Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Didnt we already kicked him the balls 3 times?

Angela 1 time...

And I'm pretty sure Carmen also did that again in the light with her whole distortion stick too.

Dadyin is dead.

He died as he live. Being kicked in the balls by the women he loves.
I would feel bad if not for the fact that he fucked up big time with his kids.

On one hand Angela was basically given the 1 million years in hell treatment.

On the other hand...X was mentally traumatized/mentally died...Carmen/Ayin knows how many time during the 10,000 years loops.

He literally turned Carmen into a brain in a jar against her will.

The guy meant well...but hes a massive idiot. We should take a page out of Angelica's book and give him a good beating next time we meet again.
Angela would've improved your ability to perceive time, since that was one of the main functions of her construction. Very useful for combat, also would've let you figure out Homura in about half a second. Going full Carmen would've given a big bonus to social and shifted the conflict more towards internal challenges. The Ayin bonus cannot be revealed at this time.

Actually, since you answered this, I am pretty sure we are going to encounter Angela sooner or later in this quest and I wanted to ask, what would've been her reaction if:

-We used Ayin's body?

-We used Carmen's body?

-We used HER body?
But it was according to her will he turned her into brain in a jar. On the 48th day, Abram says this, and at the beginning of the 5th meeting with Binah, A say it.
But Carmen Realization made it really fucking clear.

She didn't want to die.

And the wound she suffered would've been a piece of cake for Ayin to just cure given how advanced medical technology in the city is.

As for Nyarky.
It depends. Is this post LoR or post L Corp?

In the former.
Angry Face
Shocked Confusion

In the later
Shocked Confusion
Maybe Strangle Maybe Murder
-We used Ayin's body?

-We used Carmen's body?

-We used HER body?

ayin body.
Angela:...(normal reaction, mabey some questions about we coming back. but we were using ayins body since LC so nothing changes)
Angela: so you missed her so much that you becomes her...I expected you to be better then this, after all, you already did what she asked of you, don't you suppose to let go?
Her body.
*looking at you, disgusted*
But Carmen Realization made it really fucking clear.

She didn't want to die.

And the wound she suffered would've been a piece of cake for Ayin to just cure given how advanced medical technology in the city is.
By the time Ayin arrived, Carmen lay unconscious. Or he need heal her and ask "are you ready in your right mind and firm memory to sacrifice your body in the name of your project to save humanity, or is it better to conduct a bunch of experiments like the one with Enoch and risk the failures of the entire project."
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Or he need heal her and ask "are you ready in your right mind and firm memory to sacrifice your body in the name of your project to save humanity, or is it better to conduct a bunch of experiments like the one with Enoch and risk the failures of the entire project."
Yes. Otherwise its just "standard Wing work ethic" of squeezing the most value and success out of any opportunity, including the lives of anyone.

That's not an ausicious start of someone if they wish to cure the "disease of the mind".

There is also the somewhat questionable part of using a suicidal and maybe not suicidal but suicided person as a way to produce the stuff that is going to materialize the human mind.

If I didn't know how it ended up, I wouldn't have been surprised if it turned into a previous L corp level fucked up (Smoke War).
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I just thought about something. Instead of the normal times to meet with the library. What if X found themselves in the library in the middle of the fight between Kali and Gebura. And they brought Kyoko with them.
Yes. Otherwise its just "standard Wing work ethic" of squeezing the most value and success out of any opportunity, including the lives of anyone.

That's not an ausicious start of someone if they wish to cure the "disease of the mind".
Even though she had not just given her consent before, namely that she broke into his laboratory and began to insist that her body be sacrificed in the name of the project, without giving him a word?

First thing first, she didnt broke into Ayin labratory.

It was his office, and they works together alot so she just wanted a meeting with him. Its literally in the picture, she even asked "Can I come in?"

Second thing, she did gave him words. Its not her fault he was convinced by her points.

Had Ayin been more stubborn and just confessed that he didnt want to lose her, its likely that Carmen wouldnt have gone ahead with it at all and tried another way (She has a soft heart).

Also, this whole thing doesnt matter anyway. Because she still didnt want to die.

Also also. Abraham is a self hating idiot. All of the As words should be taken with a grain of salt.

They are all colored by extreme emotions. From Adam's wrath, Abraham's depression and Abel's Apathy.
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It was his office, and they works together alot so she just wanted a meeting with him.
"She walked into your lab", huh.
Had Ayin been more stubborn and just confessed his love and how he didnt want to lose her, its likely that Carmen wouldnt have gone ahead with it at all and tried another way (She has a soft heart).
If. If Elijah hadn't violated her part of the experiment protocol, she wouldn't have spilled Cogito on herself. If Ayin would have praised her, she wouldn't have needed to seek attention. If Enoch had survived the experiment, then Carmen would not have felt guilty. If Carmen had a less soft heart...
Also, this whole thing doesnt matter anyway. Because she still didnt want to die.
And how would he ask her about it?
Also also. Abraham is a self hating idiot. All of the As words should be taken with a grain of salt.

They are all colored by extreme emotions. From Adam's wrath, Abraham's depression and Abel's Apathy.
Does this mean that A's fault is less than he says, because this is what the reflection tells us, which blames itself for all this?
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Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Sep 26, 2022 at 5:17 PM, finished with 216 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Let the kids talk it out. But mention that Homura meant well. She just has the social skills of a hedgehog.
    [X] Encourage Sayaka
    [X] Write-In. "Yes, we did. Most of the time, it will be a thankless deed. You'd be lucky if you even have someone to know about it. However, it's all worth it I feel, to the point where, in the end, it doesn't matter if everyone hates you for it. Ms. Akemi probably has done deeds we have no idea about too. People she failed to save. It is a feeling I know well. You can't save everyone in this business kid. But you should strive to protect whatever you have left, rather than languish in guilt. More importantly. The people around you can help you accomplish great things. Today is an excellent lesson for you. Everyone here gathered together to defeat this great threat they wouldn't have been able to deal with on their own. It reminds me of my old crew. They were all great people, and although we faced many moments where they broke down to their own emotions, fear, and anger, eventually, together, we managed to break through our problems and accomplished our duty. Remember that we did all of this. Today wouldn't have been possible had we not been together. You healed people, Mami, Homura, me, and Madoka, we all gave our efforts together and supported each other through this. While it may not seems like it. Miss Akemi was attempting to give you advice, the correct advice, on the path you must take as a hero. She just doesn't know how to interact with people, maybe it's the fear of growing attached, maybe she has lost people in the past, her loved ones, her friends, maybe even a significant other. Maybe you are similar to someone she once knew even. After all, she did go out of her way for you didn't she?"
    [X] Write-In. Stress the importance of heroic deeds not being recognized, that the true reward is [The Expectation of the Meaning of Existence]. The power of cooperation, of [Those who are Faithful and Trustworthy]. And the necessity to control one wrath and focus on [The Courage to Protect]. And that, Homura isn't too different from ourselves as a veteran who had become jaded from the harsh reality.
    [X] Leave it to the kids to talk about these things
    [X] Write-In. Let the kids talk it out. But mention that Homura meant well. She just has the social skills of a hedgehog.

And there we have it.
Oh Well at least I contributed to this vote, ussually late to the draw
Hopefully this is the best answer for the scenario