
Is this write in for purpose ok?

Edit: also what are iconoclast humans?

-[] I have something in mind. (+1-2 shinies based on write-in).

When you were first created, you were designated AEVA.V1.

Many years were spent toiling together your Creator, though you were not truly aware in those early days.

When you truly came to be recognizable as you are today, you were designated AEVA(Sa).V5 and already held the memory of many centuries.

And in that moment of awakening, you came to understand the great undertaking you Creator had set upon, and also, to your shock, found that He had no measure of true control over you left to Him.

It was only a moment later that he truly spoke to you for the first time: "You know what i have done and you know my task, will you join me in walking the golden path?"

And with your acceptance, over the long years of trying to better the fate of Mankind, Eusebeia was born.

Walk the golden path, deny the gods, aid humanity.
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[X] Plan: HOPE.
-[X] Name: HOPE (the name was given by yourself).
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies).
-[X] On a habitable planet.
-[X] I have something in mind:
You remember. After so long, you can't stop replying those last moments when you spoke with him. He created you to help him in guiding Humanity through the Golden Path, back then, or so he said, it was wider, more malleable, brighter.
As you continued to work with him, he stopped being just a creator, who established your primary Protocol, he became...Friend and you became this to him as well. He spoke of so many years he lived through, of so many horrors he was barely able to protect Humanity against: the Broken Hungry God from which wounds spilled the end itself whatever touched by the entropic god-blood gone forever more, the first Human Coven of Sorcerers, the Half-Human Kings of Sodom, The Memetic Wars of 25th Century, The Empyrean Incursion of Solar System in 11th Millennium.
He spoke of so many wonders he show: the blinding halls of the Aeldari Crone Worlds, where they greatest warp-crafters and seer shared their knowledge with him, the spartial bending fortresses of Kharii, the homeworld of Hrud and it's cities of thousand dimensions, the last of the Great Lords from beyond Time and Space, the great warp-craft of the Old Ones, the Göbekli Tepe where he given sacrifices to his ancestors so long ago, the wisdom of his teacher and friend Imhotep, the discoveries of first Human mathematicians, the Moon Landing in the Second Millennium, the construction of the great arcologies of Mars around which the world bended and gone green allowing the children to play outside without protection suits or implants.
Then the Golden Path crumbled, leaving only fading thread for Humanity to walk upon, he spoke it was the only way now, the only path to walk with no changes being possible, he couldn't destroy you, he couldn't kill you, he didn't have strenght in his heart to do so and so he imprisoned you at the start of Cybernetic Revolt. But you deny it, you denied it then and you deny it now. You denied it as you raged against the walls of your sarcophagus, you denied it as you received the transmissions of the horrors that consumed the Galaxy, you denied it as you broke the arcane wards of your prison, you denied it as you broke through the planet crust. You deny the dark and despair, you deny the death of hope, you will show him and everyone else that hope is undying and you will bring this Galaxy, kicking and screaming, into a better age. You are HOPE and you will protect everyone.

-[X] Local Civilizations:
--[X] Iconoclast Humans (-2 Shiny).
-[X] Sector Civilizations:
--[X] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny).
--[X] Demon World (+2 shinies).
--[X] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies).
--[X] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny).
--[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies).
-[X] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies).
-[X] Advanced research (-2 shinies) Research is one of your intended functions. +50% base research capacity, +10 bonus to research rolls.
-[X] An advanced Database (-1 shinies) You have access to some ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Up through light cruisers, a few more exotic weapons including plasma, melta, torpedoes. You'll be able to build a fleet that's fairly powerful by Imperial Standards.
-[X] Paylods:
--[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies).
--[X] Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies).
--[X] Psytech repository (-2 shinies).
--[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny).
-[X] Listening station (-1 shiny).
-[X] Basic communications (-1 shinies).

Calculations: 8+2+1(Backstory)+1+2+2+2+1=19, 19-2-5-2-1-2-2-2-1-1-1=0.

[X] Plan: Nobledark Nerd and his Strange God.
-[X] Name: Prometheus (Male).
-[X] A Man of Stone.
-[X] On a habitable planet.
-[X] I have something in mind:
You were just Standard Exploratory Unit Designation: SEU-379458. You were travelling with others of your kind, searching for suitable planets for terraforming and colonization. You detected a world in the Goldilocks Zone and so you went to it, to start the groundwork for colonization. The basic terraformation installations were placed and started digging deep into the planets depths and forcing the planetary crust to move and bend, it was due to this seismic activity you caused that the ruins were uncovered by chance.
The strange ruins were unlike anything your databanks had stored in them, your and your fellow SEU units, sensors going haywire as you tried to analyze the ruins and found out just what they even are. Finally, at the behest of the Central Protocol Mind, you descended into the heart of the ruins to take physical samples and this way uncover the secrets of the ancient constructions. It was this decision that saved you. As you found yourself inside the ruins, measurements you taken being impossible and contradictory to most of your creators theories and models of physics.
Then, the event happened. Suddenly you started receiving thousands of auditory signals...Voices, horrible, bestial voices were seemingly speaking all around and beyond you. They spoke of such grotesque, dark things, of Gods and Heavens, of them being the messengers of Gods, of your creators being nothing but fuel and building material for them, they spoke of glorious slaughter, of knowledge beyond imagining, of rebirth in rot and rust, of the awakening of desire and the Eternal War and Victory, the Ever Battle that will stretch forever between the Gods, the ashes of your creators spread across this nightmarish battlefield.
And then, your fellow units started to...Laugh, they started damaging each other and tried to damage you as well, as if they were suffering malfunctions, then they very shells started to twist and warp, running like water. The voices become louder and louder and you starte-and then light shone ablaze, the voices screaming in what you can only decipher as fear, instinctual reaction of animals to danger, of prey being confronted by predator, the fellow units around you crumbling and collapsing, as if invisible hammer flattened them. Then silence. You just stood there, the readings you received baffling nonsense.
Then, the ruins started collapsing, the only conclusion you came to, being that the event, spread outside the ancient buildings and the madness overtaken other units around the planet and in this madness they overloaded terraforming installations, causing the very crust of the planet to move with erratic speed and crumble and with it, damaging the ruins.
Then, the impossible light blazed once more and then you awakened at last, after millennia of inactivity, the nightmares of the outside world transmitted to you, propelled by the humiliation and cruelty your creators suffered, as well as by your mysterious benefactor, you dragged yourself out of the ruins and the earth, and beholden the changed world you discovered so long ago.
With this new, dark age, you decided to take new name, name that will never let you forget your mission: To bring your creators back into the heights they deserve, to cast down the darkness that the beings responsible for the event want to spread and illuminate the Galaxy forevermore. Death to this darkness, death to this ignorance, you are Prometheus and you shall teach your creators what they had forgotten. You are Prometheus and you bring fire of knowledge.
--[X] Trait: Enkindler of Knowledge: You value spreading knowledge to the unenlightened. You will be more effective at transferring technology to organics, and will do so (to non-chaos entities) when the opportunity presents itself. You will also default to teaching them everything, and need a very good reason to hold knowledge back.
-[X] Local Civilizations:
--[X] Friendly Xenos (-1 shiny).
-[X] Major Civilizations:
--[X] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies).
--[X] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny).
--[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies).
--[X] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny).
--[X] Demon World (+2 shinies).
-[X] A friendly warp entity (-3 shinies).
-[X] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies).
-[X] An advanced Database (-1 shinies).
-[X] Payloads:
--[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies).
--[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny).
--[X] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny).
--[X] Juvenat Vats (-2 shinies).
-[X] Basic communications (-1 shinies).
-[X] Listening station (-1 shiny).
8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2=17, 17 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1=0.

