Legs burning, heart pounding, sweat running down her face. Louise hated it all.
Putting this much effort into fleeing was stupid and wasteful. With no idea how much further away Hinata was, she didn't know if she had the stamina to hold out until she found the child. Despite the rigorous training they'd gone through the past few days, endurance just couldn't be built up that quickly. If only Master Cynric had taught her a spell to turn magicka to stamina.
He hadn't though, so there was no sense dwelling on it.
Caught between potential death because she was too exhausted to protect herself and risking the chance that another student would stumble upon her and make eye contact while she was preoccupied with the fight, she chose the latter.
Grabbing her sword, the pinkette dug one heel into the dirt mid-stride and launched herself up into a nearby tree trunk. Counting seven of the werewolf Grimm behind her and another two bursting from the brush on the sides, she drew her sword as she pushed off toward the closest creature. Using the entire weapon this time rather than just the wand-sword core meant that the massive blade easily sheered the beowolf vertically in half without much effort.
Though the blade was always heavy, its compact form was much easier to carry on her lower back than the expanded form was to swing. Weight, leverage, wind resistance, and balance all added up to make the expanded form almost impossible to use normally, but her glowing runes and Fortify Strength more than covered for such trivial inconveniences.
Digging the blade's tip into the dirt, she planted a foot on each side of the handle and pulled her sword wand free before stabbing it through the air at the more distant creatures. Two blasts of Lightning Bolt removed the heads from a pair of Grimm while the rest closed the distance and she pushed the weapon back together. Rolling backward off her perch with a grip on the handle caused the Ultra-greatsword to rip free and bisect another beowolf.
Landing in a crouch with the blade behind her, she dodged to the side to avoid a swipe and answered with a horizontal slash that cut her assailant in half at the hip as well as releasing a swath of Flames along its arc that set their surroundings ablaze. The fire eating at their bodies kept them distracted for a few precious moments that allowed her to breath deeply and rest a bit.
It wasn't to last and soon enough, the stupid creatures remembered her presence.
Louise put the weapon back in place and turned to continue running as the remaining four Grimm charged onward, heedless of their burning hides. As she ran and dodged as necessary at a more sedate pace, she noted that the beasts oddly didn't leave any blood on her blade. In fact, their wounds appeared to be entirely clean, with only a faint red glow to signify that their insides were any different from the outside. Whatever the cause, these beowolves weren't nearly as dangerous as a werebear since they at least seemed to die when enough of the glowing flesh was exposed... though that made her wonder about how they worked.
If she poked enough small holes in them, would the light pour out until they died or did it need a big wound? Did they have organs inside them despite not having bones?
Questions for later. She supposed, entering a clearing that Clairvoyance had guided her toward only to see Hinata.
The girl wasn't alone though, as the brown haired boy's whining made evident. "Come on, stop being difficult and just look at me!"
"I'm sorry, but I cannot." Hinata said, casually brushing aside the boy's attempt to lift her headband. "Louise, behind you!"
Closing her own eyes, Louise drew her sword and blasted the ground in front of the boy with a weak explosion. With him unable to see, the two of them made eye contact and Louise sprinted over to the younger girl just in time to avoid the charred arm of her pursuer. The pinkette felt arms wrap around her and a tugging sensation as Hinata carried her up a tree.
Back on the ground, the smoke began to clear and the coughing boy drew his own weapon as he caught sight of the heavily injured Grimm. Their skin was cracked and furless with crimson light shinning through... not that the intimidating look did them any good when the boy's sword swung out like a whip to wrap around a torso, the blade parting into serrated segments that sawed the monster in half with a tug.
Satisfied that the boy could handle himself, Hinata carried them off by hopping between distant branches. A distant girl's scream drew their attention and the pale eyed girl looked to Louise for direction.
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (11475/12000)
[] Ignore the scream and head to the ruins to grab a relic.
[] Ignore the scream and go back toward the cliff to find Victoria.
[] Go find the girl that screamed.
[] Write in.
A/N: Good choice! If you had chose to keep running, Louise would have tripped in her exhaustion and gotten mauled, losing 50% of her magicka to maintain her aura before Hinata arrived to save her.