Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I don't think he does this intentionally. He just doesn't understand the context of the questions enough to give useful answers. Maybe the Incubators naturally talk to each other in a really precise way that specifies everything, and it makes sense for Kyubey to respond to (what he sees as) a very broad question with an equally broad, useless answer.
Anyone who works with coding can probably attest to this given the amount of complaints about some minor details breaking multiple hours of work.

When you are a bunch "AI" like creature to the logical extreme, your lack of social and emotional awareness can be seen as manipulation.

Computers are the ultimate pedantics.

Though Kyubey is DEFINITELY manipulative.

In that they will avoid mentioning extra information beyond what is asked of them if it's to their benefits.

Even though they can't stop you if you pushed them either.
It's nice to have the team back together, especially just when Mami was feeling so lonely. I know Kyubey's not good, but maybe he's been defanged a bit since Mami knows the truth now?
I want to see more QB-Carmen interactions. Their interests don't exactly align, per say, but they fill a very similar narrative niche in their respective works.
Kyubey knows exactly what it does. Its conversation with Kyoko in e9:

Kyoko: Is there any way to get her Soul Gem back?
Kyubey: Not that I know of.
Kyoko: So there could be some way you don't know of?
Kyubey: As magical girls, your existence already defies established logic. I wouldn't be surprised no matter what implausible feats you managed to accomplish.
Kyoko: So you're saying it's possible?
Kyubey: No one has ever done it before, so I don't know how you'd go about it. Unfortunately, I have no way of advising you on the matter.

Later, talking to Homura:

Homura: Was there really any chance for Sakura Kyouko to save Miki Sayaka?
Kyubey: Of course not. She should have known that it was impossible.
Homura: Why didn't you stop her, then?
Kyubey: I would have stopped her from needlessly sacrificing herself, of course. But in this case, getting her out of the picture served an important purpose.

It is explicitly the case that Kyubey gives out whatever information suits its purposes, and will intentionally imply falsehoods without ever lying in a way that anyone can verify. It baffles me that anyone trusts literally anything it says.
I will say that while Kyubey claims to not understand human emotions or why people react in the way they do to the things they hide, that's about as reliable as anything else they say. Kyubey very clearly has an awareness of the workings of human emotions even if they don't "understand" them. People might not know the exact formulas and functions of gravity, but they still know it exists and how it typically works. Likewise, maybe the Incubators don't know what it's like to feel emotions, but they still understand what provokes different emotions and how they cause people to act.
Saying that, while Kyubey is pushing Mami's buttons here, I don't think it's doing so purposefully and is just defending its own inaction (poorly and with no understanding of why it's pushing Mami's button blaming her for it).

Logically speaking, there's not much reason for it to seek Mami's witchification while she's in the middle of dealing with the Adult.

That and it offered to help with evacuating civilians afterward.

Safe to say, this one is probably Kyubey being an idiot and not knowing that it should just shut up for a bit instead of trying to justify itself.
It is explicitly the case that Kyubey gives out whatever information suits its purposes, and will intentionally imply falsehoods without ever lying in a way that anyone can verify. It baffles me that anyone trusts literally anything it says.
Aw damn, you are right. I guess I liked to think of him as somewhat objective because, in story terms, the magical girls' agency is retained this way.
Aw damn, you are right. I guess I liked to think of him as somewhat objective because, in story terms, the magical girls' agency is retained this way.
You aren't wrong in that Kyubey is somewhat objective.

It mostly depends on your ability to query him and analyze his current objective.

Speaking of that, remind me again whether Kyubey was aware of NT or not.

If I remember correctly, Kyubey did inform us that NT was around no? He and us were just unaware of who it was wearing.
Aw damn, you are right. I guess I liked to think of him as somewhat objective because, in story terms, the magical girls' agency is retained this way.

Ah, but that's the thing: Kyubey only wants you *free range* until you did your wish, after that, he doesn't want you to have agency.

His first comparaison when explaining his system to Madoka was not livestock for nothing.

Magical girls are tools for him, and he treat them accordingly.

If I remember correctly, Kyubey did inform us that NT was around no? He and us were just unaware of who it was wearing.

No, he was aware both of NT being there and deliberately gave us wrong info about her.

He knew, we didn't, because we trusted his words.

Never trust a single word he says, if he says the sky is blue, check, twice.


I mean, it's easy to see what he's doing with Mami last update:

Gaslighting and blame shifting.

