I don't think we have ever actually got Thungi's brilliance to proc. Given how often we failed to reach it I hope if we do it does something cool.
We know the effects of Thungni's Brilliance. It refunds the cost of using reagents in crafting (except for T5's). Further more it vacuums up all our bad rolls and redistributes the good ones somewhere more impactful.
In general, no we were hitting the secret and mysterious action overflow cap long before we got a couple of productivity upgrades or 6 actions. However still in general 3 Actions is a pretty significant break point therefore I think its fair to make the argument that we should keep the 6AP open so that we can have a more efficient 3/3 split.
This creation specifically? The secretive overflow cap is strongly implied to shift up where things just need more work and this is far far more work than anything we've done before. It doesn't
need it however it would likely benefit from it.
Where Khazagar was created by Snorri in a way of honouring and working towards the goal of Thungni's firstborn Durin the lost.
Eeeh, kinda but I also think this is working backwards from the result and legitimising argumentation and pretending it was always the case.
The reason Snorri expanded his teaching facilities was because they were failing to deal with the capacity attracted by the multiple valuable secrets he was offering.
Of the reasons that Snorri went full out and created something unprecedented like Khazagar rather than something that looked more like Hammerspites facilities, Durin was one of them. But I don't really think a guy he never met or interacted with was the primary reason. More along the lines that Snorri's intentions and goals aligned in such a way that it was helpful to slap Durin's face on the project in order to manage backlash and claims of doing something unacceptably radical.
People need to understand that Vragni is a Runelord that got nominated when the ancestors still walked the earth
Snorri voted in favour of Vragni if I recall correctly.
He probably wouldn't do so again, but thats because they've developed the closest thing to grudge without being a grudge. But it does mean that at a fundamental level, Snorri thinks Vragni has the skills and reliability needed to be a Runelord.
@soulcake sorry I'm interpreting this differently to others and given the arguments made I think its important to clarify
Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)
Does next Turn Results mean:
A) next Turn, Results: i.e. Turn 60 Results pt__
B) next, Turn Results,: i.e. Turn 59 Results pt2.
And finally are obligated to pick an apprentice(s) if we do so or can we say that none of them caught our interest and pass?