Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

"I have a plan..." The words are almost lost in the snatching wind of your passage. Really, not even an introduction and he wants to suggest how to fight Denarians? You almost scoff, but then you remember the impossible trajectory of that shot. What else is he good at?
Might as well let him make a suggestion. I don't think he's as good at this as Molly would be, but he's still an exalt and this is a good opportunity to bond.
[X] Listen to Azhi Dahaka

I might change vote for a plan that offers our own suggestion in addition to his plan, but it's important to balance things out by listening to him, right after we basically gave him an order. We really don't want to give an impression like we already think we are his boss and control him. Or this fragile what-could-be-an-alliance could catastrophically fail in the middle of all this.
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[X] Listen to Azhi Dahaka

The guy has the Charm to roll INT for anything, and he has good int.
He's probably not as good as an Infernal at planning a prison break while in the Arctis, but otherwise he should be good.
[X] Listen to Azhi Dahaka

The guy has the Charm to roll INT for anything, and he has good int.
He's probably not as good as an Infernal at planning a prison break while in the Arctis, but otherwise he should be good.
A new Abyssal is generally going to be very heavy optimized for killing whatever killed them.
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[X] Listen to Azhi Dahaka

A great result overall. For now we can listen and I hope everything will be fine with our second team. BUT I don't think a quick talk will ruin everything.
So, I had some inspiration for homebrew charms. Not necessarily Fivefold Courts ones, but more general Infernal ones that I think make at least some sense for Infernals in general. I'd like to get some feedback.

Mortals, even Exalted solar champions, are defined by their Free Will. Spirits, including the greatest of them, are beings of pure Essence. Alone among all of them are the nascent Devil Tigers, destined rulers of Creation, the perfect synergy of mortal will and immortal essence.

System: At any time the Infernal may reflexively spend 1 Essence or 1 Willpower point to add her Essence rating to all her Willpower rolls, and permanent Willpower rating to all her essence rolls for (Essence rating + 1) turns in combat, or minutes outside of combat.
Essentially an excellency for Willpower and Essence rolls. A lot more niche than normal excellencies, but something that can distinguish the Infernals, and follows the whole "trans-primordlal Devil Tiger, perfect mesh of will and power working together".

At the beginning, Primordials forged Creation out of Chaos. They designed its laws and structures. To maintain its mechanisms, the populated Creation with gods – from the least god of a least blade of grass in the farthest field, to the Sun itself, resplendent in his perfection.

In this broken empty world, the legacy of the broken demiurges follows in their steps, recreating the world in their wicked image.

System: Concentrating upon a mundane object no larger than a residential building, the Infernal spends 2 motes of essence, rolls Essence + highest of Craft or Occult and gives the object a True Name. Doing so creates the least god of said object – a gaffling level creature of darkness spirit tied to the object. The spirit possesses perfect awareness over the object they are bound to, and can communicate with anyone in contact with said object. They automatically get access to Hear Prayer discipline, and may learn more advanced practices at a cost of (2 XP * current rating).

Once reaching Essence 4, the Infernal may pay additional 1 mote to upgrade the spirit she creates to a jaggling.
A lot of overlap here with Hollow Mind Possession, and I worry about the charm rendering HMP redundant, so some tweaks are probably needed. The example of a possible god we could create is Bane, whom we made without any exalted charms at all.

It's a quick and dirty way of making somewhat enchanted objects, and to gather intelligence about things.

Standing over her lessers, the Infernal invokes the legacy of chains she bears.

System: After defeating or creating someone, the Infernal may spend 5 motes of Essence and speak the terms of a Surrender Oath in the language at the core of all languages to place her target under one commandment or prohibition. The effect cannot be something that will directly and actively harm the target, like commanding a mortal human to stop breathing. The command she creates must have an escape clause that could, at least in theory, be fulfilled within a year and a day.

An infernal may only subject a given person to one Surrender Oath at a time
Surrender Oaths. I am frankly a bit surprised that neither Surrender Oaths, nor divine geass are in any way mentioned in the canon ExvsWoD text. This remedies that, and allows a crafty exalted to make devil's bets.

At the beginning of history, Primordials, the titan architects of Creation fought the greatest war to ever be waged against their own servants. They fought, and they lost, at least in part because they, each an embodiment of their own mythos, ultimately couldn't transcend their own boundaries. Their heirs are not so limited. By embracing the seed of her human nature, the Infernal transcends her own limitations

System: The infernal spends a mote of essence, touches a target and rolls her Essence against the difficulty of their Willpower. If she succeeds, then for the rest of the scene she can use their relevant ability instead of hers on any roll she makes.

The infernal may maintain up to her Essence connections at one time

Signature effect: the charm now adds the target's ability score to the Infernal's own, instead of overwriting it.
This one is definitely Fivefold Courts. Well, that, or Sword of the Cross charmset, a bit reimagined. It levels the playing field. And plays well with Emergency Minion Holograms.

