Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Plan: More Adult Talk
-[X] Contact Argalia, he promises that if you ever look for him, it won't take long for him to find you. Discuss the plans to deal with the Adult.
--[X] Bring up the matter of letting Leonia interact with your own children more.
-[X] Attend to Business in the Library. Inform Angela and Roland about what Argalia told you. Tell Geburah that Sayaka will be joining you in the training sessions.

I swear to god if we somehow manage to accidentally adopt Argalia...
[X] Plan: More Adult Talk
-[X] Contact Argalia, he promises that if you ever look for him, it won't take long for him to find you. Discuss the plans to deal with the Adult.
--[X] Bring up the matter of letting Leonia interact with your own children more.
-[X] Attend to Business in the Library. Inform Angela and Roland about what Argalia told you. Tell Geburah that Sayaka will be joining you in the training sessions.
[X] Plan: More Adult Talk
-[X] Contact Argalia, he promises that if you ever look for him, it won't take long for him to find you. Discuss the plans to deal with the Adult.
--[X] Bring up the matter of letting Leonia interact with your own children more.
-[X] Attend to Business in the Library. Inform Angela and Roland about what Argalia told you. Tell Geburah that Sayaka will be joining you in the training sessions.
[X] Plan: More Adult Talk

Question, can we pair the Ordeals with other E.G.O. Weapons? Because I'm pretty sure that Sound of a Star paired with The God Delusion could make something really crazy, and Fragments from Somewhere would probably have even better synergy, not to mention how well The God Delusion would work with [CENSORED]'s E.G.O. with how both are based around unknowable truths.
Question, can we pair the Ordeals with other E.G.O. Weapons?
Ordeals can be paired with any suitable Completely Integrated E.G.O., though pairings are limited to what resonates with the EGO on-hand.

Edit: For clarity's sake, and because I can never resist these little teasers, the full list of Ordeals that may potentially be called up are as follows:

Last Helix
Eternal Meal
The God Delusion
Night In The Backstreets
The Unbound Heartbeat
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Huh, Ordeals based solely off of the four main damage types from LobCorp, I'm curious as to what they might be.
Just realize that if we are going in order the next one is gonna be the fucking god delusion.
.... Don't tell me the adult is cooking up that, fuck me, she's making a gang of followers that craves 'love' from her.
fuck me this is going to be sooooo bad.
Sapling Observation increases based on emotional connection with and understanding of certain traits belonging to an Abnormality, which allows a "blueprint" for its EGO to be formed. Censored's whole thing is "incomprehensibility", which makes reaching an understanding of its associated concepts or even realizing what those concepts are... challenging. To get to the point, Censored's Sapling will work completely differently than any other Abnormalities and will require special attention to complete.
Special attention? Ok, you heard them, Time to go back to [CENSORED] them directly and use Lamp upon them for that mindbending infinitely scaling white damage, prove that DoSaM is the true White Pinnacle in this :V
Just realize that if we are going in order the next one is gonna be the fucking god delusion.
We already have an EGO integration with The God Delusion however. The normal ones we are missing are Indigo (Night In The Backstreets) and Crimson (probably The Unbound Heartbeat, which has to be an original name because Midnight of Crimson was never encountered in the game).
Out of our stock, we actually have two that would resonate well with Sayaka. Army in Black parallels Sayaka's downfall in the main series perhaps a little too much. Knight of Despair shares a common thread of justice and protection, also the name. Though using Aleph and Waw EGOs brings a distinct risk of corrosion for Sayaka as she is now. Going by Kali's story however, that could be a suitable scaffolding if the intent was to bring out her personal EGO.
I admit I never even thought about Army in Black. My mind went immediately to Punishment Bird, actually.

Huh, Ordeals based solely off of the four main damage types from LobCorp, I'm curious as to what they might be.
Probably the White Ordeal Fixers. Logically, the best abnormality pairings for them would be their respective damage pinnacles. It's a little awkward, though, since X is a pinnacle herself.

I'm more curious about what the Unbound Heartbeat is, or why the Midnight of White (i.e. the Claw) isn't in the pool along with the Fixers.
Would you let your child with a known convinced cult leader
...I mean, it didn't stop Enoch and Lisa from following Carmen...

