I mean, I'm not just talking about political/military influence. If we are looking at the RL middle ages, religious education would be important not because of how many soldiers the bishoprics could raise, but because religion permeated literally every aspect of daily life. You literally couldn't participate in society if you did not have the required religious cultural background. And that is missing in Westeros, and I don't think just in the late Targaryen/Baratheon era. We have no indication that it ever was that way in Westeros, tbh.

If it is just about the Faith as a political/military actor, a power in its own right, well, then it is just a matter of dealing with them like any other power: Negotiations, force, compromises, whatever may come up.
Rhaenyra at the Seashell Wedding
Finally finished drawing Rhaenyra, sorry about the tiny earring I realized too late that the sketchbook page was too small to do a detailed one. It was supposed to be a dragon spewing ruby jewel flames with gold. Also the dragon head pingent down the Targaryen medallion is Syrax. If anyone has dragon specific jewelry is Rhaenyra.

Turn 6: Results Part I
Adhoc vote count started by digital2 on Sep 12, 2024 at 3:37 AM, finished with 189 posts and 66 votes.
Turn 6: Results Part I

"Now, we've discussed your ambitions of becoming a knight before," Ser Raylon said one day as you both walked out into the practice yard. "A proper dream I think. If you ask me, a king who isn't a knight isn't a true king at all."

"I'll be queen," you corrected.

"Same thing in your case," your sworn shield replied dismissively. "Now, if you were a boy, becoming a knight would be rather simple at this point. It would merely need you to sneak off to the next tourney of any note and enter as a mystery knight. You would do decently well, maybe not win with your current training, but you'd do well enough that whoever defeated you would knight you."

"I see you're familiar with my grandfather and his history," you remarked.

"Aye. Baelon the Brave earned his title," the knight nodded. "Now, for you, things won't be so easy. If you enter a tourney, it needs to be a big one, and you need to win. You need to be the greatest mystery knight of the generation. A victory so clear and absolute that the Lord Commander or your father will be unable to deny your glory and will have no choice but to knight you."

That sounded like a daunting task to be sure, but you had long known your path was not an easy one. To be the first woman to become a knight, you had to be far more than the average knight. You had to be the kind of knight who came around once in a generation. The kind of knight who would make great figures like the late Ser Ryam Redwyne look simply average in comparison.

"Couldn't I earn my knighthood on the battlefield?" you offered. "Earn the title with my sword rather than a lance."

You weren't against tourneys. They were part of being a knight after all. But you knew it would be a lot easier for a dragonrider to get onto a battlefield than it would be a woman to get into a tourney. If you were found out before your victory, there could have been problems.

Your sworn shield smiled broadly.

"That's what I like to here," he replied, "and if the gods were good that's how we'd do it. Tourneys are all pomp and fancy armor. Problem is the only battlefield worthy of your attention at the moment is in the Stepstones and we both know the Sea Snake and your uncle would never knight you. Never even allow tales of your glory to reach your father. No. This has to be something seen by as many people as we can or people will deny it."

"You've put a lot of thought into this," you said with realization.

Ser Raylon was proving more insightful than you expected, particularly for a man who seemed to only take you seriously because you were far stronger than the average woman.

"You have tasked me with shaping you into a warrior fit for the Iron Throne," he declared proudly. "That requires not only diligent training. It also requires the study of any obstacles you may face and how to overcome them."

You have my thanks," you smiled. "I must say, I was really lucky to have lost to you."

"Indeed," he agreed. "Now, the way I see things in regards to your current ability? You'd probably win any squire's tourney you entered, barring bad luck or some beardless monster."

"But a mystery knight winning a squire's tourney is not something many will notice," you added.

"People only care about them when royal princes are involved," Ser Tarly nodded. "Anyways, we need to get you ready for a proper tourney. Way I see it, we can keep up training as is and keep the lance as just one part of your training. That will keep your sword arm strong, but it will take time to get you ready for a proper tourney."

"Or," he went on, "we could change our training. Reduce focus on swords and other weapons and concentrate almost all of our time on training you on horsemanship and the lance. Normally, I would worry so much time on the horse would run the risk of court finding out your plans, but I've managed to secure a private field for us to train and every stable boy in the Red Keep pisses themselves at the sight of you, so we should be fine."

You smirked at that last bit. It had taken a while, but eventually all those rowdy boys had learned to treat you respect.

"Would this effect my sword arm?" You asked.

"You won't improve as fast as you have been, but no. I won't allow your edge to grow dull. You can count on that," Ser Raylon assured you. "So, should we make the changes?"

You found yourself unsure. Your sword arm was where your talent laid and where you had shown the most growth. You had hoped your skills might one day be enough to impress your father enough to let you wield Blackfyre. If you switched to the Lance for the time being, that could delay that goal, possibly for years.

Then again, a tourney did present the best chance you had of becoming a knight.

On the Matter of Training

[] [Training] Switch Focus to preparing for Tourneys (Slows Growth of Prowess, at least semi-regular training provides advantage to Tourney rolls)

[] [Training] Keep Training as is.

"Fishermen from the Sisters are claiming to have spotted ships flying Tyroshi banners not far from the Vale coast," Tyland Lannister explained. "If these rumors are true, then it seems that Arnold Aryyn is indeed gathering a sellsword army."

"Ser Arnold takes things too far," Lord Lyonel Strong said sternly. "We should send him a letter ordering him to send these sellswords home."

"That is much too drastic at this point," Otto Hightower replied cautiously. "Neither side has dared to attack yet. In all likelihood, this will still resolve without violence. The King's voice now would only inflame tensions. We should not show favoritism."