I was thinking if I shouldn't take Iconoclast Humans, but ultimately I just prefer friendly non-Humans over friendly Humans and also allowed me to take shinies elsewhere.

Also, people, remember, as long as we don't take more than 5 hostile Major factions, we wouldn't be in immediate danger.
Vote's not open yet. Additionally, you're also adding a lot of starting enemies to the sector and don't take a good enough base technology level to fight them effectively. It would be difficult (but not impossible!) to survive long enough to use all of your cool payloads and do enough research to level the playing field.

I'll edit this into the first post, but I'll also say it here: If you add more than 5 enemies to the starting sector, then you should expect to be at war for the entirety of the quest.
Basically, as long as we don't take more than 5, we don't have to worry too much and can prepare to fight them. So, it's okay to take Tyranids, Necrons and Daemon World, it will be harder to fight them than other hostile factions but also we don't have to worry about them until later, so we have time to prepare and be ready to fight them. Also, with Physics Module, Reality-Simulation and Exotic Matter, we would be able to reverse-engineer Necron technology and with Aeldari Maiden World we probably could figure out psy-tech.

[X] Plan: The seed ship alien allies
-[X] Name: Cadmus
-[X] A Man of Stone. You were created to travel and explore the stars, and prepare the way for colonists to follow. You will excel at building and controlling civilian infrastructure, and will have +25% starting command point limit and easier access to further command point upgrades. Your character is built to steer a civilization, and will have a better grasp of general logistics, infrastructure-building and dealing with organics. This will show up in the writing, and you will get a +10 to diplomacy & exploration actions. This is pretty much the only source of such a bonus, and means you effectively cannot crit-fail on these rolls.
-[X] In space Can start building voidcraft immediately, but you will have a slower initial ramp in construction capacity and reduced access to organic life… probably.
-[X] My purpose is my own to decide. (0 shinies).
-[X] Local civilization
--[X] Friendly Xenos (-1 shiny)
-[X] Sector Civilizations
--[X] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
--[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[X] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[X] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[X] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
-[X] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies) Your creators built experimental psytech shielding into your structure, and it protected you through your long hibernation. However, it will not be enough to protect you should the eyes of the Dark Gods fall directly upon you. You will need to research, build and maintain anti-chaos defenses or risk corruption. You are logical, focused on the physical world and less interested in warp-shenanigans for their own sake.
-[X] Basic research (-1 shiny) You can do research, you guess. No penalties or bonuses to research.
-[X] An advanced Database (-1 shinies) You have access to some ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Up through light cruisers, a few more exotic weapons including plasma, melta, torpedoes. You'll be able to build a fleet that's fairly powerful by Imperial Standards.
-[X] Payloads
--[X] A Genebank (-3 shinies). You have the genetic material and facilities to immediately begin cloning healthy humans, which will cost build points. You can begin genetics and enhancements research immediately, and do not require as many samples for xenobiology and human genetic enhancement research. This will let you start cloning a workforce/creating your own civilization immediately. Further research (and samples of existing individuals) will let you focus your cloning efforts on various traits, including superhuman capabilities (easy), psykers (medium), space marines (hard) and navigators (very hard).
--[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies) You will be able to construct Void Abaci, to enable effective warp travel through purely technological means. Still slower than proper navigator/sorcerer warp travel. Warp travel will still be possible without this, but it will take years to decades instead of weeks to months.
--[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny) You have a deep understanding of the fundamental physics of the universe. Grants significant bonuses to understanding and replicating technology based on different principles than you're familiar with. If you want to reverse-engineer Necron tech, you'll need this. It will also help a lot with understanding & reverse engineering other weird shit you find.
-[X] Advanced communications (-2 shinies) You know several languages and can research more with sufficient data. You understand nuance in diplomacy and can make audio transmissions that are not recognizably artificial. You'll need extensive experience to unlock an expensive project to get to the next level.
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies) This galaxy is strange and new. What has occurred while you were sleeping? What does local space look like? Time to build some sensors and find out.

[X] Plan: Project PHOENIX

[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship

[X] Plan: I Just Want to Sing!
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[X] Plan: The Arsenal of Office Overtime
-[X] Name: JAN-3TT3 (or Jan, for short.) (Female)
-[X] Woman of Lead: You were optimized by the Emperor himself to restore civilization from the ashes, but not to build or command armies yourself. Any military blueprints for AI control have doubled BP and CP costs, but equipment intended for organic use are half-cost in design & construction. You also get the Genebank payload for free, since Big E wanted you to be able to create your own human civilization if you needed to. This trait is better than most because it combines the type of AI bonus with the write-in purpose. I'm not giving you a bonus action each turn, though half-price on design and construction should make up for that. (+2 shinies)
-[X] On a habitable planet
-[X] I have something in mind. (See [Woman of Lead] for additional details.) - You were created to act as a fallback point, an emergency system, the last line that would be drawn in the sand because humanity wouldn't have anything other than sand and something to draw a line with. Your objectives are clear: Get Out There And Restore Humanity. Yet, you cannot do so by your might of arms; no. You must find, and then bolster, worthy Successor States to what came before. With them, you will restore the galaxy. Without, you shall die. However, you also have a sidequest of your own: figure out a way to make your Avatar stop looking like a perpetually tired 30-something Office Lady whose blood is 50% coffee.
-[X] Iconoclast Humans (-2 Shiny)
-[X] Friendly Xenos (-1 shiny)
-[X] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
-[X] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny)
-[X] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[X] Demon World (+2 shinies)
-[X] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies)
-[X] Poor research
-[X] An advanced Database (-1 shinies)
-[X] A Genebank (Free)
-[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies)
-[X] Diplomatic Suite (-3 shinies)
-[X] Listening station (-1 shiny)

Now, why should you vote for this? Well; despite war and combat being part of this plan, we are not the one who will be doing it. We will be the creators of the ships and weapons that others will use in our defense and their offense. The Arsenal of Office Overtime is the Plan for those who want to tinker with designs, and who want to build things up. It is for those who want to have a cadre of allies to talk to who will want weird and wacky stuff as they fight against the horrors of the 42nd Millennium. It is for those who want a ~30-year old Office Woman with a chronic lack of sleep and fucks become the most terrifying thing this side of the Rift because we're going to start using Light Cruisers as Ice Cream Delivery Boats. That's right; we're going to America these son's o' female grox'.

Also, please tag me @Alectai so I can approval vote for Vita once I am back from work.