So, what do you all think?
Mortals, even Exalted solar champions, are defined by their Free Will. Spirits, including the greatest of them, are beings of pure Essence. Alone among all of them are the nascent Devil Tigers, destined rulers of Creation, the perfect synergy of mortal will and immortal essence.

System: At any time the Infernal may reflexively spend 1 Essence or 1 Willpower point to add her Essence rating to all her Willpower rolls, and permanent Willpower rating to all her essence rolls for (Essence rating + 1) turns in combat, or minutes outside of combat.
Essentially an excellency for Willpower and Essence rolls. A lot more niche than normal excellencies, but something that can distinguish the Infernals, and follows the whole "trans-primordlal Devil Tiger, perfect mesh of will and power working together".
Now there aren't a lot of charms but that I mean there's two total for the infernal exalted that roll essence in that way and there's eight in total that roll willpower in that way but it's good I actually rather like the idea having magical items that key off of essence or willpower rolls or other charms that key off of essence rolls would make this pretty good.

The fluff on the other hand is kind of funny and I don't mean that in a bad way but it can very definitely be read in a way that if it was a solar/ Abyssal charm it would also make perfect sense
Mortals, even Exalted Abyssal champions, are defined by their Free Will. Spirits, including the greatest of them, are beings of pure Essence. Alone among all of them are the nascent God Kings, destined rulers of Creation, the perfect synergy of mortal will and perfected essence.
Mortals, even Exalted Infernal champions, are defined by their Free Will. Spirits, including the greatest of them, are beings of pure Essence. Alone among all of them are the nascent Lords of Death, destined Killers of Creation, the perfect synergy of mortal will and Necrotic essence.
To be clear this is not a bad thing at very least not in my estimation.
At the beginning, Primordials forged Creation out of Chaos. They designed its laws and structures. To maintain its mechanisms, the populated Creation with gods – from the least god of a least blade of grass in the farthest field, to the Sun itself, resplendent in his perfection.

In this broken empty world, the legacy of the broken demiurges follows in their steps, recreating the world in their wicked image.

System: Concentrating upon a mundane object no larger than a residential building, the Infernal spends 2 motes of essence, rolls Essence + highest of Craft or Occult and gives the object a True Name. Doing so creates the least god of said object – a gaffling level creature of darkness spirit tied to the object. The spirit possesses perfect awareness over the object they are bound to, and can communicate with anyone in contact with said object. They automatically get access to Hear Prayer discipline, and may learn more advanced practices at a cost of (2 XP * current rating).

Once reaching Essence 4, the Infernal may pay additional 1 mote to upgrade the spirit she creates to a jaggling.
A lot of overlap here with Hollow Mind Possession, and I worry about the charm rendering HMP redundant, so some tweaks are probably needed. The example of a possible god we could create is Bane, whom we made without any exalted charms at all.

It's a quick and dirty way of making somewhat enchanted objects, and to gather intelligence about things.
So you acknowledged one kind of problem with it but another is that this is just creating a fetish in a different way. There's also a type of system you could use for this Awakening the spirit or Rouse the spirit from Mage the ascension which is not creating essentially full on fetishes while achieving the stated of objective of knowing stuff about objects and rooms and things by speaking to them and minor magic item creation.
Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers Revised Pg.56 -57 said:
Rules For Awakened Items
Any Dreamspeaker or other mage with three dots or more in Spirit can awaken the spirit within any object or
device, and as stated on page 55-56 of the Mage Storytellers Companion, even mages without that level of power can still own such items. The question is, then, what good does it do to have a spiritually awakened car or apartment? For devices like computers or handguns, the benefits are obvious.

Since these devices are awake and aware, they will instantly know if there is some problem with their function. Well before an awakened gun jams, or a computer ceases to work, both of them will show signs that indicate the existence and the nature of the problem. A computer might briefly flash somewhat cryptic text indicating the nature of the potential glitch, while a car or gun will likely make a odd and obvious noise every time it is used. Anyone using such a device will notice these signs on a successful Perception + Awareness roll. Such information gives the Dreamspeaker, or anyone to whom they describe the symptoms, a one-point (or Trait, in MET) difficulty break on all rolls to fix the device.

Dreamspeakers with two or more dots in Spirit need not rely on such indirect means. Any Dreamspeaker with at least two dots in Spirit can easily talk to awakened devices. They can talk to awakened devices they own and with which they are extremely familiar without the necessity of making Arete rolls. In addition, such devices can initiate conversations with their owners if the owner possesses two or more dots in Spirit or the Medium Merit.

