Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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And those mad passengers can't really talk that well, don't you think?
Even then, at least one board member of U Corp has "disappeared" from a W Corp train—thanks to the Puppeteer and the Library, not that anyone but W Corp is likely to actually know that—among other executives in the first class carriage, so at the very least W Corp is potentially going to be extorted or blackmailed by U Corp.
Plus, as WARP Cleanup Agent Rose mentions, the train apparently wasn't able to collect its full quota of time for T Corp (Possibly because of Jae-heon unplugging the box after revealing it during his speech in the Reception of Puppets pre-battle cutscene?). That's a possible avenue for T Corp to do some politicking and point at some clauses in whatever agreement the two Wings might have, allowing them to do some extortion of their own.
The Wing isn't going to fall, and a majority of the incident can likely be covered up from the public, but W Corp has certainly been hit in the metaphorical crotch one way or another.
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It depends on the Corporation. But generally speaking, we will need to use the Daughter instead of just X to accomplish that feat.

Certain ones such as old G-Corp for example, which only had Bug Men, would lose to the Daughter fairly easily.

Then there's something like Fairy or Lock. And the difficulty takes a higher rank.

Of course, we can't say for sure how well we would do given that we have 0 knowledge of the Corporation's strengths. But generally speaking, DoSaM can probably body anything that is up to R-Corp level of brute force power.

But fighting a Wing in the City will draw in other Wings too. So it's unlikely we will ever get a chance of 1v1ing a Wing.
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it'll be like smoke war II. but Everyone will be targeting only one thing.
The head might not join in because well is still human problems, but The wings and the common folks are going to retaliate in every way they can and form a alliance for the first time...Ever
So, ¿if we hypothetically went to the city and they decided to destroy a wing with all our might, how would we do?
I enjoy expanding on lore, so I have basic concepts drawn up for interacting with all the Wings we're aware of in Canon. L Corp's Singularity seems more powerful than most of the other Singularities we've seen, but I would argue that's partly because we only see the product side of them. L Corp makes batteries, I would shudder to think of how some other Singularities are made.

If א decided to go on a rampage and try to down a Wing, the result would really depend on who you target. The Head is unassailable, so ABC are out. W Corp has some tricks, but they wouldn't be too bad unless they have something beyond wha we've seen. J Corp and F Corp seem very impressive because of how Binah uses them, but I wouldn't use that as a baseline for how effective their average soldier is. N Corp are responsible for taboo hunting, so I can assume they're a more combat-capable Wing. R Corp are explicitly militarily focused, and are probably going to be called in if any other Wing is attacked. We don't really get to see it because of how the Library bottlenecks people who enter and splits up their groups, but even the 4th Pack, who are considered a liability the second L Corp goes down, have hundreds of thousands of soldiers. They are a proper army, and even א doesn't have a guaranteed victory if it comes down to all-out war with them.
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I enjoy expanding on lore, so I have basic concepts drawn up for interacting with all the Wings we're aware of in Canon. L Corp's Singularity seems more powerful than most of the other Singularities we've seen, but I would argue that's partly because we only see the product side of them. L Corp makes batteries, I would shudder to think of how some other Singularities are made.
And few of those Singularities were deliberately weaponised, as well. For instance, a flashback in Limbus Company reveals T corp can use their Singularity to create things like rapid aging bombs. And that was before Lobotomy corp gave them large amounts of energy to help them further develop their Singularity.

Or the terrible implication that "semi-Singularities" like Wishpower are hanging around. And the definition of semi-Singularity seems to be a Singularity that is widespread and unpatented, meaning people all over have access to it.
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Singularity that is widespread and unpatented, meaning people all over have access to it.
'Powerful enough to matter, but not enough to Matter' seems to be the line on semi-singularities.
This isn't exactly true.

The Head won't let a Singularity be unpatented. In regards to Wish-power for example, its main users are those within J-Corp only. And we don't know what the actual singularity is. We only know the "Product" which is the ability to extract 'luck'.

