What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Hmmm. Just to throw a couple of ideas into the ring:

[X][Lamenter Hero] Aurum
A Lamenter mostly known for his vow of silence, taken for an unknown reason.
He was one of the soldiers who lasted on Stagelight for longest amount of time (discounting innate time distortions of the demon world), being one of the first Lamenters to make planetfall.
He became notable due to his immense resistance to any esoteric effect Stagelight had to offer- spells that turned his brothers literally inside out failed to take hold of him, powerful illusions and hallucinations were simply ignored, and any sonic attack in his vincinity simply vanished into nothing.
His final act was destroying a ritual, lead by 66 demonettes and sung by 6666 captured and corrupted Federation soldiers, meant to desecrate the souls of any who heard their song. All participants of the ritual were personally slaughtered by Aurum, as his companions were at this time either dead or part of the ritual.
His body was found in middle of the auditorium the last stand took place in, laying on top of a literal mountain of corpses, missing both his helmet and his ears.

[X][Relic] The Silencer
Heavy bolt gun. In spite of it's sheer caliber, it makes no sound upon firing.
Many marks of heavy usage and damage are visible upon the gun. It is possibly one of personal-scale weapons responsible for greatest amount of deaths among the Stagelight's demonettes, due to it service time and efficient usage.
It has an effect when fired upon any warp-bound entity, as they become incapable of directly making any kind of noise. More notably, most lesser demon of Slaneesh hit with this weapon tend to become immediately banished.
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[Relic] The Sunkissed Staff
A psichic staff used by a Beta psyker who, alone and surrounded, chose to cast Promethian Gaze unto themselves to take the daemonic forces down with them. The staff was found intact, still held by their carbonized remains. It remains perpetually hot to the touch and boosts the damge of all fire related psykana, at the risk of burning its user.

We can always use more fire power.
No, a Relic should be 1 thing. You can do a set of armor, but it should still be 1 thing.
-Sun-Shriek Atmospheric Interceptors
-Moon-Dive Atmospheric Tactical Bombers
-Stellar-Constellations Atmospheric Troop-Transporters
Air - ~250% Strength
hmm . . . i just love the sound of a sun, moon and star squad of relic strikecraft but i'll just make only one cool sky & space throne/crib

[][Relics] Light Horizon — the Sleepy Night Sky, its Bright and Clear: if one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine where described traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they are boats, chariots or upon a flying throne. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, and this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Fivefold God. unmatched in Interception for none can rival our Lord up high, Bringing Judgement with Bombing for none below can challenge him, the greatest Transport for his Cradle is a throne and safe haven to those upon it, for he is sovereign and kind. Clear Skies and Still Seas, this strike craft creates a localized effect where the upper air of the worlds it descends into shift to favorable conditions while casting down those who stand against it in the sky. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as it breaches the sound barrier and shockwaves reaches ones ears, were the hallow dead and other world rest easy and fall into slumber. arrayed with weapons to play with gravity, shoot star plasma, Las Showers, Radiation, generate power fields, and fire the many types of Missiles of the federation, that doesn't even go into the choirs that can be riding upon the craft singing their songs

i'm pretty sure there's more weapons to throw on the sky crib but i can't remember them and i'm too lazy to go look for them
anyone want to give feedback?
[] [Relic] Silver-Winged Rebukes
-[] A pair of intricately made and maintained plasma pistols carrying a relief of mirrored silvery wings in homage to the Star Child. Imbued with holy aura. The plasma fired by these pair of pistols burns silver with disdain for the daemonic and the Star Child's holy wrath against those that would despoil the material realm instead of the blue bolts of energy most are used to. This relic was used by company champion Alasdair of 6th Company, 7th Chapter of the Lamenters Legion and reaped a great swath of destruction from the daemonic ranks of Stagelight in the final stages of evacuation from Stagelight
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Well, it's 4 AM for me but I won't say no to some esoterica cooking. Edit: As always cooked too much, will split into hero and relic once I pay my dues to Morpheus.

[][Relic] Heart's Deliverance
Originally a Crozius used by Kolbas, veteran Chaplain stationed on [placeholder_ship_name]. During the final days of Stagelight Assault, the vessel was running a support bombardment of enemy fortified position when a moment of weakness of one of the crewmembers led to assault by Daemons of Excess led by Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning, an infamous Herald of Slaanesh that terrorized the most loyal and faithful lovers of the galaxy for millenia. She slayed many during her assault, until her entourage was stopped by Kolbas himself. Already distinguished in fighting Slaaneshi Neverborn, Kolbas defeated lesser daemons one after another, repulsing them all at a cost of heavy wounds, and then stood before Herald and kneeled in prayer to Star Child for mercy on her soul. Initially enraged by this, the Ever-Yearning moved to savage him, until she heard him call a name of a mortal long dead. Her name.
Gifted with prenatural insight, Kolbas recognized the daemon before him and realized who she was by an echo in his soul. Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning was, as it happened, a daemon born from love denied and desire undying, from a woman whose husband was taken away to serve as a bed plaything for some particularly deviant noble who in desperation performed a ritual suicide in devotion to Goddess of Love to rise as punishing spectre... only to be decieved and twisted by She Who Thirsts. Kolbas, a child of hives [somewhere] who once lost his sister to a similar fate, recognized the wounds of grief hidden under daemonette's perfect skin and made his death a ritual of purification that struck at the Herald's vulnerabilities and banished the entire daemonic legion she commanded.
Echoing with both Kolbas's insight and his final act, Heart's Deliverance now always has a colour of white-gold, no matter how dirty, and its head is a near-perfect ruby that glows subtly. It can only be carried by those who understand both how mighty is love that lives and how devastating is love that dies. The bearer, however, will find that with every devoted companion they fight alongside of, their strikes grow mightier and less fatiguing. All daemons fear its strike, especially those born of perversions of love, to whom it is anathema, capable of banishing them in single strike and preventing reincorporation for much longer. The most unique property of this weapon and the source of its name, however, is that it grants truly worthy bearers ability to see the truth in the heart of any person reflected in the head of the Crozius. Such insight, limited its worth for a simple soldier might be, for a Lamenter means they can act with complete certainty in their cause, knowing that the hearts of those beside them, friend and foe alike, shall be delivered to deserving place.
[X][Lamenter Hero] Rafial Danro: An Apothacary who held the line on a field hospital stuck under siege. Serving as both protector and healer to any soldier who was under his care, Ragial held the line even as his body was battered and broken, keeping to the oaths of healing others before himself. His will was unquestionable as he faced any threat to his charges with a grim acceptance and unwavering resilience. His death came at the head of massive final attack by Deamonic forces to take the isolated hospital for their own uses, he had evacuated all of his patients and charged the Horde, setting off a chain of explosives he had set up, slaying most of the horde and himself in the process. All that could be found of his remains was his broken Narthecium and his broken torso. Melted armor fused to his flesh and a skull like visage of his face.
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Favored Tactics: Shock Assault, Orbital Drops, Strike Teams, Air Assaults
hmm . . . why not
meet Moon/Star, the drop pod machine spirit
edit: also added my other Relic to vote

