Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Oh yeah about that.
Get the Monocle and it lets you immune white damage as long as you have the full set.
full immunity, and I think it heals too.
Which means we can't do any mental damage against anyone with that set of egos or under the protection of the silent orchestra
Da Capo is great, and i think to me Silent orchestra is an abnormality that represents the blue reverberation.
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lol, i just get my entire facility ready, my four guys who can deal pale damage go beat it up first, then my entire facility comes out after the first phase and beat the shit out of him
Usually they don't need to because the four guys has already killed the fucker.
I grinded about 1 hour for two of them, he got beat at least 100 times.
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However, the two runner ups are Paradise Lost and Da Capo sitting at 18.33 and 18.5 respectively. Of course, that assumes that Paradise Lost is only targeting 1 hostile.

Thing is, Paradise Lost is a defensive weapon, and it has no equal when it comes to that, put it on a tank and the guy can one on one almost anything without fear for as long as you want.
I can't believe Da Capo do more DPS than Mimicry and Smile.

I feel like my world view just got shat on.
Heh. Also, to further expound on the shocking facts, did you know that according to the same post, Mimicry isnt even the 4th strongest? Here's the list of the ALEPH weapons:
  1. Twilight (With Suit): 50 DPS
  2. Paradise Lost (2-5 targets): 16-23 DPS
  3. Gold Rush (With buff): 20.5 DPS
  4. Paradise Lost (6+ targets): 16-20 DPS
  5. Da Capo: 18.5 DPS
  6. Paradise Lost (1 target): 18.33 DPS
  7. Smile: 17 DPS
  9. Mimicry: 13 DPS
  10. Pinks (EGO Suit+EGO Gift): 12.65 DPS
  11. Sound of a Star (Low Sanity): 12.56 DPS
  12. Gold Rush (No buffs): 12 DPS
  13. Adoration: 11.5 DPS
  14. Pinks (Incomplete set): 11 DPS
  15. Justitia: 8.5 DPS
  16. Sound of a Star (High Sanity/Medium Sanity): 3.75/7.5 DPS
Yeah, but the Silent Orchestra is a pain in the ass to deal with.
Not really? Just keep both Da Capo Agents on standby and keep on repeating the job until they get the Gift. Also make sure to do Attachment Work. With level 5 Temperance, you should be able to do 2-3Works/Qliphoth level, 3-5 if you are willing to risk it, before the rate drops enough for the Agent to start failing. It should only take around 3-4 Qliphoth levels for the Gift. Just in case, keep two strike teams, 1 for PALE and 1 for BLACK. For the PALE squad, get Twilight, Paradise Lost, Justitia, and Life of a Daredevil+WHITE resistant Suit, and you can leave it alone for around a minute then switch them out for the BLACK squad to clean up whats left of its HP
That and Da Capo is kinda useless to X anyway given that...you know.

X is literally the Seed of Light level of white damage.
Which is why I wanted Twilight, since with that whopping 50 DPS as an EGO, who knows how much stronger it would be now that its in our hands and how Lepi has raised the PM power levels.
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Not really? Just keep both Da Capo Agents on standby and keep on repeating the job until they get the Gift. Also make sure to do Attachment Work. With level 5 Temperance, you should be able to do 2-3Works/Qliphoth level, 3-5 if you are willing to risk it, before the rate drops enough for the Agent to start failing. It should only take around 3-4 Qliphoth levels for the Gift. Just in case, keep two strike teams, 1 for PALE and 1 for BLACK to clean up whats left of its HP. For the PALE squad, get Twilight, Paradise Lost, Justitia, and Life of a Daredevil+WHITE resistant Suit, and you can leave it alone for around a minute then switch them out for the BLACK squad,
Yeah. Sounds like a pain in the ass to me.

Especially when Blue Star does basically the same thing, and can even train better than Silent Orchestra.
... You guys have a point. Now that I think about it, if I had gotten Silent Orchestra before Extraction in that particular run when every Agent in my Facility was maxed, I probably would have suffered as well.
you know, take the knowledge of Da Capo letting you null and (maybe) heals off mental damage is worrying to me. Because....it means...if she gets Lucky...the adult have a way to nullify the Pinnacle of White, the Horseman of Conquest.
X, the Alchemist, the Daughter of Sun and Moon, King of Hell.
getting beaten by the gift of a mad conductor.
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That and if negotiation goes well, Argalia is there to help us.

