What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Our new friends really showing that are using the Kitchen Sink Doctrine not because they want to, but because they don't have the means for anything else...all hands rise for people wanting to maybe try and help them make better facilities when they are not in danger of dying to Zealots
4) maybe some kind of non-thule carrier, probably has to be a grand cruiser though because the budget is fucking dogshit and it doesn't get a discount because whoooooop dee doo this is shitttttt. why is it that everyone around us was technologically advanced but these guys are so bad but still exist. how, why.
Well they are as I understand it a bunch of one system minors that merged over the course of a few years because of how awful the Diaconate are.
5) how the fuck did they standardize shield overload? it's fucking 5 dp equipment ahhhhhgghghegehugehgehgegeheg
......I have no idea??? At least we should be able to get something cool out of making friends with them?
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I'll make a lineholder GC. It's got a lot of 1 DP macrocannons because GCs have the "Special Rule: 1 DP Weaponry applies only 50% of their [Weapon Cramming] build-up." This is 16 DP to design out of our 100!

[] [Grand Cruiser] Brick-class Lineholder (22 DP)
-[] Length - 7.400 Meters (-1 DP)
-[] Width - 1.600 Meters (-1 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1.8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Ultra-Light Starclad-Pattern (-3 DP)
-[] Shields - Two Grids
-[] Weapons - 6x Medium Macro-Cannons (-6 DP), 2x Heavy Macro-Cannons (-4 DP), 1x Super-Heavy Macro-Cannons (-3 DP)
-[] Equipment - Standardized Prow Spur, Standardized Shield Overload, Auto-Loaders (-1 DP) Lattice Hulls (-2 DP), High-Explosive Macron-Cannon Shells (-1 DP)

The Brick is - a brick. It's large, heavily armored, and does a lot of damage to whatever it's thrown at. It's built to be a lineholder, to take serious damage while dishing it back out, and fight toe-to-toe with enemy grand cruisers and come out damaged but victorious. To that end it has armor that's effectively battleship grade and is further enhanced by defensive lattices to back up the... impressive... shields of the Coalition. The firepower is supplied by a large number number of macrocannons that range in size from "large" to "immense" and are equipped with systems to improve their fire rate and damage potential.

The Brick is a design that none of the federation ship desginers are proud to have associated with their name, and many consider it to be a waste of metal and lives. But at the end of the day it fufills a necessary role for the Emergency Coaliation's order of battle, and therefore it will be included in the military aid package being sent to them.
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5) how the fuck did they standardize shield overload? it's fucking 5 dp equipment ahhhhhgghghegehugehgehgegeheg

I assume hyperfocus,they needed their ships to survive and as result only developed shielding lagging in other areas

We could do a small trade with them in the future,uplift them from primitive to actually functional

And get standarized shield overload in exchange?
... Why are we even considering giving battleships to what is, essentially, a bunch of less than one sub sector polities banding together in a tenuous alliance of convenience. Do you want things to detonate horribly after the Diaconate is beaten as these polities try to play king of the (local) hill!? These ships aren't meant to be given to a trusted ally, they are forgive my language, meant to be meat shields until we beat the Slannesh Cult, they do not need a bloody battleship, even a shit one. Besides, we are going to try to integrate them aren't we?

Edit: We gave the Dutchy (a peer, and until recently, the largest polity in the Sector) 1 singular battleship. They are absolutely going to fight over who keeps what ever we give them if we give them a BB.
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So they have a chance at survival
Also because is the right thing to do

And because we dont need to invade them to annex them,diplomacy should suffice
Honestly if they survive(big if) being able to absorb them later would be much easier. They are united by danger and we can exploit any weak links to our advantage later on. Hell part of me wants to drag them into the Horizon Program...but that's for later
Two potential Heavy Freighter designs that could help with logistics:

[] [Heavy Freighter] Crucible-class Factory Ship (45*0.35 = 15.75 ≈16DP)
-[] Length - 10.000 Meters (+1DP)
-[] Width - 3.000 Meters (+1DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1.4 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull (+1DP)
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - None
-[] Equipment - (Standard) Improved Prow Spur/(Standard) Shield Overload/Tiny Repair Bay/Large On-Board Manufactory (-19DP)
Massive floating manufactorum that should be kept well away from any fighting but can refit Stiletto's Khopeshs in a pinch.

[] [Heavy Freighter] Refuge-class Factory Ship (45*0.35 = 15.75 ≈16DP)
-[] Length - 10.000 Meters (+1DP)
-[] Width - 3.000 Meters (+1DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1.4 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull (+2DP)
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - None
-[] Equipment - (Standard) Improved Prow Spur/Chapels to the Five/Luxurious Crew Amenitiesx2/(Standard) Shield Overload/Large Repair Bay (-20DP)
Dedicated mobile repair yards that can also handle crew R&R while waiting on repairs and introduce those crews to a more... sane alternative to the madness of their foe's interpretation of "faith".

Given the defensive nature of this war and the smallness of the Coalition hopefully the lack of food production ships shall not be an issue.
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Okay I'd say if we're down to 3 more DP worth of ships the main thing left missing in their battle line is torpedo ships. I know the Stilettos have a lot of missiles but torpedo's fill a different role entirely. Being more long range area denial more than close in hit and run(though I guess you could build them for that too given they can cripple ships that should be well out of their range if they actually hit)

Edit:....or you could have already done that as I was writing this....
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@HeroCooky, the post is finalized. And I hope I get a god damn nice Xmas present for this atrocity you had me do for this game, but I've got a full 100 point fleet designed now that respects the conditions you put down.

The general theme here is "Don't give the Imperials a fair fight, take advantage of being on the defensive (And thus, having your factories nearby, while theirs are all behind several subsectors of new expansion) to trade metal for time." Stealth minelayers to punish reckless assaults, gigantic alpha strikes to flanks after the Diaconate tries to force a close range engagement, carriers to attrit, and regular use of Contagion Bombs to take advantage of those tiny bits of chip damage we're doing on the way--because if these are nasty enough to eat Adamantium, I wonder what they'd do if they got into the internal structure? (Don't answer that, I don't want to know).

The only thing here that can engage in--and win--a straight fight is the Brick, which is unlovely and simple, but exists as a nasty surprise if they decide to take all those Ls and think we're weak close in. Because sometimes, your fancy cathedral can blow up if it gets hit by a Brick (Thank you so much @Neablis for designing it for me). The Battleship exists to go "Hey, remember how the Ultra-Heavy Contagion Bomb says it impacts entire fleets? Want to see me use it and then start shooting beams from extreme range?" If the shit hits the fan anyway, the Bricks can club whoever gets close and let it scurry away to safety.

I hated every moment of this job. But it's finally behind me.
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