[X][Relics] Light Horizon — the Sleepy Night Sky, its Bright and Clear: if one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine where described traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they are boats, chariots or upon a flying throne. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, and this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Fivefold God. unmatched in Interception for none can rival our Lord up high, Bringing Judgement with Bombing for none below can challenge him, the greatest Transport for his Cradle is a throne and safe haven to those upon it, for he is sovereign and kind. Clear Skies and Still Seas, this strike craft creates a localized effect where the upper air of the worlds it descends into shift to favorable conditions while casting down those who stand against it in the sky. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as it breaches the sound barrier and shockwaves reaches ones ears, were the hallow dead and other world rest easy and fall into slumber. arrayed with weapons to play with gravity, shoot star plasma, Las Showers, Radiation, generate power fields, and fire the many types of Missiles of the federation, that doesn't even go into the choirs that can be riding upon the craft singing their songs

[X][Relic] Moon/Star, the Diver — Onwards Little Heroes: a Singular Drop Pod with a capacity for 24 marines, of the 100 deployments that had them descending onto a planet, no marines they have been carrying ever died without arriving onto the battlefield; the machine spirit within is a cheerful little thing and sees each launch as a new game to play, with the more dangerous the drop a harder the challenge to overcome as it seemingly weaves between anti-orbital fire and atmospheric interceptors that start a chase. Even thou its fall matches the gravity of any planet its deployed to, the impact sights have massive craters that measure the impact force that clears away enemies, several dozens times stronger then the physics states it should. because of His playful nature, marines are always landing in the most dangerous situations surrounded by enemies as the machine spirit directs itself to crush the largest force possible; when the smoke clears and ceramite plating lies in ruin, the Drop Pod is always seemingly intact, to an almost unbelievably pristine condition to be used again. One time, during 360.M43, a "small" Warp storm rift opened above its target of Festerspire, after a short time getting lost in the warp, the 2 dozen marines had come back out confused on how a moment ago they were to be purging Nurglites but somehow ending up on the frontlines against the gore-sword duelists.
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As I said, so I do:

[X][Lamenter Hero] Chaplain Kolbas
Born 239.M43 on Croaf world of Ettar, Kolbas caught the eye of Lamenters participating in Operation Free Skies. Despite being just nine years old, he was one of the fiercest and most determined fighters in a pro-Glimmering resistance movement. Questioned later, he revealed he joined them after his sister was taken to become a paramour of a certain noble. Moved by his tale and impressed by his prowess, Astartes took him as an aspirant. He passed the trials with flying colours and his deep devotion to the Star Child virtues of love and justice made him a perfect choice to, after just few decades, become a Chaplain. He served for nearly two centuries with great distinction, particularly in the Cult Wars, where he distingushed himself in arts of daemon-slaying.
During the final days of Stagelight Assault Kolbas, a veteran by then was stationed on Thunderous Gunnery-class Heavy Cruiser Promise of Dawn running a support bombardment of enemy fortified positions. The mission was going well until a moment of weakness of one of the crewmembers led to assault by Daemons of Excess led by Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning, an infamous Herald of Slaanesh that terrorized the most loyal and faithful lovers of the galaxy for millenia. She slayed many during her assault, until her entourage was stopped by Kolbas himself. Already distinguished in fighting Slaaneshi Neverborn, Kolbas defeated lesser neverborn one after another, repulsing them all at a cost of heavy wounds, and then stood before Herald. There he stood, measuring the daemon, until to the shock of everyone he kneeled in prayer to Star Child for mercy on her soul. Initially enraged by this, the Ever-Yearning struck blow after blow, until she heard him call a name of a mortal long dead. Her name.
Gifted with prenatural insight, Kolbas recognized the daemon before him and realized who she was by an echo in his soul. Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning was, as it happened, a daemon born from love denied and desire undying, from a woman whose husband was taken away to serve as a bed plaything for some particularly deviant noble who in desperation performed a ritual suicide in devotion to Goddess of Love to rise as punishing spectre... only to be decieved and twisted by She Who Thirsts. Kolbas, who still remembered well how rapaciousness of Croaf tyrants took from him his beloved sister, recognized the wounds of grief hidden under daemonette's perfect skin. Armed with only this understanding and faith, he made his death a ritual of purification that struck at the Herald's vulnerabilities and banished the entire daemonic legion she commanded.

[X][Relic] Heart's Deliverance
Originally a Crozius used by Chaplain Kolbas during his final mission, Heart's Deliverance is now a symbol of Star Child's immense love as well as a weapon. Its metallic pieces have a colour of white-gold, no matter how dirty, and its head is a near-perfect ruby that glows subtly. It can only be carried by those who understand both how mighty is love that lives and how devastating is love that dies. The bearer, however, will find that their strikes grow mightier and less fatiguing as long as they fight in the name of what they love. All daemons fear its touch, especially those born of perversions of love, to whom it is anathema, capable of banishing them in single strike and preventing reincorporation for much longer. The most unique property of this weapon and the source of its name, however, is that it grants truly worthy bearers ability to see the truth in the heart of any person reflected in the head of the Crozius. Such insight, limited its worth for a simple soldier might be, for a Lamenter means they can act with complete certainty in their cause, knowing that the hearts of those beside them, friend and foe alike, shall be delivered to deserving place.
[X][Lamenter Hero] Chaplain Kolbas
Born 239.M43 on Croaf world of Ettar, Kolbas caught the eye of Lamenters participating in Operation Free Skies. Despite being just nine years old, he was one of the fiercest and most determined fighters in a pro-Glimmering resistance movement. Questioned later, he revealed he joined them after his sister was taken to become a paramour of a certain noble. Moved by his tale and impressed by his prowess, Astartes took him as an aspirant. He passed the trials with flying colours and his deep devotion to the Star Child virtues of love and justice made him a perfect choice to, after just few decades, become a Chaplain. He served for nearly two centuries with great distinction, particularly in the Cult Wars, where he distingushed himself in arts of daemon-slaying.
During the final days of Stagelight Assault Kolbas, a veteran by then was stationed on Thunderous Gunnery-class Heavy Cruiser Promise of Dawn running a support bombardment of enemy fortified positions. The mission was going well until a moment of weakness of one of the crewmembers led to assault by Daemons of Excess led by Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning, an infamous Herald of Slaanesh that terrorized the most loyal and faithful lovers of the galaxy for millenia. She slayed many during her assault, until her entourage was stopped by Kolbas himself. Already distinguished in fighting Slaaneshi Neverborn, Kolbas defeated lesser neverborn one after another, repulsing them all at a cost of heavy wounds, and then stood before Herald. There he stood, measuring the daemon, until to the shock of everyone he kneeled in prayer to Star Child for mercy on her soul. Initially enraged by this, the Ever-Yearning struck blow after blow, until she heard him call a name of a mortal long dead. Her name.
Gifted with prenatural insight, Kolbas recognized the daemon before him and realized who she was by an echo in his soul. Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning was, as it happened, a daemon born from love denied and desire undying, from a woman whose husband was taken away to serve as a bed plaything for some particularly deviant noble who in desperation performed a ritual suicide in devotion to Goddess of Love to rise as punishing spectre... only to be decieved and twisted by She Who Thirsts. Kolbas, who still remembered well how rapaciousness of Croaf tyrants took from him his beloved sister, recognized the wounds of grief hidden under daemonette's perfect skin. Armed with only this understanding and faith, he made his death a ritual of purification that struck at the Herald's vulnerabilities and banished the entire daemonic legion she commanded.