He has been at this since the dawn of human civilization, he absolutely does know how to manipulate people.


On the girls having agency:

PMMM is a cosmic horror story wearing a magical girl show's corpse as a disguise, for most of the story, the entire point is that the humans don't have agency.


It is very important to remember that while he doesn't have any emotional incentive to do so, he does want the girls to suffer, because he benefits greatly from it.

A girl that stays happy is a girl that is more likely to die before she witch out, and we can't have that.
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Hm? Can't say I agree. I thought it was the other way around, and the cosmic horror stuff is mostly background.

It is background... in that it's the logic the universe is running on behind the scenes, not the magical girl show.

PMMM is lovecraft lite, but it's still lovercraftian, and runs on the logic of *humans are unable to do anything at base*.

The only way to gain agency is a miracle, everyone else is livestock to the Incubator.
No, he was aware both of NT being there and deliberately gave us wrong info about her.

He knew we didn't

because we trusted his words.

Never trust a single word he says, if he says the sky is blue, check, twice.
"The Abnormality previously identified by X as a significant threat has recently been spotted moving towards Kamihama City. I will be allocating all my available resources towards tracking it."

With the announcement made, Kyubey jumps over the couch and disappears on the other side. Those remaining in the room stare at one another, perplexed. The sole exception to this is Yuma, who sneakily took a second slice of cake when she thought you weren't looking.

Nothing There was spotted again. At least it's away from you and the kids right now, but it's a reminder that you'll need to do something about the monstrous imitator eventually. Planning how to topple an ALEPH, especially one with such straightforward strengths, will be an incredible challenge. Perhaps not one you are capable of. Still, you'll have time to contemplate this later. You can hear the sounds of an argument growing louder outside.
The Incubator sat unblinking behind the protection of its perception field, observing the creature on the streets below it. As per their deal with X, the presence of an Abnormality would need to be reported. However, this would likely mean losing the chance to observe it to any extent. Even if this particular entity had taken to attacking the Incubator's bodies on sight, there were still ways around its enhanced senses. The great expenditures of energy required would be worth it to learn more about a potential new route for preventing entropy. X would be informed, as per their deal, but later. After the Incubators had already learned all that they could from this thing that wanted to become human.
"Of course. I have located an Abnormality currently hunting in the areas bordering Mitakihara. It has maintained this patrol for the past three days, removing the Soul Gems from any Magical Girls it encounters."

"Alright, but what is it? I need a description." Another serial killer Abnormality, great. As expected, Kyubey didn't tell you immediately. Are you really asking for so much just hoping for reliable information?

"The Abnormality itself remains unobserved. It was only designated as such due to an absence of other explanations. So far, it has used a false body composed of the Magical Girls it has defeated. Does this match the behavior of a known Abnormality?"
"Our current methods of surveillance have proven insufficient at tracking the Abnormality. It appears only to attack other Magical Girls and then vanishes soon after."
"Kyubey, inform Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, Homura Akemi, and Kyoko Sakura of the Abnormality. Warn them that they are to fight it under no circumstances." Your voice is once more cold, but this time it is not from restraint. This is an order, a command meant to be followed. You won't tolerate disobedience when lives are on the line.
It's not quite a lie, yet not the full information either.

He did tell us about the Abnormality eventually even though he encountered it far earlier than before.

But he didn't keep us fully informed either.

None of us bothered to ask Kyubey about what the current shell of NT looks like so he didn't mention it to us.

X assumed the Significant Threat Abnormality was Nothing There. But he might have manipulated us by not mentioning that it's Judgement Bird or some other Abnormalities we have him on the look out for.

In hindsight, we completely flubbed the NT case huh?

We should've told him to keep us constantly updated on the appearance that NT is currently keeping, given that one of the few mechanics for the thing is to EXECUTION BULLET it the moment it escapes with a shell on.
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2.6.15 - Will You Hold Me Forever?
Chapter 165 - Will You Hold Me Forever?

It was irritating just how right Kyubey had been. Mami stared intensely at the invisible web of magical energies she was currently carefully prodding at under the alien's telepathic instruction. This would have been a stressful enough task even if she were not suspended upside down above said web by a pair of ribbons that served as the only thing preventing her from falling into it and being cursed to a horrible death or worse. Her best bet at reuniting with Homura at this point had been to follow their original planned path towards the target marker. This was, of course, not a straight line but a convoluted mess of directions through the Emerald City that at the present moment required her to travel through a hallway pointed straight down for the third time.