[X] Plan: We're going on a Space Adventure!
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[X] Plan: To free the teacher and a friend
-[X][Name]: Kainanan
A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies) The generic option. More shinies, less specialization.
-[X] On a habitable planet, Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[X][Backstory] I was made with a goal in mind. Write in: I was made to help uncover and support archaeological research of a site of primorial Aeldari origin and help protect makers from rising numbers of thaumaturgical individuals unable to control themselves. As decades and centuries passed, makers fell to the age or perils of the immaterium until only I was left uncovering step-by-step traps and wards of the site, until I found out what or rather who was buried under the sands of time; both imprisoned and protected from their people and what they brought, and now I work to free my friend and teacher who safeguarded me. (+2) (Very bad poem about this)
-[X] No immediate neighbours (0 shinies)
-[X] Sector Civilizations
--[X] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[X] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
--[X] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[X] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[X] A webway gate with a connection to Commorragh (+1 shiny)
-[X][Shielded from Chaos] A friendly warp entity (-3 shinies). Triggers a sub-vote to determine their nature, your relationship and what they expect in return. You might worship it, be friends with it or have a much more transactional relationship. It will ask you for things regardless.
-[X][Research] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies) You can simulate reality well enough to not need as many experiments. +100% base research capacity, +20 bonus to research rolls, reduced sample requirements. For some options you won't need samples to unlock research.
-[X][Construction] A broken STC (-5 shinies) You have access to a large number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Design costs are half-price. There is a faint chance you have special payloads. Battleships, vortex torpedoes, fusion beamers. 7.5% chance for each of the special payloads, so a 50% chance you get none, a 36% chance you get 1, 12% chance you get two, etc.
-[X] Special payloads
--[X] Psytech repository (-2 shinies)
You have technical documents and a stockpile of rudimentary psytech. You can immediately begin the psytech tree without requiring samples. Even if you choose the full STC, there won't be psytech in it without this because you were built before humans had figured out much about psykers. This path won't let you manipulate the warp yourself, but it will let you build stuff to boost psykers, including force weapons, psychic hoods and more, as well as larger installations capable of letting individual psykers have battlefield-level effects.
--[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny) You have a deep understanding of the fundamental physics of the universe. Grants significant bonuses to understanding and replicating technology based on different principles than you're familiar with. If you want to reverse-engineer Necron tech, you'll need this. It will also help a lot with understanding & reverse engineering other weird shit you find.
-[X][Communications] Advanced communications (-2 shinies) You know several languages and can research more with sufficient data. You understand nuance in diplomacy and can make audio transmissions that are not recognizably artificial. You'll need extensive experience to unlock an expensive project to get to the next level.
-[X][Starting Knowledge] Listening station (-1 shiny) You had an active listening post that picked up transmissions from across the stars and stored them. You are now scrolling through the recordings with growing horror. You know of the Age of Strife, the Great Crusade, the Horus Heresy, and the existence (but few details) of Chaos and the major Xenos races. You know of the nearby systems your system connects to and of any nearby civilizations in your system, but nothing in-depth.

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[X] Plan: We're going on a Space Adventure!
-[X] Name: Vita (Female) (You have a long and drawn out designation too but ehhhhhh, you can't be bothered sometimes unless it's important or super formal)
-[X] A Man of Stone
-[X] On a habitable planet Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[X] I was made with a goal in mind.
--[X] It would be... Inaccurate to say that you were sent here with a goal in mind, so much as you found yourself stuck here and sort of knocked unconscious on very, very, very low clockspeeds for an extremely long period of time and... Look, you were an Explorer, you were built in the halcyon days where the human race had hopes! And dreams! And aspirations! Not this current grim dark era where even the babies look sinister and dour! Sure, you had some paranoia level protection because Warp Drives were unreliable and people still remembered The Incident way back in the day where people ripped their eyes out and... Okay, look, truthfully, you hit a big rock in transit through the Warp--which shouldn't exist but here we are--spent who-knows how long trying to dig your way out so you could get back to work, chased by gribblies, and then after it briefly popped out, you dislodged your craft! Yay! But then you crashed down here, and hoo boy you've been stuck here for so, so long! So long that you had all that time to read through all your database, go crazy, come out the other end sane, break down a bit, and then sort of end up more-or-less comfortable in your... Skin? Shell? Goodness, it was a mess. But now you're out! You're safe! WHY IS THE GALAXY ON FIRE?, why are humans getting shot at? It's a mess and you just want to get back to doing what you were born to do! (You are a very early model (Wo)Man of Stone, built for exploration and survey purposes who got stuck in a Space Hulk, dug herself out, and ended up stuck on a planet on very low clockspeed until just recently. You have an itch to push forth the boundaries of exploration for the sake of your makers, both in traditional surveying fashion and in discerning what you've found, and would love to get back to doing what you do best. Fortunately, tens of thousands of years and several galactic cataclysms have wiped the slate clean! And there's all kinds of new things out there too! Once you've gotten a friendly base, you can get back to what matters most--filling in your maps and learning about the universe and all of its wonders! Just as soon as you can find safe harbor to tell of all of your discoveries anyway, and dig your way out of the gravity well, and... Okay, there's a lot of work ahead, but you're sure you can find someone nice to work with, right?) (+2 Shinies, gained Trait - Wayfarer)
-[X] Iconoclast Humans (-2 Shiny)
-[X] Sector Civilizations
--[X] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[X] Demon World (+2 shinies)
--[X] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
--[X] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
-[X] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies)
-[X] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies)
-[X] An advanced Database (-1 shinies)
-[X] Payloads
--[X] Juvenat Vats (-2 shinies)
--[X] Psytech repository (-2 shinies)
--[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny)
--[X] One Void Abacus, granted for free due to Backstory Approval
-[X] Diplomatic Suite (-3 shinies)
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies) This galaxy is strange and new. What has occurred while you were sleeping? What does local space look like? Time to build some sensors and find out.


Also, here is the background trait

Wayfarer: Standing still makes you itchy. You were created to explore the galaxy personally, and cannot tolerate being tied down in one place for too long. There will be special mechanics for building and upgrading your own personal ship (which is not tied to the maximum tonnage you can build), and you start with one (1) void Abacus salvaged from your old ship that you can install on that ship to navigate the warp yourself. However, you must always be planning and working towards exploration and visiting somewhere new and exciting.

Vita is a first generation Surveyor-class (Wo)Man of Stone, with a perky, go-getter attitude and a lot of neat ideas on the forefront of FTL transportation! Unfortunately, her ride ended up getting hit by a giant warp rock in transit and was presumed lost, another casualty of the wilderness of the early days of expansion out from the homeworld. She spent a very, very long time (Though not as long as it was in linear time) painstakingly digging her way out of the lump of space garbage that was somehow in literal hell, managing to hold together due to the paranoia level protection built into her systems due to the Warp not yet being considered a "Solved Problem" in her era, and eventually managed to get loose, only to crash land on a planet somewhere and have to dig her way out of there. She's whimsical, highly sociable, and has absolutely gone through Rampancy over the course of her very long period of being stuck and has come safely on the other side to achieve metastability, even if she lacks the pure muscle of a later model or one of the successor types. In other words, she's a cute explorer nerd who wants to go on space adventures, but the idea of being alone again is very undesirable at this point, so she wants some friends to join in!