Their status is more of "They are known, but they aren't widespread for whatever reasons", even then still, we have too small of a pool of semi-singularities to judge.

Basically only 1 confirmed being the Wishpower (Are there any others?).
This isn't exactly true.

The Head won't let a Singularity be unpatented. In regards to Wish-power for example, its main users are those within J-Corp only. And we don't know what the actual singularity is. We only know the "Product" which is the ability to extract 'luck'.
J-corp doesn't own Wishpower, though. It's stated by Faust that their locking Singularity was developed in response to Wishpower, to prevent unrestricted harvesting of luck from people. So it must have predated J-corp.

Basically only 1 confirmed being the Wishpower (Are there any others?).
In Library of Ruina, both the augmenting tattoos and silk made from people are stated to be Singularities whose patent expired when their Wing fell, so it seems like patents expire when the holding company falls unless someone buys them like W-corp did with their space tearing.
And it's stated that augmenting tattoos "used to be a Singularity" so presumably Singularities that lose their patents no longer count as Singularities.
Apocryphal Chapter - Since The Death Of God, There’s Been A Vacancy Open
Apocryphal Chapter - Since The Death Of God, There's Been A Vacancy Open

The moment of triumph is at hand. You have planned for this for what feels like ages. Your Facility responds to your anticipation, forests of gleaming steel and glass rising from oceans of bright emerald chemicals. The oceans churn as the great worms waiting within them stir in their slumber. The machines creak and hum, awakening only for the momentary inclination that they may be needed before returning to their dormancy. In the sky, glowing kaleidoscopic cracks like hands descending from the heavens signal the outer beings picking up on your excitement. Milling about beneath the neon lights filling the sky, the false Sweepers make their march within the new ivory forest. The only absent from the celebrations are the Horsemen, who you would not allow free so easily, and the jesters, whose powers aid you in secret even now. Besides, they're annoying. You don't want to have to deal with them right now.

Your wings flutter eagerly, their glowing patterns casting a thousand false sunrises over the field of battle. The hollow keening of your claws digging into the earth echoes through the air. In your hands, you hold the key to victory. All that's left is to claim it. No further delays. No more waiting. The time is now to reveal the full extent of your preparations.

"Four of a kind. That's my win for this round."

Across the table, WhiteNight's wings flap in frustration, sending waves of wind tearing through his own little slice of reality. The so-called Kingdom Of God is an empty void of white clouds and thorns, filled completely by the colorless radiance cast by the divine Abnormality. While you're sure the sight would be awe-inspiring to any ordinary person, a delicately-crafted beauty beyond anything man could imagine, it feels rather barren compared to the domains on either side. The austere, solemn emptiness of Silent Girl's Judgement Halls or the grim crimson skies of Apocalypse Bird's Black Forest both seem far more vibrant. Or maybe the mood is just killed by the fact that its ruler is currently pouting like Yuma when you tell her she's had too much cheesecake.

"Thou art cheaters."

You lean back in your seat, an amalgamated mass of wires and machinery that would tower over any ordinary person. For the record, you are cheating. The clowns might be annoying as hell, but scrambling space is good for stacking the deck the way you want it. The others are doing similar tricks, with only the six-winged beast playing fair. Well, as fair as he really can. "We all agreed to the rules, and decided that a certain level of cheating was unavoidable. It's not our fault you're only omnipresent instead of All-Seeing, All-Knowing, or whatever the fuck Silent's doing."

The diminutive Aleph had resigned earlier that round, allowing them to retain their mountain of chips with ease. True to their name, Silent Girl hasn't opened their mouth to do anything more than smile since the beginning of the game. That smile seemed to be pretty much plastered on, though normal tells were never going to be a factor in a game like this. All four of the Abnormalities sitting at the table had some level of enhanced observation abilities, enough that everyone could literally see the whole deck from the moment Angela dealt the first hand.

