Wow, this was a big update. The Undersiders sure aren't doing well here are they? In canon when they were fighting it was because of Taylor's attempted then aborted treachery being revealed, but here even without knowing (save tattletale) the group is tearing into each other. Hmm, gratitude might be useful for using the heroes, but regardless of any moments of nobility the Undersiders have had, they're all pretty selfish. I think demands will work better here. Even if they're still under Coil's thumb there are plenty of ways they can help us (plenty of them that Coil wouldn't be opposed to/would advance Coil's own plans as well). Only thing I'm wondering is what exactly we would need from them. I know we want parahumans to study, but what else are we looking for in this world?
[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.

Professionals first
He had learned not five hours earlier that I'd been arrested and locked up in that same building, so I was just glad he didn't make a scene demanding my release. That would have been bad and probably drawn the wrong kind of attention.
Wait, Taylor's been arrested? When did that happen?
I mean, PRT held her in custody since she was with Louise, but that wasn't an arrest, was it?
Armsmaster at least pretended to care when his fellow heroes got hurt, asshole though he might be. It certainly didn't make my opinion of the potential murderer any better. I tried not to hold his possible past crimes against him. Just because he seemed the more likely candidate didn't mean it was true. After all, I only had Armsmaster's untrustworthy word that one of them other than Rachel was a killer and it could have been Lisa or Brian or none of them just as easily as Alec.
What is being referenced there? What murder?
And what is Taylor talking about, 'bringing down the boss'?
From more test subjects, to distracting enemy factions, to assimilating the group into X-com, to more test subjects, or any number of favor.
I see Cynric is especially partial about test subjects, heh.

So wait a second. If taking people off-world disconnects them from their Shard, whatever that is, then... doesn't it mean we have an unlimited licence to kill and capture any parahuman in the Worm-verse, simply by having Cynric summon them to the X-Com world? And since he knows their exact dimension, he'll pull the originals from exactly that world (like he did with Hinata), not some alt-versions.

He should realize it the moment Vahlen gets back to him with the results of her investigation in Vista's and CB's sudden ailments, if he didn't already.

...what is the source of the Endbringers' powers, again?
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Wait, Taylor's been arrested? When did that happen?
I mean, PRT held her in custody since she was with Louise, but that wasn't an arrest, was it?
When you guys had Louise horribly maim Tattletale at the bank, leading to many of the current problems of the Undersiders, but also solidifying Taylor's decision to stay with them.
What is being referenced there? What murder?
And what is Taylor talking about, 'bringing down the boss'?
So, in canon the night before the bank robbery, Taylor went and told Armsmaster about the Undersiders' plan. He asked for all the info she had, she said she can't say anything or Tattletale will tell the boss and ruin their chances of catching him, he told her she was being an idiot and wasn't trained for undercover work, she told him he was being a dick, he said there were two murderers in the gang, she only knew about Rachel's trigger event that killed someone. Basically, she doesn't know whether or not he was telling the truth since he's a dick in her opinion and if he is, who is the other murderer.

She no longer wants to turn on the Undersiders, but the boss is still fair game for her heroic self.

...what is the source of the Endbringers' powers, again?
The same as all the parahumans' sources of powers.
Wow, this was a big update. The Undersiders sure aren't doing well here are they? In canon when they were fighting it was because of Taylor's attempted then aborted treachery being revealed, but here even without knowing (save tattletale) the group is tearing into each other. Hmm, gratitude might be useful for using the heroes, but regardless of any moments of nobility the Undersiders have had, they're all pretty selfish. I think demands will work better here. Even if they're still under Coil's thumb there are plenty of ways they can help us (plenty of them that Coil wouldn't be opposed to/would advance Coil's own plans as well). Only thing I'm wondering is what exactly we would need from them. I know we want parahumans to study, but what else are we looking for in this world?

The list:

Shen's requests: Titanium, lithium, platinum, enriched uranium, cobalt, various 'rare earth elements', alloy samples, Helium, three or more Atmospheric condensers, mining equipment, waterproof sealant, petroleum, and as Espinoza put it "an entire hardware store'.

