Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I definitely agree with that. In my first time getting him it was day 26 and I was able to do it properly the first time. I have only ever heard one of my employees saying "I love you" once, it was during my [CENSORED]

There is a reason why getting NT and Blue star in you facility is recommended for having an easier time during days 46-50. Also, fixed a little mistake in your post.
Oh dear, gone for a few days and came back to a right mess. Don't really any equivalent of tactical or diplomatic mind so not much input there.

But from observation, I can say that this will opposite of a forgive/forget situation particularly for Mami given her seeming reconciliation was thrown down and stepped on then teabagged for good measure. She could understand not immediately attacking, she could probably understand being diplomatic, hell, she could maybe, just maybe, accept NT as an ally. I say Accept, not Understand because, lets be honest, she won't be okay or happy with NT without some full seasons worth of character development on both sides. Hell, even X isn't very happy atm so NT daughteru is a bit of a distant dream.

Really all I'm hoping for is pacification and Mami not going Tetris.

Please excuse the rambling.
In fact, my main hope is that turning NT into a human, or close enough, will give her empathy and understanding of why what she has done in the past has been deeply horrific. While I don't think Mami or Sayaka would be able to forgive NT, they would probably be able to treat her like a different person.
But from observation, I can say that this will opposite of a forgive/forget situation particularly for Mami given her seeming reconciliation was thrown down and stepped on then teabagged for good measure. She could understand not immediately attacking, she could probably understand being diplomatic, hell, she could maybe, just maybe, accept NT as an ally. I say Accept, not Understand because, lets be honest, she won't be okay or happy with NT without some full seasons worth of character development on both sides. Hell, even X isn't very happy atm so NT daughteru is a bit of a distant dream.
Not just Mami,but the other girls too. Like I said,the best we're going to be able to get with the girls regarding is tolerance,pushing for more after the first meeting is not going end well. And if we manage to get Kyoko(and the other MGs) out of the hell she's been in,she's guaranteed to hate NT for it.

And for the people thinking Yuma will take it relatively well, keep in mind she's Miami's adopted sister. She saw who she thought was Kyoko making her big sister happy,turns out to be an imposter using her face and lying to her,hurting her whether it was intentional or not. I don't think it would be to Mami's level but there would some dislike and/or distrust.
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Basically. As long as NT is still using shells, NONE of the girls will like her.

Even Yuma. ESPECIALLY Yuma. Yuma above everyone else is VERY caring. She will be the first person to not tolerate having a girl suffering.
You have too little faith in us.

X will solve things. Just as he did once before. She will do the same for these kids. Shes a mom now, so solving discourse between her kids is just a natural part of the job.
You have too little faith in us.

X will solve things. Just as he did once before. She will do the same for these kids. Shes a mom now, so solving discourse between her kids is just a natural part of the job.
Personally, I think it would be healthy lesson for NT to learn that some people are not going to like you matter what you do,even if you change for the better. NT hurt them and its their right to engage with her as much or as little as want.
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Well, for one thing. Homura is sure to never really like her. Tolerate yes. Warm up to yes.

But like? Probably not. Surprisingly.

Kyoko is the obvious other.
They will see nothing there as a very very unwanted ally, but still a ally, they will not like her no matter what.
Even if she plays nice at all time, they will not like her, They know that she will kill 37 people for a skin suit, And she is abno, and she is a flesh monster that will kill all of them with a single word without blinking under that skin.
Immortality is a thing,but expecting all of them to like her eventually is just..no.
Probably not going to happen if she keeps being even similar to what she's currently, but if she changes...

X will solve things. Just as he did once before. She will do the same for these kids. Shes a mom now, so solving discourse between her kids is just a natural part of the job.
I'm not sure about that, while X did finish the seed of light in Ayin's place and did the impossible, he was forced on that path, whether he liked it or not, he will finish that seed...

Personally I think it would be healthy lesson for NT to learn that some people are not going to like you matter what you do.
That could possibly be useful, but not now, not with the girls, maybe take her for a walk in a bad place and explain to her then.
Don't know why Mami's not included in that,since what NT did is the most personal to her. Not only was it betrayal by someone who lied to her using a persona she trusted but was also keeping her old friend(along with many others) in constant agony.
Because Mami is a wild card.

She is beginning to grow now. And EVENTUALLY, she will accept her own nature as a potential Witch.

Until then, I won't say for absolute certainty on what she will do. Because outside of Kyoko, Mami also has Yuma as her sister and X as her mom.

The possibility of her cooling down and warming up to NT after NT becomes truly human and gives up her ways is significantly higher than the others. Especially if X takes NT in.

I'm not sure about that, while X did finish the seed of light in Ayin's place and did the impossible, he was forced on that path, whether he liked it or not, he will finish that seed...
Making it to Day 50 with 0 Deaths is canonically a thing X did.

That was his/her own decision which wasn't forced on her by Ayin.
Especially if X takes NT in.
Taking NT in after Mami and Yuma are going to be reeling from the BS NT did is a bad idea. Its forcing them to accept this person who has hurt them emotionally living in close proximity with them. I'm fine with looking for NT a place to stay close to Mami's apartment,but its hard no from me on asking NT to stay with us. Maybe after NT has changed a lot,but not so soon after the first meeting.
We will see.

Situations like this are best left to react as they come and go. Our speculations won't be able to truly reflect the decisions we will have to take once the time comes.

After all, NT blindsided us with a surprise before, hiding essentially in plain sight without us knowing.
Literally in one of the previous chapters.

She mentioned how each iteration of X slowly becomes even more caring of his own employees until it finally was her turn and for the first time since forever, everyone arrived at the final destination together.
Even so, not every day was without sacrifice. Only in the very end could you take everyone with you.
Here's the quote for anyone who's interested

as you did the Agents under your command, but even when you were the one in power you still couldn't save most of the people who followed you. Twenty, thirty agents made it to the end? A drop in the bucket compared to the countless dead over your century-long mission.

Although I asked earlier about the discrepancy between the above and this (the max in-game number of employees is 55), and didn't get a response, so