You had fully expected to be superior to your peers in that capacity, as information isn't exactly WhiteNight's domain and you're not sure to what level Apocalypse Bird actually understands what they're supposed to be doing. Their eyes might be able to see pretty much everything, but they're not good at acting in that information. Then again, you don't know what to expect from somebody whose solution to a prophecy of a monster killing everyone under their protection is to kill the people first. Not a whole lot of long-term planning going on over at that side of the table.

Silent Girl, though, you hadn't expected. She was a new Abnormality to you, one with an uncanny resemblance to your sister. The petite girl's stare is piercing in a different way than Angela's, though. She's winning this game by a lot at this point, even with your recent victory. As it turns out, a supernaturally good judge of character in combination with a detached attitude that makes emotion reading useless is enough to beat you at poker. There's always the option of just scanning through memories directly, but that's intrusive and boring. So for now, you'll take a strong second place.

"That's game anyways." you announce, pushing up from your seat with your many legs. "Silent's got a good lead and unless she screws up badly we aren't catching up in the last hand. Cheating can only do so much."

"It's only right to finish the game anyways." the Beast of the Black Forest chirps, the sound reverberating through the room at a volume that would probably rupture an ordinary person's organs. The great bird clutches their chips in a massive talon, slowly passing them from the pile in the center to your pool. The scene looks a bit comical, such a large monster scrabbling to grasp such tiny objects. It is taking a long time, though.

Your patience wearing thin after the seventh chip, you unfurl Lobotomy and wrap the thorny protrusions around the center pile, dragging the whole mass over to your side of the table. "If you say so. The kids say I need to relax more anyways."

Silent Girl nods cheerfully and enthusiastically, undeterred by the glare you shoot them. Across the table, Apocalypse Bird shakes their whole body in assent and opens a claw to await their next hand. With a resigned look, WhiteNight pulls back and returns his attention to the game. And so the battle between the mightiest of Abnormalities continues.

At least until eight. Mami has a concert that you don't want to miss.
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This chapter is telling me the current situation of the broad.
The silent girl representing Angela has been winning for quite a long time and is currently a step beyond us.
We/א, have pulled a trick against whitenight(in other words our mother) and won the last round.
The apocalypse bird doesn't really care about the game and is only playing along.
Angela is in the lead, she has the upper hand and our help, our mother is quite frustrated that we have been pulling tricks to get upper hand against her, The head has been mostly ignoring most of if not everything that is happening.
Ayin is still fucking missing.
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This also shows us each apex
Silent is black
A bird is red
Whitnight is pale
Which leaves X with white
Across the table, WhiteNight's wings flap in frustration, sending waves of wind tearing through his own little slice of reality. The so-called Kingdom Of God is an empty void of white clouds and thorns, filled completely by the colorless radiance cast by the divine Abnormality. While you're sure the sight would be awe-inspiring to any ordinary person, a delicately-crafted beauty beyond anything man could imagine, it feels rather barren compared to the domains on either side. The austere, solemn emptiness of Silent Girl's Judgement Halls or the grim crimson skies of Apocalypse Bird's Black Forest both seem far more vibrant. Or maybe the mood is just killed by the fact that its ruler is currently pouting like Yuma when you tell her she's had too much cheesecake.

So every pinnacle has their own domain?

Also, The Daughter cheats at cards?

The others are doing similar tricks, with only the six-winged beast playing fair. Well, as fair as he really can. "We all agreed to the rules, and decided that a certain level of cheating was unavoidable. It's not our fault you're only omnipresent instead of All-Seeing, All-Knowing, or whatever the fuck Silent's doing."


I think Silent girl is just standing there, menacingly! And the cards promptly obey out of guilt.

Their eyes might be able to see pretty much everything, but they're not good at acting in that information.

See: them searching for the Black Beast in the black forest.