And he might've lost to GIGACHAD ROLAND, but as a combatant, Argalia isn't a slouch either.

Alongside our kids of course, but well...you know how I feel about making the kids fight world ending monsters.
no, i dont mean X the Manager.
i mean, X, the Alchemist.
the one under the shell.
the wings of god getting cut off by a gift.
how funny would that be.
It would be quite hilarious if that was the case.

Luckily X has a bit more than just white damage, with the ordeals under her control.
I think NT is just doing the good old anime trick of *firing a concentrated wind cutter from the pressure of you swinging your sword* when they say hello. Except with a palm trust.
I don't think so, its sound effect is a distinctive metallic ping like a projectile impacting, and there's a corresponding sparking visual effect at the end of the hallway after firing. Also, the arm that fires has a mouth in the palm, a perfect place for the barrel of the arm gun/crossbow/whatever.

In conclusion: our ranged Mimicry morph would look like an Amber Dawn worm :V

That's a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off.
So we are definitely talking, but are we taking the "move further away" option as well? The top vote doesn't include it, but all the other votes combined do include it.
By the way Lepid! Will any of the new abnormalities make a surprise appearance? Like Ebony Queen, Alleyway Watch Dog, Do you want to get beat? Hurtily?, and the doomsday calender.
Probably not, they're not in the Library since they weren't in X's facility. There's no way for them to cross over, so unless you head into the City and start actively looking you won't find any of the Limbus Abnormalities.


Also doesn't Lamp have hypnotic properties? We could use that as a pocket stun.

X's version of Lamp doesn't have the Hypnosis effect, as others have said Sound of a Star would be better for that sort of thing.

For all people asking questions about what is and is not possible with weapons, EGO testing is an option for free time. Feel free to mess around and see what happens, if something is an expressly terrible idea I will tell you in advance.

I know it's a little late, but seeing this, maybe the special one hundred chapters thing could be an explanation for select chapter titles. Some of those seem quite mysterious and out-of-the-blue to me, so they probably have some amusing galaxy-brain reasoning behind them.

Most of the titles are just referencing the chapter's events in some way or another (a lot of earlier chapters centering around Homura were Faust references). Of particular note is the chapter where Kyoko first appeared, in which the title was an inside joke about her true identity.
The idea itself is stupid, Egos, at least in lobotomy corporation is shards of abnormality ripped off and used by humans, and right now we are using the power of abnormality itself.
Mixing the shards will create something I cannot imagine, but certainly dangerous.
Normal human cannot even hold two shards at the same time without EGO corrosion. So combining the two directly together...
What will happen if unstoppable object come across an undestructible wall?
Note, Agents can have upto 13 Ego Gifts at the same time, a suit, and a weapon, 1 of those is from White Night for a total of possibly 15 different abnormality 'fragments'. Admittedly, we never get to talk to these agents and check how sane they actually are outside the sanity meter, but still, I imagine that says something as to how many different 'abnormality items' a person can have without going immediately bonkers or mutating/distorting.

Though, I suppose we'll have to test how different a ego gift is from a ego weapon or suit and the long term effects since X has only witnessed at most 50 days of the effects of such on people.
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a whisper is different from a voice talking besides you.
EGO gifts are whispers, bits and pieces, they coexist because they are all too weak, they are faint hints and you need to listens for them to actually notice their voices. where EGO gears are Abnos talking besides your ears, in your head.
a thought that fades away once you stop think about it VS an idea that jam itself into your brain.
That sounds nice, but could you cite that? I'd love to know if I should consider that canon to the story and can take that into consideration when discussing ideas for any the science votes or if that's just how you look at it

(I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, I legitimately want to know and, like, all my classes emphasize citation and checking your sources at the moment)
Too early in the morning for me to go in wiki diving and story segment diving, Go look through binah missions maybe. If not angela might have mentioned something about this or I'm remembering something from the wonder lab.
I have very shit memory, so I I'm not sure.
So random thought, I feel like if we are to fight the adult we will need some serious support or at least some way to boost our allies.

Issue is that there isn't a lot of options to do that which we could easily access.

The only exception I can think of is the Golden Bough and even then we don't know enough about them to be sure.