More than one Dreamspeaker has been awakened in the middle of the night by some chatty appliance asking for help or telling him that someone is trying to steal or vandalize it. In addition to giving the Dreamspeaker a bonus on all rolls to fix devices that are experiencing problems, such communication allows a Dreamspeaker to instantly know if anyone else has used the awakened device. If a Nephandus breaks into a Dreamspeaker's apartment, her computer may well use its webcam to photograph the intruder and will happily show the Dreamspeaker the footage as soon as she returns.

In addition, the owner of an awakened device decreases the difficulty of all rolls to use it by one. In contrast, anyone whom the device dislikes receives a +1 increase in difficulty to all rolls involving the device. Normally this means that Dreamspeakers use their own awakened devices with great ease and their enemies have trouble using such devices. However, Dreamspeakers who abuse or neglect their own awakened devices may find that their possessions have turned against them.

Perhaps the most obvious impact of using awakened devices are the numerous minor coincidences that accom-
pany their use. The horn of an awakened car may honk when it is being stolen, an awakened computer may crash before a dangerous virus can harm it and an awakened gun may misfire if someone attempts to use it against its owner. In general, such coincidences only occur when the device is threatened with harm or if the owner is in serious danger. In all cases, such coincidences should be events that can occur naturally.
There's nothing stopping Awakening the spirit being used on simpler things then computers in cars this entry just focused on that. You can also find Awakening the spirit in May 20th but this is the only mechanical explanation for it.

Something like stating infernals or exalted count as having the medium Merit pretty much ties over every loose end.
Standing over her lessers, the Infernal invokes the legacy of chains she bears.

System: After defeating or creating someone, the Infernal may spend 5 motes of Essence and speak the terms of a Surrender Oath in the language at the core of all languages to place her target under one commandment or prohibition. The effect cannot be something that will directly and actively harm the target, like commanding a mortal human to stop breathing. The command she creates must have an escape clause that could, at least in theory, be fulfilled within a year and a day.

An infernal may only subject a given person to one Surrender Oath at a time
Surrender Oaths. I am frankly a bit surprised that neither Surrender Oaths, nor divine geass are in any way mentioned in the canon ExvsWoD text. This remedies that, and allows a crafty exalted to make devil's bets.
Okay I don't mean anything by this but there is a bit of a problem here fluff wise for me the entire creation of the Green Sun Princes revolves around them not to carrying the chains of the surrender of oaths. They're made free actors specifically to avoid those chains. Then there's a minor mechanical/ problem of this kind of just eats Magnanimous Warning Glyphs, Devil Refining Cauldron and Spawning Pit Sanctification's in a bunch of minor different ways. Glyph of you do I say or else, DRC beat the shit out of spirits when defeated turn into fetish, SPS defeated or put into a position of no Victory do what I say or Die the actual surrender Oaths.

Though outside of that the biggest thing at least for me is the lack of ability to detect the chains or break them. As generally absolute effects should have some kind of out and very least in world of Darkness you can very specifically stipulate if you're a mortal no there is no way out but yeah it's a supernatural many times they're probably should be some kind of loophole or otherwise ability to break the bond.

At the beginning of history, Primordials, the titan architects of Creation fought the greatest war to ever be waged against their own servants. They fought, and they lost, at least in part because they, each an embodiment of their own mythos, ultimately couldn't transcend their own boundaries. Their heirs are not so limited. By embracing the seed of her human nature, the Infernal transcends her own limitations

System: The infernal spends a mote of essence, touches a target and rolls her Essence against the difficulty of their Willpower. If she succeeds, then for the rest of the scene she can use their relevant ability instead of hers on any roll she makes.

The infernal may maintain up to her Essence connections at one time

Signature effect: the charm now adds the target's ability score to the Infernal's own, instead of overwriting it.
This one is just cool actually like it if I had to say anything about it is that there should probably be some kind of negative consequence to the person who's having their skills borrowed whether that being they can't use the Ability during the time it's borrowed or any action made by The Infernal with The Borrowed ability pool counts as actions taken by the person who she's ability from or something like that but other than that yeah this is cool rather like it a lot.
[X] Listen to Azhi Dahaka

Dresden: So this guy Exalted after dying to a Denarian. After he decided to attack a Denarian.
Molly: Uh, sorta?
Denarian: And had pretty much speedran the Exaltation -> Bad Decisions -> Consequences timeline in a couple hours. There's not much that would make an Abyssal Exalt out of their league, but this guy somehow managed it.
Molly: Hey now, it was as much luck as incompetence!
Dresden: And after his stellar history, you still want to listen to him?
Molly: I couldn't possibly be so unlucky as to have something backfire on me twice in a single day.
Essentially an excellency for Willpower and Essence rolls. A lot more niche than normal excellencies, but something that can distinguish the Infernals, and follows the whole "trans-primordlal Devil Tiger, perfect mesh of will and power working together".
Please don't.

