We do have access to a form of the time track in homura
That's a loss condition. So there's no point in discussing it. We'll see when we get there.
And yes. There are some we absolutely cannot obtain. Requirements that are so utterly abhorrent. The Adult for an easy example.
Everything about her is basically the opposite of X. She lies. She takes advantage of others' weaknesses. She's sadistic.
When in comparison, X is fairly transparent. X wants others' to grow. She's kind and caring.
Unless Big Bird gets his req fulfilled through some loopholes or something, we aren't gonna get any of the harder abnormalities E.G.O.
The requirements are WAY harder now when compared to how ez clap, Army in Black and Blue Star was. If this pattern keeps up, we should kiss our dreams of obtaining the ultima Aleph Infinity Gauntlet of doom
[Goodbye] because I don't think something like MoSB, the Jester, or Silent Orchestra are compatible, let alone someone so opposed to our ideology like The Adult.
Though saying that, Whitenight, Nothing There are surprisingly compatible with X...provided they aren't limited by some requirements that we didn't think of. Maybe Melting Love too.
WN should be
Revelation/Blessing/Salvation so he shouldn't be too hard. X already
fulfilled most of his requirements.
Nothing There's
Mimicry/Shell/Humanity should be easy clap too.
Hell, here's a thought. Apocalypse Bird is probably a separate sapling from the 3 bird's saplings. So obtaining THAT thing's E.G.O will probably take EVEN LONGER than all three birds combined.
I had the funny image of X calling Sayaka over and telling her to do/give her something she would need naturally, just to flick her forehead every time she gets it wrong.
Risk Level (
ALEPH), portrait, Damage Type (
Red, 1 - 4), the number of
E-Boxes (35) and their emotional states, and their
Qliphoth counter (