Oh, we had warning of this? Hmph, would have been nice to remember that. Not sure what we could have done abour it... Maybe built more cancer-classes.
it was when I asked asking questions before the update about the difference between sorceries and rituals and an example of the Ritual was that. votes and everything were locked in and even then it sounded like a ground fighting kind of deal and not void warfare based. We couldn't do anything at that point.
My only one is to spread Templar forces across the ships, and have Choirs sing Firesword on their blades. We don't need to win melee, we just need to stall them long enough that the ritual wears off.
Then they're toast no matter how you slice it.
Yah that WOULD be the solution.... if the templars numbers weren't small. remember there was something like three million boarders or more? I think the companies of templares were only like 100 or 200 something
A Templar strides before the assembled 364th Holy Company, their soldiers standing at rest and shining under the false-skies of Howling Gale, 200 soldiers with the mightiest weapons, indomitable armors, and tenacious of wills to call their own, all to a one trained beyond exhaustion, beyond sanity, broken into nothing more than clay for the kiln to be made into soldiers worthy of serving the Star Child at a moments notice.
Yup 200 beings in a company and of that was as of 10 turns ago. not sure how MUCH they would have expanded by but we at least have 72,800 Templars... we don't have enough of them. Not unless we give more melee training to rank and file or give out more power glaives and swords. Problem is trying to stall them for that long. If it can work then we'll do it.
I'd much prefer to swap to a symphony to counter their bullshit. I had a few listed previously, what do you think? Even if we swap symphonies we've got several turns of bonus military actions left.
Ehhhh, this feels like a 'can we make a song to calm the warp?' type of thing. I'd say give it a shot but I'm doubtful of making a symphony that just turns off any chaos ritual or wouldn't even the playing field by allowing No rituals or sorceries that wouldn't also effect us. and I know that bit but I'm more focused on trying to replace the losses and get even more metal into the fight to keep up momentum.
They had Cyclonic bombs there. They are cheaper to build, and do not require the same expertise and mastery as true Cyclonic Torps, but they only have one eight of a torps power. Thus eight bombs. Eight. Khorne Number. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Ah alright that explains why and it doesn't NEED to be to the same level of expertise since you aren't launching it and just using more of them to reach the same level. Putting on there as well the number of Khrone and some warp boosting bullshit as well. we did lose two middle weight Titans and four companies of Lamenters so yah.
To be fair, if you have nine Primarchs on your side, you don't gotta do more than throw them some scrapes, especially with the manchild hard-carrying the thing. And afterward you can coast by without effort by fucking with the idiots called Imperium for a laugh.
The Cults on this side of the Rift ain't got that juju to snooze-cruise. They gotta work.
That.... makes too much since, they toss some scraps and just enjoy watching the main show and rarely ever feel the need to focus or give more to what they watch. Add in they are bored and WANT to see what the Primarchs turned Deamon Princes can do and how far they can make it. How is Rebooty Girlman doing anyway?
.....That explains a lot and why this seem to be so far from the canon/meme Chaos in that they couldn't just bullshit and ignore basics like economies and stuff. We knew in the 621 Liberation War they were planning on getting reinforcements from the Warp via rituals to sacrifices and all. But from my watching of Arch's video series on the Sabbat Worlds Crusade and what we have seen so far for Geheni they have a system in place for replacements, recruiting, organization, and basics of everything else. they did what the Imperium does and have specialized worlds that have their roles. such as the worlds they leave for raiding and harvesting people for sacrifices Fortresses on some worlds for defense but also to act as a mustering ground, ritual grounds, and control point for the Sub-sector. Most likely there are some industrial worlds and other places to give them the equipment and weapons they need but still use the warp to summon elite troops and older ships to act as force multipliers. So they HAVE to rely on local arms and manpower and it has to fit Khrone's tenets or their interperation of it since they can't get all the blessings that would let them fight without it.
So Same thing with Slaanesh and Nurgle cults then, they are not just hopeless hedonistics but perfecting and training their skills and perfecting their crafting and production and pushing more improvements and they are not just stagnant blobs just sitting on their asses but producing and raising their infrastructure and working to spread the diseases and get others to fall into stagnancy. Ohhhhh boy that doesn't bode well.
A Level Field Where No Wind Blows
A Level Field Where Graves Stand Solemn Guard
Sing To Them Of The Coming Noose
... okay the first one just made me think of 'Hot Winds Blowing' from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. but still interesting ones nonetheless still require us to DO those songs to find out what they do.
Waffles be cooking hard here. And rules compliant too.
Wait that's rules compliant? Lets go! get that design into Production ASAP.
Technically, you only need to do so for ~30 minutes. That's the time which was left after you stood around and fired at the Duelists.
Oh really? it took seven and a half hours just for them to close the distance for boarding? I guess the Ritual required a certain start up speed and formation then since I don't see how it would take that long unless they knew the range of our lances and knew the distance at which they can do the ritual and reach our armada but not suffer needless losses before making contact.
There is a Canon Khorne Cult that places discipline and order at a high level of importance.
Wait seriously? that actually exists? its not a fanmade thing? Huh, I guess this is what I get for not looking more into the chaos factions and Eldar as I keep getting blindsided by some examples, sub-factions, and passages from books.
Yep, both are Space Marines.
And the Duelist's Pact is a basic one that empowers the sides that adhere to the ruels of a duel, while massively boosting the opponent when you break the rules by, for example, getting other people to fight in the duel.
Ah okay, that makes sense then.
