1. With regard to the Abomination plans and Ridcully's comment on them..
a. Is there anything notable that they don't know? (Currently I'm having it as: Mass Power Armor, Paragon General (?), Both Oakhearts, Borderline Transcendent Seer (As opposed to Near-Paragon Seer), Avernus' Old One Defense Systems (???), Avernus' antichaos tendencies (????))
b. Do they know enough about Avernus that their plans do not require changing (outside of disaster, knowing we have their plans).
c. Does Ridcully have, in his divination on their General during planning, gotten any estimation of his personality, inclination and/or skill?
Backup plans are backup for the reason they're suckier than the original plan - Plus at some point in the war, they're going to have to switch to direct command. They can't know Avernus or predicting enough factors for their plan to really encompass all the factors.
I can see virtue in the idea going blatant on the decisive battle above Avernus, though.