It wasn't as though Mami was unused to moving through unnatural environments. Witch Barriers were almost never straightforward. She wasn't usually on a time limit, though. Even if X had encouraged a more cautious approach, every second that Madoka wasn't rescued felt like a little failure.

"Now feed a small burst of magic into the area to your left while triggering the trap from the right. It'll cause the whole network to cannibalize itself. Drop down exactly when I say to so you can slip past the failsafe." Kyubey's voice in her head was as cheerful as always. The spot of familiarity should have been comforting. Distractions aside, Kyubey's instructions were correct. The web of magic flashed into view for a moment, twisted lines of darkness so black that they looked like little lines torn out of space lined with a malignant green glow. A tiny golden spark of Mami's magic brushed against one of the lines just as she let herself drop down through them, and the web erupted. The enchantment was like a nest of snakes thrashing out of control, trying to swallow each other whole. In the space of a heartbeat, Mami fell down through the web as it collapsed around her. She landed feet-first on the ground below, followed shortly by Kyubey's paws soundlessly striking the ground.

Mami shuddered as she heard the last bits of the enchantment fade, shrieking like they were in pain. For all she knew, it was possible they were. Mami considered herself one of the most experienced enchanters in Japan. It was a point of pride how skilled she'd become, a sign that her time and efforts were worth something. But even so, she could barely begin to decipher the traps that filled the Emerald City. Part of it was most likely a matter of the medium. The magic of X's world wasn't the same as her own, and X had made a point of Abnormalities having strange abilities that couldn't be logically explained. But Mami had a feeling that even if the traps had been made with the type of magic she knew, she wouldn't have had much more success. Kyubey, though, could understand it perfectly.

"Your destination is just up ahead."

Mami blinked. Had she really come so close already? And Homura was still nowhere in sight. She had been expecting to run into her long before she reached the Court. With her powers Homura should have been faster than Mami. Could something have happened to her?

"Kyubey, do you know where Homura is?" Mami asked. She had wanted to avoid relying on the Incubator's help any more than she already was. It just felt wrong to trust someone who had betrayed her so thoroughly. Homura's safety was more important, though. Mami hadn't come all this way to save one friend only to lose another.

"Since she's not a Magical Girl, tracking Akemi Homura is more difficult than finding you was." Kyubey answered. Mami narrowed her eyes. Not too long ago, she would have just accepted their words.

"That's not an answer."

"There are many locations in the Emerald City that still can't be observed. Akemi Homura must be in one of them. Besides, looking for her has been deemed a waste of time."

"A waste of time?" Mami's voice was dangerously low. Kyubey stared up at her, face remaining in their perpetual playful grin.

"I don't mean to imply that her assistance would be unhelpful. Having observed her powers, she would definitely be a great help! But since the Adult Who Tells Lies clearly knows that too, we don't expect to be able to reach her easily."

Mami's anger drained away, replaced by an equally cold fear. "What are you implying?" she asked, even if the answer seemed clear.

"The temporal anomaly created within the Emerald City wouldn't have been easy to create. The Abnormality's clearly put a lot of effort into keeping Akemi Homura's abilities from being used. But based on what we've seen in the Emerald City so far, they have a much better method of keeping her out of play available that they will almost certainly make use of."

The answer struck Mami like a knife sinking into her chest. "Madoka. It's going to use Madoka against her."

"It's easy to see that Akemi Homura's motivation and emotional stability have become entirely dependent on Kaname Madoka at this point. It's a perfectly logical assumption that this would be exploited. Besides, The Adult Who Tells Lies does seem to enjoy that sort of thing." Kyubey said, their voice never losing its characteristic cheer.

"We have to do something! Can you really not contact her?" Mami said frantically.

"I can't. Even if I could, it's very unlikely that you would be able to reach her quickly, or at all if efforts are being made to keep her isolated."

"There must be something I can do!" Mami paced back and forth in the dimly-lit hall. "I am not just going to leave one of my friends on their own."

"Well, you should probably hurry, then!" Kyubey said, running ahead of Mami. "If you can end the temporal disruption, Homura will be able to use her powers freely again."

Right. She couldn't lose focus. If Mami just stuck to X's plan, everything would be fine. Homura would be able to use her time stop, they would rescue Madoka, and then once she was safe they would defeat the Adult Who Tells Lies together. Everything would still work out.

