the veins around her eyes bulged unnaturally before shrieking, "Louise, his arm! Quick, we have to do something before he bleeds to death!"
Giving Hinata an unimpressed glare at the command, Louise watched the blood-soaked and now extremely alarmed Yang set the boy down. While her young friend talked with the other girl about the boy's injuries, she inspected him cooly.
It was the same boy who'd proven himself rather inept at several points already. Unable to properly equip himself, not socially capable if that morning's experience in the locker room was an indication, not martially inclined to make up for it judging by how slim and undefined his now exposed arms appeared, unable to even phrase a simple question. The fact that she'd interrupted his question was irrelevant, since he should have been quicker and not stumbled over his words like an idiot. He didn't even have any ability with magicka as far as Louise could tell which, compared to the rest of those participating in the trial other than those she'd brought, made him unique... and not in a good way.
All in all, a completely useless person.
Status: Healthy.
Magicka: (11375/12000)
[] Leave them be and hurry on to the objective, it isn't as if anyone other than Hinata and Vicky know you can heal him and this is a competition. You can't waste time helping others.
[] It isn't as if he'd be the first or the youngest child you'd let die, but you can heal the oaf rather easily if it'll make Hinata happy. Rotting faces of children, blood running between shaking fingers, fires raging in the streets of Londinium.
[] Let Hinata do what she can and stay with the duo, but you're not wasting magicka on him. If nothing else, they can be a distraction for any enemies you encounter.
[] Write in.
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