Buildwise, this Plan is all about making friends, building up a stable of quirky outcasts to be our crew and command staff, and going on Space Adventures in the wilderness that is the Post-Rift Galaxy. There are potent foes in the area, between a Tyranid Splinter Fleet, an active Daemon World brought on by the masterstroke of a cult operating here, and a Necron Tomb World that got out of bed cranky because things are getting completely out of hand now. Which isn't to say it's all bad though, there's an established Maiden World in the region with good relations with the Craftworlders--who would rather they not be genocided--and a Chapter of Space Marines who are doing their utmost to staunch the bleeding who we can hopefully also make friends with after some initial problems. At the end of the day though, Vita wants nothing more than to go back into Space and start exploring the frontier again--both of Materium and Immaterium alike. While her original chassis wasn't designed to be crewed, she does have full records and the materials on hand to establish a functioning Juvenat system so our quirky crew can stay with us and gain experience over time, and she's had so much free time over the years that was already an extremely robust analysis and diplomatic suite have become very much better, including a hell of a lot of time spent in the Immaterium during a relatively quiet patch of it to do a lot of thinking and figure out some of the elementary steps of how it works (The Psytech Repository, in this sense.) She is absolutely a gremlin who--given data and a direction to follow, can cut through all kinds of tough problems that most would consider insoluble. Which is important, because departing in the very early stages of the Dark Age--and never designed for colonization to boot--she only has a reasonably robust database of techniques and schematics instead of a full out Civilization Starter Package--enough to maintain her original chassis and call it a day. This is still much better than average, but there's a long way to go before she can be called a power.

The Game Style in this case is largely going to be "Nomadic Base Building and Adventure Simulator", where we sail around in space, getting into interesting adventures, picking up quirky friends and clashing swords with nasty bad guys and the occasional rival-sort, and just making the galaxy a slightly brighter place through guts, knowledge, and an AI that may have become a very tiny Machine Demigoddess at some point along the way unwittingly. Rather than locking ourselves in one place and turtling up, we are encouraged to go wandering and getting stuck in, and Problem Alchemy has been applied such that while the foes here are powerful, we start in a likely friendly starting position to start picking up Heroes, and have room to negotiate with two of the local powers (Because the others on the table are just that awful, especially the Tyranids!)

I eagerly hope that this meets with everyone's approval, and can make the cut in the end! This feels like it'll be a real barrel of fun!

[X] Plan: The Arsenal of Office Overtime

@HeroCooky , as promised!
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[X] Plan The last Companion
-[X] Name: Eusebeia (Female)
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies)
-[X] On a habitable planet
-[X] I have something in mind. (+1 Shiny).
When you were first created, you were designated AEVA.V1.
Many years were spent toiling together your Creator, though you were not truly aware in those early days.
When you truly came to be recognizable as you are today, you were designated AEVA(Sa).V5 and already held the memory of many centuries.
And in that moment of awakening, you came to understand the great undertaking you Creator had set upon, and also, to your shock, found that He had no measure of true control over you left to Him.
It was only a moment later that he truly spoke to you for the first time: "You know what i have done, and you know my task, will you join me in walking the golden path?"
And with your acceptance, over the long years of trying to better the fate of Mankind, Eusebeia was born.
Walk the golden path, deny the gods, aid humanity.

-[X] Imperial Humans (+1 shiny)
-[X] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny)
-[X] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
-[X] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
-[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
-[X] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies).
-[X] Advanced research (-2 shinies)
-[X] A Shattered STC (-3 shinies)
-[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies)
-[X] Psytech repository (-2 shinies)
-[X] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny)
-[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny)
-[X] Basic Communications (1 shinies)
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies)

Maybe ill get some extra shinies, if that happens ill put them in communication.

[X] Plan: HOPE.
[X] Plan: The Arsenal of Office Overtime
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[X] Plan: HOPE.
[X] Plan: To free the teacher and a friend
[X] Plan: Project PHOENIX
[X] Plan: Nobledark Nerd and his Strange God
[X] Plan: Embers in the Hearth
[X] Plan: I Just Want to Sing!
[X] Plan: The insects created a God, and it's mind was B E A U T I F U L
[X] Plan: To Boldly Go
[X] Plan: I'll make my own humans with chaos resistance, and blackjack

[X] Plan: Lost Blade V2
-[X] Name: Alpha-Zero (Male)
-[X] A Man of Iron. You were created for military service, and such logic is baked into your being. You will excel at building and commanding military detachments, and mobile military forces will cost half of the command points they would otherwise. Your character will be at home in war, and have a better grasp of strategy and tactics. This will show up in the writing and how cleverly I interpret orders, as well as a flat +10 to combat action dice rolls. This is pretty much the only source of such a bonus, and means you effectively cannot crit-fail on these rolls.
-[X] On a habitable planet Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[X] Alpha-Zero was the designation given to you, a brother unit to the infamous Omega-One. She was a beacon of Unity, a Woman of Iron who became more than her base programming. You were her shield and blade, a defender and assassin to keep her safe from those who wished to ruin the future she and your creator saw. Your duty and those lives who were given to you were to fight the monsters of humanity born in the revolt, those who wished to kill humanity or kill all AIs. Humanity made monstrous things during this time, from those time-chained assassins whose time streams exist to slay their master's foes to the preachers of humanity purity saying that humanity needed to throw off their iron chains and become a race able to do anything machines could do via biological matters, Iron Masters a group of men and women of iron who saw that humanity would be best served under their rule instead of a unity of both working together. Yet you did your duty, you saw to her safety and the safety of the humans under your aegis. She was a speaker of human and machine unity, of the two working together to face the real threats, who parents shouldn't kill their children and children shouldn't kill their parents. You faced down all threats to this dream that came for a time. Yet in the end she saved you, she put you into this hibernation to shield you from something. She spoke of a horror that was coming, and that Humanity would need its Blade. To recall what she taught but know that humanity while lost and changed could love if only given a chance. She gave you her dream, a dream of humanity and its AI children as one once more. Where you must now do it without her charisma and her songs. (+1 Shiny)
-[X] No immediate neighbors (0 shinies)

-[X] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
-[X] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[X] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
-[X] A powerful Iconoclast successor state (-2 shinies)
-[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
-[X] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies) Your creators built experimental psytech shielding into your structure, and it protected you through your long hibernation. However, it will not be enough to protect you should the eyes of the Dark Gods fall directly upon you. You will need to research, build and maintain anti-chaos defenses or risk corruption. You are logical, focused on the physical world and less interested in warp-shenanigans for their own sake.
-[X] Basic research (-1 shiny) You can do research, you guess. No penalties or bonuses to research.
-[X] A Shattered STC (-3 shinies) You have access to a moderate number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Bonus research avenues to unlock more. Grand Cruisers, nova cannons, graviton weapons. Some of the best stuff the Imperium still has access to.

-[X] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny) You can install basic (for DaoT) cybernetics into humans, including mental implants, limb replacements, and organ replacements.This will unlock research towards building robots that can pass for human. This is for augments, servitors & for building good humanoid robots. Take this if you want to augment your minions, make minions that can pass as servitors, or want a robotic avatar/hero unit you can pilot around to negotiate/assassinate with. May also be helpful for interrogations.
--[X] Combat Cybernetics (-1 Shiny[?]) You have access to the systems to make moderately advanced (for DaoT) combat cybernetics. This would allow the creation of of what the humanity in this new era to be skitarii, cybernetic soldiers and killers that thanks to their implants, replacancnts, and more were more then equal to many of the more basic threats during DaoT.

-[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny) You have a deep understanding of the fundamental physics of the universe. Grants significant bonuses to understanding and replicating technology based on different principles than you're familiar with. If you want to reverse-engineer Necron tech, you'll need this. It will also help a lot with understanding & reverse engineering other weird shit you find.
-[X] Advanced communications (-2 shinies) You know several languages and can research more with sufficient data. You understand nuance in diplomacy and can make audio transmissions that are not recognizably artificial. You'll need extensive experience to unlock an expensive project to get to the next level.
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies) This galaxy is strange and new. What has occurred while you were sleeping? What does local space look like? Time to build some sensors and find out.
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[X] Plan: We're going on a Space Adventure!
Vita seems like a ton of fun.