As for whether I would or not...well...Leonia isn't my kid nor is she X's. She's Argalia's kid.

And he has yet to show any malicious actions towards her contrary to what you and X is expecting.

his idea of a good joke is *let's show my brother-in-law the puppet made from his wife's corpse, his face ought to be hilarious*, not really painting a picture of someone we should let alone with a very impressionable child.
A good point.

But again, Roland is basically his archnemesis. There's not a lot of things that will cause Argalia to sperg out with Leonia like that.
you are expecting him to be a idiotic psychopath that just do anything as he please.
He is a well collected psychopath, this kind of thing is below him. unless he is trying to make a point or is trying to impress us, he won't extend that much effort into doing these stuff, all of his action in Ruina More or less commanded by Carmen. So if you really want to blame someone for his behavior, go shout at mom
he knows what we want and knows what we don't want, one conversation is all he needs to know everything about that. He won't do such a thing so outrageous by our standards.
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[X] "I'm pretty sure that was me, actually."
-[X] "There was a Demon, but he's very dead now."
-[X] "Also, apparently I'm a leader to a gang of Demons now? I killed their leader anyway so uh…"
I think you might have meant to post this elsewhere? That or it's just a serious non-sequitur vote.
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Given that Struggle at the Climax was maximum body horror, I wonder what Unbounded Heartbeat would be.

We have 5 deviant ordeals here that is different from their original selves, why?
Well more of Crimson's side-

Wait is Unbound Heartbeat supposed to be Midnight of Crimson?
So, I'm guessing the Indigo Midnight is going to be the Mother of the Sweepers, but I wonder just what kind of horrid flesh abomination The Unbound Heartbeat will be?
So, I'm guessing the Indigo Midnight is going to be the Mother of the Sweepers, but I wonder just what kind of horrid flesh abomination The Unbound Heartbeat will be?
Indigo Midnight might just be a replication of the Night of the Backstreet actually.

Since the Indigo ordeal is way weaker (having only 12 Sweepers I think) instead of the near limitless army in the night of the backstreets.

I don't think DoSaM will use Indigo Midnight much if it's just that though.

Though now I'm rather excited to see what the Unbound Heartbeat can offer. It's a midnight ordeal after all.

War, Conquest, Pestilence, and Death might be different from their White Ordeal counterparts too given that those 4 in the white ordeal are just super Fixers.
And he has yet to show any malicious actions towards her contrary to what you and X is expecting.

We have encountered him once and didn't observe how he groomed Leonia with any real scrutiny, Argalia doesn't need to be blatant to be brainwashing her just like he did for the Ensemble and by the time it'll be blatant it'll be too late.

He hasn't shown any indications he was repentant or changed his final goal, in fact he told us in our face he still wants the same thing, how blatant do you want him to go before you begin doubting him?

you are expecting him to be a idiotic psychopath that just do anything as he please.

I am not, it is because I am expecting him to be subtle in how he grooms her that I absolutely don't want him to keep being Leonia's main influence, he said without ambiguity that his goal was still the same, and that's exactly what he manipulated the Ensemble with, convincing them to follow his goal.

This is another thing.

Argalia is a massive simp for X right now. He won't even think about doing something like that.

Did you miss his very not subtle references to wanting to see our next performance? Do you think he's talking about having them be harmless?

He still wants the same thing as in LoR, is experienced in subtle grooming, and thinks we wants the same thing as him, why do you think it is a good idea to keep him in charge of an impressionable child?


You also say that he cannot be that bad since he see the Ensemble as true friends, that he lamented how the false Elena was lacking her playful energy, need I remind you what playful energy he's talking about?

Are you still sure that what he was talking about was a good thing now?
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You also say that he cannot be that bad since he see the Ensemble as true friends, that he lamented how the false Elena was lacking her playful energy, need I remind you what playful energy he's talking about?

that one is because he doesn't bother to Keep a tight leash on anyone in his team And the situation will be much the same, even if they don't do anything.
because they are seeking freedom and what's the point if their Freedom to express themself is limited.
yes im Defending the bastard.
I don't like this but im doing it