Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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i just watched the Limbus Company trailer and am i the only one who thinks its got something to do with express train to hell the music has a rhythm like the click clack of a train, there is a picture of the car/train running people over the lyrics straight out say all there in this hell and there is a clock motith over the whole thing and time travel is a thing in project moons works.
"I.. I couldn't remember very much about you. I know, it's horrible!" She adds when she sees Mami's shocked face. "I just- I knew you were a strong Magical Girl, and that we were partners, but there are- blank spots, I don't know!"
I had another thought. Not a likely one, but we know very little, and so at this point any any guess is as valid as another.

Is this even Kyoko?

Do we have any proof this isn't a copy of of Kyoko with a flawed memory some Abnormality spawned? Or that she isn't an Abnormality that thinks she's Kyoko? Because while we can be very sure she isn't Nothing There, X is proof there's at least one new Abnormality around. Where's there's one, there could be more.

As with my last post, I don't think she's acting maliciously. If she is a copy or a replacement, I could easily believe that she thinks she is Kyoko. Much like X, her nature could be hidden even from herself.
[X] Give Kyoko her privacy while performing the scan.
-[X] But try to convince her to allow Mami to observe the scan. She needs someone who knows her.
So we should find something that lets Sayaka do more, or just make more of her contributions when she's helping Mami or anyone else fight.
So, sandbag and get into a situation where it's clear her buffs made all the difference?
More seriously though, while something like that may work, it's also gonna make her want to be present for every fight, so, is that a good thing?
We already had a bitch fest and a half of people rejecting the concept of giving them E.G.O.

Suffice to say, it's probably not gonna happen. Especially with how much of a pain trying to make an E.G.O gear is.
Understandable, afterall trying to find one that won't backfire catastrophically is an in frustration
Besides, we can't even sort out our E.G.Os for ourselves.

One only needs to look at Der Fruity and how he's stuck in sapling form for MORE than half the quest now.

Or the fact that Big Bird is likely to remain as a Sapling for the rest of the quest due to the nature of his requirement. I would be surprised if that Sapling can ever mature due to how overpowered Lobotomy is.

Even if we obtained some decent abnormalities, the likelihood of us even growing the sapling in time is absurdly low.
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Never say never
We do have access to a form of the time track in homura
Meaning we have all the time we need to get things right
If time we're money X and Homura would be the richest people in the world
We do have access to a form of the time track in homura
That's a loss condition. So there's no point in discussing it. We'll see when we get there.

And yes. There are some we absolutely cannot obtain. Requirements that are so utterly abhorrent. The Adult for an easy example.

Everything about her is basically the opposite of X. She lies. She takes advantage of others' weaknesses. She's sadistic.
When in comparison, X is fairly transparent. X wants others' to grow. She's kind and caring.

Unless Big Bird gets his req fulfilled through some loopholes or something, we aren't gonna get any of the harder abnormalities E.G.O.

The requirements are WAY harder now when compared to how ez clap, Army in Black and Blue Star was. If this pattern keeps up, we should kiss our dreams of obtaining the ultima Aleph Infinity Gauntlet of doom [Goodbye] because I don't think something like MoSB, the Jester, or Silent Orchestra are compatible, let alone someone so opposed to our ideology like The Adult.

Though saying that, Whitenight, Nothing There are surprisingly compatible with X...provided they aren't limited by some requirements that we didn't think of. Maybe Melting Love too.

WN should be Revelation/Blessing/Salvation so he shouldn't be too hard. X already fulfilled most of his requirements.
Nothing There's Mimicry/Shell/Humanity should be easy clap too.

Hell, here's a thought. Apocalypse Bird is probably a separate sapling from the 3 bird's saplings. So obtaining THAT thing's E.G.O will probably take EVEN LONGER than all three birds combined.

I had the funny image of X calling Sayaka over and telling her to do/give her something she would need naturally, just to flick her forehead every time she gets it wrong.
Risk Level (ALEPH), portrait, Damage Type (Red, 1 - 4), the number of E-Boxes (35) and their emotional states, and their Qliphoth counter (3).
Another thought crossed my mind now, what if WN doesn't have a limit to the number of apostles now?
WhiteNight has its number of Apostles as a constant, always creating the same number of each. Three Scythe Apostles, three Spear Apostles, three Staff Apostles, two Guardian Apostles, and one betrayer.
what if WN doesn't have a limit to the number of apostles now?
Unlikely. And probably impossible. (Nvm Lepid got to it first)

And besides, his apostles aren't the dangerous ones. He is. But if it's not Revelation, then it's probably some kind of substitute for it.

I also probably figured out Apocalypse Bird's 3 requirements (provided Lepid doesn't do a little bit of trolling and make it so that the top tier Exodia Alephs have 4-5 requirements [Completely understandable btw, they are all busted as all hell in terms of power]).

The privacy of one's own mind is a basic right. Kyoko deserves it.

[X] Give Kyoko her privacy while performing the scan.

...anyway, Looking forward to the next chapter.
Also apostles is just basically stronger versions of some of the WAWs, Except the guards,they very much deserve the aleph grade even if there's only one of them and no WN.
A swing and your dead, that massive pale damage is fucking terrifying.
...Of course, if they are not.. you know...LoR version.
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I mentioned it so it is possible and admittedly X need not do it only be present
Afterall we gained trust not by trusting someone else but getting trusted and with Xs Empathic abilities
We need only be able to observe the right stimuli to fulfill the conditions and ultimately we may fulfill the conditions whether we want to or not
Yeah. That's the requirement. For someone to trust us. Not us trusting another.

If SAVE was just saving people we would've already fulfilled it and obtained Big Bird.

It wants us to SAVE people by killing them before they get killed. And we can't just observe it either dum dum. :V

Everything we did had to resonate with the abnormalities. If we can just obtain them through observation, Der Fruity wouldn't have been inactive for this goddamn long.
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No need to resort to name calling my friend and I knew that and ultimately that is the case resonation
We already know the adults been making moves
Nothing there has several puella trapped in an unpleasant situation
Other abnormalities are also roaming which includes melting love and parasite tree

All things inevitable
We will eventually have to give mercy to some poor soul who would suffer due to the abnormalities in question
It's not a matter of If but when
When and where will the next breach come
Which ordeal will we face
It's unfortunate but we are going to earn that happily ever after and we will suffer for it
But what's another cycle to X and Aleph
We succeed once despite the amount failures
We can do it twice
If X we're a fantasy character he'd be a dark souls one with how many times they pick themselves back up

Ps meme as a riposte, eat a snickers you're not you when your hangry