[X][Relic] Heart's Deliverance
Originally a Crozius used by Chaplain Kolbas during his final mission, Heart's Deliverance is now a symbol of Star Child's immense love as well as a weapon. Its metallic pieces have a colour of white-gold, no matter how dirty, and its head is a near-perfect ruby that glows subtly. It can only be carried by those who understand both how mighty is love that lives and how devastating is love that dies. The bearer, however, will find that their strikes grow mightier and less fatiguing as long as they fight in the name of what they love. All daemons fear its touch, especially those born of perversions of love, to whom it is anathema, capable of banishing them in single strike and preventing reincorporation for much longer. The most unique property of this weapon and the source of its name, however, is that it grants truly worthy bearers ability to see the truth in the heart of any person reflected in the head of the Crozius. Such insight, limited its worth for a simple soldier might be, for a Lamenter means they can act with complete certainty in their cause, knowing that the hearts of those beside them, friend and foe alike, shall be delivered to deserving place.
[X][Relics] Light Horizon — the Sleepy Night Sky, its Bright and Clear: if one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine where described traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they are boats, chariots or upon a flying throne. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, and this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Fivefold God. unmatched in Interception for none can rival our Lord up high, Bringing Judgement with Bombing for none below can challenge him, the greatest Transport for his Cradle is a throne and safe haven to those upon it, for he is sovereign and kind. Clear Skies and Still Seas, this strike craft creates a localized effect where the upper air of the worlds it descends into shift to favorable conditions while casting down those who stand against it in the sky. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as it breaches the sound barrier and shockwaves reaches ones ears, were the hallow dead and other world rest easy and fall into slumber. arrayed with weapons to play with gravity, shoot star plasma, Las Showers, Radiation, generate power fields, and fire the many types of Missiles of the federation, that doesn't even go into the choirs that can be riding upon the craft singing their songs

[X][Relic] Moon/Star, the Diver — Onwards Little Heroes: a Singular Drop Pod with a capacity for 24 marines, of the 100 deployments that had them descending onto a planet, no marines they have been carrying ever died without arriving onto the battlefield; the machine spirit within is a cheerful little thing and sees each launch as a new game to play, with the more dangerous the drop a harder the challenge to overcome as it seemingly weaves between anti-orbital fire and atmospheric interceptors that start a chase. Even thou its fall matches the gravity of any planet its deployed to, the impact sights have massive craters that measure the impact force that clears away enemies, several dozens times stronger then the physics states it should. because of His playful nature, marines are always landing in the most dangerous situations surrounded by enemies as the machine spirit directs itself to crush the largest force possible; when the smoke clears and ceramite plating lies in ruin, the Drop Pod is always seemingly intact, to an almost unbelievably pristine condition to be used again. One time, during 360.M43, a "small" Warp storm rift opened above its target of Festerspire, after a short time getting lost in the warp, the 2 dozen marines had come back out confused on how a moment ago they were to be purging Nurglites but somehow ending up on the frontlines against the gore-sword duelists.
[X][Lamenter Hero] Chaplain Kolbas
Born 239.M43 on Croaf world of Ettar, Kolbas caught the eye of Lamenters participating in Operation Free Skies. Despite being just nine years old, he was one of the fiercest and most determined fighters in a pro-Glimmering resistance movement. Questioned later, he revealed he joined them after his sister was taken to become a paramour of a certain noble. Moved by his tale and impressed by his prowess, Astartes took him as an aspirant. He passed the trials with flying colours and his deep devotion to the Star Child virtues of love and justice made him a perfect choice to, after just few decades, become a Chaplain. He served for nearly two centuries with great distinction, particularly in the Cult Wars, where he distingushed himself in arts of daemon-slaying.
During the final days of Stagelight Assault Kolbas, a veteran by then was stationed on Thunderous Gunnery-class Heavy Cruiser Promise of Dawn running a support bombardment of enemy fortified positions. The mission was going well until a moment of weakness of one of the crewmembers led to assault by Daemons of Excess led by Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning, an infamous Herald of Slaanesh that terrorized the most loyal and faithful lovers of the galaxy for millenia. She slayed many during her assault, until her entourage was stopped by Kolbas himself. Already distinguished in fighting Slaaneshi Neverborn, Kolbas defeated lesser neverborn one after another, repulsing them all at a cost of heavy wounds, and then stood before Herald. There he stood, measuring the daemon, until to the shock of everyone he kneeled in prayer to Star Child for mercy on her soul. Initially enraged by this, the Ever-Yearning struck blow after blow, until she heard him call a name of a mortal long dead. Her name.
Gifted with prenatural insight, Kolbas recognized the daemon before him and realized who she was by an echo in his soul. Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning was, as it happened, a daemon born from love denied and desire undying, from a woman whose husband was taken away to serve as a bed plaything for some particularly deviant noble who in desperation performed a ritual suicide in devotion to Goddess of Love to rise as punishing spectre... only to be decieved and twisted by She Who Thirsts. Kolbas, who still remembered well how rapaciousness of Croaf tyrants took from him his beloved sister, recognized the wounds of grief hidden under daemonette's perfect skin. Armed with only this understanding and faith, he made his death a ritual of purification that struck at the Herald's vulnerabilities and banished the entire daemonic legion she commanded.

[X][Lamenter Hero] Aurum
A Lamenter mostly known for his vow of silence, taken for an unknown reason.
He was one of the soldiers who lasted on Stagelight for longest amount of time (discounting innate time distortions of the demon world), being one of the first Lamenters to make planetfall.
He became notable due to his immense resistance to any esoteric effect Stagelight had to offer- spells that turned his brothers literally inside out failed to take hold of him, powerful illusions and hallucinations were simply ignored, and any sonic attack in his vincinity simply vanished into nothing.
His final act was destroying a ritual, lead by 66 demonettes and sung by 6666 captured and corrupted Federation soldiers, meant to desecrate the souls of any who heard their song. All participants of the ritual were personally slaughtered by Aurum, as his companions were at this time either dead or part of the ritual.
His body was found in middle of the auditorium the last stand took place in, laying on top of a literal mountain of corpses, missing both his helmet and his ears.

[X][Relic] The Silencer
Heavy bolt gun. In spite of it's sheer caliber, it makes no sound upon firing.
Many marks of heavy usage and damage are visible upon the gun. It is possibly one of personal-scale weapons responsible for greatest amount of deaths among the Stagelight's demonettes, due to it service time and efficient usage.
It has an effect when fired upon any warp-bound entity, as they become incapable of directly making any kind of noise. More notably, most lesser demon of Slaneesh hit with this weapon tend to become immediately banished.

[X][Relics] Light Horizon — the Sleepy Night Sky, its Bright and Clear: if one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine where described traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they are boats, chariots or upon a flying throne. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, and this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Fivefold God. unmatched in Interception for none can rival our Lord up high, Bringing Judgement with Bombing for none below can challenge him, the greatest Transport for his Cradle is a throne and safe haven to those upon it, for he is sovereign and kind. Clear Skies and Still Seas, this strike craft creates a localized effect where the upper air of the worlds it descends into shift to favorable conditions while casting down those who stand against it in the sky. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as it breaches the sound barrier and shockwaves reaches ones ears, were the hallow dead and other world rest easy and fall into slumber. arrayed with weapons to play with gravity, shoot star plasma, Las Showers, Radiation, generate power fields, and fire the many types of Missiles of the federation, that doesn't even go into the choirs that can be riding upon the craft singing their songs

[X][Relic] Moon/Star, the Diver — Onwards Little Heroes: a Singular Drop Pod with a capacity for 24 marines, of the 100 deployments that had them descending onto a planet, no marines they have been carrying ever died without arriving onto the battlefield; the machine spirit within is a cheerful little thing and sees each launch as a new game to play, with the more dangerous the drop a harder the challenge to overcome as it seemingly weaves between anti-orbital fire and atmospheric interceptors that start a chase. Even thou its fall matches the gravity of any planet its deployed to, the impact sights have massive craters that measure the impact force that clears away enemies, several dozens times stronger then the physics states it should. because of His playful nature, marines are always landing in the most dangerous situations surrounded by enemies as the machine spirit directs itself to crush the largest force possible; when the smoke clears and ceramite plating lies in ruin, the Drop Pod is always seemingly intact, to an almost unbelievably pristine condition to be used again. One time, during 360.M43, a "small" Warp storm rift opened above its target of Festerspire, after a short time getting lost in the warp, the 2 dozen marines had come back out confused on how a moment ago they were to be purging Nurglites but somehow ending up on the frontlines against the gore-sword duelists.
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[X][Lamenter Hero] George. He never gave his last name. Not even to his friends. Of which he had few. He was a bit shorter than normal for a space marine and even seemed a bit on the pudgy side if that was possible.

