Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Oh, I was referring to the header vote. This is definitely Sayaka's win, though X and Mami were important in laying the groundwork.
I want EGO, but realistically my headspace is shitty enough that I'd Distort. I'd probably be a pretty weak one, too, all told. I'd be lucky to go beyond Peccatulum, I think.
Distortion requires you to start hearing Carmen.

And also some 'specialness' to you too I'm pretty sure.

You probably would need to have some personal philosophy for yourself to even qualify, and then to have that tested and broken before Ms. Sun starts mumbling in your ear.

Which on Earth isn't really easy to happen.

The Peccatulum is just...how do those thing even come into existence naturally? Just feel despair and fear?
The Peccatulum is just...how do those thing even come into existence naturally? Just feel despair and fear?
From Dante's heavily censored breakdown in the Blade Lineage event:

If one's WILL IS WEAKENED, devoured by their sins, they are reborn in the form of the PECCATULA, their image reflecting the DEEPEST PARTS OF OUR SOUL dreamt by those who are nothing.

if one withstands THE BURDEN OF THEIR SOUL, yet REFUSES TO CONFESS TO their sins, the heart DISTORTS...

Yet if one seeks to bear the TRUE MANIFESTATION OF THEIR SOUL, the EGO shall ASSUME THE SHAPE of their original hearts...

Only those who can define their own SELF...

So a Peccatula is born when they lack a strong will or sense of self, either by being worn down until any resistance is gone or simply not having a strong, developed self-image to begin with.

Like say, children.
Four to two on manifesting EGO so far, huh? You sure are confident in your self-awareness.

Well, I'm not sure if I could manifest EGO though, I'm just too self-aware and my thinking isn't suited to start denying reality to become a Distortion.

Also, after your post, the ratio changed noticeably. It seems like people more prone to becoming a Distortion are more preoccupied with their own thoughts and less aware of changes in the world. Which makes sense, when I think about it.
I mean, even if I got the choice and didn't have to work with how the process work, I think I made my thoughts quite clear on how I weight the two. :V

Or in short: yeah, chances are I would voluntarily distort even in the situation for EGO.

Which I don't think is a mental state prone to getting EGO, funnily enough. :V
Four to two on manifesting EGO so far, huh? You sure are confident in your self-awareness.
It's a dumb question, anyway. In canon (LoR at least, idk about Limbus) it's pretty blatant that manifestation is in large part a matter of circumstance, not "self-awareness".

Here, too, this holds. Sayaka-chan would've happily let herself burn down to a soulgem (or less) if she hadn't very clearly seen Kyoko in such dire need of help. And vice versa in Kyoko's case, actually. Really, this whole chapter was about their respective idiosyncrasies playing off of each other in (fortunately) a harmonious way.

...Anyway, I'd totally distort, just out of sheer horror at the idea of being an EGO user, lol. Some of them have this bad habit of saying the most outlandish, conceptually confusing stuff as if it makes sense, and that's just not okay! Way worse than being an inhuman monstrosity.
In canon (LoR at least, idk about Limbus) it's pretty blatant that manifestation is in large part a matter of circumstance, not "self-awareness".
It's still not entirely clear what makes someone worthy of manifesting EGO rather than Distorting, and I think I prefer it that way. What I've been able to piece together is that there needs to be some resolution made about oneself, one that involves a person's own faults and recognises them as faults, but doesn't become dominated by them.
It's still not entirely clear what makes someone worthy of manifesting EGO rather than Distorting, and I think I prefer it that way. What I've been able to piece together is that there needs to be some resolution made about oneself, one that involves a person's own faults and recognises them as faults, but doesn't become dominated by them.
Or just be like Ahab and gaslight yourself into manifesting E.G.O.
Or just be like Ahab and gaslight yourself into manifesting E.G.O.
Ahab is definitely the most difficult EGO case to analyse. The easiest way I can rationalise it is by taking the fact that she is the sort of person to manifest EGO as a base and look at her character around that, since otherwise her total delusion should definitely disqualify her. It follows that instead, Ahab must be entirely aware that she is crazy and just doesn't care. I've heard some interesting theories regarding Gasharpoon, one being that Ahab had manifested her EGO sometime in the past and is just activating it again mid-fight the same way Kali was. While the idea of her just skipping Carmen's dialogue is funny, it's also very odd compared to every other instance of Carmen speaking with someone.
Ahab is definitely the most difficult EGO case to analyse. The easiest way I can rationalise it is by taking the fact that she is the sort of person to manifest EGO as a base and look at her character around that, since otherwise her total delusion should definitely disqualify her. It follows that instead, Ahab must be entirely aware that she is crazy and just doesn't care. I've heard some interesting theories regarding Gasharpoon, one being that Ahab had manifested her EGO sometime in the past and is just activating it again mid-fight the same way Kali was. While the idea of her just skipping Carmen's dialogue is funny, it's also very odd compared to every other instance of Carmen speaking with someone.
To be fair to her, Ahab's trauma with the Whale would likely have given her a similar experience comparable to Kali's experience with Nothing There.