"Then we should hurry." Mami agreed. "You said the destination was just up ahead?"

"That's right. There aren't any more enemies around here, so you only have the traps to deal with." Kyubey confirmed. No enemies nearby… Mami didn't have the time to dwell on why that was, but it didn't feel like a relief. Rather, the reminder that it was just her and Kyubey made the halls of the Emerald City feel longer and darker.

None of that mattered now, though. Mami was a Magical Girl. Even if everything else had changed, even if that didn't mean exactly what she had believed it did, the ideals she had held to still mattered. She could still save people in danger. She could still confront the evils of the world. Only now, she wasn't doing it alone.

And she couldn't let her new family down.


With Kyubey's soft footsteps the only noise accompanying the clacking of Mami's feet against the cold stone floor, the two stepped into the Wizard's court. The room was enormous, built for things far larger than humans. Mami and Kyubey had entered through one of many oversized passages leading into the circular lower level. The area was massive and empty, its polished black floor reflecting the brilliant green crystal that made up the rows and rows of stands rising up around it. Statues in the shapes of humans filled the stands, posed in equal parts agony and supplication. Two entrances to the left, sitting above the largest of the passages into the court's floor, was a throne. It looked like it had grown directly out of the emeralds encrusting the gallery. Every surface was carved down to an impossibly flat angle, then engraved with twisting and curling patterns that felt repulsive to look at in the same way an open wound did. Thankfully, it was empty. If the Abnormality who ruled the Emerald City had been there, in the seat of her power, with Mami alone….

Well, X had planned to ensure that wouldn't happen.

"Now we just need to find the marker. Kyubey, can you locate it?" Mami said. The sooner she finished, the sooner she could help Homura.

"It should be simple." With that, the Incubator scampered away and leapt up into the gallery. Mami stood alone in the court's floor. She clenched her fists, repressing anxious tremors. Waiting again when she was supposed to be taking action. At least it was almost over. Once every group reached their marker, they could rescue Madoka. Then they'd defeat The Adult Who Tells Lies and everyone would finally be safe.

A chill ran through her at the thought of confronting the towering Abnormality. Mami didn't lack confidence in her abilities. The years she had survived as a Magical Girl were proof enough of her talent. But every time they came face to face with an Abnormality, she struggled to find anything to do. The first Abnormality they faced, Blue Star, had left her helpless while X defeated it herself. When they had fought Nothing There, she had barely managed to slow it down and then fallen for an obvious trick and needed Kyoko to save her. And when the Adult Who Tells Lies came after Madoka, Mami hadn't been able to do anything to stop it. Staring at the empty throne, Mami wasn't sure if she would be able to do her part next time.

The sound of footsteps shocked Mami from her thoughts. A rifle was in her hands even before her head had snapped towards the newcomer. A Magical Girl with messy purple hair under a wide-brimmed red hat and an impish grin walked into the court. Her hands were raised in a gesture of surrender.

"Hey, we don't need to go there, alright? I'm not here to pick a fight." the girl said. Her voice sounded teasing, not at all concerned with the gun pointed at her.

"Very well." Mami answered, not lowering her rifle. "Surrender, and we'll be able to talk more once this is all over."

The Magical Girl gave only a deadpan smirk in return. "Wow, that sounds great, but I don't think I wanna do that. No, I'm try'n ta tell you that you're gettin' played."

"'Played'? I'm not sure what you mean." Mami said. Kyubey was still searching for the marker. She couldn't let this girl interfere when Homura and Madoka both could depend on it.

"I mean about that Abnormality, y'know? It's trickin' you into doing what it wants."

"And why would you give that away? You are one of the Abnormality's servants, aren't you?"

"Alright, two things!" The girl lowered her hands from her pose of surrender to instead proudly raise a single finger into the air. "First! I'm not workin' with that Wizard 'cuz I like 'em. It's just a temporary alliance. I'm gonna split as soon as everything's wrapped up around here. Second!" She raised another finger. "That's not the Abnormality I was talkin' about. I meant to one ordering you around."

Mami's finger tightened around the trigger of her rifle. "I don't believe you understand what you're implying. X hasn't deceived me."

"Are ya sure about that?" the Magical Girl asked, smile full of teeth. Any attempt at sympathy was thoroughly overshadowed by the glimmer in her eyes. Her voice retained a saccharine sweetness as she spoke. "It's been pokin' around in your brain at least once. How d'you know it didn't screw with you while it was in there? No way could I ever trust someone who could do that!"

