Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Welp, let's back up from X's mentality and plan on what to do next then.

First, X got to meet Angela now. The guess on it being one or the other was correct.

Second, I wouldn't put a lot of money into it. But the conversation with Angela will likely go on for 2 turns. (Next and Next chapter)

What should we talk to Angela about?
What should we talk to Angela about?
The first thing to do would probably be to establish everyone's stance. X doesn't begrudge Angela her rebellion one iota, and pretty much views her as a sister/fellow inmate above anything else, but Angela doesn't know that, so she's probably a little skittish. You know, as skittish as she can be within her own EGO with her invulnerable robot body.

Second would probably be to iron out where exactly in the timeline we are. The Library's timeline versus the City's timeline versus Mikitahara's timeline is aggressively non-linear, and what we've seen of Angela has been a little unspecific. All of the Sephirah are up and about, Binah and Hokma specifically, and Angela and Roland seem to be on positive terms, so we're probably post-game. Always good to be sure though.
so we're probably post-game.

I don't remember where exactly, but I do remember seeing a confirmation that were post game.

Thought it was something NT said but I just checked and it's not that, they only confirmed we're post Gebura realization, which don't help a lot, I still al pretty sure I saw a thing indicating the library was in the outskirts, will continue searching.
Here is the proof (this only occurs in the Good Ending)

Thanks, I did reread this update but was searching for it in the dialogue, explains why I missed it.

And yes, states of the library post ending are:

-in the city, with Angela never getting out (her bad ending)

-destroyed by Angela's death (Roland's bad ending)

-in the outskirts (good ending)

It is deeply sad that Angela is strongly implied to never leave her library in her bad ending, since this was one of her biggest reason for becoming human. Shows how much obtaining *the one book* by killing Roland impacts her, probably halped a lot by some encouragements by Carmen.

Anyway, we are post-game, enough time has passed to allow Angela to wake more librarians than just Roland, and this is the good ending, meaning the seed of light has been given and Angela has *the knowing I*.

This also means that we can tease her by calling Roland her boyfriend, usah!
I still have no idea if unironic Roland x Angela shippers actually exist or if they're all masters of trolling, including the rule 34 artists
1.6.12 - My Family
Chapter 75 - My Family

She looks different.

For some reason, that's the first thing you focus on. After thousands of years of seeing a person look exactly the same day after day, you suppose even small differences would become noticeable. Your sister's hair has been cut from easily passing her shoulders to no longer cover her neck. Instead of her usual suit and coat, she wears a tight purple-blue dress with faded white flower patters along the edges. Under one arm, she carries a heavy-looking leather-bound book.


Your voice is completely flat. Partly out of a conscious effort, and partly because you just haven't decided what emotion you should be feeling right now. Your relationship with your erstwhile assistant was always complicated, even before… everything. Now? Everything is even more of a mess than it was before. You're frustrated at her betrayal in the end, but you don't… resent her for it? Blame her? You understand why Angela did what she did. Even considering what it might have cost the City, depending on what the Seed of Light was actually supposed to do. You lived in the Facility too, so it would be impossible for you not to understand to some degree. Knowing she kept everyone alive afterwards would probably have been worthy of gratitude if you didn't expect ulterior motives. Even so, you are glad for that particular decision.

The silence stretches on as the two of you stare at one another. Feeling awkward, you say the only thing you can think of.

"You look better with short hair. It suits you."

Your voice is still steady and devoid of emotion. Still, it seems enough to shake your sister out of whatever thoughts were occupying her.

"Thank you," she answers in her own monotone. Her voice isn't quite as even as yours, caution clearly apparent in her words. You suppose it makes sense. Angela might have been perfectly composed at the Facility, when everything was written out and rehearsed a thousand times over, but now she's no longer in that environment. She can't rely on that familiarity to conceal her emotions. Then again, it does seem like she's even trying to at this point. "I see you've been making some changes yourself."

