Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

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Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!
("Oh shit." - You all know you're thinking it...)...


(Verified GM)
Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!
("Oh shit." - You all know you're thinking it...)​

Congratulations! Up until this point you've been living a pretty average life. Literally. You'd get up, go to school, hang out with friends, and then head home to repeat the next day. That is, until a giant demon of unknown origin spawns in the middle of your neighborhood and slaughters everyone you've ever known and loved.

The motherfucker had literally dropped onto your damn house in broad daylight.

The good news? You are saved by a magical girl! For a few seconds anyway.

For you see - the monster that spawned is a post-season-five super-boss. That poor little girl operating off shoddy season two magic is slaughtered like cattle, and promptly consumed whole.

Your everyone is dead, and the girl that was supposed to save you is a smear on the ground and a rumbly in the tumbly.

But wait! Turn out the reason this thing is here is you! You are a magical girl!

Are you a...

--Select Difficulty (Different character depending on choice)
[]Veteran - You've been fighting baddies like this for years. Well-known in the magical community you already have the heads of about a dozen Kings of Darkness under your belt. You eat bitches like this for breakfast. (Easy Mode... -ish. You start at high stats and abilities, but your growth is going to be slow going.)

[]Experienced - You've already been through a couple fights already! Your at least a third-season survivor with a good grasp of your abilities! Though... running might be a good idea here. (Medium - Good starting stats, decent growth potential, but there's a good chance you might bite off more than you can chew.)

[]Newbie - You're not even done with Season One yet. Your magic is paper thin to this thing, and you barely have any idea whats going on. (Hard - Low stats, weak spells... but your likely going to grow to be a real power house if you can survive this.)

[]FRESH MEAT - This is your first magical fight and your powers just woke up. Yeah, you're fucked. Hard. (Ohmygodwhy - You're the poor bastard that has literally just started the game and got their poor ass level warped to the secret boss chamber that only the Uber Pros even attempt to take on. If you manage to even just survive this, your name is going to be legendary. Somehow manage to kill this sonuvabitch? Your name is going to be synonymous with 'Hard to Kill'.)

Sadly though that's not all that's happening right now. Because the universe decided to make your day today the worst one you've ever awoken to the world gets in on this. And boy is it going to have a fucking blast with it!

--Select one (Determines Background Setting)
[]Masquerade? What masquerade? (Magic is a common thing. Very common. So the baddies invading Earth don't feel the need to hold back. Sure, it'll cause a ton of damage to what they're trying to rule, but the weaponry of a fully nuclear-armed planet are ready for them. So shit like this happens regularly, and the Normal Human Military has a good idea of what to do in this situation: bring in the tanks. They work closely with Magical Girls the world over as well as Good-Aligned factions like Light Fairies and Angels and so on, so you got tanks in the area and your town is a warzone.)

[]United Front! (Magical Communities are well-connected. If one comes under attack the others scramble to help. This means their enemies have a habit of banding together, but they are far better off together than alone. Similar to above, but no muggles joining in or backup from government sponsorship.)

[]Eternal Darkness... (A baddie won. Quite a while ago at that. Humanity are little more than slaves, and other baddies are trying to knock him off his throne. Magical Girls like you are few and far between. Hunted ruthlessly, the girl that had just jumped passed you was on a timer already. The Darkness is coming for you, and there's little you can do about it.)

So 'yall ready for this? Lets see if you survive!

Side Quests and Spin-Offs By Your Fellow Questers:
Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Sidequest)

Crystalwatcher's Base Commander Quest (CMGQ Spinoff)
A Journey Through Hell (CWMGQ Spinoff) (Found over on Questionable Questing, same username)
The Fall of Hope: Hellfire Run (CWMGQ Spinoff)
Chasing the Sun (CMGQ Spin Off)

Libra's Lament, a Magical Girl Quest (Complete)
Chasing Dreams (CWMGQ-Spinoff) (Co-Written With @Battleship_Fusou
Peril's Origin - A Magical Girl Quest)

Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

CMGQ: Parallel
The Quest For Earth (CWMGQ spinoff)

Flowers in the Sun (Another CWMGQ Spin-off)
God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

Fantasy Imitating Fantasy(Yet Another CWMGQ Spin-Off; Provisional Name)

Behind the Lines (CWMGQ Spinoff)

Political Maneuvers (CWMGQ Spin-off)

Highway to Hell - A Magical Girl Quest

Useful/Funny Information

Tome of Cosmos - CWMGQ Character Building Thread
The TV Tropes Page. Respect it. - Sarted by Gore17.
Humanity as Gaia's weapon: The Line, First, Second, Third
Familiar's Timeline
Familiar's prettier map of the LDC
Magical Solid Core and Team GEAR Facts*
More facts? More facts
a quick guide to the Goddesses - Nightfallen
Existence Bonuses
What is known about the Fall of Hope
Info Dump on the Akashic Pillar's Government
On Gaia
Starting stats for average Magical Girls by growth Affinity (Warning, Epic is bias.)
Mechanics of Indestructible Core and Supremacy Zone
Attacks Per Turn
EXP Spending (MUST READ!)
Crystalwatcher's Dice Roller (His New Roller that he likes better)
Canon Slayer Abilities
The Thing Gaia Wishes Never Happened...
The Death Squadron
Armor calcs (lost my notes, so I'm using Uber's)
Counter Force Demon Classifications, and Magical Girl Comparisons
Current Status of Operation Answerer
Lucky's Library: Mechanical Abilities vs Conceptual Abilities (Or: How Human Magic Keeps Making Shit More Complicated Then It Needs to Be)
The Three Drives
Four, Three, Two, One... (diesel366)
Behold! (Someone wrote up your guy's upgrade paths into a spread sheet. Sometimes, I wonder about you all.)
Army Actions (Ret-Conned)
Army Specials (Ret-Conned)
Magical Nukes and You
Sega's Mechanics Corner: False Abilities and You! (Or: Why Rei Mitsubishi said 'fuck it' and learned to love spamming Oblivion Awaits)
Conceptual Language (The more archaic syntax.)
Unaligned Races
Ability Evolution
General > Current Magical Research > Meta Branch (Souls)
@Faraway-R's EXP Spending Analysis: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Characters Made By Me (Canon)

Gaia (Unaligned Front)
Cosmos (Unaligned Front)
Void (Cosmos)
Shiva-Sil (Unaligned Front)
Supreme Commander William "Pink" Snickerdoodle (Counter Force)
Nuke'em If You Got 'Em (Counter Force / We got two, which do you want?)
Magical Girl War Chaser (???? / You don't need to know more about her)
Magical Girl ERROR/End (Independent/After The End)
Magical Girl Prescience (Unified Darkness)
Magical Girl Monster Slayer (Unified Darkness)
Magical Girl Archive (Unified Light)
Magical Girl Rage Trigger (Unified Darkness)

Characters Made By Me (Non-Canon)

Saint Nicholas (Children Everywhere)
Magical Girl Winter (Saint Nicholas)

Canon Character Sheets (Submitted)

Magical Girl Scarlet Empress and Her Legion (Unified Light / Burning March)
The Man Who Speaks In Hands (Unaligned / Need a translator page)
Magical Girl Clockwork Prism (Unaligned / The World Machine / Tick Tock)
The World Machine (Unaligned / Slow Growth)
Magical Girl Fable Heart (Unified Light / Team HEART / Pocket Trauma)
Magical Girl Sundown Eclipse (Unified Light / Eclipse Sisters)
Magical Girl Twilight Eclipse (Unified Light / Eclipse Sisters)
Magical Girl Silver Chevalier (Unified Light / I want to be, the very best!)
Team: ROUND TABLE (Unified Light / Insanity is Contagious)
Magical Girl Lunatic Psyker (Unified Darkness / Unlimited RAGE!!)
Magical Girl Arc Mastermind (Unified Light / Pop quiz / All the dynamos)
Magical Girl Armageddon Hound / Hound of the Apocalypse (Unified Darkness / Burn it all / Elves are crunchy and taste good with A1 steak sauce / You mean Fairies dear)
Magical Girl Atlantis Thunder (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / BFG / Boom)
Magical Girl Atlantis Flame (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / Get fired up)
Magical Girl Atlantis Blade (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / Chop, chop, chopchopchopchopchop / Princess of Atlantis / "No I'm not." / "Yes she is, don't let her lie to you.")
Magical Girl Atlantis Guardian (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / "STOP TOSING THAT DAMNED NUKE!" / "IT'S NOT A NUKE!")
Magical Girl Atlantis Ether (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / New Girl / MG Squared)
Magical Girl Primary Wiccan (Unified Light / Was actually a pretty nice girl)
Magical Girl Monster Keeper (Unified Light / Wants a Zoology Major)
Professor ElRoi (Unified Light / Counter Force / Civilian Contractor)
Magical Girl Pitch Black (Unified Light / Independent / Like to sit in the middle of nowhere and meditate)
Magical Girl Insight (Unified Light / Red Rose's protégé / Shut Up Shirley)
Magical Girl Crimson Hood / Nightmare of Crimson (Unified Light / Independent / "Are you afraid?" / "Of THe biG BaD WoLf?")
The Moores Family (Unified Light / Oldest Half Elf / Winds up being a MG)
Magical Girl Flawless Paladin (Unified Darkness / Everyone knows she's a spy / Not very good at this is she?)
Magical Girl Mystic Wraith (Unified Light / Independent / Ghost Story Anyone?)
Magical Girl Emerald Blossom (Unified Light / Independent / I got nothing)
Magical Girl Steel Monsoon (Unified Light / Big Gun, Little Girl / Try not to think about wardrobe malfunctions)
Magical Girl Good Hunter (/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Spoilers /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\)
The Paleblood Moon (/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Spoilers /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\)
Magical Girl Sumire Saber (Unified Light / Saber Sisters / Theoretical Infinite Blocking Skills)
Magical Girl Sakura Saber (Unified Light / Saber Sisters / Use Friendship For Infinite Power!)
Magical Girl Echo Dervish (Unified Light / Independent / White Soul's Spiritual Successor / Slightly more Stable)
Magical Girl Madama Morte (??? / Traumatic Event Ho! / Hates Goddess Red)
Magical Girl Titan Killer (Unified Light / Not Actually a Girl)
Magical Girl Mysterious Heroine χ (Unaligned / Please insert bullshitium complaints into the invisible box over there)
Magical Girl Drakensong (Independent / Unaligned / Best Musician)
Magical Girl M.E.C.A. Force (Unified Light / Can't nerf shit)
Magical Girl M.E.C.A. Force (As of her appearance in-quest)
Civvie (Unaligned / Hidden Power / The Hommando's Mechakemi Is Real)
Magical Girl Warped Mirror (Unified Light / Fun~ House)
Magical Girl Prisma Drake (Unified Light / Always be the Dragon)
???? Thorn Warden (Unified Light / He was blackmailed into it initially)
Magical Girl Equinox (Independent / Cruel Dawn / Calming Evening)
Magical Girl Rose Encore (Unified Light / Egotistical)

Magical Girl Blue Dragon / The Blue Dragon (Unaligned / Follow the Wind)
Magical Girl Solar Radiance (??? / Got Mindfucked)
Magical Girl Lunar Radiance (??? / Solar Radiance / Got Mindfucked, then Mindfucked the Mindfucking)

Magical Girl Scholar of Catastrophe (Unaligned / I'd tap dat)
Magical Girl Summer Queen / Magical Girl Winter Queen (Unified Light / Love playing their little game)
Chronos and the Clockwork Dames (Unaligned / He was stronger once upon a time)
Calamity!Chronos (The Original Concept of Time)
The Fairy Tail Four Five (Old) (Unified Light / The Fairy Tale Girls)
Magical Girl Dark Reaper (Unified Light / Do the Space Warp)
Magical Girl Plant Queen (Unified Light / Plant Kingdom)
Magical Girl Dragon Queen (Unified Light / Yes, her name actually is Tiamat)
Team RIOT (Unified Light / LETS START A RIOT!!)
The Primals (Unified Light / Early Birds did not get the worm)
...the Four Horsemen (Unified Light / Goddess Grey Wants To Talk Copyright)
Magical Girl Nightmare Monarch (Unified Light / Innocently Terrifying)
Magical Girl Shining Scholar (Unified Light / Counter Force / VL / Insert Spell Check Joke Here .JPEG)
Magical Girl Black Fractal (Unified Light / Don't Look in the Box)
Team CUTE (Unified Light / Please ignore the implied fridge horror)
Team RESEARCHER (Unified Light)
Emissaries of Light (Unaligned Front)
Magical Girl Huntress of Darkness and Magical Girl Bloody Nightmare (Unified Light / Alucard is on a walk / Integra needs laid)
Magical Girl Otherworld Guide (Unified Light / Glowy)
Magical Girl Princess Peach / Nightmare of Peach (Unified Light / Unaligned / The castle is missing)
Magical Girl Evil Overlord (and her bitches minions / Independent)
Magical Girl Hopekiller (Independent / And Her Dance Squad)
The Seven Deadly Sins (Variable / Independent / Sloth is a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass)
Magical Girl Reaper of Madness and Black Blood (Unified Light / Loony Room +1)
Magical Girl Storm Empress (Unified Light / Collateral Damage Woman / Bayoneta's cousin no one talks about / ALL THE LIGHTING!!)
Magical Girl Critical Reviewer (Unified Light / Back Line)
Nightmare Hunters (Unified Light / Much better / Blessing of the Infernal / Blessing of the Divine)
Team SLAYER (Unified Light / Are you scared of the dark?)Team SLAYER (Part 2) (Unified Light / You should be~)
Magical Girl Harmonious Priestess (Unified Light / Inheritor of Red)
Magical Girl Echidna (Independent / Mother of Monsters / All My Yes)
Magical Girl Symphonic Conductor (Unified Light / Sing Softly)

Magical Girl Red Comet (Unified Light / Fifth in Line / Technically a respawn but ain't)

(Nix's Warden)
Magical Girl Silent Murder (Unified Darkness / Stab Happy)
Magical Girl Dark Judge (Unified Light / No one expects the inquisition! / Hiding all the trauma)

Magical Girl Summit (Unified Light / Before and After)
Magical Girl Will'o'Wisp (Unified Light / Counter Force / Psychological Warfare much?)
Antonio "Tony" Menendez (Unified Light / Go loud)
Natalie (Independent / Kleptomania For The Win / Walking RPG Stereo Type)
Magical Girl Illuminator (Akashic Pillar / Spell-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam)
Magical Girl Twin Legacy (Unaligned / She's just a kid)
Fiodur (Unified Darkness / Thirteenth Hell / Usable!)