Both of them were already soaked in those colors as central pillars for their life, Ahab White, Kali Red.

Still definitely the strangest of the E.G.Os though.
Ironically I feel those who say they'd manifest E.G.O are more likely to distort than those who said they'd distort because E.G.O is a positive thing so it feels like one of those cocky 'oh yeah I'm definitely that good'/'totally built different' meanwhile those who say they'd distort are self aware enough to say they're not self aware enough

But I don't know any of y'alls thought process so I may be wrong and some of y'all would get E.G.O I ain't throwin' shade or anything
Ironically I feel those who say they'd manifest E.G.O are more likely to distort than those who said they'd distort because E.G.O is a positive thing so it feels like one of those cocky 'oh yeah I'm definitely that good'/'totally built different' meanwhile those who say they'd distort are self aware enough to say they're not self aware enough

But I don't know any of y'alls thought process so I may be wrong and some of y'all would get E.G.O I ain't throwin' shade or anything
100% fair.

E.G.Os and Distortions are a "Fate" kind of thing. You never even know how things are gonna go straight down into the canyon until you meet the cliff itself.

Though basic mentality plays a part, I don't think anyone can make reasonable judgement about how their mental breakdown would go.
Ironically I feel those who say they'd manifest E.G.O are more likely to distort than those who said they'd distort because E.G.O is a positive thing so it feels like one of those cocky 'oh yeah I'm definitely that good'/'totally built different' meanwhile those who say they'd distort are self aware enough to say they're not self aware enough

But I don't know any of y'alls thought process so I may be wrong and some of y'all would get E.G.O I ain't throwin' shade or anything
You're fine, IMO. There might be something to what you're saying but I still think I would distort tbh. If a wretched, neurotic wreck who can't decide between viewing hope as a pretty lie to tell oneself and viewing it as something worth dying or better yet living for, who uses a crippling fanfic/game addiction to avoid thinking about their problems isn't prime Distortion material... IDK what is.

If I want EGO I think I have a lot of work to do. That, or the mental breakdown's gotta be real positive-leaning. Or maybe I just get lucky and Carmen's having a smoke break or something while I sit at my .1 sanity with no white resist. Either way, being aware you have problems doesn't really do much to fix 'em on its own.

Edit: Wow ok so i realize that came off as more... I guess argumentative than I meant for it to? Disparaging??? IDK. Very much did not intend that. My apologies, I think? Is that even something to apologize for???
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You're fine, IMO. There might be something to what you're saying but I still think I would distort tbh. If a wretched, neurotic wreck who can't decide between viewing hope as a pretty lie to tell oneself and viewing it as something worth dying or better yet living for, who uses a crippling fanfic/game addiction to avoid thinking about their problems isn't prime Distortion material... IDK what is.

If I want EGO I think I have a lot of work to do. That, or the mental breakdown's gotta be real positive-leaning. Or maybe I just get lucky and Carmen's having a smoke break or something while I sit at my .1 sanity with no white resist. Either way, being aware you have problems doesn't really do much to fix 'em on its own.

Edit: Wow ok so i realize that came off as more... I guess argumentative than I meant for it to? Disparaging??? IDK. Very much did not intend that. My apologies, I think? Is that even something to apologize for???

No need to apologize your just stating your opinion like I was, that's totally fair, if simply disagreeing with someone was something bad/terrible of society wouldn't have advanced this far.

And yeah that's true a sweeping, generalized statement made without any personal info like the one I made won't apply to everyone.
2.6.14 - Will You Keep Me Close To You?
Chapter 164 - Will You Keep Me Close To You?

