What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'm surprised they had eight cyclonic torpedoes
They had Cyclonic bombs there. They are cheaper to build, and do not require the same expertise and mastery as true Cyclonic Torps, but they only have one eight of a torps power. Thus eight bombs. Eight. Khorne Number. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Also, is that a second khornate cult in the lower right corner?
No, you know they are Xenos, but nothing beyond that.
Chaos was apparently sandbagging through the entirety of the Post-Heresy to Great Rift Formation period because reasons.
To be fair, if you have nine Primarchs on your side, you don't gotta do more than throw them some scrapes, especially with the manchild hard-carrying the thing. And afterward you can coast by without effort by fucking with the idiots called Imperium for a laugh.

The Cults on this side of the Rift ain't got that juju to snooze-cruise. They gotta work.
that small cult that did nothing most of the quest?
They were larger than you most of the Quest, and had a near-constant war against Nurgle. They definetly did not do nothing.
Grounding Grounding Grounding Grounding Silence
Grounding Grounding Grounding Grounding Death
Song Grounding Brutality Ruthlessness Death
A Level Field Where No Wind Blows
A Level Field Where Graves Stand Solemn Guard
Sing To Them Of The Coming Noose
I found a lance weapon that surpasses even the HTARC.
Waffles be cooking hard here. And rules compliant too.
Holy Mother Of Snips.
No. Groundingx5.
1. Are there more psykana actions to follow onto the Warp Observatory? Maybe a Warp Calmatory?
2. Is the a 12-DP version of the Strategium, that can serve to coordinate fleet battles? I don't know if we're designing another Battleship again, but it's a thought.
1. Not if you don't do a Write-In or chase after the other Psytech Actions.
2. Not unless you design one.
The other solution is ships that are designed to play keep away for 8 hours followed by ruining their shit.
Technically, you only need to do so for ~30 minutes. That's the time which was left after you stood around and fired at the Duelists.
One Autumn Leaf said:
Also hmm the penitential rite has been working for the past 40 years now. @HeroCooky how has that been going?
Pretty well, especially after you took territory that had a lot of people that could be enticed by not getting their souls eaten by the daemons that have already staken claims on them.
wait, this is the Khorne cult right? they have sapping gear and sabotage equipment and training for that?! the shit?! since when do they do that?
There is a Canon Khorne Cult that places discipline and order at a high level of importance.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
just referring to the Lamenter as a brother because they are both Space Marines?

I'm really worried that just played to some bullshit Khrone gave his cult that allows something to happen if the duel is acknowledged.
Yep, both are Space Marines.

And the Duelist's Pact is a basic one that empowers the sides that adhere to the ruels of a duel, while massively boosting the opponent when you break the rules by, for example, getting other people to fight in the duel.
1. HeroCooky you Rat Bastard is THAT why you mentioned the 'ritual that makes all ranged attack null and void?'
2. Why was it viewed as lust that the Glimmering Federation worships the Star Child? or is it the 5/5 Iconoclast build for it? and why is it Slaanesh bait?
3. How did the RedNeck Watchtower reacting to the Glim Fed Nun and her reverse harem war party going to war passing by his house while still seducing them to join her dungeon Party House/Flat?
4. where the FUCK did the cultists dig out those Cyclonic bombs?
1. *Smug Aura*
2. She doesn't get why someone would want to worship "Things are gonna get better, I promise" the Deity, so the only other reason is being either fucked in the head or having a fetish for that. Thus slaan bait.
3. "What the fuuuuuuck......."
4. They manufactured them. :V
Hah, of course.

Well, will there at least be anything useful to loot out of this? Especially since we explicitly have a "Sanitize shit that isn't straight up Daemons" Song?
Waffles be cooking hard here. And rules compliant too.
QM-approved design. Neat.

[] [Temple Ship] The Pantagruel
-[] Length
- 7.200 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 1.250 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 2.5 Gravities (0 DP)
-[] Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull (0 DP)
-[] Shields - One Aegis (0 DP)
-[] Weapons - Wings of Resplendence (-15 DP)
-[] Equipment - A Drop of Divinity (-55 DP)

Or maybe Pantagruel-Secundus? I don't know, I'm not good with naming things. This is more intended to be a refit than something entirely new.
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It'd be the Pantagruel still, it's a clever scheme, certainly. "I'd like to see your ritual work when I've hit you with a planet destroying amount of fire backed by another God" and all that.
GM-approved design. Neat.

[] [Temple Ship] The Pantagruel
-[] Length
- 7.200 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 1.250 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 2.5 Gravities (0 DP)
-[] Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull (0 DP)
-[] Shields - One Aegis (0 DP)
-[] Weapons - Wings of Resplendence (-15 DP)
-[] Equipment - A Drop of Divinity (-55 DP)

Or maybe Pantagruel-Secundus? I don't know, I'm not good with naming things.
I think that it would take away from the mythos surrounding a Temple Ship to do that. Perhaps somewhere in the technical documents it can be called Pantagruel Refit-Secundus but in all official stuff it should remain the same. Unless we intend to start mass producing them.
Well, will there at least be anything useful to loot out of this? Especially since we explicitly have a "Sanitize shit that isn't straight up Daemons" Song?
More Gs for Destroyers and Frigates and improved Prow Equipment.
You talking about the Blood Pact?
Those are the fuckers! Thanks.
When did I start being smug? lol
You? Dunno. Me? Always.
They were larger than you most of the Quest, and had a near-constant war against Nurgle. They definetly did not do nothing.
Yeah, there's a habit for people here, and questers in general, to assume that all we see and hear is all there is other than what canon factions and events we know of. Like, we spent most of the quest in just a handful of Subsectors and it's only recently we became aware of the rest of the Sector and just how small we were, and even then some of us can't comprehend that all the other polities are actually doing their own shit, actually progressing and making their own preparations on top of their own special stuff and that they're not just a bunch of predictable stereotypes.

And that while we were doing X, everyone else was doing their own actions.
Yeah, there's a habit for people here, and questers in general, to assume that all we see and hear is all there is other than what canon factions and events we know of. Like, we spent most of the quest in just a handful of Subsectors and it's only recently we became aware of the rest of the Sector and just how small we were, and even then some of us can't comprehend that all the other polities are actually doing their own shit, actually progressing and making their own preparations on top of their own special stuff and that they're not just a bunch of predictable stereotypes.

And that while we were doing X, everyone else was doing their own actions.
To be fair, we do have what is likely the best stealth scouting fleet in the Sector, it feels like we should have some idea on the enemies capabilities before we attack them. But with their ridiculous pacing its understandable for HeroCooky to not to want to do a Rumormill post every so often.
Those are the fuckers! Thanks.
I still think your guys are way more powerful. Because just a Guard Regiment, whether standard or one of the better specialty sub factions; isn't going to be boarding a fleet of posthuman super-soldiers to give them a bloody nose, defending entire planets, and operating an interplanetary economy that'd make an Aztec jealous.

The Blood Pact are more like the Moebian 6th, but with everyone being obsessed with looting anything they can carry, staining their vehicles, clothing, and skin with the blood of their enemies and ritualistic knive-scarring instead of zombies and insurrection against Imperial authority.

Blood Pact aren't at the same scale the game is.