Wait a minute,
@HeroCooky lol didn't we already hit pay 1 of the action tax for the Councils the previous turn? Or did that not count? Not like it changes the plan for this turn, but it does shuffle things around for future turns.
[X] Plan: the stars is going on with soul-planet
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
-[X] [Free][Psykana] From Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were, leaving 6144 in Love Unto Death, though spare Choirs should go into Love Unto Death.
--[X] History and Origin of Lammenters
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] Integrate The Councils (1/2)
--[X] A Soul Smeared
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
--[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
--[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.
Okay Smeared Soul is one thing, but why the History and Origin of the Lamenters. We... know their Origin? This isn't exactly the Blood Ravens, and I am pretty sure that Chyron would've held onto the history and taught it to them? Sure, there might be patches, but like, do you want to actually put 5555 strategic assets at work here for something that we basically 90% know? I think the only thing we're not sure of is like, what the hell the Cursed Founding was and why it was cursed -- everything else is pretty preserved???
Unless you want to look for other Lamenters, but like, ???
I think if I was going for fluff uses of this I'd go for Dirut history since it's totally washed, and then maybe Kil'drabi since their history of a species is "assumed" and thus probably lost a lot when their home planet exploded and then when they got repeatedly genocided, and then maybe Irrita since their history is ???
But also that is more Cooky work lol so dunno lmao
I genuinely do not get the appeal of Smeared Soul, like am I missing something? It's one planet, we have other things to do, we can literally leave it for later, when we're sure that a miniturn might not make the difference between finishing on time or not.
Blargh, whatever.
Assuming that we can in fact hit the 50% boosts with We Were and we can create ISCs, things get more flexible. Being somewhat conservative...
Starting at 17 Updates left.
This turn: We Were: 50% boost to Heavy Industry. Council 1 AP. Create Heavy Indust ISC 2 AP. Flex Action. 16 Updates left.
We Were 50% boost to Heavy Industry. Council 1 AP. Create MilProd ISC 2 AP. Flex Action. 15 Updates left.
We Were 50% boost to Food Prod. Create FoodProd ISC 2 AP. Flex action. 14 Turns left. Switch to Heavy Industry ISC. 14 Updates left.
We Were 50% boost to MilProd. Heavy Industry to XIX 2 AP. Medical Infra to XVII 1 AP. Regular Action Flex. Switch to FoodProd ISC. 13 Updates left.
We Were 50% boost to MedInfra. FoodProd to XIX 2 AP. Medical Infra to XVIII 1 AP. Regular Action Flex. Switch to MilProd ISC. 12 Updates left.
We were 50% boost to MedInfra. MilProd to XIX 2 AP. Medical Infra to XIX 1 AP. Regular Action Flex. Do whatever ISC-wise. 11 Updates left.
We Were gets to do something else. Flip on Tribal Warfare. Finish All-XX. 10 Updates left.
Milestone Updates: 9 Updates Left
All XX: 8 Updates left.
[Do whatever] This turn. 16 updates left.
Create 1.5 ISCs (3 General Actions) next turn. Flex for fun. 15 updates left.
Create 1.5 ISCs (3 General Actions) next turn. Flex for fun. 14 updates left. Flip on Heavy Industry ISC.
Heavy industry x4 => Heavy Industry gets to XIX. Warp starts calming its tits. Flip on either Food Prod or MilIndust ISC. 13 Updates Left
Either Food Prod or MilIndust x3 => XIX. Create 1/2 an ISC For Medical Infra. Flip on the other ISC. 12 Updates Left
Remaining non-med infra Dev x3 => XIX. Create 1/2 an ISC for Medical Infra. Flip on Med Infra ISC. 11 Updates Left.
Med Infra x2 => XIX. Whatever for the remaining General Action and flex action. Flip on another ISC if you want. 10 Updates Left.
Turn on Tribal Warfare. 4 Actions to get everything else done. 9 Updates left.
Milestone Infra votes. 8 Updates left.
All-XX votes. 7 updates left.
Compared to this, we have a lot more flexibility of actions (Neablis gets to grind out some more fleets)! and also finish with a whole-ass update early, so if Smeared Soul voters really want to we get some extra room. But well, that's only if we start grinding this turn, lol. Some more flexibility if Council integreation is in fact already half-done.
2. 1 Action = 3 ISC. Remind yourself that you are choosing their ~vibes~ and not their mechanical effects.
Oh god, really? Uhhh, well, that's... hmmm. That makes things a lot rougher, okay! I guess we can start gambling but that's rough as hell. And we also got to choose between 3 of them???
And if we can't get ISCs and farm 50%s then we're cooked lol If that's the case, I'll shut up -- go wild.
Let's take a look at FedPost...