End-Bringer (Yggdrasil's guard dog)

Magical Girl Breakfast Call (Unified Light? / All the fridge horror)
Magical Girl Gift Wrap (Unified Light / Bonus Fridge horror)

Magical Girl Raging Heart (Independent / Unified Light / Walking Traumatic Event)
Magical Girl Destined Lightning (Independent / PTSD is a Thing)
Magical Girl Night Sky (Independent / Unified Light / Pet Nightmare / Pocket Apocalypse)

Dream Heart (Independent / Team HEART / Dead On Arrival)
Magical Girl Soul Record (Variable / Respawn Hell)

(Dream Logic)
Magical Girl Burning Savior (Unified Light / Betray your allies! Get bonuses!)
Magical Girl Lucky Ace / Magical Girl Sinful Sound (Independent / Unified Light / Wanna Be Lucky / Easy to Abuse)
Magical Girl Grey Skies / Magical Girl Wrathful Dragon (Unified Light / "Depression" of enemies / Just punch harder)


Priestess of the Moon / Moon Rider and their 'Mounts' (Unified Light / Strange relationships)
Crystal Mage / Inferno Mage (Unified Light / Unified Darkness / Back Stabbing Bitches)
Magical Girl Machine Code (Unified Light / Counter Force / I can so totally see her as friends with Limitless Horizon)
Nightmare of the Night (Hayate / Took the bat like a champ)
Zumwalt-class Guided Missile Cruiser (Unified Light / Counter Force / Still a destroyer)

The Purpose (Geometrically Screaming)

ZETTA_FEMTO (Somewhere around Cosmos' Vocal Cords)
Magical Girl Medical Sniper (Unified Light / The stealth healer)
Magical Girl Determined Dunce (Unified Light / Died Early / And Painfully)
Magical Girl Grief Lantern (Unified Light / Her End was Painful)

Beth Squad (Unified Light / Counter Force / Would Witchout, but Can't)

Non-Canon Characters (Submitted)

Rider of Frost
Rider of Unholy
Rider of Blood
Magical Girl Clown Around
Nightmare of Flesh (What the fuck was I thinking canonizing this guy?)

Magical Girl Limitless Horizon
Magical Girl Vast Horizon
Magical Girl Distant Horizon
Magical Girl Bright Horizon
Magical Girl Imminent Horizon
Magical Girl Apocalypse Arisen (Unified Darkness / Little too much)

Magical Girl Cloth Symphony
Magical Girl Silver Flower
Magical Girl Skull Knight
Magical Girl Frozen Bunny
Magical Girl Night Sky
Magical Girl Wounded Warrioress
Magical Girl Iron Hammer
Magical Girl Modest Librarian
Magical Girl Fluffy Puff
Magical Girl Cursed Slice
Magical Girl Wild Heart
Magical Girl Winged Swordswoman
Magical Girl Sorrowful Secret
Magical Girl Clean Sweep
Magical Girl Vegetable Assault
Magical Girl Howling Priestess
Magical Girl Medic Queen
Magical Girl Undying Mage
Magical Girl Fist Trainer
Magical Girl Fortune Wheel
Magical Girl Swamp Bringer
Magical Girl Visual Representation
Magical Girl Razor Shards
Magical Girl Cyber Ghost
Magical Girl Game Mistress
Magical Girl Jester Nun / Magical Girl Twilight Sparkle / Magical Girl Concealed Observer
Magical Girl Heart Mender (MEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Arkham (Teamkilling Bastard...)
Galactic President Superstar McAwesomville (The fuck happened to Democracy?)
Magical Girl Clean Sweep (Now all she needs is the Wonder Mop)
Speed Force (Gotta Go go go gogogogogogogo!)
Magical Girls Loony Zoologist, Illumnating Philosopher, Bubble Puff Fiction Designer, and Blind Bandit (What is this I don't even-)
Magical Girl Incorrect Grammar (How does therefor even relate to her fight?)
Magical Girl Army Thinner (Limited in canonicity due to potential abuse of abilities in certain situations.)
Magical Girl Minion Blender (High potential, but poor wording leads to non-canon / Candidate for Edit)
Magical Girl Lynchpin Banisher (I... am not sure. Laving this here for now.)
Magical Girl Gingerbread Hunter (Feels incomplete / Good candidate for Edit)
Magical Girl Pointed Rain (Feels incomplete / Another good candidate for Edit)
Magical Girl Turncoat (On list for possible Edit / Possession has inherent abuse effects that need better description)
Magical Girl Atmospheric Pressure (Take a deep breath...)
Magical Girl Miraculous Ladybug / Stormy Weather (Unified Light / Unified Darkness / Cute, but unusable)
Magical Girl Timebreaker (Unified Darkness / Too Incomplete to use)

Magical Girl Frozen Bunny v2
Magical Girl Charming Beauty
Magical Girl Murder

Magical Girl Dragon Spooker
Zonama Sekot
Sekotan Living Spaceship
Magical Girl Singing Knight
Magical Girl Gentle Fist
Mr. Popo (<----- Turns and walks away...)
Magical Girl Genocide (Unified Darkness / Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!)
Magical Girl Rock Destroyer (Put under review)

Magical Girl Frayed Thread
Nier: Automata Expies (Unified Light / Counter Force / Cute, but I don't have anything to use them for)

Magical Girl Fire Dragon
Magical Girl Lightning Dragon
Magical Girl Iron Dragon
Magical Girl Light Dragon
Magical Girl Shadow Dragon
Magical Girl Sky Dragon
Magical Girl Dark Steel
Magical Girl Snow Gourd
Magical Girl Time Tracer
Magical Girl Revenant
Mr. Mephisto (Little too powerful...)
Magical Girl Continent Drift (... Need to think her over)

Magical Girl Spring Maiden
Magical Girl Summer Maiden
Magical Girl Fall Maiden
Magical Girl Winter Maiden
Magical Girl Bloody Seraph
Magical Girl Kaiserin der Toten
Magical Girl Cloth Destroyer
Magical Girl Monarch Butterfly
Valkyries of Ragnarok
Magical Girl Devil Green / White / Purple / Blue (Independent / Four Devils all in a row / Repent the Rainbow)
Overladies of Duality (Unified Light / Demonic Cheer Squad)
Witches Three (Unified Light / We're not bad guys!)
Magical Girl Vulpine Miko (Cute, but can't really use)
Magical Girl Elegant Deceiver (Ditto)
Magical Girl Defending Dryad
Magical Girl Metamorphia (Way too broken / What's keeping her from founding a couple dozen hives in a small area and then sending the resultant army out?)
Magical Girl Mirage Mistress (Unified Light / Cute, but can't really use)
Magical Girl Blooming Doom (Independent / No idea how to use her)
Wonderland 3 (Unified Light / Little Too Complicated for no reason I can see / Theme done to death and back)
Greek Inheritors (Unified Light / Decent-ish, but no role I can use them in)

Magical Girl Pink Blossom
Magical Girl Shining Key
Magical Girl Blackened Crystal
Magical Girl Twisted Crystal
Magical Girl Void Crystal
Magical Girl Darkened Crystal
Magical Girl Winding Path
Magical Girl Dragon's GraveKeeper (Trying to Remember where I was going with this)

Magical Girl Mach Caliber
Magical Girl Hidden Star

Magical Girl Black Devourer (Nickname: Cheater McCheaterson)
Magical Girl Caped Baldy
Magical Girl Stellar Tyrant
Mahou Shoujo Ort-tan

Magical Girl Final Shot
Magical Girl Blade of Justice
Magical Girl Red Phantom
Magical Girl Diamond Oracle
Magical Girl Citrine Claws

(Nix's Warden)
Magical Girl Queen of Blood
Magical Girl Arbiter of Blood

Magical Girl Angel Wing

The Uncanny Smile
Magical Girl Grave Walker (Good, but needs to lose most of the fluff)

(Dream Logic)
Magical Girl Iron Legion & Heaven

Magical Girl Celestial Impact (Unified Light / Independent / Explains all the craters)
Magical Girl Shining Storm (Unified Light / Would be overcompensating if not for her enemies / "Hey! Check this out!")

Magical Girl Dwarven Overseer (Real Life Dwarf Fortress is not as fun as it sounds)

Carp (... <----- *Walks away*)


Magical Girl Limitless Horizon

Magical Girl Final Shot

Magical Girl Shining Key

Magical Girl Wild Heart
Magical Girl Mageslayer (Unified Light / w00000000000000000000t)

Magical Girl Singing Knight (Unified Light / Not sure if those shorts go with that outfit...)
Magical Girl Rock Destroyer (Unified Light / Edited by @LostDeviljho)

Magical Girl Dark Steel
Magical Girl Snow Gourd

Magical Girl Dwarven Overseer (Unified Light / Counter Force / Losing isn't fun if you can die when you fuck up / Doesn't mean spitting out random fortresses behind enemies lines isn't though / Have some more "Happy Fun" Stuff)

Last edited:
Anastasia Pwn Count: 2​

Magical Girl Solid Core

Anastasia Boheart
A.K.A. Nepgear / Localized Genocide
("Dammit Richard!")


Health: 6,000
Base Damage: 12,921 (Extended) / 6,460 (Retracted) 1.5
Base Resilience: 2,600
Magic Modifier: 400 +5 (x2-5)
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity

Purifier Beam
Level 17
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinity: Purity | Divinity
Ability: Smite | Juggernaut | Mode Shift: Apocalypse (Barrel Extended) / Unstoppable (Barrel Retracted)

Celestial Severance
-A One-Hit linear attack that obliterates everything in it's path.
Level 17
Base Damage: 3,276,800 x2
Magic Modifier: 450 +25
Affinity: Purity | Divinity
Ability: Unstoppable | Prime Evil Slayer | Double Cast | Echo

-Watch the sky fall.
Level 17
Base Damage: 3,508 x1.25
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity | Divinity
Ability: Rain of Light | Prime Evil Slayer | Quadra-Magic | Target: Army

Flight (Boosted):
Level 28
-Solid Core is able to fly at 270mph. (Solid Core is capable of creating magical platforms mid-air that she is capable of pushing off of, or using to arrest her movement when necessary.)

Level 25
-The ultimate CORE frame. Once per turn if Nepgear would be killed, instead reduce her Health to 1. Nepgear is also immune to damage over time effects, as well as any form of mental pollution or mind control. In order for Nepgear to receive damage, the damage must exceed 99% of her total health. If this threshold is surpassed, reduce the incoming damage by 99%. Frame is capable of surviving CORE BREACH.

-Sacrifice four moves to negate an enemy attack.

Core Purge (Active)
Level N/A
-For five turns reduce Health by 5% per turn. All enemies within 50 meters take (Health Cost x 75) in damage per turn. Reduce Base Resilience by 25%.

No Longer Human
-Negate 50% of Total End Damage. Ignore body damage modifiers. Stacks with Armored Core.

-During combat, Nepgear can kill a friend to gain a stacking x2 multiplier to her offense for the duration of the combat arc. Every friend she kills increases the stack by another x2 multiplier. Friends killed by Nepgear cannot be effected by the Reincarnate ability, or any of it's derivatives.

High-Speed Combat (Level 4)
-Nepgear is able to track objects moving up to 360mph.

The Insurmountable Gap
-If Final End Damage dealt to an opponent exceeds 50% of their health, double the damage dealt.

Echo of Peace
-Presence of the ???? Core creates energy fields that reduce all hostile damage by 65% across the battlefield for Allied entities. Reduction is applied before damage calculation. Solid Core is unaffected by the damage reduction.

Supremacy Zone
-I shine as a star in the sky. So long as Solid Core can be considered 'in the air' she is immune to all damage from ground-based sources, though they can knock her out of the sky. When engaging in combat with an aerial opponent, increase Solid Core's damage by 50%. While in the air, Solid Core will automatically Intercept all enemy attacks that are aimed at her or her allies so long as they are within line of sight. If an aerial Intercept is successful, double the damage caused by Solid Core. During an Army Action, Solid Core will also bombard the Opposing Army with basic attacks thirty times per turn.