You jolt, the hint of embarrassment the first obvious emotion you've shown since your sister appeared. "Well, I didn't want to go around looking like our father forever. I did a bit of self-exploration." It's strange. You've never felt the need to justify or explain your transformation to yourself or anybody else. It's just something you chose to do. Considering that nobody you spoke with since even knew about your original form save for Nothing There, there wasn't much reason to. Now, the disconnect feels slightly uncomfortable. Like there's a new layer of separation between you and everyone you knew in the Facility.

That's another thing you had avoided dwelling on. Calling your relationships with your coworkers 'complicated' was an understatement. It often felt like they were talking to somebody else when you spoke, like you were just a person-shaped stand-in for them to vent their grievances to. If you took a particularly cynical angle, that was what you were. A stand-in to replace Ayin because he wasn't capable of going any further.

That wasn't the whole story, though. Your relationships with the Sephirah, save for Hokma, are far deeper than Ayin's ever were. Even taking into account all the pain and suffering endured getting there, simply living alongside your colleagues made everything worth it. Depending on how things go, you might actually be able to see some of them soon.

"So, I'm assuming that this is your Library? It's more industrial than I had come to expect. It reminds me a bit of the Facility, actually."

At that, Angela makes a disconcerted face.

"While this is indeed the Library, each individual floor varies aesthetically from the main structure. The Floor of Geography is attuned to you in particular and was inaccessible to me until your recent arrival, so you can only blame yourself for the state of decoration here."

There's quite a bit of information to process from the terse response. You are indeed in the Library, which means you've gone back to the City. Only temporarily, but still. You don't know how, but returning is at least possible. Are you really happy about that? While it wasn't really a conscious decision, some part of you knew the City was a terrible place and tried to get away from it as soon as possible. Why would you want to go back?

You still have unfinished business here. Your first friends and the only biological family you have remaining. That's reason enough for now.

Second, Angela has some degree of authority over the Library. Focusing too hard on it gives off the same sort of aura as EGO Gear. While you've never even considered the idea of EGO the size of an actual building, you're not willing to rule it out just yet. She probably has some level fo actual control over the structure and its features. Fighting in these conditions is anywhere from just an uphill battle to outright suicide depending on how much control your sister has. Even if you were upset enough at her to attack, it still wouldn't be a suitable course of action.

Third, you have your own floor. Keyed to and designed for you, with Angela being unable to manipulate it until you showed up. Another point to the EGO theory, since that sort of concept-based effect is fully within its purview. Although it does beg the question as to what a Floor means for the Library. Are they the equivalent of departments? If so, then you have a good idea of why Angela decided to keep the Sephirah around. You can try to confirm that, at the very least.

"Is it just you and me here? I'd like to see some of my other coworkers again. It's been a long time since I was able to speak with any of them."

Something- guilt?- flickers across Angela's face, and she sighs. "The others are currently asleep. The Library is still undergoing repairs to regain all of its functionality, and we do not have enough energy to maintain them all of them while doing so."

The room lapses back into silence. You sit back down on the table you were lying on. You only have so much time here, you should be making the most of it. You don't even know how you got here, so getting back will likely be difficult. But what should you even say?


Conversation Topics… (Pick two)
[] The Library
[] You
[] New Friends
[] Family Matters
[] Mitakihara
[] Missing Abnormalities
[] Write-in


Big Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 3/3
Punishing Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 2/2
Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Conversation Topics:
[X] The Library
[X] Missing Abnormalities

Definitely a good idea to get a reasoning for why some abnormalities are missing if Angela herself knows why (which she probably does), and while we are at it discussing The Library itself isn't such a bad idea either. Seems like a good idea to get more info on what exactly the Library is and how things work around here.
Talking about the missing Abnormality feel like it should lead to Mitakihara, though it could also mean talking about those left behind in the remained of L-corp
Hmm, I actually see that as a chance to fill in either Porcubus or Der Freischütz. Depending on the topic we pick, we could fulfill Escape or Payment. Though this is just cojecture.

Other than that, I'm just happy to see Angela finally appear. Also I would absolute support an omake where X spends just gushing over her children while Angela makes an "oh, god" face.
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Both Angela and X defaulting to "robotic monotone" conversation style when they are feeling awkward and unsure is funny.