Vahlen's requests: Genetic samples of every animal you can find, three parahuman cadavers, three baseline human cadavers, three live parahumans, three live baseline humans, soil samples, and documentation of parahuman powers. She also has been speaking with Victoria and asks that you expose yourself to various forms of 'master' powers to test her implant against them. Do not.


[X] Send Hinata to bring the Undersiders to you-
-[X] Demands/Negotiation write in.​
-[X] Demand the Undersiders use their skills in thievery to deliver the contents of a recycling plant, a party store, a pet store and/or farm, a gardening store and/or landscaper, an atmospheric condenser store, a gas station, the local morgue, and an entire hardware store.
-[X] Offer to throw in healing for Mumbles and other fun and exciting services if the Undersiders try to negotiate for concessions.
-[X] Also demand Alec trip Louise a number of times under laboratory conditions.​

[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.

So wait a second. If taking people off-world disconnects them from their Shard, whatever that is, then... doesn't it mean we have an unlimited licence to kill and capture any parahuman in the Worm-verse, simply by having Cynric summon them to the X-Com world? And since he knows their exact dimension, he'll pull the originals from exactly that world (like he did with Hinata), not some alt-versions.

I was thinking along the same lines, it'd make collecting bounties super easy. There're some exceptions, like Bonesaw is a walking plague bomb even if her powers are shut off, so it'd be best to summon her into a universe we don't care about (which as far as Cynric is concerned is probably any universe he's currently standing in), and the Siberian is actually a projection, so Cynric might not twig to the idea that he'd need to summon Willy Manton in order to eliminate her, but we'd probably be able to bag the rest of the Slaughterhouse Nine, easy peasy.
So in theory, we could capture our personal Endbringer.

Of course, like all too-clever-by-half plans it will probably backfire horribly, but that seems to be the common theme.

but we'd probably be able to bag the rest of the Slaughterhouse Nine, easy peasy.
So maybe we should order building an alien containment chamber for that kind of business.
Somewhere underground. Maybe a Vault? Would make for some beautiful killing grounds.
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So in theory, we could capture our personal Endbringer.

Of course, like all too-clever-by-half plans it will probably backfire horribly, but that seems to be the common theme.

Depends on the mana cost to summon one; even as a powerless lump, an Endbringer can't be cheap.
Louise and a lot of brahmin milk have us covered. :whistle:

What does Cynric currently have Marked?
I would assume that with an active Gate, a Mark works when cast from another world, too?
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[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.

Can't help but notice that he mentioned test subjects twice.
Louise and a lot of brahmin milk have us covered. :whistle:

What does Cynric currently have Marked?
I would assume that with an active Gate, a Mark works when cast from another world, too?
It's been so long, I don't remember. Unless I go back and look it up to put in an upcoming chapter, lets assume he Marked the gate on the Fallout side while the POV was focused on Louise. (Which, come to think of it,might actually be what was last marked.)

Recall, binding, and other conjuration based magics work across realms only so long as a gate is connecting them.
Can't help but notice that he mentioned test subjects twice.
That is the joke, yes.
[X] Send Hinata to bring the Undersiders to you-
-[X] Demands/Negotiation write in.
-[X] Demand the Undersiders use their skills in thievery to deliver the contents of a recycling plant, a party store, a pet store and/or farm, a gardening store and/or landscaper, an atmospheric condenser store, a gas station, the local morgue, and an entire hardware store.
-[X] Offer to throw in healing for Mumbles and other fun and exciting services if the Undersiders try to negotiate for concessions.
-[X] Also demand Alec trip Louise a number of times under laboratory conditions.

[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.

I was thinking along the same lines, it'd make collecting bounties super easy. There're some exceptions, like Bonesaw is a walking plague bomb even if her powers are shut off, so it'd be best to summon her into a universe we don't care about (which as far as Cynric is concerned is probably any universe he's currently standing in), and the Siberian is actually a projection, so Cynric might not twig to the idea that he'd need to summon Willy Manton in order to eliminate her, but we'd probably be able to bag the rest of the Slaughterhouse Nine, easy peasy.

So in theory, we could capture our personal Endbringer.

Of course, like all too-clever-by-half plans it will probably backfire horribly, but that seems to be the common theme.

