Actually, I just remember a joke that got started because of rediscovered frontiers. The running joke is that cassia has a major crush on tangle, tangle doesn't like her because she's with Eggman

Cassia: Yeah, she totally wants me, sis!

(Briefly smash cuts to Tangle smashing the Omega Cars Unit with her tail while screaming in rage)

Clove: ...She, uh, certainly wants you to be something, sister.
Ok, that makes me think of actually pairing them with the units that explicitly attempt to capture units. which, is more use for shadow androids then I had in mind before.

I think Shadow Androids are more useful to fight enemies with only 1 hp than anything else.

Like they are explicit made with the intent to handle tier 1 enemies.
Not gonna lie, I'm still trying to figure out when I'd actually deploy a shadow android over basically anything else.

...What if we aren't trying to win?

Here me out. After we deal with the Six our most immediate problem is Selvaria, which is complicated by three things.

1. She's really fracking strong.

2. We want her biodata for Metal Selvaria.

3. If she fails too much Max might have her self-destruct.

Since we want to both save her and take her down. We'll need some way to keep her at bay without killing her outright.

Our win condition is to keep her occupied long enough for us to get something or several somethings that can bring her down and capture her outright. Ideally a stalemate of sorts until we're ready.

Therefore the Shadow androids are perfect for this. Powerful enough to keep her occipied but not enough so that it risks Max escalating.
...What if we aren't trying to win?

Here me out. After we deal with the Six our most immediate problem is Selvaria, which is complicated by three things.

1. She's really fracking strong.

2. We want her biodata for Metal Selvaria.

3. If she fails too much Max might have her self-destruct.

Since we want to both save her and take her down. We'll need some way to keep her at bay without killing her outright.

Our win condition is to keep her occupied long enough for us to get something or several somethings that can bring her down and capture her outright. Ideally a stalemate of sorts until we're ready.

Therefore the Shadow androids are perfect for this. Powerful enough to keep her occipied but not enough so that it risks Max escalating.

Much as I like to discuss plans for the future let's focus on this battle.

The winning conditions of this raid is that we either beat them all or damage them enough to force a retreat. Ideally we should focus on the first but the second is good as we can get as well.

Decided to have some fun here and there...will update a bit...

In the Egg-quarter of the Eggpire, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" robotnik grumbled and mumbled and even muttered and scowled as he beheld what was going on outside of his empire. Restoration and GUN members going on and about, all Christmas joy and Cheer, it was That Time of the year again. It seemed like every year some goers would get some nerve and bother him with their singing career's. Always with the bells and the tells, as well as the sales the sell!

Constant advertisements hit his eggnet like a thundering rainstorm that would not stop! Then came the Mail...oh the mail...sure the Coal and insulting words were somewhat useful in his fire defenses and badniks, but he had long stopped using those outdated mechanisms for far more powerful sources of energy. He did have some keepsakes however, particular nasty threats and insults that more amused him than anything else (the collection had grown quite well).

In fact, the ONLY reason he even bothered to tolerate any of that mess was because this was Sage's first Christmas...and of course Belle's as well. Otherwise, he would have obliterated the decorations that were being brought up long ago...of course he had restricted those damnable things only to certain areas of his city...couldn't let this damn festive cheer go on about-

"Father, you have incoming mail" Sage's voice echoed through his comm link with a underlaying tone of fondness and eagerness? At this time of year? that didn't bold well for his temper...but he was a father, and it was a father's duty to not worry their daughters.

"Bah, Sage i am sure Cubot and Orbot told you, but given the circumstances and those two blocked being busy with this damn festive cheer and all, I don't celebrate Christmas! It's a waste of time and energy i could be using to restore my control over Green Hills before the damn empire starts messing about again!" Eggman Grumbled with a foul temper, barely keeping a lid on his disdain for the season. For his memories showed a clear reason, year after year of rejection and spite, his own family's ignorant fright! Invention after Invention, showing off his mind, yet only his Grandfather and Maria ever showed any insight!

"But Father, you are being invited to the Christmas Festival in neutral territory this year-" Sage continued with concern laced in her tone as Eggman froze for second...and then groaned.