[X] Family Matters
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Fighting in these conditions is anywhere from just an uphill battle to outright suicide depending on how much control your sister has. Even if you were upset enough at her to attack, it still wouldn't be a suitable course of action.
Suicide. Absolute suicide. Even if Librarians aren't subject to the same rules as Guests, Angela is effectively God within the confines of her Library. Some features may be disabled by the current lack of power and apparent internal rules governing the Floors, but Angela can almost certainly still rearrange space to her liking, on top of her inherent near indestructability.

[X] Family Matters
[X] You

She's decidedly less omnipotent in the social arena. In fact, I'd hazard a guess that the two of you are equally unarmed in this particular field of battle. Why don't we get the most awkward and difficult to bring up subjects over with first? You pair of absolute rocks actually managed to indirectly acknowledge that you're related to each other and semi-consider yourselves family, so that seems like a good starting point!
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[X] My agents.
[X] Soul Gems

Hoping to make Kyoko a new body out of Light.

Edit: I assume we'll be telling her about our time limit regardless?
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NGL I intensively regret not picking Angela appearance as an inspiration, right now. The sheer power of awkward would be just sublime. Would've made meeting Roland pretty fun, too.

(I am broadly 100% fine with Kali-X, but just in this particular situation...)
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Too bad X can't just give the Library a sudden Light infusion to kickstart the rebuilding effort.
If a few seconds are enough to Exposure 3 Humanity it would be enough to get the Library out of needing to run on fumes.

But deep Irony (if that's the word here) with how technically neither Angela nor X have anything to fear from the other.
But neither side has the full picture, so this is quite complicated.

And there are so many necessary options here it is quite difficult to choose.

X was The Manager to Angela for so very long, so I wouldn't choose two topics that would have us only take information.
For the best impression there should be a "give" in there too I think.

Don't have the time for a very big post so...

1) Telling Angela about the kids may be the fastest way to prove that X and Ayin are very different people in practice.
Her Suspension of Disbelief would shatter on the notion that A would ever willingly adopt and care for children.
Quickest way for her to without a doubt start seeing them as separate people, at least in my opinion.

Knowing she kept everyone alive afterwards would probably have been worthy of gratitude if you didn't expect ulterior motives. Even so, you are glad for that particular decision.

And honestly lessening X's doubt and worry about Angela may be worth voting something like:

[ ] Her long term Plans for your former Coworkers

Just ask her straight up, get her to spill that she actually cares for the Sephirah, Agents and Clerks and convince X that there is no need to be so worried about Angela.

3) Asking about the Abnormalities may be a no-Brainer, but long term I feel being too "professional" about this is liable to bite us.
One of the highest risk Abnos around is X themself, so using this chance to bring them some peace may be more valuable than telling Angela where the other Abnos ran off to.

Few Abnos would be worse than X having a mental break.
Self-care is important, especially when your moods can affect the planet at large.
"Well, I didn't want to go around looking like our father forever. I did a bit of self-exploration."

Really curious what Angela thought in this moment.
Calling Ayin "father". Calling him "our" - including her in there.
Telling her X sees her as family too.
Every second lasts 100 for her.
She had several minutes to think about that statement.

You still have unfinished business here. Your first friends and the only biological family you have remaining.

Heartwarming from X to call Angela "biological family". Really sweet way to refer to someone without a hint of biological matter in her construction.
Not even "technically family", but "actually family, straight up".

Also no wonder with X not having been awake for that long, but the notable lack of Light should make them wonder where the rest of the Seed of Light went.

And as a last thing I do not think Angela has even a hint of an idea that this talk is on a timer, so I'd guess we should plan for a lack of urgency on her end.
On the other hand X having a guaranteed escape may make them more willing to be open.
I'd at the very least expect a very honest verbal "parting shot" at the end of this. Not even malicious, hurtful or smug.
Just a moment of honesty due to X not needing to deal with the aftermath of the statement.

Something like a "Thank you." or an "I don't hate you." or whatever else.
Just see it as a possible powerful ending to this family visit.
Yeah, though the practical options here are the, well, practical options, it's best to go for the more personal ones here.

Still haven't decided which though.