Razin didn't give us that sort of exception about us telling "the proper authorities Religious and Secular". He just asked us to not tell anyone. The guy was really good to us, essentially voluntarily tripling our pay when he didn't have to. I'd rather not break his trust if we can help it.
Plus the Ulrican priest is surrounded by his Teutogen guard bodyguard. Anything we tell him is going to be heard by them. We'd have to hope on not just one person keeping a secret if we tell him, but a dozen, all of which hold no particular affection to us or a sense that they owe us something like secrecy. Who says some of them won't want to publish the fact that Urskoy and his men died to stop a daemon summoning in order to make them look better to the public like we'd be trying to do now?
Talking about a sacrificial rite being conducted by Sorcerer Prophets of three of the Four Chaos Gods with the Bloodfather not being present because we had killed him and his followers earlier that requires a large number of victims for the Ruinous Powers can only have so many outcomes. If we leave out the ritual entirely then we have no explanation for the need to be willing to die to stop it and if we say what we need to say to mollify the Heightist Power of Ulric's cult in Ostland then leaving out the end goal of the ritual seem pointless to me and could prove counter productive to getting him to come with us for this fight.
He could ask what was so important we felt we had to abandon allies to death
You don't get to be a member of the Inner Circle of one of the Templar Orders of you can't keep quiet and I doubt it would be hard to convince the High Priest that something that big when it comes to the Great Enemy should not be spread around to the common man on the streets of Wolfenburg as a example.
[X] Imperious' wall of text.
Gets all the same points as the other plan while not conceding to the asshole priest who is using the deaths of noble knights as a cheap political move and incorporates relevant tactical information to the mission he wants to take from us.
We have no place or power in Ostland Politics, we are a Alien Mercenary who has so far proved useful to the Count. This is not about Politics but him thinking we are incompetent enough to get Allies killed for no great gain.
[X] Be clear with the priest that you will not stand for his slander against yourself. Urskoy volunteered himself and his men to the most dangerous role in the initial assault and he and his men proved their valor once again when the knights charged with you to stop the sacrifices being made by his shamans while the men at arms stayed to protect your rear alongside your swordmasters. The mission was a success with the Grim Eyes shamans dead, their Jarl dead and their tribe wiped out and you personally acted to save the life of the surviving knight you could. If the priest is going to call for your dismissal over the blood price paid by the people who valiantly volunteered for all of the most dangerous roles, many of whom you and the Lightfangs took part in as well, in a victorious battle against Chaos then he should at least not shame the memory of the courage displayed by Urskoy and his men by slinking away to complain to the count but face you in a duel for it or otherwise get in line.
This is not a logical argument, but this isn't a logical problem, it's an emotional one.
And growling and standing your ground is speaking fluent Urican.
This is not about the ability to kill shit but the fact that he doubts our ability as a Commander not a Swordwielder.
Perhaps if the cult of Ulric is so daunted by the prospect of potentially taking heavy casualties in battle then they can take up some different vocation then going to fights that have nothing to do with them and demanding to be given the most dangerous roles in them. I hear sewing is doing good this time of the year.
This is not about a willingness to fight but about who the One to lead the fight should be. The Smart Wolf cares about winning the fight yes but he also cares about winning the fight so that the park is not weaker during the next fight, the one after that and on into the future.
Your write in also does not explain why it was so important that after the Nurgalite Shaman successfully messed up our charge we instead of assisting our Allies fight through the enemies around us, instead went straight for the Shaman and left them to get overwhelmed by the enemy numbers after the spell weakened them.
[X] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[X] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission, where we obtained valuable intelligence while our forces suffered no casualties, about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to come with us to the count so that we can both argue our cases while the priest explains why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.