Fractal Synchronization
-Solid Core is capable of aligning her Attack Spells with those of her allies in order to Synchronize them and create newer, stronger spells. If an ally has a Core Connection, multiply the Synchronization Result by Thirty.

Calamity Circuit
-Full power from The ??? Core. Nepgear's Spell limit has been removed.

Segarite Core
-Self-sustaining love... Each turn Nepgear gains 75% of her maximum health with no upper limit. Excess health is shed after the fight ends.

Current EXP: 2,735​
Purifier Beam: Extension
Double the base power of the Purifier Beam.

Flight Boost
Allows Solid Core to create platforms on which to push off for aerial combat.

Armored Core: Iron
Adds a resilience Modifier to base stats. Gants Ability: Solid Core: Armor Level 1.

Armored Core: Steel
Improves Armored Core Ability.

Armored Core: Mythril
Improves Armored Core Ability.

Armored Core: Adamantium
Improves Armored Core Ability. Unlocks: ????? (Requires Core Containment Level 10)

-Adamantium Core
-Core Containment Level 10
-850 EXP
The ultimate CORE frame. Replaces Armored Core and Core Containment.

Severance: Echo

Adds Echo Ability to Celestial Severance.

Calamity Circuit
Full power from The Core.

Applied Teachings
Reduces melee Skill modifier.

Interceptor Fire
Intercept can be used at range.

Anti-Air Beam
Adds a +10% damage modifier when fighting flying opponents.

Long Range Bombardment
Adds Collateral Damage to Purifier Beam.

Covering Fire
Automatically intercept attacks aimed at allies if caught.

Supremacy Zone
-Anti-Air Beam
-Covering Fire
-Interceptor Fire
Your presence alone changes the battlefield... Replaces Anti-Air Beam, Covering Fire, and Interceptor Fire. Upgrades Collateral Damage.

Core Amplifier
Grants Core Containment ability. Adds a Health Modifier.

Segarite Core
Add ability Segarite Core. Each turn Nepgear gains 75% of her maximum health with no upper limit. Excess health is shed after the fight ends.

Core Purge
Grants Core Purge Spell.

No Longer Human
Unlocks Ability: No Longer Human. Grants Damage Reduction.

Improve Team equipment by connecting them to the ???? CORE. Adds ability Core Connection to members of Team GEAR, improving their stats by x5 in all areas.

Lesser Gods
-Progenitor Golems Unlocked
Improve Core Connection.

Synchronize: Fractal
Allows practitioner allies to sync their spells with yours.

Echo of Peace
Adds ability Echo of Peace. Reduce all damage caused to allies during battle by 65% before damage calculation.

Wail of Madness
-Identify Gehaburn?
-Kill 3 Friends
Allows the damage multipliers from the Gehaburn Effect to permanently remain.

Emissary To The Core (Multi)
-Progenitor Frame Awoken

Cataclysmic Symphony: The Memory of [WAR]

Cataclysmic Symphony: Fragment of [PEACE]

In Memoir - ????

In Memoir - The White
-The White Goddess....
-San's character sheet fully unlocked.
PEACECRAFT attains Mind as an Affinity.

In Memoir - ????

Child of The Gods


Spell Synchronizations

To Be Unlocked
Synchronizing Spells

Synchronizing Spells

Now that Anastasia has unlocked Fractal Synchronization, she can now Synchronize Spells. This mechanics rests heavily in the 'Soft' mechanics of Combat in "Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!". This Mechanic is in play when two different characters launch a pair of spells, and those spells fuse into an entirely new spell.

These "Synch Spells" as I'll call them can range from "Stronger" than their component parts, to "Weaker". Or in layman's terms: some are better then their component spells, others are less useful than toilet paper in the given situation. Now, this isn't always a bad thing! Specific Spells for your Practitioner Companions, and even Nepgear, can only be unlocked through Spell Synchronization with certain individuals, with specific spells. These will always seem to start out weaker than their component parts, but will inevitably be truly powerful weapons that'll be quietly added to their respective sheets.

As for the abilities of Synch Spells: they won't always match the abilities of their parent spells. For example: you Synch Celestial Severance with Samael's Armageddon Pulse, the resulting Synch Spell Cataclysm Rave won't have either Disintegrate nor Unstoppable. Instead it'll have it's own Supremacy ability.

Now onto actually Synching Spells~

To begin with, for spells to synchronize they need at least one of three things:

  • An Affinity match. Two Spells with at least one shared Affinity hold the potential to Synchronize.
  • A Theme Match. If the two spells match in Theme: such as being Sword-Based or 'Laser' based.
  • A "Third Party" Ability. Such as Commander Mason's Veteran of Hope super ability, or Goddess White's Countdown ability.

When any of these prerequisites are met, Nepgear and her ally will automatically fuse their spells into something new.

Now, some Synch Spells are possible to be cast outside of Synchronization, but at a lower level of power. For a good example of this, we'll be looking at Lucky Star's METEOR spell.

War Book: METEOR
Level N/A
Base Damage: Target Health x50
Magic Modifier: 5,000 (75,000)
Affinity: Wind | Earth
Ability: Total Charge | Target: Army | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | (Synchronize)​

The (Synchronize) tag among it's abilities, means that METEOR was originally a Synch Spell. This means that it's operating anywhere from 1/2 to 1/20th the power of the original spell. Lucky Star's METEOR spell in particular is currently at half it's full strength. The true power of METEOR, if cast as it's supposed to is this:

War Book: METEOR
Level N/A
Base Damage: Target Health x100
Magic Modifier: Target's Health
Affinity: Fire | Wind | Earth | Magic
Ability: Auto Max Charge | Target: Army | Unstoppable | Apocalypse

As you can see, this ain't no kiddy spell.

Proper Synch Spells range from "Incredibly Useful" to "Outright Broken". Finding them on the other hand, I'll leave up to you.

The Manual
Original by UberJJK
Spending XP

There are currently two ways to spend XP.

The first is by purchasing additional levels in any ability/spell/ect Nepgear already possess. The cost for this is simply: [Current Level] * 10 with multiple levels being calculated sequentially. For example going from Level 3 to Level 4 costs 30XP while going from Level 4 to Level 6 costs 90XP, 40XP for 4 -> 5 plus 50XP for 5 -> 6.

The second is by purchasing new abilities/spells/ect from the shop. The availability of various potential purchases depends upon in game events, previous purchases, and occasional the level of existing abilities/spells/ect.

Health represents how much damage Nepgear's body can take before she suffers Core Breach and dies. Nepgear starts with 100 hp before modifiers are applied.

Currently there is only one known modifier for Health:
  1. Core Containment which adds 50 hp per level.

Base Damage:
Base damage represents how much damage Nepgear does with her Purifier Beam and Panzer Blade. Nepgear starts with 10 damage before modifiers are applied.

Currently there are three known modifiers for Base Damage:
  1. Purifier Beam which adds a 1.5x multiplier to Base Damage with each Level after the first.
  2. Beam Extension which added a flat 2x multiplier to Base Damage on purchase.
  3. Sword Skill which currently applies a -25% modifier in close range combat.
Base Resilience:
Base Resilience is the first layer of damage reduction applied to incoming damage and works by reducing incoming damage by it's value. Nepgear starts with 5 resilience before modifiers are applied.

Currently there is only one known modifier for Base Resilience:
  1. Armored Core: [Rank] which adds [Variable] resilience per level.
    1. The value of [Variable] depends upon the current [Rank] with Iron having a [Variable] of 10, Steel a [Variable] of 20, and Mythril a [Variable] of 30.
Magic Modifier:
Magic Modifier determines how large the die rolled to supplement actions such as attacks or defense is. Nepgear starts with a Magic Modifier of 10 before modifiers are applied.

Currently there is only one known modifier for Magic Modifier:
  1. Purifier Beam which adds 5 per level after the first.

Celestial Severance:
Celestial Severance extends our swing arc allowing us to strike everything in that arc out to a distance of 50 meters.

It's Base Damage follows the formula:
25 * 2^[Level]​
or put simply it starts at 50 and doubles with each additional level.

It's Magic Modifier follows the formula:
25 + [Level] * 25​
or put simply it starts at 50 and increases by 25 with each additional level.

Starshine sprays dozens of homing lasers from the end of Purifier Beam. This is treated as fours simultaneous attacks.

It's Base Damage appears to follow the formula:
80 * 1.25^[Level]​

Flight allows Nepgear to fly.

Her flight speed follows the formula:
[Level] * 10 - 10

Armored Core: [Rank]:
In addition to the modifier to Base Resilience Armored Core applies a second layer of damage reduction, applied after Base Resilience. Any attack less then [Percentage]% of Nepgear's health is automatically negated and any attack greater then [Percentage]% of Nepgear's health is reduced by [Percentage]%.

[Percentage] is determined by the current [Rank] of Armored Core. Iron gave a [Percentage] of 5%, Steel a [Percentage] of 25%, and Mythril a [Percentage] of 50%. There is no clear formula for what further ranks will provide.
Battle System
The Battle system works off narrative flow and several 'soft' mechanics.


When battle starts, initiative goes to whatever group has the greatest call to surprise: for example if your characters bursts through the wall and starts shooting everything in sight, you get initiative. Or if a demon bursts through a wall and tackles you as, it gets initiative.

So on.

If neither side has a lead on surprise, then it boils down to relevance to the story. As Main Character, Anastasia will always have initiative in an open battle, regardless of speed. After she goes, then whoever has greater narrative importance to the story goes next. For example Rei Mitsubishi (Goddess Gold) has more narrative importance than someone like Carnage. Thus, Rei goes before Carnage. If two individuals have the same narrative importance then whoever has more attacks per turn goes.

Due to this mechanic, Mooks always go last. Always. Unless they get the jump on you and you fail your perception check.

Automatic Combat Actions:

These are actions taken by characters that follow a 'common sense list'. For example, you see someone leaping at you with a giant sword your instinct would be to dodge. If actually dodging a blow fits into the narrative flow, the character will dodge it. For example, your standing in the middle of a street with a tank flying through the air at you: you'll leap out of the way. The reverse also holds true: If you're laying in the middle of the road because of something and you see the same tank, your kinda fucked.

If you're in a fight and a grenade lands at our feet, you'll try to leap away if possible, a sword is coming at you, you'd try to dodge it, and so on.

In-Combat Roll Modifiers:

These are put in place when the actions you'd take from the previous section come up short due to circumstances. For example, the first story post had you trying to dodge an attack, but due to unfamiliarity you botch it and got whacked. If an action is attempted but fails, it will lead to a modifier being added to the calculations depending on how close you were to pulling it off, or how much of a bad idea it was at the time. For example: dodging a sword, just to leap into a hammer would lead to extra damage from the hammer. Trying to dodge the flying tank example from earlier, but tripping due to uneven terrain would still reduce the damage somewhat.

This can also lead to bad-luck ends like tripping while trying to dodge a sword strike, and your neck falling into the path of the blade. Poor Nepgear is one head shorter, and you'd need to vote again.

Affinity Interactions:

This is a lot more straight forward and hard-form. Specific Affinities will lead to extra or reduced damage from another Affinity. A good example will be between Purity and Horror: Purity as an affinity causes extra damage to 'evil' things like zombies, demons, and eldritch omfgwhatisthatthing type creatures. Basic affinities from these are things like 'Blood' and 'Chaos'. Purity will do minor bonus damage to either of these as a simple matter of fact. The deeper into the 'Dark' affinities one goes though, the more damage Purity will exact from it's target. The reverse is also true though, as 'Corruptive' affinities (Slaughter and Evil being two of them) will do more damage to Purity the higher they are.

Other affinities also have cross-countering of each other, or a resistance to a massive boost given. For Example: Divinity gets a bonus damage count against nearly everything. But Myth, Legend, and Epic affinities get varying levels of durability when clashing against it. But these tend to be mostly rare cases.

Team: GEAR
"Badasses need not apply."

(Unified Light / Counter Force) James Roberts

A.K.A. Captain America / Mr. Doesn't Fucking Die

"Me and Jess grew up in Kansas. Lived in a small town near some farm but not much else. Most interesting thing there was this huge well. Tended to act as a pit stop for travelers going through. After the Unification Crusade dissolved the world's countries me and Jess got into High-school. Turned seventeen when the first Demons attacked openly and the Akashic Pillar joined the Unified Light. Graduation day, my town was attacked by some Dark Lord looking to make a quick name for himself before the Second Fall. Jess was at her boyfriend's place when it happened. He and his family got through it fine, but Jess had to kill a demon with a spoon. We both joined up not long after that."​

Health: 1,000 (5,000)
Base Damage: 1,750 (8,750)
Base Resilience: 400 (2,000)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: N/A | (Dragon)

Type 19-D Assault Blade
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Ward Pierce | Demonslayer

'Merely' Human
-If an attack would do more than 100 damage, dodge and counter with a free action.

Lesser God (The Knight)
-I have become... the vanguard to peace... Full power boost from the ???? Core. By sacrificing two turns, may materialize the Progenitor Golem. Progenitor Golem may only be active for ten turns, before breakdown.(Increases in parentheses.)

