[X] You owe me a favor. (Quartet do an action for Eggman)
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.
... oh my God he's our Snively.Looks good, also I blame starline for our family drama!
Look at that smug platypus face- he got a new mech out of this while sage got angry at us! SAGE!!
The dice gods make it clear they help him while we suffer or he finds catastrophe at our expense we cannot coexist!
9nce again why in the wrold would we try to recruit them?
Heck they likely even be negative loyalty heroes too.
Free actions, thats it. Thats my entire reason. Its not that deep. So please for the love of god just let me have my decision and don't try and force me to choose something else.
You get to put a X inbween the [ ] or it don't count[ ] Capture them (Miku, Sonia, Manic and Rosy are imprisoned alongside Zeena)
After working to get them seems like a waste to just let them go or dump them.
Well, time to play devil's advocate. Why shouldn't we kill them? We don't have the option to recruit them, and they might end up hero units for the Restoration, causing problems for us later...
This is one of my biggest complaints about VV quests in general. Nobody actually wants to do bad things, despite being, you know a villain. Why shouldn't we remake the Egg Carrier and start dropping bombs on our enemies indiscriminately? Why shouldn't we make the Metal Virus, and hit Roy with the Uno reverse card with our own zombies? Why shouldn't we make a counter for Omega while he's not actively trying to shoot up our things?