Thought they couldn't understand Psyker shit? Guess we need a stealth symphony after all then.
Plus aren't all the worst of them stuck on the far side of the galaxy fighting a civil war? Plus the one we straight up robbed didn't do shit to us besides grumble and demand their shit back.
The Necrons are, as you've kindly noted, veterans of the War in Heaven. They fought the Krork at their height, the Aeldari in full war-mode, and butchered the Old Ones in their homes.
They may not be able to
use Psykanic stuff, but they're more than capable of countering it.
[X] Plan: Begin the final Run
[X] Plan: Unlocking All The Melodies
-[X] [We Were] Examine the technology and the developmental process thereof of the Tau Empire, with a particular focus on their fio'tak, drones, battlesuits, ion weaponry, and magnetic weaponry.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (A recently colonized sub-sector on the frontiers)
-[X] [Psykana][Free] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Revenant III
[X] [Psykana] Sing Two Symphonies (Choose Five Songs)
--[X] Cry for the Future
Grand Design
-[X] [Psykana] Sing Two Symphonies (Choose Five Songs)
--[X] The Grace and Wisdom of the Machine: Golem + Paths without Treason+ Hiss of the Steam Valves + Dutiful Spirits + Love unto Death.
--[X] Make Things Better symphony: Graveyard + Lifeline + Love Unto Death + Dirge For The Innocent + The Healer's Star
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct 10 Melodies (Class is in Session 1)
--[X] Slumber III Cogitation, Spirit, Shatter, Liberation, Duty, Honor, Glory, Unwavering, and Cherish.
-[X] [General/Psykana] Construct The Grand Note (3/13) (2 actions + 1 devouring mechadendrite) (Class is in Session 2 & 3)
[X] [General] Research: (1 action + 4 Cry for the Future actions, 12 total actions leaving 0.15 banked, math above. Boosted by Grand Design, so Starry versions).
--[X] Autonomous Automata !!!WARNING!!! (1/1)
--[X] Monofilament Missile Studies (1/1)
--[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development IV (2/2) (Unto Works Generational decreases cost 3->2)
--[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (2/2)
--[X] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development III (2/2)
--[X] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development III (2/2)
--[X] Anti-Psychic Materials (4/4) (Unto Works Generational decreases cost 5->4)
Might as well toss the second plan out. I'm not a huge fan of Profilozof's songs, but they're fine, now that we've left the All-XX march we can fuck around a bit. Really want to get the Melody grind as early as possible though, the new Star Child melodies look juicy as hell, and so do the Lamenters. We can't double-tap them to shoot them to 3, so the earlier we get them, the better, IMO. Also included a Tau Write-in for this one just for my pet project -- feels synergistic with our research.