"Sage Dear, i don't do this damn's always the same, no matter how it changed. Even the Minions are getting caught up with this, at least some of them had the sense to not bother me at this time of year." Eggman Sighed as he rubbed his face, old memories bring pricked like a scar.

"Father...i understand." Sage sighed out with a tone of disappointment that stung Eggman's Heart...

"I just hoped that we could go together, so i could see it with you..." Sage whispered, barely being heard by Ivo as he clenched his fist and with a groan, he rubbed his forehead as he gave one of the cameras at the base a soured look.

"I'll see about it in my schedule...dammit this is on such short notice, damn restoration and damn GUN For springing this on me at the last very second before i was going to my Lab for tinkering to keep the damn cheer away..." Eggman growled as he power walked to his room for his "Special" yearly book.

"Let's see here-
-One O'clock, get sucked into Tinkering.
-Four Thirty, Stare in the abyss...
-Five O'clock, Solve One of the World's Greatest Problems...And Tell No One.
-Five Thirty, Eggcercise.
-Six Thirty, Dinner with me (I Can't Cancel that again!)
-Seven O'clock, Wrestle with my Loathing for that DAMN HEDGEHOG!

Well Sage, I'm booked for the holiday's...unless i bump the loathing to Nine so i can lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slowly tear apart the madness infesting my mind...." Eggman Paused for a moment thinking before growling out loud "IF i was going, what would i even wear?!?"

"Father, i may have a solution...but it may be, problematic." Sage intoned as she appeared from one of his holographic camera displays.

"Alright Sage, let's hear it..." Ivo grumbled out with crossed arms and an eyebrow raised.

"There are some Designs i have noted among the Darcsen refugee's that with some modifications could be more fitting to your standards." Sage replied with a smile on her face as she showed the visuals of multiple outfits.

"Alright then...let's get this over with Sage...and don't tell anyone I'm going yet! I still haven't made up my mind about this Christmas Festive Thing." Eggman Gripped as he examined each outfit with critical eye...


"Not that one!"

"Lace was last century Sage."

"I'm pretty sure Kilts are not ideal for Winter, and not just because those Strays do it doesn't mean I will."

"Sage dear, that is a Dress, as amusing as that is I don't think i should be wearing that."

"Hmm close but needs more no that's too much. Yes, add in some more yellow and blacks...there we go!" Eggman Smiled as he gestured wildly as the holographic projection shimmered into view around him. Much to sage's delight considering her clapping and shining white dress.

"How do i look Sage!" Eggman boasted as he proudly smirked at the design he had improved upon (with some potential room for gadgets of course)

"Wonderful Father, now all i have to do is get the blueprint to the right areas and then-" Sage began with bright eyes before sounds entered the room...a certain type of sound that had Eggman Slowly developing a Twitch in his right eye as his smile turned into a grimace.

"Oh wonderful...Those Damn busy Bodies are *BACK AGAIN*, Sage...i changed my mind, ask Isara or Stone to keep you company...I CAN'T STAND THOSE OFF-KEY BUSY BODY CHIOR SINGERS! THEY KEEP GETTING INTO THE MAIN CITY NO MATTER WHAT I DO!" Eggman all but snarled out as he powers stomped to his locker to bring out his Trademarked "ANTI-BUSY BODY EGG PLASMA CANNON".

"Now i apologize for this Sage, we can Go around the city and stop by the Strays quarters later on for some of the smaller festive ceremony, BUT I WONT DEAL WITH THIS MADNESS AGAIN!" Eggman apologized before charging out of the room with a roar as he began his rampage to kick the damnable worst sorts of busybodies that somehow every damn year keep infiltrating his city to give specifically HIM a headache! And several other sets of his memories showed the same thing happening to them as well!

Sage could only stare at her father's former location slightly dumbfounded...before her "holographic" fists curled up and her White Dress turned blacker than night and her blue eye flashed Crimson Red with yellow light.

"Big Brother...i have a favor to ask of you..." sage whispered through the wireless Eggnet and Communications channel. Her eldest Brother perked up from his location of standing Menacingly in a corner in the largest concentration of meat bags...staring at them to unnerve them (as well as hoping for a spot of chaotic violence to erupt so he could erase the damn boredom that was creeping into his systems).