He spent most of his time reading history books and legends of the past. He burned with a desire to become a hero. That is why he became a space marine in the first place. He knew he was shorter, slower, not as quick, mentally or physically as his companions but his heart burned.

He was the was the sword of his Emperor. He would be the lance that struck down the enemy.

So he trained. And he trained. He read every manual and manuscript he could get his hands on. He spent thousands of hours training which sword and lance as well as a variety of ranged options. He even went so far as to have not just his normal weapons blessed b it even his hand grenades.

When the war was raging he became separated from his group and found a town that was falling to chaos. There he found his legend.

A ruler who had given up and. People who started doing terrible things to survive but hated it. Most of them. A princess who tried to warn him a way while still bravely going towards her certain doom in a vain effort to save her people. And a Dragon of poison, corruption, greed and hate.

He did not turn. He did not run. It never occurred to him to do so. He told the 'princess' that he would save her and he would save her people if they turned back from their corruption and were purified.

He then went towards the dragon of his legend.

The battle raged for five days, five hours and five minutes before the young Space Marine returned towards the town and meet the princess who had waited for his return or death with a slowly growing number of fearful and hoping people.

His armor was rent, his body bloody, his clothing torn. Yet every symbol of his faith yet glowed pristine in the morning evening light. His weapons were worn a broken, yet in his hands they seemed covered in an indescribable light that sowed that they weee capable of fulfilling his faith and slaying the faithless. They were as strong as his faith in his hands alone. The Dragon was gone. All hints of its corruption was banished with it.

[X][Relic] George's Armaments. This set of weapons only seem to work for one man (at this time only George can use them). They appear to be well cared for but extremity well used and loved weapons. When wielded in faith they glow with the wielded a faith making it plain for all to see the devotion that their bearer holds. It forces all to understand what his faith is. And then power of that faith allows it to do great things. Even slaying a corrupting dragon along with its corruption.
urghhh I return. I survived a assassination attempt from Nurgle's cultists and have finally recovered. I'll begin to catch up now, I dread to predict what I Missed.

Edit: I'm sorry the Nurgle Cultists did WHAT with Fucking WHAT!?
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 21, 2024 at 5:48 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X][Lamenter Hero] Chaplain Kolbas
    [X][Relic] Heart's Deliverance
    [X][Relics] Light Horizon — the Sleepy Night Sky, its Bright and Clear: if one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine where described traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they are boats, chariots or upon a flying throne. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, and this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Fivefold God. unmatched in Interception for none can rival our Lord up high, Bringing Judgement with Bombing for none below can challenge him, the greatest Transport for his Cradle is a throne and safe haven to those upon it, for he is sovereign and kind. Clear Skies and Still Seas, this strike craft creates a localized effect where the upper air of the worlds it descends into shift to favorable conditions while casting down those who stand against it in the sky. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as it breaches the sound barrier and shockwaves reaches ones ears, were the hallow dead and other world rest easy and fall into slumber. arrayed with weapons to play with gravity, shoot star plasma, Las Showers, Radiation, generate power fields, and fire the many types of Missiles of the federation, that doesn't even go into the choirs that can be riding upon the craft singing their songs
    [X][Relic] Moon/Star, the Diver — Onwards Little Heroes: a Singular Drop Pod with a capacity for 24 marines, of the 100 deployments that had them descending onto a planet, no marines they have been carrying ever died without arriving onto the battlefield; the machine spirit within is a cheerful little thing and sees each launch as a new game to play, with the more dangerous the drop a harder the challenge to overcome as it seemingly weaves between anti-orbital fire and atmospheric interceptors that start a chase. Even thou its fall matches the gravity of any planet its deployed to, the impact sights have massive craters that measure the impact force that clears away enemies, several dozens times stronger then the physics states it should. because of His playful nature, marines are always landing in the most dangerous situations surrounded by enemies as the machine spirit directs itself to crush the largest force possible; when the smoke clears and ceramite plating lies in ruin, the Drop Pod is always seemingly intact, to an almost unbelievably pristine condition to be used again. One time, during 360.M43, a "small" Warp storm rift opened above its target of Festerspire, after a short time getting lost in the warp, the 2 dozen marines had come back out confused on how a moment ago they were to be purging Nurglites but somehow ending up on the frontlines against the gore-sword duelists.
    [X][Lamenter Hero] Aurum
    [X][Relic] The Silencer
    [X][Lamenter Hero] George. He never gave his last name. Not even to his friends. Of which he had few. He was a bit shorter than normal for a space marine and even seemed a bit on the pudgy side if that was possible.
    [X][Relic] George's Armaments. This set of weapons only seem to work for one man (at this time only George can use them). They appear to be well cared for but extremity well used and loved weapons. When wielded in faith they glow with the wielded a faith making it plain for all to see the devotion that their bearer holds. It forces all to understand what his faith is. And then power of that faith allows it to do great things. Even slaying a corrupting dragon along with its corruption.
So counting mine (That I miss typed so it was not counted in that vote close :( ) We have four Lamenter Heroes out of ten. I can make two if need be.

Sergeant Rafial Danro - An Apothecary who held the line on a field hospital stuck under siege. Serving as both protector and healer to any soldier who was under his care, Ragial held the line even as his body was battered and broken, keeping to the oaths of healing others before himself. His will was unquestionable as he faced any threat to his charges with a grim acceptance and unwavering resilience. His death came at the head of a massive final attack by Daemonic forces to take the isolated hospital for their own use; he had evacuated all of his patients and charged the horde, setting off a chain of explosives he had set up, slaying most of the despicable monsters and his honorable self in the process. All that could be found of his remains was his broken Narthecium and his broken torso. Melted armor fused to his flesh and a skull-like visage on his face.

Brother George - He never shared his last name, not even to his friends, as it was a secret he kept to himself for reasons that the Chaplains sanctioned. He was shorter than normal for a Lamenter and even seemed a bit pudgy if such was possible for a Space Marine. Brother George fell in battle against the hordes of Stagelight during the opening months, valiantly carving a path for following drop pods and invasion forces to land and establish secured landing zones, fighting with his customized bolt-pistol and force sword in hand, a bright beacon of Melodies and Songs of such potency that even the Veil, weakened by the Daemonworld festering upon the mundane, wrapped itself around him in embraces of malicious protectiveness, his figure one of shining faith in the righteousness of his deeds, his determination to bring an end to the foul forces of Ruin an honor to behold and fight alongside. Such was the mastery of his voice and power that even a Keeper of Secrets, his name sealed and forgotten by the scribes of the Chapter, yet given the moniker of "The Nectar-Voice's Allure" all the same, unbeholden to the festival of sensation that was Stagelight, manifested itself with his legions of daemonettes and their Steeds of Slaanesh to duel against himself and claim his voice for himself. He failed. Even as Brother George, growing mightier by the day in this realm of "could be's" and "what ifs," was forced to kneel, he sang two last Songs against the Keeper, defiance and faith in his heart and soul to the last. [SILENCE] he commanded to reality...and the Warp obeyed, shutting down, leaving the daemon and himself stranded in utterly and full mundane mundanity. [SOUL BOMB] he chanted, grasping the knot of the daemon in its entirety...and erased it wholly, annihilating himself in the process yet denying another pawn to the forces of Chaos.