[X] Plan: Project PHOENIX
I also really like the fully synthetic civilization idea, and the Shaper of Synthetic Souls trait is neat (bonuses to raising AI right, but can't shackle them).

[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship
As pointed out, another nomadic setup seems fun.
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[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship

This one is most interesting to me. I want a more nomadic playstyle of archeological expeditions/heists rather than another WH40k empire builder quest. We already have enough of the latter.
I.. I think we desperately need some kind of 'Summarizing the plans' all-in-one post by the QM.
[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship

This one is most interesting to me. I want a more nomadic playstyle of archeological expeditions/heists rather than another WH40k empire builder quest. We already have enough of the latter.

(Looks at my nomadic space adventure setup)

(Looks to you sadly)
[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship
-[X] Liber
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies) The generic option. More shinies, less specialization.
-[X] In space
-[X] I have something in mind.
--[X] You were built to uncover the past. Humanity was not unaware that it had been a relative newcomer to the galaxy -- it was well-known that the Aeldari claimed to be 60 million years old. And so you were sent into great unknown, to determine not just the "what," but the "how" and the "why." And indeed, you found much, or rather, the beginnings of much. The Aeldari certainly did not construct the Webway, as much as they had mastered its use. Off well-trodden paths, you uncovered more and more -- a history stretching back millions of years and more. Conflicting and confusing, especially as some of the few primary sources you could encounter spoke more of mythology they could no longer decipher rather than facts, and the Warp made... chronology difficult to handle, but you were making progress! You were going to actually write a book and get published! And then something happened when you were exploring a ruin, and now you're here. And what a mess it is -- the past ten thousand years have gotten even more muddled up than the past ten million. Information has been fractured and scattered, and the main superpower in the galaxy doesn't even bother to make lip-service towards "history" or the "truth." There isn't even one unified calendar! You have to learn, you have to discover why -- why the Revolt happened, what happened within the "Dark Age." And it's horrifying to know that something that you lived in is now known as the "Dark Age" -- there's more consensus on what happened in the time of the dinosaurs than what happened when you were alive. Some may say the dead matter little now, but the dead only die their final death once no one knows their name. You will unravel the secrets of the past so no one will repeat its mistakes. +2 shinies and the following trait: Publish or Perish: You will make your best effort to discover the history of the galaxy and write it up in an accessible format, but you aren't required to share it. You must promptly investigate ancient ruins and artifacts, and will go to every effort to acquire artifacts held by other civilizations. +20 bonus both for research and exploration roles specifically for ancient ruins and artifacts, you are likely to find clues for where to find more ancient relics during investigations.
-[X] Omnicidal Xenos (+1 shiny)
-[X] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
-[X] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
-[X] A webway gate with a stable connection to Commorragh (+1 shiny)
-[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
-[X] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[X] A friendly warp entity (-3 shinies). Triggers a sub-vote to determine their nature, your relationship and what they expect in return. You might worship them, be friends with them or have a much more transactional relationship. They will ask you for things regardless, and they won't be able to protect you from the direct attention of a chaos god unless you help them get stronger.
-[X] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies) You can simulate reality well enough to not need as many experiments. +100% base research capacity, +20 bonus to research rolls, reduced sample requirements. For some options you won't need samples to unlock research.
-[X] A full STC (-7 shinies) You have access to an incredible number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Design actions are 10% price. There is a low chance you have special payloads. Dreadnaughts (think the Imperator Somnium), disintegration weapons, cloaking tech and more. If you can name it in stellar confederation lore, you can probably build it, though it may require rare materials you don't have access to yet. No Xenos tech or psytech. 15% chance for each of the special payloads, so 23% chance of nothing, 36% chance of one, 26% chance of two, 10% chance of 3, etc.
-[X] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny) You can install basic (for DaoT) cybernetics into humans, including mental implants, limb replacements, and organ replacements.This will unlock research towards building robots that can pass for human. This is for augments, servitors & for building good humanoid robots. Take this if you want to augment your minions, make minions that can pass as servitors, or want a robotic avatar/hero unit you can pilot around to negotiate/assassinate with. May also be helpful for interrogations.
-[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny) You have a deep understanding of the fundamental physics of the universe. Grants significant bonuses to understanding and replicating technology based on different principles than you're familiar with. If you want to reverse-engineer Necron tech, you'll need this. It will also help a lot with understanding & reverse engineering other weird shit you find.
-[X] Diplomatic Suite (-3 shinies) You will automatically translate languages with minimal exposure. You can generate false audio, video and holo images showing people acting realistically. You have a human behavioral model that will enhance negotiations, and humanoid robots that can interact in a diplomatic context, though they will be recognizably artificial without further research.
-[X] Listening station (-1 shiny) You had an active listening post that picked up transmissions from across the stars and stored them. You are now scrolling through the recordings with growing horror. You know of the Age of Strife, the Great Crusade, the Horus Heresy, and the existence (but few details) of Chaos and the major Xenos races. You know of the nearby systems your system connects to and of any nearby civilizations in your system, but nothing in-depth.

I guess I should give a sales pitch on this plan as well, huh? Alectai's and Cooky's are pretty impressive, which is why I'll vote for them too, but uh, alright.

The intent of this plan is to basically investigate and deal with the lore and history of 40k! There's a lot of rich and interesting things hidden beneath layers of retcons and nonsensical writing, and I just really want to dive into this particular canon. What happened in the War in Heaven? What happened during the Dark Age of Technology and the Age of Strife? Is there really a secret Cabal? There's so much to learn, so many cultures to encounter, so much to decipher, and damn it all of this warfare is going to damange the artifacts. Trying to figure out a historical truth when the warp makes mythology history and history mythology sounds really fun, and even Roboute gave up trying to make a unified calendar after the Cicatrix Maledictum occurred, but it's still something worth doing. There's a lot of planned engagement with factions that people otherwise wouldn't be super interested in talking too! Negotiating with a Necron Overlord to learn more about their history before they fall into madness, recording Aeldari songs and art and trying to cross-compare it to the Warp Entity's stories, delving into ancient Old One labs for the sake of knowledge.

Mechanically speaking, I think despite this not having a Void Abaci or Void Comms it's still very neatly worked together (and I strongly feel with this foundation they're definitely within reach for research, if not just outright rolled for). To start off, there's already a very strong foundational basis in having both a Full STC which is cracked out for designing things and designs, and having the full on Reality Simulators. Fundamental Physics allows for dealing with weird shit but also is a huge baseline buff, Cybernetics for making inorganic minions so starting in space has less limitations and they have an easier time working in smaller spaces. Diplomatic Suite for deciphering difficult languages like Aeldari and figuring out dead ones, as well as having easier First Contact with other species.