Mark 2 Front Dragon (M) Powered Armor
-A magically backed armor that allows for one to eclipse normal human limitations. The user is rendered immune to projectile attacks unless they are over level 4 or possess Armor Pierce or Detonate (Derivatives of either count). All elemental magic are also rendered useless.

Messenger of Peace
-Whenever Team GEAR is in combat without Solid Core, all of James' stats double and Total End Damage against other members of Team GEAR is halved.

In Defiance of Fate
-If James' opponent falls into the category of 'beyond human' he gains High Speed Combat level 2, and his attacks per turn double.

-If you're on Team GEAR, you're anything but normal... This character can go an extra mission before tiring. When fighting an enemy that falls into the category of 'beyond human', deal an extra 75% Total End Damage and ignore any slayer abilities their enemy might have.

(DECEASED) (Unified Light / Counter Force) Jessica Roberts


Health: 500
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: N/A
Anti-Demon Rifle
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Full Auto

Hope Remade
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Faith
Ability: Backup

Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate enemy attack.

Barely Human

-Reduce physical damage by half.

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Michael Rodriguez

A.K.A. The Real Life Kirk / Corporal Washout

"Joined because I was a glory hound." ... "Wanted to join up, kill some demons. Come back hailed as a hero. I was there at Reluxus and Gabriel's Last Stand. A single battalion of angels facing down a horde of demons dense enough to hide the ground beneath their feet. A literal ocean of hellfire and brimstone charging the Gate. I was the last one through actually: I got to watch as a paltry hundred angels stood alone against damn near the entire Fifth Legion. Instead of accepting the discharge after that battle I fought tooth and nail to stay in the Counter Force. Been on mostly shit duties but... It frees up actual soldiers to fight instead of wanna-be washouts like me."​

Health: 1,000 (5,000)
Base Damage: 1,750 (8,750)
Base Resilience: 400 (2,000)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: N/A | (Dragon)

Type 19-D Assault Blade
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Ward Pierce | Demonslayer

A Memory of Light
-A small line of light facing down a tide of darkness... Michael is immune to magical damage. Allied Angels' Magic Modifiers reroll if below 85% max. If Michael causes more than 20% of a demonic opponent's current health in damage, auto-kill that demon regardless of defenses or remaining health.

Lesser God (The Knight)
-I have become... the vanguard to peace... Full power boost from the ???? Core. By sacrificing two turns, may materialize the Progenitor Golem. Progenitor Golem may only be active for ten turns, before breakdown.(Increases in parentheses.)

Mark 2 Front Dragon (M) Powered Armor
-A magically backed armor that allows for one to eclipse normal human limitations. The user is rendered immune to projectile attacks unless they are over level 4 or possess Armor Pierce or Detonate (Derivatives of either count). All elemental magic are also rendered useless.

Tackle Rush
-Once per turn, Michael may tackle an opponent to incapacitate them for the next five turns.

-If you're on Team GEAR, you're anything but normal... This character can go an extra mission before tiring. When fighting an enemy that falls into the category of 'beyond human', deal an extra 75% Total End Damage and ignore any slayer abilities their enemy might have.

(DECEASED) (Unified Light / Counter Force) Richard Nixon


Health: 500
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: N/A
Anti-Demon Rifle
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Full Auto


(Unified Light / Counter Force) Samael Balier

A.K.A. Token Magical Dude / Tuxedo Mask v2.0

"Discovered I was a practitioner when a girl at school started making love potions and selling them for cheep. Got the genius idea to buy one and try using it on a teacher that I had a crush on at the time. Brilliant way to find out she was actually a doppelganger hunting for Magical Girls hiding among the student populous. My magic woke up and burned the entire school down to the ground. Started checking out magic books from the library shortly there after, and not much longer before I found my self signing up with the Counter Force to fight the good fight. Got a little awkward when I also found out my girlfriend - the one selling the love potions in the first place - was actually a succubus. We've been thinking of marrying after my time's up."​

Health: 1,000 (5,000)
Base Damage: 1,500 (7,500)
Base Resilience: 400 (2,000)
Magic Modifier: 5 (25)
Affinity: Library | (Dragon)

Type F-13 Dragonslayer Rifle
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Full Auto | Demonslayer

Level 5
Base Damage: 250 (1,250)
Magic Modifier: 50 (250)
Affinity: Library
Ability: Juggernaut | MG-Scan

Level 5
Base Damage: 750 (3,750)
Magic Modifier: 250 (1,250)
Affinity: Purity
Ability: N/A

Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 1,000 (5,000)
Affinity: Faith
Ability: Boost-Self

Level 10
Base Damage: 0
Magic Modifier: 2,000 (10,000)
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Defender | Boost-All

Life Drain
Level 5
Base Damage: 1,000 (5,000)
Magic Modifier: 250 (1,250)
Affinity: Slaughter
Ability: Vampire

Armageddon Pulse
Level 5
Base Damage: 1,000 (5,000)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Annihilation
Ability: Disintegrate

Slash Wave
Level 5
Base Damage: 375 (1,875)
Magic Modifier: 375 (1,875)
Affinity: Purity
Ability: Double Cast

Level 5
Base Damage: 50 (250)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith
Ability: Boost-All | Demonslayer

Drive Boost
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 100 (500)
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Boost-Self | Multi-Caster (Lvl 5)

Musket Fire
Level 5
Base Damage: 250 (1,250)
Magic Modifier: 250 (1,250)
Affinity: Conquest
Ability: Full Auto

The Demon King
Level 10
Base Damage: 1,000 (5,000)
Magic Modifier: 750 (3,750)
Affinity: Legend
Ability: Boost-All | Offender

Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Rule
Ability: Bind

Oblivion Front
Level 5
Base Damage: 2,500 (12,500)
Magic Modifier: 2,500 (12,500)
Affinity: Annihilation
Ability: Disintegrate

Hero King
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Epic
Ability: Boost-Self | Legendslayer

Death Row
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 7,500 (Boost N/A)
Affinity: Blood
Ability: Kill By Modifier

Promised Victory
Level 5
Base Damage: 750 (3,750)
Magic Modifier: 550 (2,750)
Affinity: Battle
Ability: Boost-Other

Mortal Blow
Level 5
Base Damage: 1,000 (5,000)
Magic Modifier: 450 (2,250)
Affinity: Legend
Ability: Legend Slayer

Your Next Line Is...
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Prediction
Ability: Stun

Mega Hack
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Information
Ability: Spell Reflect

Aim For The Head
Level 5
Base Damage: 1,250 (6,250)
Magic Modifier: 500 (2,500)
Affinity: Legend Maker
Ability: Lethal Surprise

Level 5
Base Damage: 500 (2,500)
Magic Modifier: 50 (250)
Affinity: Light
Ability: Target By Modifier | Heal

Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Keyblade
Ability: Spell-Stop

Rhythm Boost
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Legend Maker
Ability: Difficulty Change

Solar Radiance
Level 1
Base Damage: 50 (250)
Magic Modifier: 10 (50)
Affinity: Excellence
Ability: Boost Self

Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sol
Ability: Downgrade

Titan Slayer's Vice
Level 1
Base Damage: 100 (500)
Magic Modifier: 75 (75)
Affinity: Epic
Ability: Bind | Curse

Lunar Radiance
Level 1
Base Damage: 25 (125)
Magic Modifier: 5 (25)
Affinity: Survival
Ability: Boost Self | Regen

Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Luna
Ability: Instant Recovery

Level 1
Base Damage: 50 (250)
Magic Modifier: 10 (50)
Affinity: Epic
Ability: Heal

-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.

Snipe Shot
-Allows Full Auto to sacrifice 3 hits to cancel an enemy action.

Affinity Override
-Able to use spells he doesn't have the Affinity for.

Death Blow
-If Death Blow's Magic Modifier roll exceeds more than half of the target's Current Health, kill that target.

-Should Samael take a killing blow, but have an unused spell slot for the turn, he may automatically cast Survivor as a reaction.

Lesser God (The Fractal)
-I have become... the vanguard to peace... Full power boost from the ???? Core. By sacrificing two turns, may materialize the Progenitor Golem. Progenitor Golem may only be active for ten turns, before breakdown.(Increases in parentheses.)

Mark 2 Front Dragon (M) Powered Armor
-A magically backed armor that allows for one to eclipse normal human limitations. The user is rendered immune to projectile attacks unless they are over level 4 or possess Armor Pierce or Detonate (Derivatives of either count). All elemental magic are also rendered useless.

-If you're on Team GEAR, you're anything but normal... This character can go an extra mission before tiring. When fighting an enemy that falls into the category of 'beyond human', deal an extra 75% Total End Damage and ignore any slayer abilities their enemy might have.

(Unified Light / False Heaven) War Angel Gabriel

"Angel names are supposed to be unique." ... "When an Angel is born, they are given a name. We like to believe that our name is given to us by those who prayed, but we're not certain. But once an Angel has a name, no other Angel is ever given the same name until the previous Angel has died. It... We like to think of it as a sign of that Angel being reborn. And because of that... they inherit everything the previous Angel left behind. So, I'm expected to become just as great, if not greater than she was! I... I'm scared... I'm scared of not stacking up."​

Health: 12,000 (60,000)
Base Damage: 7,000 (35,000)
Base Resilience: 1,600 (8,000)
Magic Modifier: 200 (1,000)
Affinity: Light | Hope | (Dragon)

Blade of Light
Level 10
Attack Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Light
Ability: Multi-Slash

Type 19-D (Model A) Assault Blade
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Ward Pierce | Demonslayer
Level 10
Base Damage: 3,000 (15,000)
Magic Modifier: 100 (500)
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Armor Pierce | Boost-Self

Level 15
-Gabriel is capable of flying at 140mph.

High Speed Combat (Level 2)
-Gabriel is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Presence of Light
Level 10
-Heals all Allies for 1,000 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 1,000 per turn.

Armor of Light
-Auto Negate all spell damage.

Lesser God (The Knight)
-I have become... the vanguard to peace... Full power boost from the ???? Core. By sacrificing two turns, may materialize the Progenitor Golem. Progenitor Golem may only be active for ten turns, before breakdown.(Increases in parentheses.)

Mark 2 Front Dragon (F) Powered Armor
-A magically backed armor that allows for one to eclipse normal angelic limitations. The user is rendered immune to projectile attacks unless they are over level 4 or possess Armor Pierce or Detonate (Derivatives of either count). All elemental magic are also rendered useless.

Road to Peace
-I'll be worthy of this name. Just watch... Gabriel gains a stacking 10% damage increase for every foe she slays during combat. This stack vanishes after combat ceases.

(Unified Light / Elvin Empire) Aquila Riven


Health: 600 (3,000)
Base Damage: 1,200 (6,000)
Base Resilience: 160 (800)
Magic Modifier: 300 (1,500)
Affinity: Fire | (Dragon)

Super Heavy Assault Bow (Remodel 3)
Level 10
Attack Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Steel
Ability: Juggernaut | Multi Shot

Zone Blast
Level 5
Base Damage: 250 (1,250)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Fire
Ability: Detonate | Target-by-Level

Outrange Shot
-Aquila is capable of launching attacks outside the standard battle zone.

Child of Magmos

-Aquila is immune to any heat-based affinities below level 10.

The Remorseless Winter
-Aquila takes 30% extra damage from any cold-based Affinities.

Lesser God (The Knight)
-I have become... the vanguard to peace... Full power boost from the ???? Core. By sacrificing two turns, may materialize the Progenitor Golem. Progenitor Golem may only be active for ten turns, before breakdown.(Increases in parentheses.)

Mark 2 Front Dragon (F) Powered Armor
-A magically backed armor that allows for one to eclipse normal elven limitations. The user is rendered immune to projectile attacks unless they are over level 4 or possess Armor Pierce or Detonate (Derivatives of either count). All elemental magic are also rendered useless.

-Regardless of combat state, Aquila will remain unnoticed by enemies until she launches an attack.

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Lucky Star

"I lived on Reluxus. My Clan was Military, you see. So I moved there so I could be close to my siblings. I was the black sheep, because I all I was ever interested in was studying magic... Human Magic especially." ... "When Reluxus Fell... I was only half a mile in front of the retreat wave. My brother and sisters had stayed behind to make sure I got out and... My group was hit by Magical Girl Armageddon Hound and her Hound of the Apocalypse. They slaughtered all the civilians that had been with us. I was lucky when a carriage collapsed atop of me, hiding me from view. And all the blood-

"Roso, my Big Brother, tried to fight her. He wanted to hold her off so our sisters could escape, but... they refused to leave him behind." ... "They ate them. All twelve of them... They ate everybody. And there was nothing I could do..."​

Health: 150 (750)
Base Damage: 400 (2,000)
Base Resilience: 80 (400)
Magic Modifier: 12,000 (60,000)
Affinity: Wind | Earth | (Dragon) | (Divinity)

Type 19-D (Model F) Assault Blade
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Ward Pierce | Demonslayer | Multi-Caster (LVL 2)

War Book: Wing Blast
Level 10
Base Damage: 1,000 (5,000)
Magic Modifier: 500 (2,500)
Affinity: Wind
Ability: Mana Charge

War Book: Dragon Breath
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 10,000 (50,000)
Affinity: Wind
Ability: Mana Charge | Collateral Damage

War Book: Rock Spear
Level 10
Base Damage: 1,000 (5,000)
Magic Modifier: 1,000 (5,000)
Affinity: Earth
Ability: Mana Charge | Armor Pierce

War Book: METEOR
Level N/A
Base Damage: Target Health x50 (Target Health x250)
Magic Modifier: 5,000 (75,000) (25,000 (375,000))
Affinity: Wind | Earth
Ability: Total Charge | Target: Army | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | (Synchronize)

CORE Command: WALL
Level 3
Base Damage: Incoming Damage (Incoming Damage x5)
Magic Modifier: 3 (15)
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Target By Modifier | Boost All | Scale to Target

Level 3
Base Damage: 1,500 (7,500)
Magic Modifier: 3 (15)
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Target by Modifier | Cast by Modifier

CORE Command: SEEK
Level 3
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 30 (150)
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Reveal Hidden | Undodgeable

Prodigy of Earth and Sky
-So long as a spell has either Wind or Earth as an Affinity, Lucky Star is capable of casting it, regardless of prerequisites, or any other Affinity requirements.