Chaplain Kolbas - Born 239.M43 on Croaf world of Ettar, Kolbas caught the eye of Lamenters participating in Operation Free Skies. Despite being just nine years old, he was one of the fiercest and most determined fighters in a pro-Glimmering resistance movement. Questioned later, he revealed he joined them after his sister was taken to become a paramour of a noble. Moved by his tale and impressed by his prowess, the Astartes took him as an aspirant. He passed the trials with flying colors, and his deep devotion to the Star Child virtues of justice, wisdom, and righteous brutality made him a perfect choice to become a Chaplain after just a few decades as a Scout. He served for nearly two centuries with great distinction, particularly in the Cult Wars, where he distinguished himself in the arts of daemon slaying. During the final days of Stagelight Assault, Kolbas, a veteran by then, was stationed on Thunderous Gunnery-class Heavy Cruiser Promise of Dawn, which was running a supporting bombardment of enemy-fortified positions. The mission was going well until a moment of weakness of one of the crewmembers, later revealed to be broken by the targeted attention of a Tzeentchian Daemon, led to assault by Daemons of Excess led by Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning, an infamous Herald of Slaanesh that terrorized the most loyal and faithful lovers of the galaxy for millennia. She slayed many during her assault until her entourage was stopped by Kolbas himself. Already distinguished in fighting Slaaneshi daemons, Kolbas defeated lesser daemons one after another, repulsing them all at the cost of heavy wounds, and then stood before Herald. There he stood, measuring the daemon, until, to the shock of everyone, he kneeled in prayer to Star Child for mercy on her soul. Initially enraged by this, the Ever-Yearning struck blow after blow until she heard him call the name of a mortal long dead. Her name. Gifted with supernatural insight, Kolbas recognized the daemon before him and realized who she was by an echo in his soul. Farae'chess'assan the Ever-Yearning was, as it happened, a daemon born from love denied and desire undying, from a woman whose husband was taken away to serve as a bed plaything for some particularly deviant noble who, in desperation, performed a ritual suicide in devotion to Goddess of Love to rise as punishing specter... only to be deceived and twisted by She Who Thirsts. Kolbas, who still remembered well how the rapaciousness of Croaf tyrants took from him his beloved sister, recognized the wounds of grief hidden under daemonette's perfect skin. Armed with only this understanding and faith, he made his death a ritual of purification that struck at the Herald's vulnerabilities and banished the entire daemonic legion she commanded.

Sergeant Aurum - A Lamenter mostly known for his vow of silence, taken for an unknown reason. He was one of the soldiers who lasted on Stagelight for the longest time (discounting innate time distortions of the demon world), and he was one of the first Lamenters to make planetfall. He became notable due to his immense resistance to any esoteric effect Stagelight had to offer; spells that turned his brothers literally inside out failed to take hold of him, powerful illusions and hallucinations were simply ignored, and any sonic attack in his vicinity simply vanished into nothing. His final act was destroying a ritual, led by 66 demonettes and sung by 6666 captured and corrupted Federation soldiers, meant to desecrate the souls of any who heard their song. All participants of the ritual were personally slaughtered by Aurum, as his companions were at this time either dead or part of the ritual. His body was found in the middle of the auditorium where the last stand took place, lying on top of a literal mountain of corpses, missing both his helmet and his ears.



The Silenced - A Heavy Bolt Gun. Despite its sheer caliber, it makes no sound upon firing. Many marks of heavy usage and damage are visible on the gun. It is possibly one of the personal-scale weapons responsible for the most significant amount of deaths among the Stagelight's demonstrates due to its service time and efficient usage. When fired upon any warp-bound entity, they become incapable of directly making any noise. More notably, the lesser daemons of Slaneesh hit with this weapon tend to be immediately banished.

George's Armaments - This set of weapons can only be utilized by worthy Lamenters, the weapons refusing to be worn and swung by those they deem as undeserving of their crafter and wielder's legacy. No matter their use, they always appear well-maintained, far above the high standards of the Librarius. When wielded by those with righteous faith burning in soul, heart, and Song, they glow with their Faith materialized, which has earned them a dedicated Faith Order seeking to always be near the wielder of the weapons to feed them their faith in supplication of the deeds done and the deeds enabled. It forces all to understand the wielder's faith and what Brother George felt when he sacrificed everything for those behind him. Even Corruption itself now quakes before the Bolter and the Sword of George.

Moon/Star, the Diver — Onwards Little Heroes: a Singular Drop Pod with a capacity for 24 marines; of the 100 deployments it undertook, no marines it carried have died without arriving on the battlefield. The machine spirit within is a cheerful little thing that sees each launch as a new game to play, with the more dangerous, the more challenging to overcome a drop is, the easier it seemingly weaves between anti-orbital fire and atmospheric interceptors that start a chase. Even though its fall matches the gravity of any celestial body or station it's deployed to, the impact craters are several dozen times stronger than they should be, massive craters clearing away enemy forces and being now utilized to break defensive emplacements. Because of the Machine Spirits' playful nature, the Marines within always land in the most dangerous situations surrounded by enemies. When the smoke clears and ceramite plating lies in ruin, the Drop Pod is always seemingly intact, to an almost unbelievably pristine condition to be used again. One time, during 360.M43, a "small" Warp storm rift opened above its target of Festerspire; after a short time getting lost in the warp, the 2 dozen marines came back out confused about how a moment ago they were to be purging Nurglites but somehow ending up on the frontlines against the gore-sword duelists.

Light Horizon - The Sleepy Night Sky, it's Bright and Clear. If one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine were described as traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they were boats, chariots, or flying thrones. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Star. Unmatched in interception, for none can rival our Lord up high, bringing Judgement with bombing for none below can challenge Them. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as they breach the sound barrier, and shockwaves reach one's ears; to listen to the hallowed dead, the other world rests easily and falls into slumber, calming the Warp around itself with every moment of gleeful speed. Armed with every type of weapon as the situation demands, a Librarian can even use the Light Horizon as a Foci to channel their Melodies and Songs against the foe.
Heart's Deliverance - Originally a Crozius used by Chaplain Kolbas during his final mission, Heart's Deliverance is now a symbol of the Star Child's Mercy and Ruthlessness. Its metallic pieces have a color of white-gold, no matter how dirty, and its head is a near-perfect ruby that glows subtly. It can only be carried by those who understand the purity that love brings to one's soul and how the same can be torn apart if the recipient of such love were to die. The bearer, however, will find that their strikes grow mightier and less fatiguing as long as they fight in the name of what they cherish. All daemons fear its touch, especially those born of perversions of love, capable of banishing them in a single strike and preventing reincorporation for much longer. However, the most unique property of this weapon and the source of its name is that it grants truly worthy bearers the ability to see the truth in the heart of any person reflected in the head of the Crozius. Such insight, limited in its worth for a simple soldier might be, for a Chaplain means they can act with complete certainty in their cause, knowing that the hearts of those beside them, friend and foe alike, shall be delivered to deserving place.