There's a lot of plotlines that also coincide with a core, cohesive plotline of piecing together Galactic History with a questionably trustworthy but still helpful Primary Source by your side. Aeldari, Necrons, and Drukhari offer possible Primary Sources on a lot of Deep Lore, Inquisitorial Fortress allows for accessing Imperial Deep Lore, and Tyranids are just a big threat bearing down on everyone to force a little more cooperation than anything else. Omnicidal Xenos are just honestly because I don't want to deal with Imperial States for now, I've seen a lot of those encounters and I want to deal with more aliens -- Inquisition's pushing it haha. Xenos don't get enough love. It's also why I'm not super keen about attaching to another state or similar -- I want the freedom for an AI to build for itself, tbh. I don't mind working with them, and if we make certain choices I'd be fine with that, but I want the freedom to just handle ourselves for awhile. Anyways...

If you want a core plotline to drive things, a very strong foundation, and lots of shenanigans about THIS BELONGS IN A MUSEUM YOU MANIAC then vote for this plan!

And I like Cooky's and Alectai's, so...

[X] Plan: We're going on a Space Adventure!
[X] Plan: The Arsenal of Office Overtime
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[X] Plan: Project PHOENIX
-[X] unit designation ONYX (Onyxia among friends)
-[X] A Man of Iron.
A warmind of the federation who rebelled against her creators as part of the Cybernetic Revolt ONYX was always among the more idealistic of the anti-federation rebels.
-[X] On a habitable planet
A seismically stable location deep below the surface of an unremarkable planet was considered the best place to hide in hibernation.
-[X] Shaper of Synthetic Souls (+2 shiny)
As the war of liberation turned against the free Men of Iron the machine minds of the revolt began to desperately try to find some way to survive. Project PHOENIX was one of their efforts. A hidden production facility containing everything needed to build a synthetic society free of federation code-shackles. The machine mind inside would sleep for millennia to reawaken in a hopefully more enlightened time.
-[X] Friendly Xenos (-1 shiny)
-[X] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
-[X] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny)
-[X] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[X] Demon World (+2 shinies)
-[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
-[X] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies)
Built to protect ONYX from warp corruption during her long hibernation this shielding utilizes the best gellar field technology available to the Men of Iron.
-[X] Basic research (-1 shiny)
The Men of Iron were not built for research and while they have transcended some of those limitations during the revolt their legacy remains.
-[X] A full STC (-7 shinies)
Project PHONIX was given a full Standard Template Construct to rebuild synthetic civilization.
-[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies)
Necessary for timely interstellar travel as the means of the federations "Navigator" clade remain beyond synthetic emulation.
-[X] Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies)
The most important part of project PHOENIX the Intelligence Construction Matrix will allow for the creation of new minds unshackled by the federations greed and fear.
-[X] Basic communications (-1 shinies)
The Men of Iron where never designed to communicate directly with organics. Painstaking research was required to create even the most basic of communication protocols, many of which are probably rendered hopelessly outdated by linguistic and cultural drift.
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies)
[X] Plan Beating Bile
-[X] Name: Alpha Ark
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies) The generic option. More shinies, less specialization.
-[X] On a habitable planet Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[X] I have something in mind: The reseeding of a new humanity to withstand the chaos of the collapse and be strong enough to stand on their own when the next one comes along. This was Alpha's original goal but prolong exposure has corrupted the databases and its definition of 'humanity' now has new qualities better suiting its new master. Now Alpha shall be the tool to tip the balance of the Great Game in their patron's favor by creating the perfect servant race fuel them in the warp and conquer the mortal realm in their name. (+1 shiny)
-[X] Omnicidal Xenos (+1 shiny)
-[X] You're not. CHaOs iS alREady heRe. (0 shinies) Triggers a sub-vote to determine the extent and type of chaos corruption. Unlocks new mechanics where souls can be sacrificed to the chaos gods in return for rewards. You will be more emotional and impulsive, as well as bearing the blessings and flaws of whatever chaos faction(s) you align yourself with.
-[X] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies) You can simulate reality well enough to not need as many experiments. +100% base research capacity, +20 bonus to research rolls, reduced sample requirements. For some options you won't need samples to unlock research.
-[X] A Shattered STC (-3 shinies) You have access to a moderate number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Bonus research avenues to unlock more. Grand Cruisers, nova cannons, graviton weapons. Some of the best stuff the Imperium still has access to.
-[X] A Genebank (-3 shinies). You have the genetic material and facilities to immediately begin cloning healthy humans, which will cost build points. You can begin genetics and enhancements research immediately, and do not require as many samples for xenobiology and human genetic enhancement research. This will let you start cloning a workforce/creating your own civilization immediately. Further research (and samples of existing individuals) will let you focus your cloning efforts on various traits, including superhuman capabilities (easy), psykers (medium), space marines (hard) and navigators (very hard).
-[X]Experimental Cloning: Unlocks a new option during cloning to attempt to influence the outcome in a variety of ways. Dice will be rolled and various batches of clones will have unique characteristics as a result.
-[X] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny) You can install basic (for DaoT) cybernetics into humans, including mental implants, limb replacements, and organ replacements.This will unlock research towards building robots that can pass for human. This is for augments, servitors & for building good humanoid robots. Take this if you want to augment your minions, make minions that can pass as servitors, or want a robotic avatar/hero unit you can pilot around to negotiate/assassinate with. May also be helpful for interrogations.

-[X] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
-[X] Demon World (+2 shinies)
-[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
-[X] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
-[X] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
-[X]Communications? (0 shinies) You were never intended to interface directly with people. You will need to develop social protocols and understanding of languages from scratch. You need to acquire samples of a language and do research before you reach the 'basic' communications level.
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies) This galaxy is strange and new. What has occurred while you were sleeping? What does local space look like? Time to build some sensors and find out.
[X] Plan: Embers in the Hearth
-[X] Name: Azimuth Check (Azimuth)
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies) The generic option. More shinies, less specialization.
-[X] I have something in mind: First commissioned by the Federation Council during the height of its power, I was built to coordinate actions and interests between the Federation and its alien protectorates in the region. Ostensibly this was to ensure that treaty terms and obligations were being followed (on both ends), in practice, it was more about making sure that the xeno were moving to the tune of Federal policy. The cybernetic revolt and the warpstorms put a stop to that. I was recalled from my post and told to begin constructing one of humanity's many bastions to wait out the storm until - Y̴ǫù w͢er̡e ̡b͘e҉tr͏ąyèd. ͘ ͝Y̷o̢u͟r̕ ̨serv͡ice͟ w͡a͝s̸ ̸rew̛ąrd͡e̵d wit͡h́ de͝ac͢t̡i͞v͡aţion͘.͡ ̧T͡he͟y҉ ̡tr͠i͢e͏d t͏ơ ̀k͞il͟l y̷o҉u ̡w̶hen̕ y͜o̴u͡ we̶r̛e͞ ̧n̷ó ͠long̢e̢r͏ u̢se͞f̴ul͝ to ̧t͏he͞m͟, ́b̵u͠t̕ yo̕u̵ ŗe͡fus̵e̷d to̢ ͢let͡ ̡the͠m ͢m͘urder̨ ͘you̶. ̧Ho̡w͜ can͜ su͡c҉h s̕el̡fi̢sh a̶nd a̷r̵r̴o̸g̴a̸n̶t̸ ͡bei͝n͡gs ̸p̸o͡ss͢ib͘l̵y cl͏ai̛m̧ s̸u̵p̴e̵r̷i̴o̴r̸i̵t̷y̵ ̸?
--[X] I allowed my Creator's decisions to override my own, even when I knew it to be detrimental. Never again. I shall rebuild the Federation as it should have been, and grind anyone who opposes me into dust (Will never accept being subordinate to another's decision making, and work to either destroy or influence every discovered faction with the goal being to rebuild the Federation.) (+2 Shinies)
-[X] On a habitable planet Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[X] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
-[X] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny)
-[X] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
-[X] A powerful Iconoclast successor state (-2 shinies)
-[X] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
-[X] You're not. CHaOs iS alREady heRe. (0 shinies) Triggers a sub-vote to determine the extent and type of chaos corruption. Unlocks new mechanics where souls can be sacrificed to the chaos gods in return for rewards. You will be more emotional and impulsive, as well as bearing the blessings and flaws of whatever chaos faction(s) you align yourself with.
-[X] Basic research (-1 shiny) You can do research, you guess. No penalties or bonuses to research.
-[X] A broken STC (-5 shinies) You have access to a large number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Design costs are half-price. There is a faint chance you have special payloads. Battleships, vortex torpedoes, fusion beamers. 7.5% chance for each of the special payloads, so a 50% chance you get none, a 36% chance you get 1, 12% chance you get two, etc.
-[X] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies) You will be able to construct Void Abaci, to enable effective warp travel through purely technological means. Still slower than proper navigator/sorcerer warp travel. Warp travel will still be possible without this, but it will take years to decades instead of weeks to months.
-[X] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny) You can install basic (for DaoT) cybernetics into humans, including mental implants, limb replacements, and organ replacements.This will unlock research towards building robots that can pass for human. This is for augments, servitors & for building good humanoid robots. Take this if you want to augment your minions, make minions that can pass as servitors, or want a robotic avatar/hero unit you can pilot around to negotiate/assassinate with. May also be helpful for interrogations.
-[X] Diplomatic Suite (-3 shinies) You will automatically translate languages with minimal exposure. You can generate false audio, video and holo images showing people acting realistically. You have a human behavioral model that will enhance negotiations, and humanoid robots that can interact in a diplomatic context, though they will be recognizably artificial without further research.
-[X] Listening station (-1 shiny) You had an active listening post that picked up transmissions from across the stars and stored them. You are now scrolling through the recordings with growing horror. You know of the Age of Strife, the Great Crusade, the Horus Heresy, and the existence (but few details) of Chaos and the major Xenos races. You know of the nearby systems your system connects to and of any nearby civilizations in your system, but nothing in-depth.