The cracks of a musket firing echoed through the twisting halls of the Emerald City. Golden ribbons blossomed from the impact point like the petals of a flower before folding back on the humanoid figure that was fired on, pinning its arms and legs and rendering it immobile. A second shot followed in the same breath, folding another layer of ribbons over the target and then tying the bright yellow cocoon to the ceiling. Only once it had stopped squirming in its bonds did Mami let her rifles disappear. The veteran Magical Girl exhaled deeply, staring at the aftermath of the fight. She seen something like this just a few weeks ago, when X had only just entered her life and she was still considering Homura a potential threat. In all her time fighting Witches, she'd encountered a few who used they people they ensnared as more than food. One had lined them up as living shields around its Barrier. Another had their Familiars used as weapons and forced them to attack her. And of course there was the most recent incident, where the Witch's Familiars had possessed people and forced them to work within its Barrier. This incident was closest to the second of the three. The creatures that now hung suspended in their bindings looked a bit like shadowy clumps of moss, each one clinging over the back of a sleeping person. Glowing green eyes poked out of a thicker part of the clump rising just above each person's shoulders. The possessed civilian were a lot faster and smarter than the Familiars Mami was used to fighting, but not enough to claim the advantage. Mami's ribbons were just perfect for disabling opponents without killing them.

This was just the latest of such tricks that the Emerald City had brought against her. She had been forced away from the spot where she had hoped to meet back up with Homura by some sort of trap that had hurt to look at. Then she'd run into another fake Sayaka like the one she and Homura had found near the beginning of the assault. It had been just as uncomfortable to deal with the second time. Even if Mami knew they were only fakes, it was still uncomfortable shooting something that looked like so much like somebody she knew.

This place was starting to wear on her.

A cry of pain rang out from one of the trapped people, and Mami's attention snapped back to them. The creatures clinging to the civilians' backs were attacking them! Mami should've expected something like this by now. Cursing her mistake, the Magical Girl mentally tugged on her ribbons. In an instant an array of rifles sprouted into existence wedged between the parasitic creatures and their victims. The screams were abruptly cut off by gunfire, then silence. Mami watched carefully as the creatures disintegrate, ready for another trick. When the last traces of the creatures faded away, she let herself relax.

At least, as much as she could under these circumstances. The ominously-lit halls of the Emerald City were silent once again, leaving the Magical Girl alone with only her thoughts. Her life hadn't been simple for a long time. But there was a consistency to the lonely routine Mami had grown used to. Go to class, study hard, then hunt Witches when night came. Be careful, because even a single mistake could have terrible consequences. Sometimes she was joined by an apprentice, but they never stayed. Somewhere in Mami's heart, no matter how desperately she clung to every person who came, she knew they would all leave sooner or later. It was exhausting in a deep, fundamental way that Mami could never really put into words, but it was a structure. It was something to hold onto, to give what she had left a purpose. Now, everything was running wild. Kyubey was an alien who had been manipulating her for years. Other worlds existed, and Mami visited one. One of her friends had been kidnapped by a monster from another dimension. Another friend of hers was a time-traveller. She had a family again. Witches were created from Magical Girls.

Mami removed her Soul Gem from its place on her uniform and stared at the oily sheen built up on its surface. She was near half her capacity for a third time today. Dealing with the Emerald City's traps was burning through her reserves much faster than she was used to. Fortunately, Mami had built up quite the large stockpile of Grief Seeds in the past weeks. It wasn't a luxury she usually took, but things had been different since X arrived.

Just as she was about to cleanse her Soul Gem, Mami stopped and stared at the Grief Seed. She hadn't really had time to think on last night's revelation. It seemed to far away now, the fear brought by Madoka's kidnapping burying her tangled mess of emotions.

Witches are born from Magical Girls. Looking back, it seemed so obvious Mami almost wanted to laugh. A feeble giggle was all that managed past her lips. How had she never realized earlier? The glistening darkness inside her Soul Gem was the exact texture of a Witch's body. They had the same clinging feeling, the same unnatural tone. Staring at the dark spots on her Soul Gem, Mami wondered what her Witch would look like. What was the worst of her? Which of her failings, her mistakes, her darkest thoughts would come to life and hurt the people she had wished to protect? She thought back to the whispers that had scratched at her when she was entering the Emerald City. That she would always end up alone, that even if everything else changed that would remain the same. Or that she would drag down the people who chose to stand by her for some reason that Mami didn't quite accept as true. She glanced over to the Grief Seed. Who had this been? Because of how their patrol teams sorted the Grief Seeds obtained, Mami didn't even know what Witch it had belonged to. Somebody had died to create it. Either a Magical Girl, not knowing that their hopes and dreams had been nothing more than fertilizer for a trickster's plans, or some innocent civilian swallowed up by a stray Familiar. A chill ran through her as she thought for a moment that she was holding somebody's death in her hand.

