That's what I said.
It's NEVER gonna happen. Because for it to happen means that WE FUCKED UP [[BIG TIME]].
We are NOT resorting to resets, a mechanic we aren't even aware of whether we can do or not. So kiss your dreams of obtaining fucked up requirements good bye because we aren't gonna let the idea of obtaining them happens in the first place.
We have absolutely no idea of the Adult's requirements, we can infer them, but until we actually see them, this is pure speculation and should be presented as such, not as facts.
That's the same damn thought process that got us Der Fruity and like 30 chapters of being unable to use his darn E.G.O.
I didn't think things through when I thought of pursuing Big Bird but now looking at the patterns of all the Abnormalities and their requirements, I should have foreseen that it would require SAVE.
We SHOULD be able to at the very least predict what their requirements will be after having 6 Saplings.
As for purposefully going after them. We don't have the time for it. The 3 that we can dedicate an action to, Der Fruity, P Bird, and Big Bird are all unreasonable in terms of what they want.
Comeuppance WILL result in someone dying.
We aren't even aware of what Der Fruity needs.
Big Bird is just no.
We already said that we will attempt to go to a vacation to try to take a shot at activating Porccubus. So it's not like we don't try to steer X towards obtaining the E.G.O.
They just aren't things that you can "chase" after.