Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I guess I disagree that there's any other kind of person besides one that seeks to justify the cruelty they commit. It's really just an implicit judgement of some of those justifications as false or too weak to say that it is 'for cruelty's sake'.

There are a certain number of people who have a variety of different justifications and use different ones for different people or situations. They always have a new reason to justify their cruelty. I don't think it's a stretch to say those people aren't doing it for the reasons they say they are, they just like it. And I don't find those people to be wildly rare all things considered.

Got to actually get the context to make the judgement, I guess I'm saying, and that demands treating each case as it's own thing.

That, I agree with, but I don't think people who qualify are super uncommon.
Both sound grueling but I suppose I'll pick this just because the item doesn't appear very unique.

[X] An inkpot, fully cracked up one side, and missing its stopper, it smelled of coin and tears.
I think it depends on where you consider "because it makes me feel better" to be, as a justification. Some people won't think past that.
This too is actually context based. "Because it makes me feel better" can mean a lot of things. The simplest one, might be being cruel for cruelty sake. But this can also mean for revenge, or to defend from abuse. Both are "Because it makes me feel better" yet both are not for cruelty sake alone.
There are a certain number of people who have a variety of different justifications and use different ones for different people or situations. They always have a new reason to justify their cruelty. I don't think it's a stretch to say those people aren't doing it for the reasons they say they are, they just like it. And I don't find those people to be wildly rare all things considered.
Greatly depends on context too. That is true in certain cases, but it also something that happens when people are ruthless to achieve their goals, or defend their own. Or when one is desperate, fighting to survive. Or because they are travellers in dangerous time who have, at times, to be cruel. Or just had difficult life where they often had to kill or be killed. There are a lot of reasons why one might do plenty of cruelty with different justifications.
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[X] An inkpot, fully cracked up one side, and missing its stopper, it smelled of coin and tears.

I feel like the inkpot retreads familiar ground for Ling Qi
[] A elegant, high necked vase, painted with splotchy white glaze. The sound of clinking chains echoed from within.
[X] An inkpot, fully cracked up one side, and missing its stopper, it smelled of coin and tears.
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[X] An inkpot, fully cracked up one side, and missing its stopper, it smelled of coin and tears.

Money money money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
[X] A elegant, high necked vase, painted with splotchy white glaze. The sound of clinking chains echoed from within.
[X] A elegant, high necked vase, painted with splotchy white glaze. The sound of clinking chains echoed from within.
Shu Yue traced their long fingers along one such giant, set near the top of the shallow descending stairs. "They look to the future now, it is true. She drives that. Her light demands to be seen, to followed, to lead the way forward into something new.

But the past remains behind us. Its bloody maw and scarred muzzle nips at their heels. Even the Radiant Tyrant cannot slay such a beast. Ignoring its fetid breath on their backs will do you little good, even if they themselves no longer consciously acknowledge it," Shu Yue said calmly.

Ling Qi looked down, hands curling into fists beneath her sleeves. Qiyi shifted, silk rippling, she felt concern blooming through their bond, the question flitting by. Was this an attack? If it was… it was one she preferred to receive.

"...I know. I know beneath the praises for my accomplishment, for our summit, for our new peace… I can hear the drums of war, the anticipation of profit. I know I have bought peace with the White Sky through blood and land. That the greatest happiness even among my allies is toward the dream of crushing the Cloud Tribe threat once and for all."

Shu Yue remained silent tracing their hands over the painted patterns on their sculpture, geometric patterns which moved and crawled changing between one eyeblink and the next.

"I can't say I do not understand this. I saw Ogodei tear a city from the earth, in Elder Jiao's memory formations. I've seen the echoes in the liminal. I have seen a raid in progress, and know the tribes which attack have no more interest in the concept of mercy than our most furious retaliations," Ling Qi said.

"Grudges do not die without blood to drown them," Shu Yue agreed.
The desire for war is present but it's also understandable given what's caused it.

Yes, if she cleared her preconceptions, spread her senses thin, let herself feel the ambience of celebration outside…

There was a building furor there. The celebration of life as it was, of joy in the now. For the future held violence. And not violence the participants were opposed too.

"Indeed. When the armies of the Emerald Seas march, it will be with a righteous fire in their bellies, and why not? Who are these beasts from beneath the earth who strike them beyond any bound of honor or custom, who sow bleeding, sickening harm beyond any Cloud Tribe raid," Shu Yue said clinically, stepping away from the massive urn holding the Meng Elder's grudges.
To them it's a righteous war.

Ling Qi did, following in Shu Yue's shadow, Sixiang tailing along behind them. Ling Qi pondered Shu Yue's words. She knew that desire, want was not a thing which could be called good or bad, it arose from many corners. Her eyes saw more the desires which bent toward consumption and possession, and so she was less attentive to the passions which fed more destructive urges. While she did not think she was wrong. The desire, to consume, possess, to grow, was the greater urge, Shue Yue was right that she could not afford to ignore the Want that was retribution, was spite, was wrath.

She had seen well enough the ends which those could drive even a Sovereign too. It was why she had chosen the lesson she had after all, she'd known she would need to confront and learn to bend those things to her own ends as she developed the Thief of Names.

It just bothered her to find those kind of roots even in celebration and joy, just a little. It shouldn't she knew, but it did. She really had bought into Renxiang's ideas, hadn't she? Sixiang laid a hand on her shoulder as they descended. Down and down, further than should have really been possible given the physical space, until they came before the stage. Set on the floor there was a worn table, thick with dust and on it were numerous ceramics. Pots and urns and bowls. They were all small and humble things, compared to the gigantic vases which sat on the higher floor. Most were pitted, worn, even cracked, their patterns were simple and in some cases even childish, like the things Biyu made.

Somehow it was those ones which curdled her stomach the most.
LQ looking this in the face is good for her growth.

This is such a metal line
It's even better by the fact that it's not being said in a edgy way but a serious philopshical way instead.
[X] An inkpot, fully cracked up one side, and missing its stopper, it smelled of coin and tears.

Is anyone else in our small group able to relate to this feeling? Of the penny pinching chains of economy? I think only Gan Guanli would be the closest able to do so, but for him he has a more personal connection to the chains of nobility and what someone who doesn't uphold it look like.
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So I've been thinking recently about what aspect of reality the Duchess will change if and when she ascends. She stands against rot and stagnation above all other things, and in this sort of setting what causes more stagnation than the thousand-year lives of Indigo and higher cultivators?

High-level cultivators are at risk of suffering damage to their dantian over time if they don't ascend. My theory? Shenhua wants to speed that clock up— the more powerful you get, the more at risk you are of slowly killing yourself. Ascend or make way for new growth.
God of bread confirmed.
Yrsillar said:
But... generally you don;t get 'silly' ascensions. They might sniff and sneer at boozeboy, but his Law isn't just 'lol get drunk' its the mighty should not drift so far from the world that they no longer experience joy' or something like that.

In the spirit of the question though. There are a few similar. Crisp Rising Hearth for example was an early weilu ascension which set a series of universal rituals which permanently tamed the disease spirits which we might call 'yeast' allowing for much improved baking practices.
[X] An inkpot, fully cracked up one side, and missing its stopper, it smelled of coin and tears.

Is anyone else in our small group able to relate to this feeling? Of the penny pinching chains of economy? I think only Gan Guanli would be the closest able to do so, but for him he has a more personal connection to the chains of nobility and what someone who doesn't uphold it look like.
Bao Qian.