[X] Federation Post
-[X] Originally limited to the Droma system, this private postal service has been quietly expanded to finally service all federation systems. Now for the first time ever Federation businesses have a means to deliver their products (somewhat) reliably to their customers in any planet within the federation without government support, massively opening markets and lowering needed bureaucracy and red tape from the establishment."Neither vacuum nor asteroid nor solar storm stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
[] Federation Post
-[] Merchant Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Heavy Industry by 50% (rounded down).
-[] Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).
-[] Passenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Medical Services by 50% (rounded down).
You'll get what you get from the no-resource-cost Song.

>no resource cost
>5.5k Strategic Assets
I kneel, the Glimmering Federation has grown truly strong. Anyways, fuck it, I'll give it a shot.
[X] Plan: The Unforgiving Minute, Part One of ???
[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
-[X] [Free][Psykana] From
Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into
We Were, and 1000 into
Legacy of the Federation. Any new Choirs go into Love Unto Death.
-[X] [Free][Psykana] We Were: Examine the Ancient's Techniques and Practices of Heavy Industry
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
Integrate The Councils
-[X] [General] Create ISC x2
--[X] Sixteen Tons Cooperative
A wholly-employee owned and ran cooperative, Sixteen Tons began its start with a number of workers and their families thinking they couldn't do any worse than the Diaconate's overseers. Now stretching all across the Stargrove Federation, they were proven decisively right -- it takes a lot less money to run business without half of it going to bribes. Sixteen Tons is now the foremost in heavy industry -- being able to mine an asteroid field, process it, ship it to factories, and being able to create the equipment that did all of it. {Heavy Industry]
--[X] Primum Non Nocere
Although the Stargrove Federation has been able to avoid and root out the dread cultists of "United Healthcare," its Medical Orders and Workers have come together to ensure that nothing can threaten their duty of healing their patients. A collective of retired bureaucrats, healthcare workers, and support staff, this group cuts out as many middlemen as possible from the manufacturers of medication and medical equipment to the frontlines, as well as sponsoring the graduates of the new Mashan-and-Stargrove created education system to go where the needs of the Federation and beyond are highest. [Medical Infrastructure]
--[X] Sales Club Wholesalers
Legends tell of a place within Holy Terra, where one can get clean food and drink for but a Throne and a half. Where a week's labor can purchase enough to feed a family for months, the prices defended by a secret order predating the Imperium, one that even the Emperor balked at offending. Although their existence is unconfirmed, their business practices have been spread along their legend, and one enterprising Yeeni decided to give it a shot. Vertical integration is the name of the game, as well as paying your workers very well. If it costs too much to purchase Groxmeat for the damn hot dog, go and start the farm, the factory, and shipping company needed to keep it at the same price it has been for centuries, and hopefully for millennia more. Employees whisper that if the executive board so much as whispers of raising the price, not only will the spirit of the Founder hunt them down, their old friend HRMHVR will lead a flight of Thules and Siblings to airstrike your ass. [Food Production]
--[X] Starshot Dynamics
Effectively a pipeline from the Star Navy and Army for old, retired, and otherwise honorably discharged servicemembers to find gainful employment if blasting the enemies of the Federation into pieces is no longer their speed, they now create the tools used to blast those enemies into oblivion. Using their hard-won experience and connections, the leadership knows extremely well that logistics wins wars, and thus have created an apparatus to help the growing capabilities of the Federation Military meet the needs of the Federation Military -- before the final prophesied threat comes. For some reason, they have expanded also into motorcycles, and with the new music archives, pianos??? [Military Industry]
--[X] Left Right Goodnight
Founded by retired members of the Abyssal Order, this host of gyms, hostels, and resturaunts?! was borne from the idea that optimum physical fitness simply required a few components. Good food, good exercise, good social interaction, and most importantly of all, good quality and reliable sleep. Thus, they created a gymnasium where people could meet and bring out the best of themselves in a crucible of their own making, eat their fill, and sleep the sleep of the righteous in the finest of beds. Naturally, with the connections and trainers afforded to the Abyssal Order, each and every single piece of these facilities are only the best in the Federation, and still at an affordable cost! Maybe it's because the government recognizes their citizens being physically and mentally fit is a good idea... [Hell If I Know]
--[X] Tesseract Entertainment
Being stuck on a ship for decades on end can be boring as hell, no matter how fun the Logistics fleets try to make things. However, a bored Thule, Space Marine, and Yeeni worked together with a techpriest to make a copy of the Strategium for their own use, making up scenarios from their collective centuries to millennia of experience. They've simulated plenty of scenarios, from dogfights to discovering ancient sites to fighting on the very surface of a Daemon World, the new strategy game spread from the military to the civilian market in a heartbeat. With many clamoring for a sequel, the founders have sighed and decided to use their centuries of accumulated overtime and back pay to create a game company to shut people up. Unsurprisingly, they don't just create military sims -- dating sims, among others, are now one of their multitudes of products. [Hell If I Know]
[Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
--[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
--[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.
Edit: Fuck it, I dislike Smeared Soul but it's got most of what I want.
[X] Plan: Knowing (about Tyranids) is Half the Battle