Was it even right to use Grief Seeds so carelessly, knowing what they were? Mami stared at the two curse-colored items in silence.

Without warning, the quiet of the Emerald City was shattered by an earthshaking crash. Some impossible force rippled through the ornate walls and solemn passages, shaking the mountainous structure to its core. Mami stumbled, nearly dropping the Grief Seed in surprise. The initial shock passed as abruptly as it began, but the ground under her was still shaking. It echoed off the walls, which were now crossed by hairline cracks. A larger crack ran along the ceiling's length, a few bits of rubble falling out. Mami readied herself to react if the hallway fell further, taking mental hold of the ribbons wrapped around the unconscious civilians and preparing to keep them safe, but slowly the rumbling ceased.

What kind of thing could shake the whole Emerald City? Kamihama had been a massive city even before the Abnormality took it over, and traveling through the Emerald City this far Mami had learned that it took up more space than should have been possible. The building she was in now had been more like a mountain than something a human would build. Within the Emerald City's endless rows of twisted architecture, it barely stood out. Mami could scarcely imagine what sort of thing had happened to unleash such a destructive force outside. Unbidden, the image of Nothing There, the monstrous Abnormality that had stolen Kyoko's body and nearly killed her mother, filled her mind. Then The Adult Who Tells Lies, its vicious smile looming over her as it dragged Madoka away. Next to monsters like that, what could Mami hope to do? She had always been proud of her skills. As a Magical Girl, Mami had been at the pinnacle of strength. But everything had changed now, and she was suddenly too weak to face the monsters around her. Too weak to keep her new friends and family safe.

Another shockwave ran through the floor. What was going on out there? There were no windows to the outside within the building, only those that peered into other rooms. Only the cold, lifeless halls of the Emerald City. All she could do was hope everything would be alright with the other groups.

"I see you've been separated from Akemi Homura."

The ribbons snapped into place before Mami even realized who was there. For their part, Kyubey appeared entirely unbothered by being bound and hung from the ceiling by a bright yellow tether. The Magical Girl felt her heartbeat pick up in response to the alien's presence. The quiet assurance that he was looking after her was gone. Maybe it had never been there in the first place, and she had only ever imagined it.

"Kyubey. What do you want? I thought you weren't able to be here." Mami said. Her usual poised and elegant tone, pulled up on instinct, felt paper-thin. Kyubey already knew it was an act, but at least it was something between herself and the creature that had tricked her. Who she had considered a dear friend only weeks ago, who had all but vanished from her life with her barely even noticing before it was revealed they had been lying to her ever since they met. Why were they here now?

Kyubey's voice in Mami's head was perfectly casual, friendly even. Like nothing at all had changed. "We used to be unable to observe or enter the Emerald City because of the altered properties of the Barrier it's been placed in, yes. But since that Barrier was ruptured recently, I was able to see what's happening here."

"Then that tremor I felt- that was the Barrier being damaged, then?"

"I don't know. That must have happened before I got here."

"Never mind. That doesn't explain why you're here now." Mami failed to keep her voice from shaking. The ribbons around Kyubey tightened slightly.

"I'm here to help, obviously. I can guide you through the Emerald City safely."

Another fragile giggle escaped Mami's lips. Were they really just going to pretend..?

"Why should I trust you? For all I know, you could be another trick the Abnormality is trying to pull on me." Her composure was slipping, but she took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. She… Mami wouldn't be so easily tricked again. She wasn't the same desperate, lonely girl who would chase any scrap of affection she was offered.

"Is there some way you'd like me to prove who I actually am? If you're going to ask me a question, you should pick something from before X's arrival. Leonie McKinnley only entered the Emerald City a few weeks ago, but the Adult Who Tells Lies might have been using another method of observation before enlisting her."