Metal Sonic's eyes flashed Crimson and if he had a mouth...many would comment that he would have a grin that would rival some of most malevolent beings from across time and space. Before he instantly Disappeared to unleash HAVOC onto some fools who dared trespass into [LORD EGGMAN's] Territory.
so the comments about using the shadow androids alongside capture units gave me an idea. if we used klagens in raiding the Zeti's territory there'd be nothing to really stop us from just reprograming any badniks they capture. we could literally come out of it with more forces then we sent in.
so the comments about using the shadow androids alongside capture units gave me an idea. if we used klagens in raiding the Zeti's territory there'd be nothing to really stop us from just reprograming any badniks they capture. we could literally come out of it with more forces then we sent in.

There's the hacking action, we could just keep taking it and hope we get some good badniks or hopefully we can retake the Arsenal Pyramid for ourselves and that would fix all our problems with badniks, as long we have enough resources to feed it.

The old man smiled, their little gamble had paid off though not because of them. It turned out Ms. Gunther accidentally got rescued by the big man, and bless the girl she came looking for the rest of them. They found each other and Isara brought them back to base.

Doctor Eggman…the mobians were right he wasn't a good man long experience told them his thoughts about them, but that was the thing. He didn't care. He didn't care who they were, or what they did or did not do. He only cared they were useful to him somehow, and that was far better than the rest of the world.

He's using them and they're using him. Cynical, but they probably wouldn't believe it otherwise. The fact he gave them basic human decency was more than enough. They just needed to prove their worth to him, and Ms. Gunther had already done a brilliant job of that.

Working power armor, both for an individual and at the size of a building. The fact such a machine even exists boggles the mind, and the Doctor apparently mass produced them before everything went to hell and somehow Isara had impressed a man capable of that enough to declare his whole Empire (heh the irony) friendly to their kind.

Even now…in a cave with a box of scraps and handful of people the world has proclaimed demons. He can do this much…to effectively declare war on the entire world with what little they had on hand… Heh, he actually might pull it off, and they'd be right there beside him.

…It occurred that they'd essentially be causing another 'Darcsen Calamity', but he can't say they cared all that much.If the world didn't want another one they shouldn't have driven them into the hands of a megalomanic.

Now…there is an army of the Doctor's enemies on the horizon. Unrightous upsurpers that wish to bring the Doctor down.

To bring their one hope down.

They can't have that now can they?

"DARCSENS! Do you hear me?"


"The enemy approaches! An army of iron and steel lead by monsters! They seek to destroy Doctor Eggman! To destroy what little we have! Are we going to let this happen?"


"Of course not! We have lived through hell every day of our lives, what do these mere pretenders have on us?"


"If they seek to destory what little we have left we'll bring them down! Our kind has long been considered demons for what our ancestors have supposedly done…so be it! If they really hate us that much then we'll remind them what our ancestors were capable of!

An army that required the full power of the Valkur to bring down! The so-called gods and goddess of the battlefield had to throw everything at us to stop that so-called calamity!

Yet…the Valkur are gone and WE ARE STILL HERE!"


"DARC-TROOPERS! Are you ready to make SCRAP METAL?"


"That's good to hear! On behalf of the big man we won't leave anything behind! ALL HAIL EGGMAN!"



AN: All hands on deck. I doubt the Darcsens are going to sit by as something threatens the greatest hope they have.

@Kingster @ShepardCom @Boohoo the 3rd

Your New Home:

Write an Omake about the Darscen staying with Robotnik and how they are adjusting to life in The Eggman Empire.

Reward: +5 to a Darcsen's related Action or Increased Opinion of the Darcsen about eggman

Edit: Claiming 'Your new home.'
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There's the hacking action, we could just keep taking it and hope we get some good badniks or hopefully we can retake the Arsenal Pyramid for ourselves and that would fix all our problems with badniks, as long we have enough resources to feed it.
no matter what we're going to need to start launching raids sooner or later. we need to start taking territory before the Zeti lose it to everyone else, even if we decide to wait until we can raid their main base and take everything back at once it will still be a good idea to have plans like this.
so the comments about using the shadow androids alongside capture units gave me an idea. if we used klagens in raiding the Zeti's territory there'd be nothing to really stop us from just reprograming any badniks they capture. we could literally come out of it with more forces then we sent in.

were getting quite the army if we go for the raid to get more territory, as well as inflicting more damage...were going to need one massive spike of resistance against everyone taking over our territory.

not to mention that we need to get chuck and his grandson so we can get back our armies and force the zeti to expend their power to keep the badniks under their control, add in the conch to mess with them and we can do a massive assault against the Zeti and drown them under tier 1 badniks!