I'm not so sure on these. All of the S9 have been enhanced by Bonesaw so they won't necessarily be easy to take down even without their powers, the manton/siberian issue is still a problem, Manequin would still have his tinkertech and probably be able to operate his body pretty well till tinker tech maintenance kicked in after a long time, and Crawler might not adapt without his powers but the changes already made to his body would probably stay in place. The endbringers might not be able to be summoned to another world at all, their dimensionally layered nature makes them immune to teleportation in worm. If it did work, well since they aren't parahumans, summoning them to another world might just leave them in another world with all of their powers, which would really suck for us as they would kill us instantly.

In general, I'm not a huge fan of the 'let's hunt an S-rank down plan'. Too much danger even with the summon plan, and there is a limit to the usefulness of the money we get in Worm. Fair safer plan is to do that to some of the A-rankers who will be less dangerous in general, and then use the money we earn to buy anything else we need. After that I think it's time to move on from Worm. It's been fun, and I've really enjoyed reading about it and all the shenanigans that went on, but there is a limit to the usefulness of what we can get from it. Shard based powers only work in those worlds, and aside from tinker tech (which needs maintenance) the world doesn't have any great technologies to take (and even with tinker tech there is generally a lot of better stuff in other worlds).
[X] Send Hinata to bring the Undersiders to you-
-[X] Demands/Negotiation write in.
-[X] Demand the Undersiders use their skills in thievery to deliver the contents of a recycling plant, a party store, a pet store and/or farm, a gardening store and/or landscaper, an atmospheric condenser store, a gas station, the local morgue, and an entire hardware store.
-[X] Offer to throw in healing for Mumbles and other fun and exciting services if the Undersiders try to negotiate for concessions.
-[X] Also demand Alec trip Louise a number of times under laboratory conditions.

[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.
[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.
We sure about this plan, guys? Okay. This will be... Huh. Pretty profitable and ez street if they agree.

[X] Send Hinata to bring the Undersiders to you-
-[X] Demands/Negotiation write in.
-[X] Demand the Undersiders use their skills in thievery to deliver the contents of a recycling plant, a party store, a pet store and/or farm, a gardening store and/or landscaper, an atmospheric condenser store, a gas station, the local morgue, and an entire hardware store.
-[X] Offer to throw in healing for Mumbles and other fun and exciting services if the Undersiders try to negotiate for concessions.
-[X] Also demand Alec trip Louise a number of times under laboratory conditions.

[X] Speak with Faultline's crew, they've been waiting a while since delivering the promised research to the outpost.
Negotiating With Children
Waiting by the Oblivion gate under the watchful eyes of X-com's elite, you wait patiently for Hinata to retrieve your guests. Though patiently may not be the best way to describe it, considering the fact that it only takes a minute or two to bring them through, but that is mostly irrelevant.

The real show of generosity is when you allow them to marvel at the change in scenery. With the plastered together wall dried and several crude automated weapons donated by the minutemen, the defenses are a bit more impressive than when you'd brought the other children to the base. It's a shame that most of this is lost on the panicking Undersiders.

Having been accompanied by Victoria, who is carrying a frustrated blonde, they all pause a moment after appearing as the one you assume to be Taylor shrieks and begins to brush herself off. You heave a sigh as the group devolves into chaos, Victoria setting down her now confused burden to swap her out for Taylor and letting her lower head use it's needle-like teeth to groom the girl. You can only assume that the strange child had been carrying insects on her person when her power stopped working and now lost control of them.

Waiting for the insanity to die down, you stroll up to the group and raise a hand in greeting. "Salutations Undersiders, I am Cynric Tyne. If Taylor is done being problematic, we can begin."

"How do you know her name?" The one in black demands uneasily. "What did you do to our powers? Where's Bitch?"

"In order then. Her description matches the one given to me by my apprentice when explaining her adventures in your city. An unknown reaction with the portal causes parahuman abilities to cease functioning, it was not intentional and I can assure you our scientists are working to discover the cause. As for your comrade, she is currently unconscious in our medical lab." You explain neutrally.

The blonde speaks up then and you try not to smirk as you easily notice the dull eyes and scarred face Louise caused. "So you're healing her, right? I assume you're not doing this out of the goodness of your hearts."