They said it so matter-of-fact. Like Mami's doubt could be so easily pushed away with a few quick checks, and everything would go back to the way it was. Still, Mami couldn't find the space to fault the alien's reasoning. She should at least figure out if it was really Kyubey, right?

"Fine. On my first birthday after our Contract, what did I have for dinner?"

"Homemade lasagna and an apple cake for dessert." Kyubey recites. It's correct. That memory… it felt cold even before she had learned that Kyubey didn't actually care about her, but now that coldness was sharper. Mami pushed it out of mind. She needed to focus.

"Even so, that's not a reason for me to trust you. I haven't forgotten what you've been hiding from me." Mami said. Why was she even talking with Kyubey? Madoka was in danger, she should have been hurrying! But which was should she even go at this point? She'd lost track of where she was in the building when she was separated from Homura. She could just start blasting through the walls, but that would drain her reserves faster than she could afford.

"I don't understand. I might have not told you everything, but there's no reason for me to lie to you now."

"No reason?" There was no hiding the anger in Mami's voice now. It seeped out of her words, coldness matching the dull light that filled the hall. "You lied to me. About who you were, about who I was- everything. Why should I believe anything you say anymore?"

"I didn't lie to you, you just never asked many questions. If you'd ever questioned me, I would have told you whatever you asked about." Kyubey answered, calm and casual as ever. The ribbons around their body tightened further as Mami inhaled sharply.

"So it was my fault, then? Because I-" was too stupid to ask questions, too blind and uselessly drowning in loneliness to dare question somebody who was willing to stick around, "-didn't think to ask?"

"I guess you could think of it like that, but there's no reason to assign blame to anybody. There have been Magical Girls since before humans discovered fire, and very few of them ever think to ask the right questions. And that was before there was so much media giving you false impressions of what to expect." Kyubey said. It didn't make Mami feel any better. She still should have noticed something. X had seen through it all immediately. Homura had been trying to keep Sayaka and Madoka from getting roped into Kyubey's plans immediately. Mami had just made things worse.

And that was only recently. How many other students had she taken? She told them all that being a Magical Girl was an honor. That they had a noble duty to fulfill. What had happened to them after they left? Were their Witches still wandering the world somewhere?

Out of the corner of her eye, Mami spotted her Soul Gem darkening. She didn't have time for any of this! Madoka was in danger, and she was just wallowing in self-pity! She tapped the Grief Seed to her Soul Gem, peeling away the sheen of darkness.

"I'm leaving, and you shouldn't follow me. I won't listen to you any more, Kyubey."

As always, the contractor's expression remained static. He really didn't care at all. "Alright. You should at least let me take those civilians to safety, though. You won't be able to get far if you have to defend them the whole time."

Mami stopped halfway through turning away from Kyubey. Of course, he was right. What had she been planning to do with all these people anyways? Leaving them here would be a death sentence, but trying to keep them safe while making her way through the Emerald City just wouldn't be possible. It seemed so easy; let Kyubey take care of it like he always did. It was just like when somebody had been affected by a Witch's Kiss. Kyubey could manage them while Mami did her job.

But this wasn't a Witch. And Kyubey only cared about making Magical Girls who could defeat Witches, even knowing that they would become Witches themselves. And for what? To reduce entropy? Kyubey had never hidden than making a Contract with them had some benefits for their side, but Mami had never given it much thought. It had never been relevant.

"Why are you offering? Do you even care about those people?"

"No, but you do."

Mami's hands trembled. Why would that matter? "And you care about me now?"

"Of course." Kyubey answered. Something harsh and angry inside Mami flared up, and she felt her magic gathering in her hands. "You're a valued ally. And of course X would be really unhappy is I caused you any trouble."

"You've already done that." Mami's voice was as austere as she could make it. She couldn't afford to break down now, not when her family was relying on her. Kyubey's head tilted to the side in its binds.

"It wasn't my intention. Whether you believe me or not, I'm on your side here."


She couldn't keep doing this. The ribbons around Kyubey unraveled.

"Just do what you're here to do. I won't stop you."

The Incubator twisted midair to land on its feet and flicked its tail, as if to show off how little of an obstruction Mami's actions were.

"I'll help however you'll allow me to."

As the alien's falsely cheerful declaration echoed in her mind, Mami could only hope that she hadn't made a terrible mistake.


Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED
Today's chapter features a guest appearance from everybody's favourite alien, Kyubey! While Homura and Kyoko already knew about the whole Witch thing and for Sayaka becoming a Magical Girl has just been one surprise after another, for Mami it was her life for years. And while it's been way too long since the chapter where it was revealed for us, it was still yesterday for her.
Mami's going through it.


Maybe going to help Sayaka and Kyoko was a bad idea? No. At the time, we made the correct choice with all available information, Homura was freed and rushing to help Mami, while Kyoko at the time was burning Sayaka alive while both of them were assaulted by Puppets.

Thankfully (unfortunately) Kyubey was there to help.
This place was starting to wear on her.

The adult thanks you for appreciating her work.

Just as she was about to cleanse her Soul Gem, Mami stopped and stared at the Grief Seed. She hadn't really had time to think on last night's revelation. It seemed to far away now, the fear brought by Madoka's kidnapping burying her tangled mess of emotions.

Potential grief spiral detected!

What kind of thing could shake the whole Emerald City?

X using Twilight I would guess.

They said it so matter-of-fact. Like Mami's doubt could be so easily pushed away with a few quick checks, and everything would go back to the way it was.

Well, for Kyubey, this is true.

"I didn't lie to you, you just never asked many questions. If you'd ever questioned me, I would have told you whatever you asked about."
"So it was my fault, then? Because I-" was too stupid to ask questions, too blind and uselessly drowning in loneliness to dare question somebody who was willing to stick around, "-didn't think to ask?"

Fuck, little rats is milking the fact X isn't there for all it's worth with his typical victim blaming.

Same shit he pulled on Kyoko in canon *you didn't ask*, yeah, except he makes sure of that, and doesn't even answer with the actual truth instead of some misleading *truth* when you do ask.

"I guess you could think of it like that, but there's no reason to assign blame to anybody. There have been Magical Girls since before humans discovered fire, and very few of them ever think to ask the right questions. And that was before there was so much media giving you false impressions of what to expect."

Wait what? Is that a rogue Kyubey? Because it may not be directly blaming itself but that is far closer to it than Kyubey would ever go normally.

Seems the Light exposure is having effects.

"I'll help however you'll allow me to."

As the alien's falsely cheerful declaration echoed in her mind, Mami could only hope that she hadn't made a terrible mistake.

I… am not 100% certain it is falsely cheerful here.

Time will tell.
You never know.

It did purge a large majority of itself way back, so this could just be it saying the right thing to keep Mami, and therefore X, in check.

Or there could've been leakage of it's purge too that's possible as well.
Well, on some level, he has to be a little rogue (by incubator standards) to even end up here. You don't send a normal person to interact with a bunch of emotionals and manage the insane asylum that is Earth. It's like the Culture's Special Circumstances agents, they're all weirdos.

Fuck, little rats is milking the fact X isn't there for all it's worth with his typical victim blaming.

Same shit he pulled on Kyoko in canon *you didn't ask*, yeah, except he makes sure of that, and doesn't even answer with the actual truth instead of some misleading *truth* when you do ask.
I don't think he does this intentionally. He just doesn't understand the context of the questions enough to give useful answers. Maybe the Incubators naturally talk to each other in a really precise way that specifies everything, and it makes sense for Kyubey to respond to (what he sees as) a very broad question with an equally broad, useless answer.
Well, on some level, he has to be a little rogue (by incubator standards) to even end up here. You don't send a normal person to interact with a bunch of emotionals and manage the insane asylum that is Earth. It's like the Culture's Special Circumstances agents, they're all weirdos.

There is no indication that Kyubey is not a bog standard incubator, in fact, there is negative evidence for him not being one, since he explicitly tells that they use even their own as fuel if they develop emotions, meaning he has to not be past the line.

I don't think he does this intentionally. He just doesn't understand the context of the questions enough to give useful answers. Maybe the Incubators naturally talk to each other in a really precise way that specifies everything, and it makes sense for Kyubey to respond to (what he sees as) a very broad question with an equally broad, useless answer.

The times I am talking about have no ambiguity on context, he answers a point blank *where do witches come from?* with empty words about magical girls coming from hope and witches from curses, and uses the exact same tactic when asked *what happens when my soul gem gets entirely dark?*. The fact he is perfectly willing to explain in great details when it arranges him (I.E: when it will make you despair the most) indicates he is perfectly aware of what he's doing, even if he doesn't understands the underlying emotions.