(of course after the two adventures for rescueing chuck and maria!)
were getting quite the army if we go for the raid to get more territory, as well as inflicting more damage...were going to need one massive spike of resistance against everyone taking over our territory.

not to mention that we need to get chuck and his grandson so we can get back our armies and force the zeti to expend their power to keep the badniks under their control, add in the conch to mess with them and we can do a massive assault against the Zeti and drown them under tier 1 badniks!

(of course after the two adventures for rescueing chuck and maria!)

Depending on how this battle goes we might be able to just attack the base directly. I mean this is half of their leadership, the actaul leader, and quite possibly every badnik they have.

We might have to pull a base assault just to be sure the others don't do it first!

Well hopefully the Calamity Ravens won't be to much trouble for them if they have to face them.

...I feel like they'd mutually ignore each other.

Ours aren't quite on the Ravens level yet but with Eggman around I'm sure that'll change quickly.
Terror from the Depths
Terror from the Depths

*You have 1 new message*


Hello Director Jewel, this is Mayor Marlowe of Seaside Bay speaking.

First, let me extend my heartfelt thanks to you and your team for the invaluable assistance you've provided to our community, your leadership has been a beacon of hope during these trying times and the Restoration's efforts do not go unnoticed here.

That said, I'm reaching out about something of great urgency, which I fear could spiral into an even larger crisis if left unchecked. As you're undoubtedly aware, maritime travel has become nearly impossible for any vessel not heavily armed since the Shattering. This is due to the creatures my staff have taken to calling the "Deep Ones." One of my aides is quite the fan of cosmic horror stories and, well, the name stuck.

Either way, these creatures have been attacking ships with increasing frequency and ferocity including large fish schools and sea predators. What's worse, they've disrupted ocean ecosystems, even more that the Shattering done by bringing species from other universes togheter, to such a degree that most marine life has fled to shallow coastal waters in a desperate bid for survival.

Our fishing industry, the lifeblood of Seaside Bay, is on the brink of collapse. The ecological imbalance is nothing short of a nightmare and the ripple effects are already being felt by our comunity and neighboring ones.

For months now the local fishermen and marine biologists have been monitoring this phenomenon and alarmingly realize the pace of fish migration, or rather their desperate escape from the Deep Ones has been dwindling. If this trend continues, we're looking at the complete extinction of sea life in the deeper waters.

Even more troubling director it's the encroachment of these creatures toward the coastal areas, reports indicate that they're getting close to Green Hills coast.

I know the Restoration has its hands full with the Black Arms, badniks, and other immediate threats but I implore you not to overlook the potential catastrophe the Deep Ones represent.

If they exhaust their food supply in the open ocean, who knows what they'll do once they reach our shores?

I urge you to take this matter seriously. Seaside Bay is ready to assist in any way we can but we lack the resources and expertise to deal with this threat alone. Please Director Jewel, don't wait to act until it's too late.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

*Message ends*

This is something I was planning to release when he omake banning was made since that's been lifted I decided to post it now.

Basically there's other big threat real close to us that is just as deadly as the Black Arms.

The Vortex.

I don't remember if in the games they ever revealed they name so I decided that someone named them the Deep Ones and the name stuck. Anyway I imagine the voxtex attack sea life to such a extent they decided to get out of they habitats and into unfamiliar waters creating a ecological disaster since not only is extremely crowded but have fiss that were not supposed to be there as well.

Obviously the vortex would eventually kill all fish on the sea at some point and some people are noticing the rate of this migration is getting smaller each month that pass.

The Vortex territory include all the oceans in the world all they infrastructure is in the sea bed completely unreachable for anyone to even get a look on what they are doing except be able to monitor they attacks and sightings.

At least with the Black Arms you can point a telescope at the Ark to be able to see on the distance on what they are doing but the Vortex enjoy full secrecy of anyone.
Yeah pretty much both the Vortex Queen and Rahab are high level danger threats.

