I believe QM stated that no more map updates for a while.
Kinda want to place it on that mycological world, the one with the black mushrooms skies. It should be one of our larger planets, and it's an early sign of Glimfed - Irrita cooperation
37 of them classified as War-Worlds of the Irrita, ~15km diameter spheres of living organisms operated by a singular sophont melded with the ship in rapturous grief.
There's an argument to be made to let Droma remain the Capital, since it is the birthplace of the Droman Creed that united us both in Faith.Kinda want to place it on that mycological world, the one with the black mushrooms skies. It should be one of our larger planets, and it's an early sign of Glimfed - Irrita cooperation
Assign them some Yeeni and Thules to cheer them up?
I think it orbits black hole.Kinda want to place it on that mycological world, the one with the black mushrooms skies. It should be one of our larger planets, and it's an early sign of Glimfed - Irrita cooperation
We put it on the Dreadnought/jClearly we should do an EU style situation, refuse to appoint a formal capital, and just move the entire governing apparatus by space train every month.
It might be best to avoid implying that we assume we will annex or integrate the Councils. Even if that's not the actual thought Palace of Stars may imply it.Given how our center of power is heavily balanced in the sector northern region by the map's perspective, adding an additional counterweight to the south might not be a bad idea to help anchor the southern expansions from the Cult Wars and beyond. Palace of Stars might work?
With the coming unification with Van Zandt, keep capital in Droma, and let the anchoring be done by regional capitals?Honestly, the best place to put an administrative capitol region is a place that's difficult to attack, difficult to cut off from communications with the rest of your polity, and rich enough to be worth settling down in in it's own right.
Given how our center of power is heavily balanced in the sector northern region by the map's perspective, adding an additional counterweight to the south might not be a bad idea to help anchor the southern expansions from the Cult Wars and beyond. Palace of Stars might work? With Archwan and K'ali A'shi being traditional regional hubs, and it'll likely be the work of a century or more before any newly established capital system is ready.
Please give me a list of what you want/need. I am still trying to figure out how to balance you going into the post end-game with...everything versus my ability to actually write it out.1) How much do the Space Marine components cost? I can infer what they do at least, just need to know what the budget is
2) Did we get anything new from the Shipwright Merge, techwise? Or is our baseline tech high enough that it's mostly marginal benefits?