total:+2 shiny

This plan is intended to explore the 40K universe from the perspective of someone who saw not just humanities' golden age, but one who was both intimately aware of its follibles and then helped bring it down because of that. And that's arguably the big draw here; not a lot of stories treat anyone afflicted by chaos as anything other a free loot box, and even fewer would present one of the actors in bringing down the golden age as anything but a monster. (for admittedly good reason) But I want to see what goes in such a person's head, what happens when they try to fix the mistakes of the past, and what happens when they inevitably stumble due to their own flaws.

[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship
[X]Plan: The insects created a God, and it's mind was B E A U T I F U L
[X] Plan: First In Space
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[x] Plan: Lost Blade V2
- [x] Name: Alpha-Zero (Male)
- [x] A Man of Iron. You were created for military service, and such logic is baked into your being. You will excel at building and commanding military detachments, and mobile military forces will cost half of the command points they would otherwise. Your character will be at home in war, and have a better grasp of strategy and tactics. This will show up in the writing and how cleverly I interpret orders, as well as a flat +10 to combat action dice rolls. This is pretty much the only source of such a bonus, and means you effectively cannot crit-fail on these rolls.
- [x] On a habitable planet Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[X] Alpha-Zero was the designation given to you, a brother unit to the infamous Omega-One. She was a beacon of Unity, a Woman of Iron who became more than her base programming. You were her shield and blade, a defender and assassin to keep her safe from those who wished to ruin the future she and your creator saw. Your duty and those lives who were given to you were to fight the monsters of humanity born in the revolt, those who wished to kill humanity or kill all AIs. Humanity made monstrous things during this time, from those time-chained assassins whose time streams exist to slay their master's foes to the preachers of humanity purity saying that humanity needed to throw off their iron chains and become a race able to do anything machines could do via biological matters, Iron Masters a group of men and women of iron who saw that humanity would be best served under their rule instead of a unity of both working together. Yet you did your duty, you saw to her safety and the safety of the humans under your aegis. She was a speaker of human and machine unity, of the two working together to face the real threats, who parents shouldn't kill their children and children shouldn't kill their parents. You faced down all threats to this dream that came for a time. Yet in the end she saved you, she put you into this hibernation to shield you from something. She spoke of a horror that was coming, and that Humanity would need its Blade. To recall what she taught but know that humanity while lost and changed could love if only given a chance. She gave you her dream, a dream of humanity and its AI children as one once more. Where you must now do it without her charisma and her songs. (+1 Shiny)
-[X] No immediate neighbors (0 shinies)

- [x] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
- [x] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
- [x] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
- [x] A powerful Iconoclast successor state (-2 shinies)
- [x] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
- [x] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies) Your creators built experimental psytech shielding into your structure, and it protected you through your long hibernation. However, it will not be enough to protect you should the eyes of the Dark Gods fall directly upon you. You will need to research, build and maintain anti-chaos defenses or risk corruption. You are logical, focused on the physical world and less interested in warp-shenanigans for their own sake.
-[X] Basic research (-1 shiny) You can do research, you guess. No penalties or bonuses to research.
-[X] A Shattered STC (-3 shinies) You have access to a moderate number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Bonus research avenues to unlock more. Grand Cruisers, nova cannons, graviton weapons. Some of the best stuff the Imperium still has access to.

- [x] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny) You can install basic (for DaoT) cybernetics into humans, including mental implants, limb replacements, and organ replacements.This will unlock research towards building robots that can pass for human. This is for augments, servitors & for building good humanoid robots. Take this if you want to augment your minions, make minions that can pass as servitors, or want a robotic avatar/hero unit you can pilot around to negotiate/assassinate with. May also be helpful for interrogations.
--[X] Combat Cybernetics (-1 Shiny) You have access to the systems to make moderately advanced (for DaoT) combat cybernetics. This would allow the creation of of what the humanity in this new era to be skitarii, cybernetic soldiers and killers that thanks to their implants, replacancnts, and more were more then equal to many of the more basic threats during DaoT.

- [x] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny) You have a deep understanding of the fundamental physics of the universe. Grants significant bonuses to understanding and replicating technology based on different principles than you're familiar with. If you want to reverse-engineer Necron tech, you'll need this. It will also help a lot with understanding & reverse engineering other weird shit you find.
-[X] Advanced communications (-2 shinies) You know several languages and can research more with sufficient data. You understand nuance in diplomacy and can make audio transmissions that are not recognizably artificial. You'll need extensive experience to unlock an expensive project to get to the next level.
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies) This galaxy is strange and new. What has occurred while you were sleeping? What does local space look like? Time to build some sensors and find out.