You Have 2 [Two] Actions. 1 [One] Action is reserved for Integration. Currently Active ISC: [Anomaly Identified]. Current Symphony: [A Cry For The Future and Lament Me Not]. Current Warp Tremors: [Still - Stagnant].
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[Green Horizons Colonization LTD] - Settlement Invigoration Directive - Newly colonized Sub-Sectors will not have a Vulnerability Period to invasions due to quick-started industry and military installations.
[New Dawn R&D] - Anomaly Identified - Uncover Points of Interest (PoI) within and without your territory every Turn this ISC is sponsored. PoI include (but are not limited to) new colonizable systems, Economic Boons, Military Relevant Resources or Locations, and more.
[Federation Post] - Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).
The Devouring Mechadendrite - 20x Choirs.
A Glint of Genius - 40x Choirs.
Heartbeat of Industry - 50x Choirs
Unto Works Generational - 50x Choirs
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - 555x Choirs
Hippity Hoppity - 100x Choirs
Hiss of the Steam Valve - 555xChoirs
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen - 100x Choirs
Dutiful Spirits - 200x Choirs
Class Is In Session - 60x Choirs
See The Seer - 200x Choirs
Love Unto Death - 1.609x Choirs
[Van Zandt Free Duchy Loan] - Cleansing Territories - 100x Choirs
[Flag Armada Nebula] - 200x Choirs
Warp Tremor Levels: [Warp Storm] - [High] - [Medium] - [Restive] - [Calm] - [Still]
None - Allow The Warp To Calm
A Cry For The Future - Gain 0.25 Actions for every Total Action spent. Actions gained this way are rounded up. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn.
Grand Design - All Research Actions have their effects enhanced to the best possible degree they can provide. +0.25 Warp Tremors per Turn. This increased by 0.25 every Turn.
Lament Me Not - Whenever this Symphony is Sung after a great tragedy or great loss of life, the Warp will calm with the tears of the grieving and the mourning of the living.

[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Write-In Sub-Sector)
Works of generations started today.
(Gain: A Consecrated Sub-Sector.)

[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-[] Food Production XI (0/2) - [1x 50% Discount]
-[] Civilian Infrastructure XVI (0/2) - [2x 50% Discounts]
-[] Heavy Industry XI (1/2) - [2x 50% Discounts]
-[] Void Industry XVII (1/2)
-[] Medical Services XI (1/2) - [4x 50% Discounts]
-[] Military Industry XI (0/2)

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[-] [General] Integrate The New Territories (6/17)
A lot of work is in front of us. Many of these systems, and even Sub-Sectors, are in dire need of...everything. People, food, medicine, protection against Chaos, and more mundane threats. Everything needs to be built, and everything needs to be done. Thankfully, the Federation is overflowing with billions of people willing to volunteer to raise these new homes for new citizens to the heights they deserve.
(Gain: 1 Sub-Sector per Action put in is raised to Federation Standards.)

[] [General] Colonize (Sub-Sector)
It is time to bring more worlds into the fold. Thanks to the Irrita becoming our Kin, we will not lose any Development when colonizing worlds that are less than habitable due to them being terraformed into habitable worlds.
(Gain: One Colonized Sub-Sector.
Warning: Already occupied systems are not colonized.
Habitable Sub-Sectors: Chery (1/9 Systems), Gutson (11/11 Systems), Long Tower (4/9 Systems), Broken Tower (17/19 Systems), Yearning Tower(16/16 Systems), Palace of Stars (4/26 Systems).)

[] [General] Research:
01001101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101110 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101001 01100011 00100000 01010011 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001
-[X] Bubble Drive Prototype - Will complete in 900.M43
(Gain: Bubble Drive Prototype)
-[] Improved Biological Augmentations III - !!!WARNING!!! (0/7)
(Allow organic material to be utilized across Federation species.)
-[] Applied Genetic Manipulation - (0/4)
(Decreases the appearance of Mutants within your society by 13%.)
-[] Biological Warfare V - (0/11)
(Massively reduce vulnerabilities against diseases of all kinds.)
-[] Rejuvenat Experimentation IIb (0/3)
(Gain: Improve Rejuvenat Access from 10% to 10.4%.)
-[] Warcaskets Upgraded (0/2)
(Gain: Further improve all aspects of your Warcaskets.)
-[] Autonomous Automata !!!WARNING!!! (0/1)
(WARNING: Automata grow more capable of Independent Action.)
-[] Black Cat Shield Overload, Large Black Cat Troop Compartment, Expanded Sensorium, and Black Cat Heat Cyclers (0/1)
(Gain: Black Cat Ship Equipment.)
-[] Monofilament Missile Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Ground-Missile Damage.)
-[] Malicious Bone-Growth Weaponry Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Uuuuh...)
-[] Dark Matter Blaster Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Darklight Prototype Weaponry.)
-[] Monomolecular Blade Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Monomolecular Melee Weaponry.)
-[] Black Cat Ship Weapon Rationalization (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Weapon Cramming Threshold.)
-[] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
(Gain: Massively Upgraded Ground Vehicles)
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization III - [1 DP Equipment] (0/5)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4)
(Gain: 10 Destroyers and 3 Frigates every Turn.)
-[] Sigils (0/2)
Carved into reality itself, born from song and melody, humm and symphony.
(Gain: Sigils.)
-[] Hexagrammic Grammophone (0/5)
An...idea, a mad one, created by some of the Msk'fa who were powerful enough to join the Celestial Choir, and who had the fortune to be well-versed in their people's history. The Hexagrammic Grammophone has one job, and it is projected to be able to achieve it: Sing on its own with pre-recorded Melodies. That ability...it is to vast to speculate about.
-[] Anti-Psychic Materials (0/7)
There are some materials that, for one reason or another, seem to repell psychic phenomena and works, which, in the right hands, could prove to be a boon in our anti-daemon efforts.
(Gain: Anti-Psychic Materials collected and understood.)
-[] Psykana-Repelling Persons (0/4)
Though they are rare, some people seem to not merely be uncomfortable to be around but possess an...anti-soul if one would say something so base. Yet, while normal people find them unpleasant, our Hymnals would rather run away or self-harm themselves than be in their presence. This...could be useful.
(Gain: Anti-Souls?)
-[] Arcanum Psyker Staves (1/9)
The ability to create psychic focii is no longer a mere beginner's art within the Glimmering Federation, and with knowledge and familiarity comes the ability to strive further than yesterday. With The Sun Melody having become a measuring stick upon which one can see progress, it is estimated that further refinement will be capable of reducing the damages incurred into "mere" full-body second-degree burns.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/9)
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to psychically tune and shape cloth and metals to weave together into one whole, a "Psychic Hood" for the layperson, the Celestial Choir is eager to not only begin large-scale dissemination of knowledge and practice but also delve deeper into their understanding of how they function and can be improved.
(Gain: Improved Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)
-[] Choir's Tangle (0/6)
The Choir's Tangle is a system of Psykana married with Technology capable of providing minor guidance to the Federation's Choirs singing Bound To The Stars, thus speeding up their traveling speed.
(Gain: Improved speed between Federation Systems. It requires a choir to operate and will automatically apply the necessary numbers.)
-[] Discordant Shriek (0/11)
Utilizing the same underlying principles as the Choir's Tangle, the Discordant Shriek is a series of five installations that will be put in a perfect orbit around the local star in predetermined patterns, each housing one part of a Choir, that will, when enemy ships approach the system, activate and try to disrupt and rip the approaching vessels out of the Warp at best and seek to damage and delay them at worst.
(Gain: A means to inflict damage to approaching Fleets. It requires a choir to operate and will automatically apply the necessary numbers.)
-[] Applied Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - (0/15)
Anti-Warp Sigils of potent etching, carved into the leather born from the willing, carved by hands that shiver in cold and burning pain, wrought into reality itself with the blood of ichor dripping from violated souls carrying out their creation. Shield these places, guard these items, know no rest and adhere to no master beyond this: hark against Thought and Cancer from the Deep Beneath Growth.
-[] Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts (0/59)
It is one thing to debate with reality to alter a state. Another to order it to cease reality in totality.