"Tats..." The boy in green nervously warns, looking around at all the weapons pointed in their direction. While the first to grasp their situation, you can't help but disagree with your apprentice's theory of him being the leader. He just doesn't have that air of authority.

"What?" The blonde, Tattletale, argues, "You don't really think the group that made that crazy brat is just going to help us for no reason, do you? We're stranded here with Glory Hole the fucking volcanic spider, no powers, and-"

Clapping a hand over her mouth, the one in black growls, "And surrounded by hundreds of guns while you insult their friends!"

"I liked you better when you couldn't talk, Mumbles." Victoria comments with a frown.

Awkwardly chuckling, Taylor nods. "Yeah, sorry about her, she's uh... well, we're all a bit on edge."

"Yes, yes, a very diplomatic response." You congratulate the child. "Unfortunately, your friend is correct in assuming our motives are not entirely altruistic. No doubt she would be more careful with her words if she could see more than an indistinct blur, but that does not change the truth in her words."

"Excuse me?"

Ignoring Victoria's feigned affronted expression, you explain, "Your injured team member has wounds that would never heal on their own, leaving her crippled for life even if she had somehow survived without my intervention. From what I gather, Panacea would require weeks to months to regrow new limbs and even then they would be a poor match due to lacking a template and fresh nerves. While I could spend days using all of my energy to heal her or have Louise do so in minutes, we require compensation."

"Okay, so what do you want?"

Not wanting to keep thinking of them by their coloration, you ask, "My apologies, but can I get your names first?"

"I'm Grue, he's Alec."

"Well then, Grue... There are many resources we need for our people to prosper and we intend to gather them from your world in bulk purchases, but that will take a while. In the mean time, one of my associates has created a list of locations that would contain many of our needed materials." You say, pulling out the list Shen gave you upon returning. Apparently he'd had the sudden epiphany that you and Louise didn't exactly know where to obtain much of what was on the old list.

Reading over the list, Grue muttered a few things to himself before Taylor decided to peek over his shoulder and ask, "Is this just a bunch of random stores? What are we even supposed to take from them?"

"Everything." You answer simply, making her cross her arms in annoyance. "You would be surprised to learn how much effort is required to make a group self sufficient."

"Why do you need us to rob a morgue?" She asked, unimpressed with your answer.

Shrugging, you reply, "To ensure the health and safety of our people. Inter-world trade can bring about many unexpected dangers and we feel it is better to study how others have died than experience it firsthand."

Of course, the real reason is for Vahlen's study of parahuman powers and then conversion into undead if possible, but your response mollifies her a bit, lie that it is.

"That's great and all, but what do we get out of this?" Alec asks, having apparently regained his confidence now that he feels needed.

"Other than the return your friend's legs?"

"Yeah, are we getting paid or what?"

Snorting at the kids audacity, you shake your head. "I think you fail to grasp your situation. The whole reason for your presence is because we are seeking an alternative to purchasing everything we need. Nevertheless, I am prepared to offer services to in exchange for your efforts. Tattletale would be pleased to have her wounds healed, no doubt."

"We'll do it!" The blonde declares immediately.

"Speak for yourself." Alec protests, ignoring Taylor and Grue's disapproving looks. "Why should I care if you fix her eyes? If I'm gonna risk my neck for you, I want something with substance."

"Would you be satisfied with shoes that grant the ability to fly?" You offer mildly, not too concerned with giving out such a simple enchantment.

"That would be pretty cool, but BB's got Dauntless, Glory Girl, and Purity to shoot me down. How about a forcefield or invisibility belt or something, can you make that?"

"I suppose I could, but I would request another favor in return for those." You shrug, holding up a hand when he tries to argue. "Nothing too serious, simply the use of your power on my apprentice in a controlled environment."

Giving you a skeptical look, the boy nods. "Sure... but only if I get them both."

"Well then, we are in agreement. I expect those materials within two days time." You tell them, walking toward the portal as you call out over your shoulder, "Victoria, please lead our guests to the medical labs while I fetch Louise."

"Don't look at me like that, you dweebs should have asked for loot too."