Doesn't help the Vortex Queen has access to time travel, which is another can of worms entirely.

The only light on that is that Rahab by nature would hate the Vortex Queen as it is doing the same as what the humans did to polute the oceans but in a bigger and more dangerous scale.

But seriously once we get into alliances and we discover them we may actually need to wake up Chaos once more and try to get the 7 chaos emeralds if we even want a chance on those fucks.

Of course we would need for Chaos to juice up on positive energy so things don't go sideways.

And even then that is a long shot to get rid of the alien and the other sea god.

Without counting whoever else is there.
Doesn't help the Vortex Queen has access to time travel, which is another can of worms entirely.

The only light on that is that Rahab by nature would hate the Vortex Queen as it is doing the same as what the humans did to polute the oceans but in a bigger and more dangerous scale.

But seriously once we get into alliances and we discover them we may actually need to wake up Chaos once more and try to get the 7 chaos emeralds if we even want a chance on those fucks.

Of course we would need for Chaos to juice up on positive energy so things don't go sideways.

And even then that is a long shot to get rid of the alien and the other sea god.

Without counting whoever else is there.

I don't think the Rehab is here, the Vortex assume they place I think.
so here's something I've been wondering about, does the empire have more Valkirya then just Selvaria? from what everyones said about it they definitely did before the shattering but is there a chance any of those got brought over?
Cassia: Yeah, she totally wants me, sis!

(Briefly smash cuts to Tangle smashing the Omega Cars Unit with her tail while screaming in rage)

Clove: ...She, uh, certainly wants you to be something, sister.
Obviously tangle aint interested in cassia, she is into whisper

And the wolf does not share nor like eggman hussies taking her tangle

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so here's something I've been wondering about, does the empire have more Valkirya then just Selvaria? from what everyones said about it they definitely did before the shattering but is there a chance any of those got brought over?

According to game base X-0 unit was also brought along so is possible that their Valkyria, one that's even more powerful than Selvaria but have less control of her powers, were brought along here.

That's not even considering they artificial valkyrias as well.
so here's something I've been wondering about, does the empire have more Valkirya then just Selvaria? from what everyones said about it they definitely did before the shattering but is there a chance any of those got brought over?

X-0 is here so...4. The Empire should have 4 Valkur total, not counting Artifical.

Selvaria is the all-rounder, Cymyestia is pretty much a human valkov (no control thankfully), and two pycho girls which act as spies/ special ops.

I'm not counting the Gallian ones for obivous reasons.

...Frankly we can probably flip all of them with some effort.
X-0 is here so...4. The Empire should have 4 Valkur total, not counting Artifical.

Selvaria is the all-rounder, Cymyestia is pretty much a human valkov (no control thankfully), and two pycho girls which act as spies/ special ops.

I'm not counting the Gallian ones for obivous reasons.

...Frankly we can probably flip all of them with some effort.

Nah, it's just the first two. The two psycho girls are just regular people that were brainwashed into being loyal and twisted bodyguards.
Voting will start now, will be open for 24 hours or more, when i have time tomorrow to close the vote i will.

Remmebr to vote in plan format for the hero units you want deployed, alongside the badniks (Badniks cap of 40)

Also, could i ask for help with gathering the unrewarded omakes please? We will try to reward them so they don't accumulate.
[X] Welcoming Party Version 2!
-[X] Isara (Tank) (+47)
-[X] Piastol (Grounded) (+42)
-[X] Conquering Storm (+36)
-[X] Metal Sonic (+30, negate first enemy critical success)
-[X] Canaan (+38, 58 against deadly six members)
-[X] Badniks
--[X] 3 Blasteroids (Power Cost 4) (+30, -30 to melee attackers)
--[X] 1 Cluckoid (Power Cost 3) (+5, +15 against light or flying units.)
--[X] 1 Crabmeat (Power Cost 2) (+5, +15 against flying units)
--[X] 2 Turtloids (Power Cost 4) (+20, +40 if opposing unit cannot anti-air)
--[X] 1 Burrowbots (Power Cost: 4) (+5, +10 first roll)
--[X] The Egg Clan (Power Cost: 8) (+15)
--[X] 1 swatbot (power cost 3) (+10)

I'm going to Talow's plan personally