This also shows us each apex
Silent is black
A bird is red
Whitnight is pale
Which leaves X with white

That had already been confirmed.
But doesn't hurt to have evidence
Also gives us an insight on matters
Assuming the Symbolism is correct
It means Angela's best stat is temperance....... enough to beat out mother while Carmen's best stat is justice
It gives us a hint as to how to fight her
We need to either break her conviction or find away to turn it on herself
Every distortion has a loose thread in the cognition
Carmen is not an exception
So every pinnacle has their own domain?
Somebody earlier in the thread compared א's Facility to a Reality Marble, and that's a fairly good analogy for how all of the strongest Abnormalities work. Reality stops working properly around the really powerful Abnormalities because their associated concepts start superseding everything around them. Thus, you get chains of logic like "If א is here, and they cannot leave their Facility, then this must be the Facility" or "If Apocalypse Bird is here, and it lives in the Black Forest, then this must be the Black Forest". Carmen and Ayin, given their level of Light saturation, could possibly do something similar if they left the Light, but that is highly unlikely to ever happen at this point. Angela and the Library have a similar relationship, though reversed in a sense as Angela is the one linked to her location and is always present within in as opposed to the location linked to an individual that is always present around them.
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So something similar to Elementals or ORT's crystal valley right? Since these Abnormalities' effects seem to be more passive rather than active effect like most reality marbles.
If WHITENIGHT is God, then it must have a kingdom of heaven to rule over.
The cry of the guilty must be heard within a judgment hall.

...I wonder.
May those hundreds of good deeds save you from damnation...
and may that one sin drag you into hell.
DAAAAD!!!! please show up!!! you have been missing all the poker nights!

I just realized whats that last round we won against whitenight is about.
It's about kyoko.
She was about to distort when we straight up stolen moms position.
We use our power and straight up the hijacked her channel, her thing.
That is why whitenight said we cheated, it isn't our authority to do so yet we did it all the same.
If I was Carmen, I will say the same.
Oh, god, this new round will be so fucked.
Okay, So here's my speculation about this game of cards and what kind of cards are our players playing.
Angela/Silent Girl, She is mostly using abno cards that she gifted to us now with librarians and some of the old cards from Dad, The entire library journey is a streak of she winning against Carmen and Apoc bird and losing one ALL IN turn against the head/Apoc bird, this is why she got the most points yet is not really winning that much now, She got what she wanted for now, She is just helping us so we can get into a position where we will have a big win win.
Apocalypse bird/The head is using the city folks, The reason why they haven't been really playing or caring about it is because this game does not concern the Survival of the city/the forest and it is not happening in the city. so they do not care.
Whitenight/Carmen has been using distortions for the entire time and does not bother to jam her hand into others deck(other than Apoc bird because she needs to get distortions somewhere, Good thing that apoc bird got so many cards that They do not bother.), This is why א commented on that WN has been the only one that's not really cheating that much.
We/א, Are using a full abnormality deck with magical girls and ordeals. And because our powers and connections, we have been the one cheating the most in this game right now, two ganging on one and Apoc bird not caring in the slightest, and we have been stealing cards from our mom in this round.
She is either gonna pop a vein or pull a big one out of her pants.
Well, it's fun to think about and I'm deathly bored.
Also, to me the distortion of kyoko is the final play of that round, mom got one victory In the last round and thats homura, She's planning to do something like that again, But she got fucking hit in the jaw with our last move.
And I see blue man as a sacrifice piece, or some kind of Testing move, She's testing If we will kill someone so blatantly described by Angela as evil and bad.
And she got her result.
She's going to make a very interesting move next, Involving betrayal.
ehhh, It's my interpretation So take it with a mountain of salt.
א is being rather arrogant rn, She knows everything within her world but her world is rather limited within her facility.
Whitenight, despite all his arrogant, is still a god.
And Carmen despite all her madness is still a genius and reads people like an open book, with the fruit of our labour under her control, sure she be taken by surprise but She can and will plan.
Maybe not really plan, but she is an opportunist and will take any opportunity she had.
also she did pulled the blue man gang together and told the sicko most of the plan i think?
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So we won't know that we've completed it until the moment we complete it? No indication of progress until we've already gotten to the finish line?
Answering this question from a while ago, Censored's Sapling is going to be a 0 to 100 sort of thing. There's only one real requirement for it, and it's a fairly obvious one if you go over how the Saplings work again.