OHHHHHHH, that little shit. Okay, unless someone comes from a Knight or feudal world they wouldn't give the duel actual consideration and plays to the normally correct strat of dogpiling the daemon with las/plasma/etc fire to kill it but here it breaks the pact and just empowers the duelist. Crafty sons of b*tches.
1. *Smug Aura*
2. She doesn't get why someone would want to worship "Things are gonna get better, I promise" the Deity, so the only other reason is being either fucked in the head or having a fetish for that. Thus slaan bait.
3. "What the fuuuuuuck......."
4. They manufactured them.
1. Oi, just wait until we pull off some math fuckery and wipe the smug off.
2. Ohhhhh, okay. fully bought into the 'galaxy is shit, go out in a blaze of glory' type of deal. so believing things could get better for real is messed up in the head or has some messed up fetish for that being.
3. much confusion, much looking at the dakka.
4. figured as much.
More Gs for Destroyers and Frigates and improved Prow Equipment.
.... Holy shit even more G's for them? damn we really are climbing to Necron and Eldar speeds there. wonder if we should start making designs again like using the StarLance on them now. got better Prow Equipment so that's something as least.
Yeah, there's a habit for people here, and questers in general, to assume that all we see and hear is all there is other than what canon factions and events we know of. Like, we spent most of the quest in just a handful of Subsectors and it's only recently we became aware of the rest of the Sector and just how small we were, and even then some of us can't comprehend that all the other polities are actually doing their own shit, actually progressing and making their own preparations on top of their own special stuff and that they're not just a bunch of predictable stereotypes.
And that while we were doing X, everyone else was doing their own actions.
I will admit to this for only knowing chaos in 40k from memes and just depressing shit of things can't change, all is hopeless, it was all part of the chaos plot, blah blah blah so I don't go too deep into lore for them. Surprised that and more we expected they would be the canon 40k cultists and wouldn't adapt to THIS degree. We knew things advanced given the Shipwright's Expansion and the Black Ash modernizing just didn't think the chaos cults went to this degree. This did come up before given the Magos who was 2 Iconclast, 3 heretic with her plot on Voxx Primus and then the Cults attempt to subvert a Arsenal world of Neon so we should have expected that.
I will say though the ritual itself was so bullshit we didn't think it was possible.
You do, that's why you were only surprised by their literal Ace In The Hole Ritual, not that they have the industry to produce guns that shoot stuff. You are vague on the details, not the other stuff.
True enough and it does help, we did a plan on a envelopment and trying to play to or strengths, the ritual itself was what fucked up over. add to that four more uses is a nasty surprise that will keep us on our toes this whole time. so we won't take many losses over time in smaller engagements but when we do it'll be because of the ritual and it will cost us heavily.
Couple of corrections; while certainly far more organized and "stable" than the Blood Pact, and they are based on their vibes, the Gore-Sworn Duelists are a bona-fide civilization and culture, primarily due to not being under constant influence via Daemonworld, with an economy to match their wars against a Chaos Sect many times their numbers. They also gave the "fleet of posthuman super-soldiers [...] a bloody nose" in the update only because they did a near-unique ritual that almost literally nullified non-melee armaments which led to horrendous casualties in the 30 minutes it was active during boarding. So anyone using anything but Stick, Stick But Sharp, or Stick But Heavy, had to content with [Khornate Melee Specialist In The Face] all of a sudden when they have been primarily training to Shoot Gunne against enemies instead of Use Beat Stick.
Additionally, you can see in the Storlar Sector Map that you took over two Sub-Sectors, with the only planet providing enough difficulties to be noticed at all being the one used as a trap to hopefully burn your Titans and large portions of your ground troops to cinders.
Because your troops are bullshit like that.
Ah fair distinction between the two with the Gore-Swore Duelists being a Civilization and culture onto itself as opposed to a guard reigment that just moves from battle to battle. More stability and leeway to be one... really? the Daemonworld influences the whole faction? that does not speak well to the two other cults. and yah they seem to have built up well to take on Nurgle's cult that is the size it is and relies on passive damage and diseases for centuries of constant war. and yah they only gave us a bloody nose after the bullshit ritual but that was our first tim fighting them so it warrants caution and looking over everything.
Yah really speaks to this being the boonies of their faction's territory or just how most factions are normally with just a few systems being the hubs of production and the like with some fortresses scattered around. and even then they used it as a trap to try to destroy all our titans and most of our ground army to stall us or break the offensive. We'll see how the territory is further in as well.
They wouldn't be opposed to much closer cooperation, but outright annexation is a few decades off yet.
Fair enough, Glim Nun has to seduce more and offer more gifts before shutting the trap.
Watchtower and liberated natives.
Fair enough and we don't need first rate troops for that duty, also gives the WatchTower some more buffers from their core territory.
.... What is IN that system?! seriously!
No, he also found a penny.
like.... is that another riddle or joke about it meaning something else or-
1823 Copper Penny with a missprint.
very specific... suspicious.
2. They would all work in the ways you constructed them/for.
3. It would enable you to start with the path to one.
4. Duelist: "Alright, killed one of those things! For Khorne!" Automata with [0] Skulls and [0] Blood. Khorne: "This is some Grade A Groxshit."
2. Oh well shit, I eat my words right away.
3. Oh okay that's worth it and leads us start a path to it then but I thought we couldn't do this before?
4. HAH both relatable to stuff being absolute GroxShit but also denies them their offering and boons they normally get from such fights. Suck it.