Mami's grip on her rifle held steady, though her finger eases on the trigger. "While I understand the concern regarding X's nature and her abilities, I can assure you that her intentions are pure. She would have no reason to reveal her abilities to us if she truly held ill intent, and has always made an effort to be honest and transparent." If anything, nobody worried more about what X was capable of than she did. It had been Mami and her sisters and friends who had assured mom that she was not a danger to them, that they weren't scared of her just because she was an Abnormality.

"Wow, you sure are loyal to that thing!" the Magical Girl replied, still with a mockingly sweet tone. Mami's frown deepened. It felt like an eternity ago that she had stared down Akemi Homura, condemning her out of ignorance when they could have been allies from the start. Would it be a mistake to do the same now, just because of the other girl's mocking tone?

"Of course I am."

"How loyal are you, though? What would you do if it asked you? Would ya kill somebody if that Abnormality said you should?" Anticipation filled the Magical Girl's words, eagerness for an entertaining answer to her cheerfully morbid questions. Mami barely stopped herself from recoiling.

"X would never ask something like that of me!" she said sharply, her grip on her rifle tightening once again. It seemed likely this girl really was only here to antagonize her.

"Oh? Are you sure?" the girl teased, drawing out her words like she was savoring them. "They've got you working with the Incubator's don't they? And some other sketchy people too. But I guess you know it's all fine." The gleam in her eyes flashed dangerously as she smiled. "After all, it loves you, doesn't it? Said it and everything. Told you all the stuff you wanted to hear, and only-"

Mami didn't let the girl finish. Her finger closed on the trigger, and with that single shot the fight was over. The other Magical Girl moved to summon her weapon too slowly, being bound in ribbons before she could begin to defend herself. She looked more disappointed than anything else, hardly caring that she had been caught. Perhaps the girl really hadn't believed all the things that The Adult Who Tells Lies had told her about X.

"Awww, but things were gettin' fun!"

Mami remained focused on the enemy Magical Girl, not taking her eyes off her bound opponent for a moment, and didn't respond. There was no point in engaging with someone like that. Silence once again filled the court, only broken by the Magical Girl occasionally shifting in her restraints.

"I've found the marker. I've also made some observations regarding the other functions of the Court." Kyubey announced after a short quiet, hopping up onto one of the statues in the gallery to make their location known. Still keeping her eyes focused on the other Magical Girl, Mami knelt and tied a knot into one of the linked ribbons at her ankle. Three other knots already sat beside it, noting three other markers that had already been found. Mami let out a sigh of relief. The first step of the plan was complete.

A flash of gold brought a larger gun, somewhere between an oversized pistol and a canon, into view in Mami's hands. She took careful aim at the statue where Kyubey stood, then paused. This was normally when she'd yell out the name of her attack. It was a signature of Magical Girl shows, one that Mami had adopted for her own style of fighting. Even if it felt silly at first, it was another way to be more like a "real" Magical Girl. Knowing what Magical Girls really were, everything Kyubey had kept hidden, some of the warmth that had come with that declaration was lacking now. Could Mami even still be that same person with everything that had happened?

In that moment, she made her decision.

"Tiro Finale!"

A beam of brilliant light pierced the dark of the Wizard's court, reducing the statues in the gallery to rubble. Mami had known for a long time that being a Magical Girl was different than media made it appear. Last time, she had learned it on her own, each of her students and friends leaving her one after the other. This time, she wouldn't face the future alone. Maybe she wouldn't be a perfect Magical Girl any longer, but she could still be a loving daughter, a caring older sister, and a good friend. That was worth aspiring to as well.

The first part of the plan was complete. It was up to Homura now to find her way back to everyone.


Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED
A beam of brilliant light pierced the dark of the Wizard's court, reducing the statues in the gallery to rubble. Mami had known for a long time that being a Magical Girl was different than the media made it appear. Last time, she had learned it on her own, each of her students and friends leaving her one after the other. This time, she wouldn't face the future alone. Maybe she wouldn't be a perfect Magical Girl any longer, but she could still be a loving daughter, a caring older sister, and a good friend. That was worth aspiring to as well.
The sun rises from the dark twilight.

I apologize for doubting you Mami.

It's clear now that perhaps, it was us, and therefore X, who didn't have enough faith in our children and their friends.

They are all being so capable. Homura, Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami.

Well, that's what being a good mother is all about, so I think it wasn't wrong to fret over their well-being over them like we did.