Passing through the Oblivion Gate, you let out a laugh at the naive boy's poor negotiating. Even with a Shield enchantment and invisibility, it would be no real difficulty to simply find the boy with Detect Life and then burn him alive. If he wanted more than protection from force, he should have worded his request differently. As it is, he managed to anger his entire team for a negligible advantage while you lose nothing and can expect the two females in the group to ensure the mission is completed.

After all, Tattletale will be desperate to succeed and Louise assures you that Taylor is in denial of her villainous nature, meaning she will try to help others out of some misguided sense of righteousness.

"Yo, glad you decided to show up, we've been waiting forever!" You hear a young man say as you enter one of the newly completed warehouses in the outpost. The speaker is a strange creature with skin is orange, hair a dark red, and a tail as long as the rest of his body. The eunuch, if Louise is to be believed. "I don't mind being like this, but saying you'll help and then leaving us for hours is what I'd call a dick move, pal."

"My apologies, I was delayed by urgent business."

Faultline and the orange one are seated on folding metal chairs while Gregor is leaning his bulky form against the wall. Faultline herself nods in understanding and stands to offer her hand. "Don't mind him, we needed time to unload the jeep anyway."

"I take it you managed to bring the documents I asked for?" You reply after gingerly touching your lips to her gloved hand. Both of you disregard the odd grin on the orange one's face as she gestures to a stack of boxes that are being pored over by several scientists.

"Everything we could print or check out from Brockton University on short notice. Sorted from front to back by date of publication."

The eunuch leans over to hiss, "I hate busy work."

"It is good for one to stay occupied." Gregor chides quietly.

With enough boxes to equal days of dedicated reading by many in the research division, it would seem Faultline has exceeded your expectations. "Splendid, those will be useful in our efforts to cure your subordinates."

"Yes... Look, I know you're probably confident, but I'm not so sure. We've been studying powers for years now and nobody has come close to a permanent solution." Faultline tells you earnestly. "I don't like getting their hopes up like this."

"I understand, but we already have a method that will work." You reply with a smug smile. Stunned silence meets your statement and your smile widens. "For whatever reason, the portal we used to get to this world will negate their powers. If they simply immigrate to the other side and allow Louise or myself to heal their changes, they would be cured. The problem is that we would need to heal them quickly to prevent their altered bodies from killing them and returning to this world would likely undo it all."

"So it might kill us and we'd be stuck there?" The orange one say in disbelief.

"So you see the dilemma. Do not worry, with more understanding of how your abilities work, I am certain we can create a more viable solution. To that end, would the two of you be willing to stay at this outpost and allow our scientist to study your conditions?"

With the both of them agreeing, the armored woman leaves her associates in your care and you leave them to the science team.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (435/650)

The next day:

[] Teach Louise more magic:
-[] Ward and Transmute
-[] Clairvoyance and Recall
-[] Write in.​

[] Seek out Cattleya.
-[] Bring Louise along.
-[] Go alone.​

[] Find Trobror and hunt more Empire parahumans.

[] Assist X-com and the Minutemen in anti-Brotherhood operations.

[] Write in.
A/N: I just want you guys to know how dangerous of a game you're playing by inviting Lisa, the host of a shard responsible for figuring out foreign concepts and general R&D, to interact with the Oblivion Gate.
A/N: I just want you guys to know how dangerous of a game you're playing by inviting Lisa, the host of a shard responsible for figuring out foreign concepts and general R&D, to interact with the Oblivion Gate.

Eh, that is true. Hopefully it'll still take her time to figure out how it works and we don't have to meet up at the gate to get the materials from her when they finish (and indeed they are likely to not want to go near the portal that would take their powers away anyways.

[X] Teach Louise more magic:
-[X] Ward and Transmute
"I understand, but we already have a method that will work." You reply with a smug smile. Stunned silence meets your statement and your smile widens. "For whatever reason, the portal we used to get to this world will negate their powers. If they simply immigrate to the other side and allow Louise or myself to heal their changes, they would be cured. The problem is that we would need to heal them quickly to prevent their altered bodies from killing them and returning to this world would likely undo it all."
Not sure what he is saying here. What happens if we heal them while they are in this world?