Hereteks Refuge - Reduce Research Cost by 20%, Rounded Up. +0.20 Research per Action Spent.
Academic Publishing Institutes - +0.15 Research per Action Spent.
Noosphere Unity - +0.05 Research per Action Spent.
[Song] - A Glint of Genius - +0.40 Research per Action Spent.
The Horizon Program - (Lords of Eternity and Shipwright's Grove) - +0.20 Research per Action Spent.
The Psycademia 'Wings of our Crucible' - Allows Psytech to be researched under [General].
(0.75 Research Banked)

[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
A new age of peace dawns on the Glimmering Federation, and with it rises the required needs of its various branches and plans to come to fruition, from subverting hostile polities to maintaining friendly relations with good neighbors. Thanks to an expansion in resources, the Ministry of SIIC can now focus on multiple things simultaneously.
[] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Choose Two)
With the allocated funds, a slow subversion of a singular system can be undertaken. However, these efforts can be focused and accelerated with dedicated attention.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert two [2] random systems simultaneously to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)
Orbital Habitat - Jak-Hal
Suspected Subversion Time: ~20 Years
Modifiers: Isolationist Society

Rose-Torn Heralds - Subsector Gulf's Edge
Suspected Subversion Time: ~50 Years
Modifiers: Extreme Misandry +~80 Years
[] Cross-Cultural Idea Harmonization (Choose Target)
Through centuries of trade and good relations, sworn friends on the battlefield, to sharing secrets of technology pried from the uncaring reality that wishes for our destruction. Two friends who know each other well and want to stand together, side by side, against the dark, but do not wish to lose what makes them unique, to become just another face within the crowd. For this union, preparations must be made to ensure that this tide lifts all involved.
(Selected Peer Nation exchanges a weaker copy of their Primary Trait with the Federation in exchange for their Primary Trait (Chaos Resistance).
(Targets: [Shipwright's Grove/Van Zandt Free Duchy])

[] Military Aid To The Coalition
Well, we should at least help them defend themselves.
(Gain: Improved Relations with, and increased defenses of, the Coalition.)

[] ISC Access - (Shipwright's Grove)
The Federation's ISCs are eager to spread their markets and customer bases beyond the Glimmering Federation, willing to brave the (relatively safe and profitable) unknown.
(Gain: Disables one random ISC per Turn and significantly improves relations with the Lords of Eternity/Shipwright's Grove.)

[] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Choose Two)
Though tedious work, improving relations over time with steady hands instead of bold declarations and treaties will enable more of the latter to be wrought without any complications.
(Targets: Mashan Temple Authority, Van Zandt Free Duchy, and Shipwright's Grove.
Gain: Slowly improved relations.)
Van Zandt Free Duchy
Current Relations: Longstanding Friends And Allies.
Trend: Increase.
Modifiers: End of the Cult Wars.

Mashan Temple Authority
Current Relations: Cordially Thawed.
Trend: Sharp Increase.
Modifiers: Long-Standing Professional Relationship and Star Child Intervention.

[] [Military] Create Four Grand Armies (Write-in Names) for (Sub-Sectors) or 7 Knight Orders (Write-in Names)
Grand Armies are composed of 2 SAGs per Sub-Sector System, which are composed of 4 Units each. Though each SAG will have its own Battle Standard and Motto, only those existing will be recorded in detail. A Grand Army requires you to specify each SAG as either Light, Medium, or Heavy, with the further moniker of Infantry/Mechanized/Tanks/Augmetic Legions Formations attached. All other specializations will be taken care of within the Grand Army itself. A Knight Order contains 20 War-Packs, one War-Pack consisting of One Questoris per Four Armigers, of variable Patterns.
(Gain: Five Grand Armies or Seven Knight Orders.)

[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (2.600 Points per Action)
-[] 5x Nomadic Fleets [Automatic] (0.6/1)

Chose Names for Fleets: Triumph of Obliteration, Unfettered Zeal, Pathfinding Maw, Causal Wound, Tombmaker.
See Informational - Military Forces for Fleet Compositions/Point Values.
(Gain: Fleets.)

[] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - [Available: Destroyer (1 DP), Frigate (2 DP), Light Cruiser/Freighter (4 DP), Heavy Cruiser/Freighter (8 DP), Grand Cruiser (16 DP), Temple Ship (25 DP), Battleship (50 DP)] - [100 DP]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we, the Kil'drabi, Yeeni, and the archives of our planets tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a proud Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Information: Ship Classes requiring more DP than you possess take more than one Action to design.
Gain: Newly designed and built Ship Class/es.)

[] [Military] Construct God-Engines (50x Grandis (0/1), 30x Modeste Immensus (0/2), 10x Immensa Immensus (0/2), 5x Magnificus (0/3), 2x Momentus (0/4), 1x Deus Machina (0/5))
00101011 00101011 00101011 01001001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01101001 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100011 01101111 01101100 01101100 00111010 00100000 01000010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01001110 01110101 01110100 00101011 00101011 00101011
(Proposed (and Valid) Designs: Tetrapod
Gain: Titan/s specialized ship/s capable of moving them. A sketch is Mandatory for Modeste Immensus and up. No AI or Reference Images allowed.
Retrieved Titans: Blade of the Rising Sun, Blade of the Burning Dusk.)

[] [Military] The Ancient's [Bone-Mender Temple/Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue/Great Fire/Flirtatious-Indolent Bay Resort/Flowergarden/ Stone Of Water/Drowned Forest/Shard of the Black Forest] - (Write-In Military Forces)
Hippity Hoppity has revealed to us a site where technology, rites, knowledge, or culture of the Ancients yet remain...if not how intact. It is far away from our borders, and thus the fleet sent there to uncover the truth must be guarded.
(Gain: One plundered Ancient Site.)