There are no significant boosts to those stats in ExWoD and I'm pretty sure that's intentional.
Exalted need to be challengable in some areas, so leave something harder to buff.

Not that the difficulty-modifiers aren't already making this unfair compared to most beings anyway.
Now there aren't a lot of charms but that I mean there's two total for the infernal exalted that roll essence in that way and there's eight in total that roll willpower in that way but it's good I actually rather like the idea having magical items that key off of essence or willpower rolls or other charms that key off of essence rolls would make this pretty good.

The fluff on the other hand is kind of funny and I don't mean that in a bad way but it can very definitely be read in a way that if it was a solar/ Abyssal charm it would also make perfect sense
It is a more niche thing than a normal excellency where it comes to charms, definitely. I would predict the most common scenario for this to be countering someone countering our charm. Various opposed rolls and such.
Please don't.

There are no significant boosts to those stats in ExWoD and I'm pretty sure that's intentional.
Exalted need to be challengable in some areas, so leave something harder to buff.

Not that the difficulty-modifiers aren't already making this unfair compared to most beings anyway.
May I ask why do you think that WP or essence affecting excellency would be bad for balance? As far as I can see, the main scenarios for using it would be opposed rolls when resisting someone or them resisting our charms.
So you acknowledged one kind of problem with it but another is that this is just creating a fetish in a different way. There's also a type of system you could use for this Awakening the spirit or Rouse the spirit from Mage the ascension which is not creating essentially full on fetishes while achieving the stated of objective of knowing stuff about objects and rooms and things by speaking to them and minor magic item creation.
There's nothing stopping Awakening the spirit being used on simpler things then computers in cars this entry just focused on that. You can also find Awakening the spirit in May 20th but this is the only mechanical explanation for it.

Something like stating infernals or exalted count as having the medium Merit pretty much ties over every loose end.
Oh, good catch. Yeah, awakened items is what I was going for with this, essentially, with a twist that the spirits of such items would be able to grow later. The only difference I would make is allowing the spirit to talk to mundane people, and hear prayers thing.

Fetiches are the same thing from the completely opposite direction. You take an already existing, preferably powerful, spirit, and put it into a material vessel to create a fetich. This instead forges a spirit ex-nihilo from the base object. Essetially, the logic was - if we could make bane before we had any crafting charms, then making more banes by way of having an appropriate charm seems reasonable.
Okay I don't mean anything by this but there is a bit of a problem here fluff wise for me the entire creation of the Green Sun Princes revolves around them not to carrying the chains of the surrender of oaths. They're made free actors specifically to avoid those chains. Then there's a minor mechanical/ problem of this kind of just eats Magnanimous Warning Glyphs, Devil Refining Cauldron and Spawning Pit Sanctification's in a bunch of minor different ways. Glyph of you do I say or else, DRC beat the shit out of spirits when defeated turn into fetish, SPS defeated or put into a position of no Victory do what I say or Die the actual surrender Oaths.

Though outside of that the biggest thing at least for me is the lack of ability to detect the chains or break them. As generally absolute effects should have some kind of out and very least in world of Darkness you can very specifically stipulate if you're a mortal no there is no way out but yeah it's a supernatural many times they're probably should be some kind of loophole or otherwise ability to break the bond.
Infernals bear the legacy of unbreakable oaths in more ways than any other exalt. They are exalted, created specifically to circumvent the divine geass. They are infernals, made to circumvent Surrender Oaths. It seemed somewhat thematically appropriate to give an infernal rope to hang themselves with and a tool to propagate the cycle of hatred by. It would be in Yozi nature to desire to subject others to their humiliation, and to restore their rightful place in the universe - that of undisputed tyrants.

I will freely admit that I completely forgot about Magnanimous Warning Glyph when making this. They are indeed very close to each other. The difference here is that you need to defeat your opponent first. What counts as defeat can be different of course. Basically, thematically, this is "make a bet with the devil, if you lose, you are screwed" type of charm, where we take the position of the devil. It does specifically include the escape clause, but is otherwise unnoticeable.
This one is just cool actually like it if I had to say anything about it is that there should probably be some kind of negative consequence to the person who's having their skills borrowed whether that being they can't use the Ability during the time it's borrowed or any action made by The Infernal with The Borrowed ability pool counts as actions taken by the person who she's ability from or something like that but other than that yeah this is cool rather like it a lot.
No negative consequences to the target is intentional. Because I also very specifically didn't limit the borrowing to the willing targets or our minions. And I also mentioned Swords of the Cross for a reason in my explanation of the charm. It's to level a playing field. Imagine if you are a fresh infernal going into politics. You have a debate with an experienced politician (politics 5). Use this charm when you shake hands at the start of the debate. Or if someone is fighting you - you need only to touch them to get equal level of skill.