Child of Mistilin
-Lucky Star rolls Magic Modifiers twice during combat. The higher Modifier Roll is used for the given action.

Avatar of Arcana (Active)
-For five turns, Lucky Star is capable of utilizing up to five spells in one action, regardless of what those spells are. After the fives turns are up, she is rendered unconscious for the rest of the Battle Arc.

Lesser God (The Fractal)
-I have become... the vanguard to peace... Full power boost from the ???? Core. By sacrificing two turns, may materialize the Progenitor Golem. Progenitor Golem may only be active for ten turns, before breakdown.(Increases in parentheses.)

Mark 2 Front Dragon (F) Powered Armor
-A magically backed armor that allows for one to eclipse normal fae limitations. The user is rendered immune to projectile attacks unless they are over level 4 or possess Armor Pierce or Detonate (Derivatives of either count). All elemental magic are also rendered useless.

(Unified Light / Akashic Pillar) Callsign: Basilicom

Maria Synth

Health: 200
Base Damage: 75
Base Resilience: 10
Magic Modifier: N/A

Hand Cannon
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Steel
Ability: Armor Pierce

Eye In The Sky
-When Maria is overseeing an Assault Mission, Team GEAR becomes immune to surprise, unless the enemy is using some form of Magical Concealment.

Whisper To Me
-When Team GEAR enters into conflict with an unknown opponent, Maria instantly unlocks their Level 4 Stat Sheet.

[PEACE] is born. A progenitor to the universe as it is desired for the first time...
(Peace) Progenitor Frame: ????

The Progenitor Frame

The Progenitor Frame sleeps,
to awaken the Drives must ignite the Engine.
The Central Frame

Health: ????
Base Damage: ????
Base Resilience: ????
Magic Modifier: ????
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity

The Main Gun: Symphony of Peace
Level: ??
Attack Per Turn: ????
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: ???? | ???? | ???? | ???? | (Offline)

The Secondary Cannon: Maw of Oblivion
Level: ??
Attacks Per Turn: ????
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: ???? | ???? | (Offline)

Unstable Existence









Lesser Gods (SOLID CORE)
-The Frame gains access to the Progenitor Golems.




Progenitor Golem

Progenitor Golem: Knight
Health: 15,000
Base Damage: 7,000
Attacks Per Turn: Pilot's Attacks
Base Resilience: 4,500
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith | Divinity
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Ability Synch (Pilot) | Auto Recovery

Guardian of the Frame

-So long as a single Progenitor Golem is active, the Progenitor Frame cannot be damaged in any way. When in active defense of the Frame, increase Base Resilience by 5,000% and increase attacks per turn by 5.

Knight of Peace
-All allies near a Progenitor Golem gain 1,000 Health per turn, and become immune to all mind altering effects. Reduce damage caused to allies by 99%.

Progenitor Golem: Fractal
Health: 9,000
Base Damage: 2,500
Attack Per Turn: Pilot's Attacks
Base Resilience: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000
Affinity: Faith | Divinity
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Ability Synch (Pilot) | Auto Recovery

The Wartome
-Fractal Golems are capable of using their Pilot's spells at thirty times normal power.

Walking Layline
-Increase the Magic Modifier of all mortal Allies by twenty times.

Day 1: Gear Start to Gear Acceleration
Day 2: Gear Acceleration to Gear Idle
Day 3: Gear Idle to Gear Stall
Day 4: Gear Stall to Gear Ignition
Day 5: Gear Ignition to Ruinous Gear
Day 6: Ruinous Gear to Steel Gear
Day 7: Steel Gear to Formless Gear
Day 8: Formless Gear to Hold Gear
Day 9: Hold Gear to Multi Gear
Day 10: Multi Gear to Blood Gear
Day 11: Blood Gear to Glee Gear
Day 12: Glee Gear to Future Gear
Day 13: Future Gear to Team Gear
Day 14: K.T.F.O.
Day 15: Frozen Gear to Legend Gear
Day 16: Legend Gear to Fragment Gear
Day 17: Fragment Gear to Memory Gear
Day 18: Memory Gear to Inheritor Gear
Day 19: Inheritor Gear to Light Gear
Day 20: Light Gear to Gear Change / Drive Ignition
Day 21: Gear Change / Drive Ignition to Truth Drive
Day 22: Catatonic
Day 23: Catatonic
Day 24: Finality Drive to Recovery Drive
Day 25: Recovery Drive to ???​
Last edited:
The Fragments of Peace

(Unified Darkness) (Anastasia Boheart) Solid Drive

Sega Dreamcast Boheart
A.K.A. The Indestructible Girl / Immovable Object / Ms. Super Slacker

Health: 2,950 (7,500)
Base Damage: 49,832 (1,000) 30 x1.7
Base Resilience: 2,265 (1000)
Magic Modifier: 350 (N/A) 5 + 5 (x2 every 5 lvls)
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity
Grand Dragon Slayer
Level 15
Attack Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Faith | Divinity
Ability: Multi-Slash | Smite | Cleave

Dragon Slayer
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Steel
Ability: Armor Pierce
Sword Beam
Level 15
Base Damage: 81,920 (5) x2 per lvl)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity | Divinity
Ability: Double Cast | Smite

Limit Break
Level 15
Base Damage: 29,071 ((100) x1.5 per lvl)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity
Ability: Boost-Self | Stack by Level

Shield Charge
Level 10
Base Damage: 295,245 ((15) x3 per level)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity | Divinity
Ability: Heal | Rapid Recovery

Clothing Break
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Total Armor Destruction
Flight (Boosted)
Level 29
-Solid Drive is capable of flying at 280 mph. (Solid Drive is capable of creating magical platforms mid-air that she is capable of pushing off of, or using to arrest her movement when necessary.)

High Speed Combat (Level 4)
-Solid Drive can track and react to objects moving up to 360mph.

Adamantium Frame
Level 50
-A barrier that separates Solid Drive from the mortal. Damage must exceed 75% of Solid Drive's health to pass through. Success reduces the taken damage by 75%.

Frame Lattice
Level 50
-Improves Frame structure.

Anarite Generators
-Self-sustaining love... ???????????????

No Longer Human
-Negate 50% of Total End Damage. Ignore body damage modifiers. Stacks with Frame Armor.

Drive Synchronization
Level 15
-During active combat increase Judgement Drive's Base Damage and Base Resilience by 15%, her Flight by 15 Levels, and increase Juggernaut Drive's Base Damage by 75%.

Thin Grey Line
-Solid Drive is capable of using a portion of her full power in her civilian guise without the need to transform.

Master Skill
-Spend Three Actions to nullify an opponent's action.


(Judgement Core) Judgement Drive

Revolution "Rev" Sort
A.K.A. Loner-chan / Spell-Spammer / Ms. Workaholic

Health: 1,750
Base Damage: 244,822 30 x1.7
Base Resilience: 960
Magic Modifier: 18
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity
Slaughter Blade
Level 18
Attack Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Purity | Divinity
Ability: Catastrophic Damage | Smite | Armor Peirce
Sword Beam
Level 11
Base Damage: 5,120 ((5) x2 per lvl)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith | Divinity
Ability: Double Cast | Judgement

Limit Break
Level 10
Base Damage: 3,829 ((100) x1.5 per lvl)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity
Ability: Boost-Self | Stack by Level

Accelerator Cannon
Level 2
Base Damage: 50 (25 x2 per lvl)
Magic Modifier: 20 (+10 per lvl)
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Judgement

Changing Faith
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 110 (+10 per lvl)
Affinity: Faith
Ability: Perception Overwrite

Drop Slash
Level 20
Base Damage: 15,728,640 (30 x2 per lvl)
Magic Modifier: 500 (+25 per lvl)
Affinity: Faith | Divinity
Ability: Slash Hell | Juggernaut

Mass Translocation
Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Dimension Shunt | Teleport
Level 29
-Judgement Drive is capable of flying at 280 mph.

High Speed Combat (Level 4)
-Judgement Drive can track and react to objects moving up to 360mph.


Adamantium Frame
Level 21
-A barrier that separates Judgement Drive from the mortal. Damage must exceed 75% of Judgement Drive's health to pass through. Success reduces the taken damage by 75%.

Frame Lattice
Level 30
-Improves Frame structure.

Drive Synchronization
Level 9
-During active combat, increase Juggernaut Drive's Base Damage by 45%, and Solid Drive's Base Resilience by 90%.

Master Skill
-Spend Three Actions to nullify an opponent's action.


-Allows the creation and upgrading of spells.

(Unified Light / Independent) Magical Girl Judgement Core

Unification "Uni" Sort
Doom Cannon


Health: 850
Base Damage: 7,597 1.25
Base Resilience: 605
Magic Modifier: 990
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity

The Judge Cannon
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity
Ability: Apocalypse | Rain of Light | Punch-Through
The End
Level 20
Base Damage: 663,135 1.5
Magic Modifier: 830 +5 (x2-5)
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity
Ability: Rain of Light | Unstoppable | Legendslayer | Heroslayer

Level 10
Base Damage: 2,560 x2 per lvl
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity | Faith
Ability: Detonate

Rail Acceleration
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 11
Affinity: Divinity
Ability: Boost By Modifier (ATP)

Flight (Boosted)
Level 20
-Max Flight speed of 190 mph. (Judgement Core is capable of creating magical platforms mid-air that she is capable of pushing off of, or using to arrest her movement when necessary.)

Armored Core: Adamantium
Level 15
-A barrier that separates Judgement Core from the mortal. Damage must exceed 75% of Judgement Core's health to pass through. Success reduces the taken damage by 75%.

Core Containment
Level 15
-Increase damage intake until Core Meltdown.

No Longer Human
-Negate 50% of Total End Damage. Ignore body damage modifiers. Stacks with Armored Core.

Core Purge (Active)
Level N/A
-For five turns reduce Health by 5% per turn. All enemies within 50 meters take (Health Cost x 75) in damage per turn. Reduce Base Resilience by 25%.

High Speed Combat (Level 3)
-Judgement Core is able to track and react to objects moving up to 270mph.

The Maw of Destruction
-If Rain of Light triggers, stack all subsequent Rain of Light bonuses to all following attacks for the duration of the battle.

Burst Stream of Obliteration
-If The End is used after five triggers of Rain of Light, double all Rain of Light bonuses and triple Total Damage output for the spell. Reset The Maw of Destruction.

Highway to Hell
-If an attack is negated after the second trigger of Rain of Light, cancel the negation and double the Total End Damage of the attack.

(Independent) (Unified Light) (The Drives) Juggernaut Drive

Alexandria Soft
Health: 750
Base Damage: 707,534 30 x1.7
Base Resilience: 165
Magic Modifier: 750 5 + 5 (x2 every 5 lvls)
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity
Perpetual Spear
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinity: Faith | Divinity
Ability: Juggernaut | Judgement | Apocalypse

The Unstoppable Spear
Level N/A
Base Damage: Target's Health
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity
Ability: Unstoppable | Scale To Target | Overwhelm
Flight (Boosted)
Level 32
-Juggernaut Drive is capable of flying at 310 mph. (Juggernaut Drive is capable of creating magical platforms mid-air that she is capable of pushing off of, or using to arrest her movement when necessary.)

The Unstoppable Spear
-If Juggernaut Drive engages in an Intercept Conflict, she automatically casts The Unstoppable Spear, regardless of who triggers the Intercept.

High Speed Combat (Level 4)
-Juggernaut Drive can track and react to objects moving up to 360mph.

Steel Frame
Level 15
-A barrier that separates Juggernaut Drive from the mortal. Damage must exceed 10% of Juggernaut Drive's health to pass through. Success reduces the taken damage by 10%.

Frame Lattice
Level 10
-Improves Frame structure.

No Longer Human
-Negate 50% of Total End Damage. Ignore body damage modifiers. Stacks with Frame Armor.

Level ??

Master Skill
-Spend Three Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

Drive Ignition
-For five turns: increase Health by 50% Max, Base Damage by 25%, Base Resilience by 25%, and double total attacks per turn. After the five turns are up, user suffers 75% current health in damage.