[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
-[] Flag Armada Nova (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Nebula (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Quasar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Pulsar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Ashen Star (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Broken Void (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Magnetar (44/50 Ship Capacity)

(5x Aquarius-Class Fleet Tenders, 2x Hercules-Class Battleships, 3x Virgo-Class Fleet Carriers, 1x Cassiopeia-Class Arsenal Ship, 16x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 17x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser)
-[] Sector Battle Group Sphinx (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Centaur (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Basilisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Hydralisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Necrolisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Kraken (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gorgon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gryphon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Wyvern (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dragon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Cyclops (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Phoenix (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Garuda (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Enfield (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Anansi (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Umbra (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Scylla (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Chimera (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group K'uk'ulkan (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Neko (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Elegua (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Mountain Fog (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Scything Wing (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Light-Sworn (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Thule Triumph (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Knight's Watch (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Saga Of Luthaire (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Burned Offering (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Healing Fire (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Watchmen (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Watchwomen (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Ogun (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Obatala (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Yemaya (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Oshun (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Shango (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Oya (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Hungry Claws (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dusty Paths (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Bared Talon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Celestial Fanfare (40/40 Ship Capacity)

(4x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 2x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 11x Libra-Class Light Carrier, 10x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers)
-[] Sector Battle Group Overflow (19/10 Ship Capacity)
(1x Aquarius-Primus Fleet Tender, 1x Cassiopeia-Class Arsenal Ship, 1x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser, 16x Serpens-Class Stealth Destroyer, 1x Hercules-Class Battleship)
-[] Flag Armada Black Cat (131/0 Ship Capacity)
(77x Little Paw-Class Missile Destroyer, 28x Mother Cat Troopship, 19x Cat's Fang-Class Lancer, 6x Tomcat-Class Artillery Cruiser, 1x Black Cat's Claw)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Once-Forgotten-Joy' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Winged-Deliverance' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hot-Sands-Under-Swift-Legs' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Banished-Sorrows-In-Dark-Times' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Stellar-Harvesters' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Purpose-Of-Unity' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Unimpeded-Festival' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Abundance-Of-Flowering-Stars' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Memories-Of-Healing-Tunes' (49/50 Ship Capacity)

(5x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 1x Harbinger of Our Journey-Class Battlecolony, 6x Citadel of the Chronicle-Class Heavy Cruiser, 12x Feather of the Stars-Class Light Cruiser, 30x Spirit of the Writ-Class Frigate)
-[] Invasion Fleet 1 (84/90 Ship Capacity)
-[] Invasion Fleet 2 (84/90 Ship Capacity)

(9x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 80x Taurus Troopships, 4x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Alpha (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Beta (30/30 Ship Capacity))
-[] LRAD Gamma (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Delta (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Epsilon (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Zeta (50/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Eta (50/50 Ship Capacity)

(5x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 2x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 5x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 14x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 10x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 10x Sagitarrius Lance Frigate)
-[] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper' (117/80 Ship Capacity)
(8x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 24x Aries-Tertium Corvette, 77x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer, 27x Taurus-S Troopship)
-[] Task Fleet Beta (20/20)
-[] Task Fleet Gamma (20/20)

(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 14x Sagitarrius-Tertium, 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier)
-[] Logistic Fleet Mermaid (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Cherub (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Nymph (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Dryad (20/20 Ship Capacity)

(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter, 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter, 1x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 1x Libra-Class Light Carrier)
-[] Temple Ship/s
(The Pantagruel, The Divine Spark, The Last Word, The Seeker of Light, The Gargantua, The Fleeting Moment, A Feather From A Wing, A Word of Peace)
-[] Independent Operations Task Force
(13x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carrier (0/13 SAG Capacity))
-[] Scout Fleet Alpha - [5x Pyxis-Secundus Auto-Construction]
(88x Pyxis-Secundus Advanced Scout Sloop, 1x Spirit of Discovery Scout-Class Light Cruiser)
-[] Evacuation Fleet (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(4x Rustbucket-Class Conveyance Ship, 20x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter, 5x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner, 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler)
-[] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (52/52)
(5x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 6x Thunderous Declaration-Class Scout Destroyer, 6x Mournful Clarion-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 5x Lantern Bearer Mk.3-Class Commandeering Ship (0/6 Companies), 10x Resurgence Mk.3-Class Torpedo Hunter (0/3 Companies), 8x Bloody Midnight-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 10x Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 4x Thunderous Gunnery-Class Heavy Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 1x Eternal Cry-Class Temple Ship (0/8 Companies), 1x Tears of the Void (0/20 Companies), 1x 'Cry of the Redeemed' Void-Class (0/20 Companies))
There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues, squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all Their Protectorates, and send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are sent to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: ~20 Systems from Claimed Systems. Scouting Efficiency: N/A (80% Three+ Systems, 50% Eight+ Systems, 35% Fifteen+ Systems.)
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come. As there are 10 Celestial Choirs free to pursue research, the High Council can ask them to pursue a target instead of what comes close. This will, naturally, be lost once they dip below 10 Choirs.
(Total: 22
Uncovered: Revenant and Prophecy III.
Secret: Slumber.
Star Child: Mercy III, Ruthlessness III, and Brutality II.
Kil'drabi: Paths III, Community II, and Family II.
Irrita: Growth II, Plants, Harmony III, and Hunger.
Msk'fa: Comfort, Revenge, and Retribution.
Dirut: Peace II, Clockwork, Candle, Time III, Sunset II, and Dawn II.
Gain: Six Melodies newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.5/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song]
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Uncovered: Technology III and Prophecy II.
Secret: Perception III, Silence III, and Grounding III.
Star Child: Protection III, Fire III, The Sun V, Humanity III, Creativity III, Song III, The Home III, Logic III, Unity III, Progress III, Compassion III, Hope III, Health III, Death III, Justice III, Wisdom III, Innovation III, Machinery III, Ruthlessness II, Brutality I, Mercy II, The Star, and Love III.
Kil'drabi: Void III, Struggle III, Paths III, Community I, and Family I.
Irrita: Growth I and Harmony II.
Dirut: Time II, Sunset I, Dawn I, and Peace I.
Gain: Two Songs.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (Choose Five Songs)
Words beyond meaning, songs beyond uttering, a hum of power that is the Warp reveling in its own power unleashed. A Symphony crafted from labor centuries long, and one that shall burn itself into history eternal, both mortal and Immaterial.
(Gain: A Symphony)

[] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
The Van Zandt Free Duchy has, after intense internal deliberation, chosen to extend an offer to the Glimmering Federation; that of allowing our preachers to carry with them the word of the Star Child to their people. Absolutely a result of the shattering of Stagelight and the end of the Cult Wars with the very evident intervention of the Star Child's Still-Unborn-Might, alongside our relations having vastly improved over the centuries. To not accept would be foolish.
(Gain: Sanctioned Star Child Cults within the Van Zandt Free Duchy.)

[] [Faith] Monuments For The Fallen
Many have died in the Cult Wars. Too many to count, so many that the monuments dedicated to the nameless fallen, forgotten in the ruin of war, have overflown with the prayer seals and benedictions, trinkets and grieving amulets, without pause in the last decades. As far as we know, the only great threat that remains is the unknown enemy that will arrive through the lands of the Duchy, for the Zealots of the God-Emperor won't be able to break through our fortresses for generations yet. So now is the time to mourn, the time to remember, and the time to cherish those we have lost in body, but not in memory.
(Gain: Monuments for the many billions that died in the Cult Wars..)

[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Write-In)
(Gain: Guidance on how to deal with or gain something.)

[] [Knightly Orders] Rest And Recuperate (0/0.5)
It is over. All but the crying remains.
(Gain: Rest.)

[] [Chapter] Brothers For The Barge (6/?)
They must be ready for battle and barge.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain 8 Companies per Turn.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
[] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
The Van Zandt Free Duchy has, after intense internal deliberation, chosen to extend an offer to the Glimmering Federation; that of allowing our preachers to carry with them the word of the Star Child to their people. Absolutely a result of the shattering of Stagelight and the end of the Cult Wars with the very evident intervention of the Star Child's Still-Unborn-Might, alongside our relations having vastly improved over the centuries. To not accept would be foolish.
(Gain: Sanctioned Star Child Cults within the Van Zandt Free Duchy.)
Oh god. We must take advantage of this. This is big
Preachers for Van Zandt is 100% necessary. Military aid to the poor bastards facing the fanatics is important too. And then the monument as well.

I think we should colonize/integrate the subsectors that are now enveloped byour territory.

We need to build up before the 'nids or some other threat show up in force.