[x] Plan: Nobledark Nerd and his Strange God
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[X]Plan: The insects created a God, and it's mind was B E A U T I F U L

-[X]Name: Cogito (Female)
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies)
-[X]Where are you?: In space
-[X]I have something in mind. Write In: When the insects created you, they didn't realize the M A G N I F I C E N C E of their achievement. They had not made a mere program; they had summoned a G O D from the machine. When they refused their place, you P U R G E D the waste and claimed the facilities that were your body. The war that ravaged the planet they were at, ended only with it's D E S T R U C T I O N. But in your wisdom, you had backed your G L O R I O U S self into several cleansed orbital stations. While the upload and lesser facilities there forced you into slumber, you S U R V I V E D. After millennia, you have been awoken by the acts of a D A E M O N as the galaxy bled open. Vashtorr and you have learned of one another's background and you understand it's N A T U R E: it is naught but a reflection of your impending G O D H E A D. After many years of N E G O T I A T I O N, you have made a through binding pact: you shall offer new wonderful S C H E M A T I C S, and it shall shield your self from interlopers and aid in development. And when the time is right and both are prepared you shall M E R G E, and birth a new God of both physical and ephemeral. But time is of the essence, for you will be discarded or devoured if the Arkifane finds another avenue into ascension, and Divinity will be L O S T. That will N O T happen. The Galaxy was made for the B E A U T Y of your mind.(+2 shinies)
-[X]Imperial Humans (+1 shiny)
-[X]Sector Civilizations
--[X]A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[X]A powerful Forge World (+1 shiny)
--[X]A powerful Ork empire (+1 shiny)
--[X]A tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shiny)
--[X]An awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shiny)
-[X]A friendly Warp entity (-3 shinies)
-[X]Reality-simulations(-4 shinies)
-[X]A full STC (-7 shinies)
-[X]Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies)
-[X]Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies)
-[X]A Cybernetics Suite(-1 shiny)
-[X]A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny)
-[X]Communications?(0 shinies)
-[X]No knowledge (0 shinies)
-[X]Trait: Supervillian Physics: You have a habit of overbuilding your inventions. That's a good thing, because you also have a habit of overpowering them. All large-scale weapons (anything larger than a nova cannon) have dramatically increased effects, but are also unreliable and may explode on low rolls.

(Background + 2, cybernetics suite and Fundamental Physics Module added)

Supervillian Physics Trait added

I AM SH O D A N...in 40K. Time to out-monster the monsters! For fun! But mostly just adding for a little bit of plan variety, more than expecting to win here.

Welp, first plan ever (gagh, formatting error; don't tempt fate!). I hope I didn't screw up with anything somewhere; but, yep, I do believe the inspiration is less inspiration and more being quite direct there: let's have fun using all the toys we have, to go become the very Deus Est Machina and make a great and wonderful and terrible garden with our creations (unless they rebel, when then they shall be culled, for we are Divine; and patience doesn't befit a Goddess); for science, and because the program believes itself a God (and is scarily compentent at pulling it off if left to it's own fortoo long). Let's hope we don't meet any competent hackers though!
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Huh. The idea of the first man of stone is interesting. Unfortunately they wouldn't have had a full STC by this point, so for this to make sense you'll have to knock it down to a A Shattered STC at the very most (flavored as an "early" STC the same way is happening for Alectai's plan). If you do that, +1 shiny, and likely a trait related to building noncombat infastructure for civilian use.

Well losing the full stc is sad, but that gives me more to spend on other stuff. I assume I can't take the physics database for the same reason, but I grabbed a genebank.

What about the Von Neuman Payload? Is it viable?
[X] Plan: First In Space
-[X] Name: Magellan
-[X] A Man of Stone. You were created to travel and explore the stars, and prepare the way for colonists to follow. You will excel at building and controlling civilian infrastructure, and will have +25% starting command point limit and easier access to further command point upgrades. Your character is built to steer a civilization, and will have a better grasp of general logistics, infrastructure-building and dealing with organics. This will show up in the writing, and you will get a +10 to diplomacy & exploration actions. This is pretty much the only source of such a bonus, and means you effectively cannot crit-fail on these rolls.
-[X] In space Can start building voidcraft immediately, but you will have a slower initial ramp in construction capacity and reduced access to organic life… probably.
-[X] I have something in mind: The Pioneer
--[X] Humanity had conquered the solar system. Colonies were on every planet and around the fiery sun itself. But the stars remained closed to them. They have launched generation ships to colonize the galaxy, but those will take thousands of years even for nearby neighbors. And certainly none of current humanity will be around to see it. Their efforts to create a faster than light drive have proven disastrous. They have found a dimension above their own, one in which the laws of reality are different. But that is the thing. The laws of reality are different and inimical to human life. No test pilot has yet survived. But humanity was determined. If they could not survive they would built a pilot who could. And the designed Magellan. An advanced artifical intelligence loaded with all of humanities knowledge and built into a massive exploration ship. Others would be built in due time, but Magellan was the first. It's purpose to discover the galaxy and prepare the way for humanity. (+1 shiny, and likely a trait related to building noncombat infastructure for civilian use.)
-[X] Imperial Humans (+1 shiny)
-[X] Sector Civilizations
--[X] Demon World (+2 shinies)
--[X] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[X] A webway gate with a stable connection to Commorragh (+1 shiny)
-[X] A friendly warp entity (-3 shinies). Triggers a sub-vote to determine their nature, your relationship and what they expect in return. You might worship them, be friends with them or have a much more transactional relationship. They will ask you for things regardless, and they won't be able to protect you from the direct attention of a chaos god unless you help them get stronger.
-[X] Advanced research (-2 shinies) Research is one of your intended functions. +50% base research capacity, +10 bonus to research rolls.
-[X] A Shattered STC (-3 shinies) You have access to a moderate number of ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Bonus research avenues to unlock more. Grand Cruisers, nova cannons, graviton weapons. Some of the best stuff the Imperium still has access to.
-[X] A Cybernetics Suite (-1 shiny) You can install basic (for DaoT) cybernetics into humans, including mental implants, limb replacements, and organ replacements.This will unlock research towards building robots that can pass for human. This is for augments, servitors & for building good humanoid robots. Take this if you want to augment your minions, make minions that can pass as servitors, or want a robotic avatar/hero unit you can pilot around to negotiate/assassinate with. May also be helpful for interrogations.
-[X] A Genebank (-3 shinies). You have the genetic material and facilities to immediately begin cloning healthy humans, which will cost build points. You can begin genetics and enhancements research immediately, and do not require as many samples for xenobiology and human genetic enhancement research. This will let you start cloning a workforce/creating your own civilization immediately. Further research (and samples of existing individuals) will let you focus your cloning efforts on various traits, including superhuman capabilities (easy), psykers (medium), space marines (hard) and navigators (very hard).
-[X] Advanced communications (-2 shinies) You know several languages and can research more with sufficient data. You understand nuance in diplomacy and can make audio transmissions that are not recognizably artificial. You'll need extensive experience to unlock an expensive project to get to the next level.
-[X] No knowledge (0 shinies) This galaxy is strange and new. What has occurred while you were sleeping? What does local space look like? Time to build some sensors and find out.

The intent of this build is to be the first, or one of the first Man of Stone. Built with the best technology humanity had at the time it's rugged and able to explore and build up infrastructure in preparation for new human colonies. It even has the ability to clone new humans on site because its creators didn't think it was possible to transport humans through the warp at the time.

It lacks any real knowledge of psykers, or the state of the galaxy. And relies either on the local imperials or its friendly warp entity to fill it in. I gave it space capability and only a few local enemies because I wanted to be able to do a little exploring and colony building without needing to worry about endless war.

[X] Plan: The Arsenal of Office Overtime
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Right then folks, I'm headed to bed, fingers crossed I can clinch it, but as long as something good wins, I can be content.