Impossible Strength
- When meeting an opposing force, Juggernaut Drive's damage triples. All lesser forms of Strength are nullified when confronted. This ability cannot be overwhelmed by opposing Strength abilities or damage advantage.


The Goddess Four

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Magical Girl Goddess Gold

Rei Mitsubishi
A.K.A. The Golden Annihilator / Nice Queen Bitch / Wave-Motion Ego

Once upon a time, there were four sisters.

Born with a power beyond all others they swore to each other to become legends.

To uphold all they held dear and to keep it safe... But it was not meant to be.

For you see...

One grew disillusioned with the bloodshed. She turned away, leaving on her own journey.
(The Goddess White)

Two fell to the Darkness they sought to defeat. Their desires lost to the Light.
(The Goddess Red, The Goddess Grey)

And the last, left alone, became the Hero they all sought to be.
(The Goddess Gold)

Health: 55,000
Base Damage: 15,000
Base Resilience: 1000
Magic Modifier: 1000
Affinity: Rule | Annihilation | Epic
Fragment of Annihilation
Level 3
Attack Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Rule
Ability: Kingdom

The Unknown Blade
Level ??
Attacks Per Turn: ??
Affinity: ??
Ability: ????
Chains of the Earth
Level 25
Base Damage: 0
Magic Modifier: 0
Affinity: Rule | Epic
Ability: Total Lockdown

Oblivion Awaits
Level 20
Base Damage: 10,000,000
Magic Modifier: 0
Affinity: Rule | Annihilation
Ability: Supremacy
Power Negation
-Neutralizes all opposing Powers that fail a Modifier check. Divinity is Immune.
(1d100, difficulty of 75)

Overwhelming Presence
-Deals 1000 damage per turn to all enemies within range. Damage caused increases by 300 per turn.

Perfect Body
Level 11
-Increase Damage Absorption.

Armor of The King
-Reduce all incoming damage by 75%.

-Immunity to all status effects.

Divine Right
-Can fire spells off more than once per turn.

(Shiva-Sil) (Unified Light / The Four Goddesses) Goddess White

San Mitsubishi
A.K.A. The Kind One / Easy Mode / Ms. Super Cheat
Health: 150,000
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 350
Magic Modifier: 3,000
Affinity: Time | Mind | Epic

The Time Walking Blade
Level 2
Attack Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Time | Epic
Ability: Crush | Time Walk

Time Freeze
Level 15
Base Damage: 225,000
Magic Modifier: 15,000
Affinity: Time | Epic
Ability: Time Walk

Death of the Will
Level 20
Base Damage 20,000 (20,000,000)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Mind | Epic
Ability: Planet Cracker

Clock Freeze
Level 25
-Continuation of a singular event. So long as Goddess White is on the battlefield, progression of enemy counters is halted.

Overcount 199X
-After 9 activations of Timewalk, multiply Goddess White's Total Damage by the number of times that Timewalk has activated during the battle.

Countdown: Overcount ????
-Goddess White may synchronize her Death of The Will spell with any of her allies spells, regardless of affinity. ??????????????????????????????

Armageddon Clock
-After 9 activations of Timewalk, all Timewalk additions are counted as if their Modifier Rolls were maxed.

Overwhelming Presence
-All Enemies have their actions per turn cut in half. Allies have their actions per turn doubled.

Instantaneous Regeneration
-Reset Health to max each turn. Body modifiers only last the turn they are acquired.

Past the Clock
-Goddess White is immune to Time-Altering effects.

Armor of the Time Lord
-If Goddess White, or an ally would take more than 25% of their max Health from a single attack, cancel the attack. Does not stop surprise attacks.

The Old Guard

Magical Girl Red Rose

Amanda Lee
A.K.A. The Avatar of Victory / The Greatest of Her Generation

Health: 5000
Base Damage: 2000
Base Resilience: 750
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Battle | Blood | Legend
Blood Spear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Battle
Ability: Return | Heroslayer
Sudden Death
Level 40
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Blood | Legend
Ability: Auto Kill

Avatar of Victory
Level 50
Base Damage: 22,500
Magic Modifier: 2,750
Affinity: Battle | Legend
Ability: Rain of Blows | Vampire | Affinity Kill
Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

To Stand Amongst Gods
-If damage Exceeds 20% max health, reduce end damage by 99%. (Recursive)

Intimidating Presence
-The target of Red Rose's focused attention counts as one growth affinity lower for the purposes of existence conflicts.

Monsters Kill Men
-Red Rose cannot be damaged by enemies that are identifiable as 'mooks'.

Heroes Kill Monsters
-When fighting creatures that are at least twice her size, increase Red Rose's Base Damage by 75%.

Men Kill Heroes
Level 24
-Negate opposing Magical Girl abilities that are lower level than this ability. Abilities that do not have Levels count as Level 10. Super Abilities have a x2 multiplier on their required level.

Champions of Light

(Unified Light / Akashic Pillar) Commander Mason

Rogue Mason

Health: ????
Base Damage: ????
Base Resilience: ????
Magic Modifier: ????
Level ??
Attacks Per Turn: ??
Affinity: ????
Ability: ????



Veteran of Hope
-Commander Mason has seen the death of Hope, and the end of the Golden Age of Magical Girls. As such, he has been rendered a hard man in an unforgiving world. But even then, he remembers the Hero that saved them all. Commander Mason is immune to Overwhelming Presence. If present during a battle all opposing regenerative effects are reduced by 50% in effectiveness. When giving combat commands, his purely human soldiers gain 150% increased damage, 150% increased Resilience, and become immune to mind-altering effects such as fear or sleep. All Magical Girls under his command during battle gain the ability 'Cataclysmic Light' which allows them to fire off spells more than once per turn as well as synchronize spells that would otherwise be incompatible.

(Unified Light / False Heaven) Archangel Michael

Commander of Heaven's Host

Health: 330,000
Base Damage: 9,000
Base Resilience: 3000
Magic Modifier: 900
Affinity: Light | Hope

Blade of Judgement
Level 45
Attack Per Turn: 15
Affinity: Light | Hope
Ability: Slash Hell | Juggernaut | Smite | Demonslayer
Level 40
Base Damage: 12,000
Magic Modifier: 2,000
Affinity: Light | Hope
Ability: Unstoppable | Boost-Self | Demonslayer | Tyrantslayer | Devilslayer
Level 31
-Archangel Michael is capable of flying at 300mph.

High Speed Combat (LVL 4)
-Archangel Michael is capable of tracking objects moving up to 360mph.

Presence of Light
Level 30
-Heals all Allies for 3000 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 3000 per turn.

Supremacy of the Light
-All it takes to hold back the darkness, is a single spark of light... Spell-based damage heals Archangel Michael instead of damaging him. Any Class 3 or lesser demon that enters the same combat zone as Archangel Michael is automatically killed.

(DECEASED) (Unified Light / False Heaven) Grand Archangel Gabriel

Supreme Commander of the Unified Light
The Avatar of Light

Health: 750,000
Base Damage: 11,000
Base Resilience: 3000
Magic Modifier: 1,100
Affinity: Light | Hope | Salvation | Revelation

Blade of Salvation
Level 55
Attack Per Turn: 18
Affinity: Light | Hope | Salvation | Revelation
Ability: Slash Hell | Unstoppable | Smite | Demonslayer | Tyrantslayer | Devilslayer | Starslayer
Level 50
Base Damage: 15,000
Magic Modifier: 2,500
Affinity: Light | Hope
Ability: Unstoppable | Boost-All | Demonslayer | Tyrantslayer | Devilslayer | Starslayer | Affinity Kill
Level 51
-Archangel Gabriel is capable of flying at 500mph.

High Speed Combat (LVL 6)
-Archangel Gabriel is capable of tracking objects moving up to 540mph.

Avatar of Light
Level N/A
-I am more than just the light... I am Hope incarnate! Heals all Allies to max Health at the start of each turn. All enemies take 50% of their current health in damage at the start of each turn. All affinities of a morally negative alignment are suppressed. All Affinities of a morally Positive alignment gain a 600% increase in all stats. Archangel Gabriel cannot be damaged unless by a Class 5 Demon or Greater. This immunity can be overwhelmed by an offensive power of 15,000 or greater.

Supremacy of the Light
-All it takes to hold back the darkness, is a single spark of light... Spell-based damage heals Archangel Gabriel instead of damaging her. Any Class 3 or lesser demon that enters the same combat zone as Archangel Gabriel is automatically killed.

(DECEASED) (Unified Light / Independent) Magical Girl Truth

Arise Mars

Health: 2500
Base Damage: 320
Base Resilience: 125
Magic Modifier: 48
Affinity: Evil | Truth | Story Maker
Level 8
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinity: Truth
Ability: Crush
Hear No Evil
Level 10
Base Damage: 5555 555.5
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Evil | Story Maker
Ability: Echo

Speak No Evil
Level 10
Base Damage: 5555
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Evil | Story Maker
Ability: Echo

See No Evil
Level 10
Base Damage: 5555
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Evil | Story Maker
Ability: Echo
Define Truth
Level 2
-Every sentient within 10 meters cannot tell a lie.

Hell Rush
Level 5
-Heals all allies for 25% health every five turns.

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Magical Girl Carnage

Elizabeth Washington​

A promise made.

Nine Friends gone.

A Field of Blood.

All she ever wanted, was to be a protector.

Health: 3000
Base Damage: 1000
Base Resilience: 500
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Slaughter | Love | Myth
The White Dragon
Level 10
Health: 30,000
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 500
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Love | Myth
Ability: Auto Assault

Blood Letter
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Slaughter
Ability: Vampire

Level 2
Base Damage: 2222
Magic Modifier: 700
Affinity: Love | Myth
Ability: Vacuum

Juggernaut Boost
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Slaughter | Myth
Ability: Boost-All | Increase Stack: Juggernaut Rush
Juggernaut Rush
-Boost Base Damage and Base Resilience by 5% every three turns. Each boost heals 20% max health until full or dead.

Double Kill
-After 2 stacks of Juggernaut Rush, Carnage cannot be damaged by "Mooks".

Triple Kill
-After three stacks of Juggernaut Rush, Carnage cannot be harmed by Magical Girls of weaker affinities.

M-M-Multi Kill
-After four stacks of Juggernaut Rush, Carnage may ignore Existence Bonuses and The White Dragon becomes Indestructible.

Running Riot
-Every time an enemy dies within 100 feet of Carnage, reset her health to max.

Blood Bath
-Carnage deals 5% extra damage for every ally her target has on the battlefield.

Beautiful Killer
Level 12
-Improves damage absorption.

Thick Skin
Level N/A
-Immune to damage when intercepting.

Life Link
Connection to the White Dragon. If One dies, the Other does as well.

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Magical Girl White Knight

Kathrine Pendragon

Health: 4,500
Base Damage: 1,500
Base Resilience: 750
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Rule | Justice | Legend
The White Blade
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 15
Affinity: Justice
Ability: Kingdom
King's Council
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Rule | Legend
Ability: Boost-All

Level 99
Base Damage: 10,999,989
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Rule | Justice | Legend
Ability: Brutal Cartridge | One Shot

Discernment of the Land
-Allows White Knight to see the Truth of another's Heart.

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice 2 moves to negate enemy attack.

Might of the King
-Negate all attacks below 50% max Health.

The Armies of Light

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Human Super Heavy Infantry

Health: 500
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: N/A

Anti-Demon Rifle
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Full Auto
Elite Soldiers
-Human Infantry will automatically seek to synchronize their attacks against opposing targets of sufficient strength.

Finest Hour
-Human Infantry are immune to Fear effects, and have their Base Damage tripled against an enemy that is under a mental hindrance, such as Fear or Confusion.

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Messenger Assault Platform

Health: 310,000 (500)
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 5,000 (N/A)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Hope | Horror
The Answerer
Level 100
Attack Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Hope | Horror
Ability: Obliterate | (Offline)
Hit The Weak Point For Massive Damage!
-If the engine is destroyed, the Messenger is rendered inoperable.

The Ultimate Weapon
-The Messenger is capable of carrying up to 60 Fragarach Type Nuclear Warheads at a time. The Messenger cannot attack unless it is armed.

(Unified Light / Counter Force) True Anti-Demon Tank

Suck it
Health: 75,000
Base Damage: 7,500 (1,125)
Base Resilience: 2000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Fuck You N/A
Super Heavy Cannon
Level: 15
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Fuck You N/A
Ability: Collateral Damage

Linked Secondary Machineguns
Level: 15
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Fuck You N/A
Ability: Danmaku
Steel Titan
-Anti-Demon Tanks can crush opponents that are smaller than them.

Elemental Backup
-Runic Arrays automatically activate defenses against Elemental Attacks to render them useless. If an enemy has an elemental weakness, all of the Anti-Demon Tank's attacks are treated as having that element.

Metal Juggernaut
-Weapons that lack Armor Pierce, Detonate, or one of their derivatives are rendered ineffective.

Blessed Weaponry
-Bonus Damage against Demonic Enemies.

(Unified Light / Counter Force) Skybound Gunship

Skybound Gunship
Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 750
Base Resilience: 700
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Steel | Sky

50mm Chaingun
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Steel | Sky
Ability: Full Auto | Ray
Sky Chariot
-A Skybound Gunship may carry up to ten Human Infantry at a time.