Why would their altered bodies kill them? Why would returning to this world do or undo anything?
[X] Teach Louise more magic:
-[X] Clairvoyance and Recall

She needs to learn these spells ASAP. Too useful and time-saving to not to when she goes around exploring and getting lost interdimensionally. Not to mention being able to help on finding others that could get lost.

Not sure what he is saying here. What happens if we heal them while they are in this world?

Why would their altered bodies kill them? Why would returning to this world do or undo anything?
Consider this; if they possess a body that is changed by their own powers, then more than likely that body is also dependent on their own powers to stay alive and healthy, or not even healthy since not all case 53s lives comfortably with those changes. Thus, if those with changed bodies that are reliant on powers to survive, lose those powers, then the unnatural body will no longer have the support to stay alive and functional. In the best case the body can still mostly work, the less lucky would feel pain and discomfort as if they suddenly grew tumors, and the worst would die, maybe even slowly and painfully. That is why as soon as they step into the portal they would need immediate treatment to live.

Before you might ask why the Victoria from the alternate worm-verse with the changed body does not have this problem even though she has been here for all this time, that is because her body was constructed by her world's Amy to be able to survive biologically to begin with, and not needing powers to retain shape and function to survive.
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A/N: I just want you guys to know how dangerous of a game you're playing by inviting Lisa, the host of a shard responsible for figuring out foreign concepts and general R&D, to interact with the Oblivion Gate.

Ya I came into last turn late and took one look at the currently winning plan and wrote multiple paragraphs about why it is a bad idea... Then I realized that I should just not vote for that turn because didn't want to curse out everyone....
Mostly on the once again sending out Hinata to tattletale (right after I got them to not send her to tattletale.......) then having a bunch of kids be given healing and jobs.... (talk about bloated sense of entitlement, they are small scale thieves that really don't matter in the long run with Cynric and Xcom in the mix, so not that important.... But people emphasize with them because of Taylor being the protagonist of worm......)

[X] Have Louise heal those in urgent need for healing

[X] Seek out Cattleya.
-[X] Bring Louise along.

This is what i was going to vote for, before I gave up on last turn......
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One of those lines at the end of The Underside Side almost implied that Rune was a member of the Undersiders. I know that wasn't what was written, but the idea of some sort of deception where the Undersiders attempted to retrieve Rune (and Rachel) from X-com made my brain fizzle for a bit. It would've been such a massive mess due to the Wards being on the other side of the portal! Too bad they haven't researched the sight of the battle Cynric ended. Anyway back to what actually happened in the second most recent chapter; it looks like Hinata is being reintegrated into X-com with minimal fuss. Who knows how things will end up long-term between Louise and Hinata... All I can say is that Trorbror's advice probably won't be shrugged off.
A/N: I just want you guys to know how dangerous of a game you're playing by inviting Lisa, the host of a shard responsible for figuring out foreign concepts and general R&D, to interact with the Oblivion Gate.

...did not think of that. Should probably fix Lisa's eyes on the Worm side of the gate, no need for her and her shard to see too much more than they have.

What happens if we heal them while they are in this world?

Panacea, a biokenetic that can shape flesh like taffy, has attempted to restore Case53's to normal human bodies, yet upon doing so, their bodies rapidly return to their altered forms. A Case53's powers force them into non-human bodies, so they'd have to be depowered for any changes to stick.

Some Case 53's have very extreme alterations to their bodies, like Weld, who is basically a dude made out of metal. Turn off his powers and it'd leave him a metal statue, possibly killing him outright. Newter isn't as extreme, but who knows how all the hallucinogenics he's sweating would interact with his body should he be depowered.

[X] Teach Louise more magic:
-[X] Clairvoyance and Recall
[X] Seek out Cattleya.
-[X] Bring Louise along.
simply find the boy with Detect Life and then burn him alive.

You are the bestest, Cynric.

[X] Teach Louise more magic:
-[X] Clairvoyance and Recall

We should kill every member of the Undersiders, cause we don't really want the 'authorities' to realize we hired 'em to go on a crime spree. It'll make things harder in the long run.
We should kill every member of the Undersiders, cause we don't really want the 'authorities' to realize we hired 'em to go on a crime spree. It'll make things harder in the long run.

The authorities probably aren't big on child murder either though.

Obviously, the solution is to kill the authorities.