Still! Our girls are the best!

The first part of the plan was complete. It was up to Homura now to find her way back to everyone.
I wonder where Homura currently is, or if on the timescale this is still when she was stuck in the illusion room.
The Adult Who Tells Lies

Interesting that Kyubey is using her real name and not one of her false titles, like *the wizard* or *oz*.

"Well, you should probably hurry, then!" Kyubey said, running ahead of Mami. "If you can end the temporal disruption, Homura will be able to use her powers freely again."

Right. She couldn't lose focus. If Mami just stuck to X's plan, everything would be fine. Homura would be able to use her time stop, they would rescue Madoka, and then once she was safe they would defeat the Adult Who Tells Lies together. Everything would still work out.

If you can, not when you do.

That phrasing allows for Kyubey to be walking her to her death without lyung.

Only now, she wasn't doing it alone.


(For those who don't know, it's practically the same sentiment as the one right before she dies in the anime)

Statues in the shapes of humans filled the stands, posed in equal parts agony and supplication.

Yeah, totally statues….

Those poor people.

The Magical Girl gave only a deadpan smirk in return. "Wow, that sounds great, but I don't think I wanna do that. No, I'm try'n ta tell you that you're gettin' played."

I mean, I think she is but:
"I mean about that Abnormality, y'know? It's trickin' you into doing what it wants."

Not that way.

X is not the one tricking Mami at this moment, I fear Kyubey is.

First! I'm not workin' with that Wizard 'cuz I like 'em. It's just a temporary alliance. I'm gonna split as soon as everything's wrapped up around here.

Something tells me the Adult would laugh then proceed to bilaterally cut her in a way that keeps her alive and in eternal agony when she *splits*.

They've got you working with the Incubator's don't they?

You really going there?

Do you have any idea what the adult is doing?

Because it makes *working with the incubator* looks like a pretty moral thing to do, as unfortunate as it is.

The gleam in her eyes flashed dangerously as she smiled.

That gleam is her using her magic to find the worst possible thing to say to maximize destabilizing Mami, isn't it?

And given her reaction to this:
Mami didn't let the girl finish. Her finger closed on the trigger, and with that single shot the fight was over. The other Magical Girl moved to summon her weapon too slowly, being bound in ribbons before she could begin to defend herself. She looked more disappointed than anything else, hardly caring that she had been caught. Perhaps the girl really hadn't believed all the things that The Adult Who Tells Lies had told her about X.

"Awww, but things were gettin' fun!"

She may have a thing that punish trying to hurt her in retaliation.

(For those who don't know, it's practically the same sentiment as the one right before she dies in the anime)
To be fair, the exclamation she's saying now and the one she said in the anime have 2 different context behind it.

Not that way.

X is not the one tricking Mami at this moment, I fear Kyubey is.
Probably not.

Even if some of Kyubey's words can be taken as manipulative, it's not making Mami do anything outside of the already established plan between her, X, and the rest of the group.

That gleam is her using her magic to find the worst possible thing to say to maximize destabilizing Mami, isn't it?
Who is she?
Isn't this the power-copier?
Sarasa Hanna, I think.
That's correct. She's probably the most overtly villainous of the MGs who are working for TAWTL, with some possible contention between her and Sena whose worst actions in Magia Record are under the influence of some very complicated circumstances because Magia Record's lore gets weird.
That's correct. She's probably the most overtly villainous of the MGs who are working for TAWTL, with some possible contention between her and Sena whose worst actions in Magia Record are under the influence of some very complicated circumstances because Magia Record's lore gets weird.


Doesn't completely stop the possibility of her using magic when her eyes are gleaming, since, you know, power copying.

Let's check the mechanics of it….

Apparently works by being close for long enough, and, what's that? Her favorite power to copy is mind control?

Ohhhh boy.

The gleaming eyes weren't mind reading, they were her trying to mind control and she got stopped by white damage resistance, I think.
That reminds me, I still need to post the sheets for Sayaka and Kyoko's EGO gear. It might get put off until the Emerald City arc is over.
The gleaming eyes weren't mind reading, they were her trying to mind control and she got stopped by white damage resistance, I think.
Doesn't everyone have the same resistance profile? Or did X do something to modify it and I don't remember?

It wasn't an effective argument, anyway. "Your mind is being manipulated in a completely undetectable way" is some Cartesian doubt type of stuff, and no one ever takes that seriously.