Leaf Upon the Wind
Level 20
-A Skybound Gunship may fly up to 190mph. It can also use up to five attacks during it's turn in aerial combat.

(Unified Light / Elvin Empire) Empire Legionnaire


Health: 400
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 35
Magic Modifier: 100

Affinity: Steel

Armaments of The Legion
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Steel
Ability: Limitless

The Steel Tide
-The highly trained Elf Legions are skilled in the support of fellow soldiers on the battlefield. All Elf Legionnaires are melded into a single entity during combat.

Numbers Beyond Counting
-The Elf Legions are as numerous as the gains of sand in a desert. Where there is one Elf Legionnaire, there are thousands more.

The Phalanx
-When combined under the effects of The Steel Tide, the Base Resilience of the Elf Legion is equal to the front row of Elf Legionnaires. The Base Damage is the front three rows of the army. This ability risks breaking under a sufficiently strong attack.

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Fairy Battle Mage


Health: 250
Base Damage: 300
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 5,000

Affinity: Magic

Silver Fairy Blade
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Spell Boost

War Book of Spells
Level 1 - 30
Base Damage: 500 - 45,000
Magic Modifier: 10,000 - 60,000
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge

Level 3
-Fairy Battle Mages can fly at an average of 20 mph.

-Fairy Battle Mages can cast multiple spells per turn based on personal experience.

-Fairy Battle Mages are capable of synchronizing their efforts in order to create more powerful magical effects otherwise beyond them.

(Unified Light / False Heaven) War Angel


Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: 500
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Light | Hope

Blade of Light
Level 5
Attack Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Light
Ability: Double Hit
Level 5
Base Damage: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 250
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Armor Pierce | Boost-Self
Level 11
-War Angels are capable of flying at 100mph.

High Speed Combat (LVL 2)
-War Angels are able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Presence of Light
Level 5
-Heals all Allies for 500 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 500 per turn.

Armor of Light
-Auto Negate all spell damage.
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Champions of the Darkness

(Unified Darkness) Goddess Grey

Ichi Mitsubishi

Health: 45,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 9,999
Affinity: Steel | Infinity | Epic
Countless Arms
Level 3
Attacks per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Steel | Epic
Ability: Auto Assault | ????
Trump Card
Level 15
Base Damage: 55,000
Magic Modifier: 2,000
Affinity: Steel | Epic
Ability: Echo | Synchronize

Infinity Manufacture
Level 30
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Steel | Infinity
Ability: Limitless | ????
Unmatched Skill
-Spend a single action to nullify an opponent's action.

Unparalleled Quality

The Grinder


Overwhelming Presence





A Prayer Named Glory (Locked)

(Unified Darkness) Goddess Red

Ni Mitsubishi

Spawn of Chaos
Spawn of Mayhem
Spawn of Apocalypse​
Health: 30,750
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: ????
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life | Horror | Epic
The Black Knight
Level 10
Attack Per Turn: 5
Health: 15,000
Base Damage: 5,000
Base Resilience: 1,000
Affinity: Horror | Epic
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat
Army of The Apocalypse
Level 30
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 30,000
Affinity: Horror | Epic
Ability: Grand Summoning | Legion

Desires of The Impure World
Level 30
Base Damage N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life | Epic
Ability: Reincarnation
Intercept (Black Knight)
-If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.

Cleave (Black Knight)
-If Intercept Successful, break enemy weapon.

Unstoppable Blade (Black Knight)
-If basic attack is negated, activate Intercept.

Unreal Strength (Black Knight)
-When meeting an opposing force, increase Damage by 50%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Unreal Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 3-1 damage advantage.

Overwhelming Presence
-All opponent's damage is reduced by 50%. Damaged caused by Goddess Red's minions is increased by 100%.


The Lie
-Those resurrected by Desires of the Impure World have their perceptions of the world altered in order to align themselves with Goddess Red's current goals. The seal enforcing this can be destroyed.

The Soldiers of the End
-Army of the Apocalypse summons one Spawn of Chaos per point of the Modifier Roll

A Prayer Named Glory


(Unified Darkness DECEASED) Candy Heart

???? ????
Health: 1,000
Base Damage: 300
Base Resilience: 150
Magic Modifier: 45
Affinity: Love | Justice | Myth Maker
Knuckle Duster
Level 2
Attack Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Justice | Myth Maker
Ability: Collateral Damage
Candy Crush
Level 2
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Love | Myth Maker
Ability: Double Cast
Auto Healing
-Regenerate 50 health per turn.

(DECEASED) (Unified Light / Counter Force) (????) Magical Girl Blue Sky

Ada Castle

Health: 3,900
Base Damage: 1,170
Base Resilience: 2,600
Magic Modifier: 1,300
Affinity: Sky | Assault | Myth
Mobile Fortress
Level 13
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Sky | Assault
Ability: Danmaku
Level ????
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: ????
Affinity: ????
Ability: ????

Level 20
-Max Flight speed of 190 mph.

Reactive Armor
-Nullifies Armor Pierce or derivatives once per turn.

Integrity Field
-Immune to all Affinity and Existence bonuses.




(Deceased... again) (Unified Darkness) Magical Girl Sixth Heaven

Moira Verse

Health: 4,800
Base Damage: 2,400
Base Resilience: 900
Magic Modifier: 1,800
Affinity: Conquest | Fire | Legend
Demon King
Level 25
Health: 25,000
Base Damage: 2,500
Base Resilience: 5,000
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Conquest | Fire | Legend
Ability: Auto Assault | Juggernaut | Collateral Damage

Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Conquest
Ability: Levitate | Limitless

Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Conquest | Legend
Ability: ????
Firing Line
Level 15
Base Damage: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 1,500
Affinity: Conquest
Ability: Danmaku | Triple-Cast

Scorched Earth
Level 25
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000
Affinity: Conquest | Fire
Ability: ???? | Apocalypse

Flight: Level 1
-Sixth Heaven can stand, and walk, on thin air.

The Blood And The Dirt
-So long as Magical Girl Sixth Heaven is upon the field, no one other than Magical Girl Sixth Heaven may fly.

Overwhelming Presence
-Enemies within range have their actions per turn reduced to 1.

Overwhelm (Demon King)
-If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of Demon King's. When intercepting an attack, increase Demon King's damage by 75% of his opponent's Base Damage. If Demon King's damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If Demon King's damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.

Godlike Strength (Demon King)
-When meeting an opposing force, increase Demon King's Base Damage by 125%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Godlike Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 5-1 damage advantage.

Fires that Blaze in Hell
-Sixth Heaven and her Demon King can substitute any attack with hurling a fireball. This fireball is treated as having the Detonate and Disintegrate abilities.

Tear the Gods from their Heights
-All damage dealt by Sixth Heaven or her Demon King is multiplied by the first digit of the target's Existence Bonus.

Soldiers of the Darkness

Hell's Foot Soldiers

Health: 750
Base Damage: 200
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Chaos
Bladed Ax
Level 2

Attack Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Crush
Blood Lust
Level 1
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Self-Boost
Armored Skin
- Negative 10 on magic damage.

Hell's Ground Commanders

Health: 1,500
Base Damage: 300
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 20
Affinity: Blood
Battle Ax
Level 3

Attack Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Blood
Ability: Murder
Assault Blade
Level 5
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 20
Affinity: Blood
Ability: Double Hit
Thick Armor
-Immune to Instant-Kill attacks. Chance of Breaking.

Hell Beast

Health: 20,000
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Chaos
Rending Claws
Level 10
Attack Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Armor Pierce
Level 10
Base Damage: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Detonate
Level 10
-Fly at a maximum of 90 Mph

Auto Defense
-Automatically cause damage to grapplers. 1/5 Base Damage + 50.

(Unified Darkness / Dark Star) Soul Reaver

Health: 1,200
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 150
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Corruption
Shadow Claws
Level 5
Attack Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Corruption
Ability: Rend
Pure Hunter
-Soul Reavers bypass the defenses of those with a positive Affinity.

Killer Combo
-Every consecutive attack against a target does 50% extra damage.

(Unified Darkness / Dark Star) Demon Summoner

Health: 9,000
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 700
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Chaos
Dark Gate
Level 5
Attack Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Double Hit
The Black Pack
-Summon the Darkness calls forth one Soul Reaver for every point of it's Modifier Roll.

Level 12
-A Demon Summoner can fly up to 110mph.

Gaia, and Her Champions

(Unaligned Front) Gaia

The Will of The Earth

Health: 35,000,000
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 11,500,000
Magic Modifier: 66,666,666
Affinity: Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Lightning | Sky | Magic | Life | Horror | Hope | Creation | World

Level 999
Attacks Per Turn: Yes
Affinity: Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Lightning | Magic
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Evolution of Warfare

Level 500
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Magic | Horror | Hope | Creation | World
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Instant Recovery
Instant Evolution
Level 800
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 10,000,000
Affinity: Life | Horror | Creation
Ability: Possession | Max Boost


Passage of Time
-Gaia is completely and totally aware of every event that has ever happened upon her surface. Every thought, every idea, and every concept. As time passes this knowledge updates automatically and continuously through the collective experiences of the entire Human Race as they fight across different dimensions.

The World Egg
-Gaia is capable of directly effecting anything and everything within her sphere of influence to a minor degree. The more in line with her intentions the object she influences, the more control she has over it.

Beyond Good and Evil
-Gaia cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change. Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored.

Celestial Combat
-Gaia is capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.

(Gaia) Hero WEAPON

???? ????
Health: 77,777
Base Damage: 7,777
Base Resilience: 7,777
Magic Modifier: 7,777
Affinity: Hope | Magic | Epic
God Slayer
Level 7
Attack Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Hope | Epic
Ability: Collateral Damage | Indestructible | Splinter & Combine
Level ??
Base Damage: ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Magic | Epic
Ability: ????

Level ??
Base Damage ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Magic | Epic
Ability: ????

Level ??
Base Damage: ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Hope | Epic
Ability: ????
-Hero WEAPON automatically resurrects at a specified location upon death.

Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

-If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.

Lucky 7's
-If Hero WEAPON's Magic Modifier rolls max, Hero WEAPON may attack 77 times in one action.



(Gaia) Angel WEAPON

???? ????
Health: 45,000
Base Damage: 5,250
Base Resilience: 5,250
Magic Modifier: 3,500
Affinity: Horror | Magic | Epic
Sky Cutting Blade
Level 7
Attack Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Horror | Epic
Ability: Collateral Damage | Indestructible | King Slayer
Level ??
Base Damage: ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Magic | Epic
Ability: ????

Level ??
Base Damage ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Magic | Epic
Ability: ????
-Angel WEAPON automatically resurrects at a specified location upon death.

Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

-If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.


(Gaia) Magical Girl Sin WEAPON

Hope Washington

Health: 10,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Death | Light | Epic

Trigger Happy
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 20
Affinities: Death | Epic
Ability: Danmaku

Grand Summoning
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Death | Light | Epic
Ability: Greater Summoning

-Sin WEAPON automatically resurrects at a specified location upon death.

Hail of Lead
- Sin WEAPON can launch all of her attacks as one action.


The Twin Gods of Destruction, and the Maidens of the Apocalypse

(Unaligned Front) Shiva and Sil

The Twin Gods of the End

Health: ????
Base Damage: ????
Base Resilience: ????
Magic Modifier: 33,222,111
Affinity: Beginning | End | Life | Death | Annihilation | Creation | Magic | Despair | Hope | World

Level ??
Attacks Per Turn: ??
Affinity: End | Death | Annihilation | Despair
Ability: Crush | Danmaku

Maidens of the Apocalypse
Level 300
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Annihilation | Despair | End | Death | World
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Instant Recovery
Beginning of the End
Level ??
Base Damage: ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Death | ???? | ????
Ability: ????

Beyond Good and Evil
-Neither Shiva nor Sil can be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change. Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored.

Celestial Combat
-Shiva and Sil are capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.




(Shiva-Sil) Maiden of the East

???? ????
Health: 66,000
Base Damage: 10,000
Base Resilience: 0
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Annihilation | Love | Epic
Black Blade of Morass
Level 5
Attack Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Annihilation | Epic
Ability: Judgement | Kingslayer
Level ??
Base Damage ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Love | Epic
Ability: ????
-Maiden of the East can seamlessly switch places with Maiden of the West to avoid an attack. Must be within 3 meters, and West cannot be under attack.


(Shiva-Sil) Maiden of the West

???? ????

Nightmare of West
Health: 65,000
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 10,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Annihilation | Protection | Epic
The Black Shield of Morass
Level 10
Attack Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Annihilation | Epic
Ability: Indestructible
Level ??
Base Damage: ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Protection | Epic
Ability: ????

Level ??
Base Damage ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Annihilation | Epic
Ability: ????
-Maiden of the West can sacrifice her own moves for a turn in order to allow Maiden of the East to attack again for each turn sacrificed.

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Warning - Horribly outdated


Data Storage Type 2




The factions of the Local Dimension Cluster - or LDC for short - are divided almost universally into three separate Super Factions.

The first Super Faction is known a the Unified Light, made up of the Akashic Pillar, Fairy Home Realms, and the Elven Empire, and False Heaven.

