I do want to point out for the people who want to recruit them, that means balancing three new heroes, two of whom will probably have negative loyalties, and their drives without raising our action cap if it succeeds.

When we're probably also picking up Maw and Phage in the near future.

Got confirmation on Discord. It'd be like hiring the Chaotix, we hire them to do an action on our behalf.
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[X] Let them go (The Quartet leave to continue their travels)

hmmm should we include that blurb from aron? it would make sonic Grimace that we saved his siblings...and that were even now on THAT front.
Acocrid to Fsicord cinstes heart her on this option will add Eggman new stats, wihtou mallus from Sage interlude, and Cinqueting Storm Heart.

So in total has 34.

Uo to you guys but rwlize the Underground!Robotnik last words really shake them.
So, confirmation that hiring them makes them a four person hero ball, but also. That's unquestionably going to be a Heart check, probably contested, but would be much harder than getting favors out of them. Conquering Storm will also help with the check. Their help on the Rudies will not fulfill Canaan's drive either, which would be a problem.

So, what I'm proposing is this

[X] You owe me a favor. (Quartet do an action for Eggman)
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.
-[X] "when you see that blue menace again tell him we're even for starfall islands now and not to expect anything else"

Relatively low DC, they should do well on that. It has threefold, possibly fourfold benefits. This makes the Restoration aware that Eggman saved them, makes the Restoration more outwardly focused than focused on us (especially if they inform the Restoration of other Kings like they are with us), and gives us an additional alliance against the Black Arms. A potential fourth benefit is that this may help counteract the False Flag attacks somewhat.

EDIT: Adding in cjdavis's own addition, fun flavor.
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[X] You owe me a favor. (Quartet do an action for Eggman)
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.
-[X] "when you see that blue menace again tell him we're even for starfall islands now and not to expect anything else"
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[X] You owe me a favor. (Quartet do an action for Eggman)
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.
-[X] "when you see that blue menace again tell him we're even for starfall islands now and not to expect anything else"
All right @UltimateBlackAce you convince me.

[X] You owe me a favor. (Quartet do an action for Eggman)
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.

Plsu a 34 dicne on Contest Heart shpuld be good and since our Eggman is slighty more open to diplomacy this make sense plus it is on brand for him to tey make them do something for him.
[X] Let them go (The Quartet leave to continue their travels)
-[x] In return for saving them, they must do a (non-insulting) live performance in Egg City
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[X] You owe me a favor. (Quartet do an action for Eggman)
-[X] Bring In Others (The Restoration)
--[X] If they refuse, let them go.

Looks good, also I blame starline for our family drama!

Look at that smug platypus face- he got a new mech out of this while sage got angry at us! SAGE!!

The dice gods make it clear they help him while we suffer or he finds catastrophe at our expense we cannot coexist!