-Akashic Pillar: A.K.A. the United Earth Government, is the collective governing body of the entire Human Race. Made up of nearly a dozen different sub-factions spread across their home world. They are both the scientifically and Militarily strongest of the Unified Light. Despite having only recently proven the existence of Magic, they spearhead the Unified Light in their eternal war against the Unified Darkness. Their military, known as the Counter Force, is considered to be the ultimate in unstoppable forces. While it is acknowledged that alone a single Counter Force foot soldier is barely above average in the war, Akasha is capable of fielding them in the millions. And their scientific technology, when backed by their growing understanding of Magic, makes their mechanized forces equal to nearly anything else in the LDC.

-Fairy Home Realms: The Eldest of the Light, the Fairy people are practitioners of tremendous magical ability. Physically frail and unintimidating Fairies eclipse any other species in sheer magical power alone. The smallest kingdom of the Unified Light, the Fairies are considered the Heart of the movement.

-Elven Empire: While their position on the side of the Unified Light is sometimes in question, the Elven Empire is the second strongest of the groups that make up the Super Faction. While not nearly as technologically advanced as the Akashic Pillar or as Magically overwhelming as the Fairies, individual Elves are capable of learning new skills at a truly astounding pace. Before the Akashic Pillar joined the Unified Light, the Elven Empires were the leading power on it's side.

-False Heaven: Originally known simply as Heaven, this group was brought into being by the sheer belief of a higher power that nearly all races believe in. A miss and match of different heavenly entities, their abilities and skills are widely varied, though they do follow a very tight command structure. Not as magically powerful as the Fairies, but more advanced than the Elves, False Heaven is second only to Humanity in sheer power when it comes to the Unified Light.

The second Super Faction is known a the Unified Darkness, made up of the Thirteen Hell, Black Star, and the Children of Nightmares.

-Thirteenth Hell: Created by the universal belief and genetic memory of an ultimate Hellscape from which all primordial life originated, and will return to should they sin, the Thirteenth Hell is the leading faction of the Unified Darkness. Made up of demons ranging from merely ugly to too horrifying to behold, they are the Akashic Record's opposite number on the Unified Darkness' side, for they lead the fight against the Unified Light.

-Black Star: Beings of pure energy that have found their goals in alignment with those of the Unified Darkness, they operate as the Fairies' opposite number. Creatures of immense magical power, they are the only thing keeping the Unified Darkness from being wiped out by the Fairies' awesome magical might. And now, the only thing keeping the Akashic Record from simply erasing them from existence.

-Children of Nightmares: Considered the Ultimate Evil, the Children are creatures that come from the places between dimensions. Empowered by nothing more than fear alone, they operate by magical laws that are completely foreign to any known system, and thus very little is known about them save for an undefined ability to predict he future to some extent.

The third and possibly strongest of the Super Factions is referred to as the Unaligned Front. Made up of hundreds of smaller sub-factions that lean towards neither the Unified Light or Unified Darkness, their powers vary wildly between a new Magical Girl being capable of wiping them out to neigh unstoppable forces in their own right. It is not uncommon for group from either side to defect to the Unaligned Front.

Magic was discovered by Humanity ten years ago during the February of 2001. Turkish Doctor Tan Karan PhD., used the scientific method to solidly prove, in his words, "That it is possible to manipulate the quantum layer of reality with nothing more than one's own willpower." The resulting tests and publication of said tests shocked the world. The revelation that magical powers were indeed possible lead to a sudden and rapid mass-investigation into the possible phenomena. And two years later, when a young five year old girl, named Jessica Ongeluk, from Kassel, Germany was able to levitate her mother's car the world went hysterical.

Ironically World War Three happened almost instantaneously.

For more information go to: World War Three: The Grand Crusade.

During the war, it was revealed that Magic, as Humans understood it, was limited only by what they believed it could do.

This lead to a titanic proliferation of fantasy sub-genres in the entertainment industry in a badly veiled attempt to make Magic as hilariously diverse as possible. Weather or not it worked is up for debate.

Further research into magic has lead to the discovery that one' ability with magic can grow almost exponentially depending on not only the breeding of the magic user in question, but also the experiences that the magi user goes through in their life. What kinds of events cause this growth are currently under investigation, but are otherwise unknown.

Alright... the Record is a bit sparse on a few things so I'll write down stuff I find out that I can't find in the Codex.

Note to self: don't delete this file.

-Magical Abilities: Apparently all spells and weapons that use magic have some kind of back ability to reinforce their original function. Sometimes it' something that allows it to fulfil that original function better, or something more esoteric. The upside is, that almost all the extra abilities have some kind of overarching connection to one another. Here's a couple I've come across:

Total Lockdown: This ability negates the target's own abilities that would otherwise allow it to escape. Kinda like GG's Chains of Earth and how it can nullify the victim's shapeshifter abilities.

Supremacy: This one make very little sense to me. Apparently is nullifies a victim's affinity bonuses or something unless it has the Rule affinity. Can't find anything on it, and GG wont tell me more about it.

Kingdom: This one's easier to understand. It gives a bonus to an attack against an enemy that can be defined as a 'servant of another'. Apparently it doubles the strength of a hit, but halves it against someone with a 'Ruler' affinity.

Judgement: Alright, this one's my own and I'm only working off what I can tell about it here since apparently it doesn't come up that often. Seriously, no one knows what exactly it's supposed to do. As far as I can tell, it not only negates any extra backing someone gives their attack or defense, but totally negates it if certain conditions are met. I'm lucky I got such a thing for my basic attack...

Unstoppable: Exactly what it says on the tin. Whatever has this ability can just plow through everything in it's way and not loose any power. The trick though is actually hitting something with it. (Negate all resistances.)

Juggernaut: This renders an attack capable of piercing armor to an amazing degree. It also allows an attack to pierce certain other abilities, and defenses when they come into conflict with one another, rendering them useless. (Ignore 75% of opponent's Base Resilience. Extra effects are unknown.)

Double Cast: Apparently, a spell-only power. From what I can gather, casting a spell once with this, will cause some kind of doubling-effect where the world registers it as being cast twice. Or something like that?

Quadra-Magic: similar to above, but instead of only twice, it casts four times simultaneously.

Danmaku: Literally 'Bullet Curtain' in Japanese, it's like Full Auto, but on steroids. I'm not sure how to describe it past it's actual name.

Return: Allows the given weapon or ability to instantly return to it's wielder when called. Pretty straight forward.

Crush: Normally when backed by both hands, the difference between a sword's striking power, while significant, isn't all that impressive on the scale I'm going to be fighting at. This changes that. It magnifies the amount of force putting both hands behind the given weapon to hilarious levels. (x3 multiplier to base damage output when utilized.)

Auto Assault: This allows a weapon or spell to attack on it's own completely separate to it's user. It still requires the user to designate a target, but past that needs no other real input.

Vampire: Health steal. 'Nuf said.

Vacuum: This allows the attack to suck in enemies to damage those outside it's usual range.

Boost-Self/All: This marks an ability that effects the caster, or 'allied' targets. Usually beneficial in some way. Though, there was one MG that apparently had a spell that killed allies to fuel it. Creepy.

Collateral Damage: As the name says: the attack causes extra damage to the surroundings. This can mean anything from other enemies, to the surrounding landscape.

Murder: This apparently causes some kind of wasting-effect on the afflicted. I'll need to talk to Truth to find out more, but it's apparently why she lost her fight.

Double Hit: See Double Cast, but with a melee attack.

Armor Pierce: Again, self explanatory, but it also messes with any magic used to bolster defense. Don't know much else past that.

Detonate: Like Collateral Damage, but a far more focused attack. Does less damage to the surroundings.

Synchronize: This allows the attack or spell to literally synch to another attack, increasing both to even greater levels.

Limitless: I have no idea. I can only extrapolate from the name.

-Recursive Abilities: These are magical abilities that are able to happen more than once o long as the conditions are met. Like Red Rose's ability to reduce damage if it exceeds a set amount. So long as those conditions are met, it'll keep activating until the conditions are no longer met. Doesn't matter what the original cause is.

Echo: I have no idea what this does exactly, save that it's recursive. All I know is that it has a 50% chance to activate when whatever it's attached to goes off.

-Target Abilities: These are abilities that require specific targets to be triggered. Like GG's Power Suppression. It can only work on abilities that target her specifically, or my Celestial Severance's Unstoppable ability requiring the spell to actually hit the target to activate.

The Human Military holds a heavy focus on ranged combat due to the fact that individual human soldiers are almost universally weaker physically than all other species in the local dimensional cluster.

In melee combat a Akashic Infantry Soldier is protected by heavy titanium plate armor, with linked steel chainmail layered beneath along with a ballistic gel bodysuit to absorb impacts. This allows the average soldier significant survivability in such a situation. Several human soldiers have also taken up some form of melee combat with a short-ranged weapon, though typically used as a last resort.

In ranged combat Human Infantry favor powerful battle rifles over more common bows and arrows that other factions use. This leads to a nearly monolithic advantage when engaging enemy forces at range. When manufactured human ranged weaponry is blessed by their clergy and have spell work engraved during the construction process.

In actual combat, a Human soldier will almost always attempt to keep the range between themselves and their more melee-oriented opponents open in an attempt to gun them down without significant personal harm. This has led to Human Infantry to favor running battles in open spaces when fighting the Unified Darkness.

When supporting Magical Girls in combat, Magical Girls are notable for intercepting enemy forces that attempt to close with their less fragile allies. Though some long-range magical girls still tend towards a similar pattern of combat as other soldiers.
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[X]FRESH MEAT - This is your first magical fight and your powers just woke up. Yeah, your fucked. Hard. (Ohmygodwhy - Your the poor bastard that has literally just started the game and got their poor ass level warped to the secret boss chamber that only the Uber Pros even attempt to take on. If you manage to even just survive this, your name is going to be legendary. Somehow manage to kill this sonuvabitch? Your name is going to be synonyms with 'Hard to Kill'.)

This will either be the shortest quest ever or we're going down in history as THE baddest motherfucker this side of the ocean.

[X]United Front! (Magical Communities are well-connected. If one comes under attack the others scramble to help. This means their enemies have a habit of banding together, but they are far better off together than alone. Similar to above, but no muggles joining in or backup from government sponsorship.)
[x]Newbie - Your not even done with Season One yet. Your magic is paper thin to this thing, and you barely have any idea whats going on. (Hard - Low stats, weak spells... but your likely going to grow to be a real power house if you can survive this.)
[x]United Front! (Magical Communities are well-connected. If one comes under attack the others scramble to help. This means their enemies have a habit of banding together, but they are far better off together than alone. Similar to above, but no muggles joining in or backup fromgovernment sponsorship.)
[x] Fresh Meat

I remember Destiny Quest. I remember what happened there. It's not going to be nearly as easy, but the Goddess is incoming.

[x] Masquerade? What masquerade?
[x] Masquerade? What masquerade?

this is going to be the shortest quest ever. (kidding, although eternal darkness would make it shorter)
joking aside, we just gotta survive long enough for the tanks to arrive
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[X]Veteran - You've been fighting baddies like this for years. Well-known in the magical community you already have the heads of about a dozen Kings of Darkness under your belt. You eat bitches like this for breakfast. (Easy Mode... -ish. You start at high stats and abilities, but your growth is going to be slow going.)
[X]Eternal Darkness... (A baddie won. Quite a while ago at that. Humanity are little more than slaves, and other baddies are trying to knock him off his throne. Magical Girls like you are few and far between. Hunted ruthlessly, the girl that had just jumped passed you was on a timer already. The Darkness is coming for you, and there's little you can do about it.)
[X]Veteran - You've been fighting baddies like this for years. Well-known in the magical community you already have the heads of about a dozen Kings of Darkness under your belt. You eat bitches like this for breakfast. (Easy Mode... -ish. You start at high stats and abilities, but your growth is going to be slow going.)
[X]Eternal Darkness... (A baddie won. Quite a while ago at that. Humanity are little more than slaves, and other baddies are trying to knock him off his throne. Magical Girls like you are few and far between. Hunted ruthlessly, the girl that had just jumped passed you was on a timer already. The Darkness is coming for you, and there's little you can do about it.)

For some reason I want to play as a magical girl who kept dethroning the latest King of Darkness only for a new one to ascend the "throne", until one day one of them managed to win big turning it into an actual legitimate throne of darkness. Not that this prevented her from dethroning him, a cycle which continued until one day she became the only magical girl continuing to fight evil instead of simply stay alive along with those they care about.

Now the latest "King" of darkness just killed pretty much all of the people who cared about her as a human instead of a magical girl, so it isn't the Darkness coming for her she is coming for him, and she will stop at nothing to see him dead!
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[X]FRESH MEAT - This is your first magical fight and your powers just woke up. Yeah, your fucked. Hard. (Ohmygodwhy - Your the poor bastard that has literally just started the game and got their poor ass level warped to the secret boss chamber that only the Uber Pros even attempt to take on. If you manage to even just survive this, your name is going to be legendary. Somehow manage to kill this sonuvabitch? Your name is going to be synonyms with 'Hard to Kill'.)

[X]United Front! (Magical Communities are well-connected. If one comes under attack the others scramble to help. This means their enemies have a habit of banding together, but they are far better off together than alone. Similar to above, but no muggles joining in or backup from government sponsorship.)