The subject of Arnold Arryn's rebellion had been the talk of the Small Council for a number of meetings now. Everyone wanted it resolved quickly and peacefully, but Otto, Tyland and your father seemed convinced that it would be resolved quickly without any outside help, while Strong, Beesbury and Westerling were convinced that the King needed to say something as otherwise there would be open conflict.

You had kept quiet for the most part, building an idea in your head. You wanted to just fly to Coldwater Burns and put an end to this with the mere threat of force, but you realized that would find little support among the men of the council. So you kept your silence and stewed on the matter.

"The laws of succession in the Vale are among the most ancient in Westeros," Lord Strong explained. "And they are quite clear on this matter. Lady Jeyne is her father's only surviving child. Ser Arnold is Jeyne's heir, nothing more. If Arnold is allowed another attempt to claim the Vale, it will tell every overly ambitious cousin and third son in the realm that strength matters more than the ancient law."

"The lords of the Vale have largely rejected him," Otto argued. " Even Lord Royce, the man he served as squire, has rejected his calls. Once his supporters realize the lack the numbers they turn against him. If anything, King Viserys interjection would weaken Lady Jeyne's position."

"The sellswords he's gathered suggest that Ser Arnold intends to push his claim on the Eyrie regardless of support of the local lords," Lord Beesbury, the Master of Coin, interjected.

"We should send dispatch a small force to the Bloody Gate," Lord Westerling suggested. "A show of force would convince Arnold to stand down."

"That is an escalation," your father spoke up. "We need not send armies, but we shouldn't stay silent on the matter. I intend to send letters to both sides urging for a peaceful resolution."

You put a jug of wine down and turned towards the Small Council. An idea had emerged in your head and you could not longer bear to be silent.

"You have dragon riders, father," you interjected. "I could think of no better way to send a message than on dragonback. Send me."

The room stopped, all eyes turning towards you. You could tell most of the lords were more surprised that you had spoken at all more than by what you said.

"It's not that simple, Rhaenyra," your father's half smile at that moment frustrated you far more than it provided any reassurance. "Sending a dragon to Coldwater would be a drastic escalation."

"Not Coldwater," you clarified, "but to the Eyrie. I could fly out to my cousin. It would barely take half a day."

You noticed the immediate change in expression from Lord Strong, his annoyance vanishing, replaced with distinct curiosity.

"I fail to see what such a thing would accomplish," Tyland was speaking more to the other lords than to you.

"It would send a message that Lady Jeyne has the crown's support," you explained, starring defiantly at Tyland, "and what that support means. A measured show of force."

"I must agree with the Princess's proposal," Lord Strong spoke up. "Sending a dragon to the Eyrie sends a clear message to the lords of the Vale without making a direct threat towards anyone."

"I second this," Lord Beesbury added. "Word of a dragon at the Eyrie would send the sellswords running. We could have this whole matter resolved in a few days. It would also show the realm that not only is the crown still strong, it knows how to temper it's strength."

You liked the image of you being the strength of the crown. You liked it a great deal even.

Your father, while still annoyed that you had spoken up, seemed to be considering the idea. Otto, Tyland and Roland seemed against you, but a combination of awkwardness and a failure to come up with a rebuttal was keeping them silent. Grand Maester Mellos had said nothing this entire time, but you noticed he was watching Otto, waiting for something. You knew not what though.

"Very well. I cannot fault the princess' reasoning." Your father's unease was still obvious, even as he relented. "Rhaenyra. Tomorrow you will fly to the Eyrie and bring word that Lady Jeyne has the Crown's support."

"Yes, father," you said respectfully.

"You are not to fly to Coldwater Rush or any keep that has declared for Ser Arnold," he added sternly. "We are not putting down a rebellion. We are facilitating a peaceful resolution."

"Yes, father," you repeated. "You have my vow."

Relationship with Lyman Beesbury Improved

Relationship with Lyonel Strong Improved

Events in the Vale will be covered in an Interlude

Your father seemed fustrated at dinner, picking at his roasted boar, all but gnawing at the bread, and he was already on his second glass of wine.

Little had been said since the meal began and you realized it had to be you to break the tension.

"About the Small Council," you put down your own glass of wine. "I didn't mean offense."

"It's fine," he assured you. "Your plan is quite sound I must confess."

"It gladdens me to here you say that," you replied.

"I just urge you to remember that you are there to learn," he went on. "Your time will come though, don't worry, but you are still a child for the moment."

"Oh, I see," You bit down your frustration.

You weren't sure what frustrated you more in that moment. How dismissive he sounded, or that this was the first time you could recall him even acknowledging that you had a role in the Small Council chamber besides acting as cup bearer.

Before you could voice your opinion on that matter, your father put his fork down, briefly running his hand over his face. You couldn't help but stare at his gloved hand at his side, and how one of the fingers was now notably empty.

"I find myself growing weary of the Vale as of late, I must confess," your father said, his voice filled with frustration. "Rhea Royce has written to me requesting an annulment of her marriage to your uncle. The same day, Lady Jeyne, despite the rebellion she now faces, found the time to send a Raven 'expressing her concerns' about Daemon's suitability as a spouse for one of her future vassals, making it clear she would rather Daemon never enter the Vale again. And even my own Hand is telling me that Daemon should experince consquences for his actions!"

Your father gestured to his throat.

"I find myself suffocated by these complaints," he complained.

Well, it seemed your plan was working. Though so far it largely just seemed to be frustrating your father.

The two of you looked at each other for a moment, the weary look in his eyes making it clear he had figured out what you were going to say.

"I spoke to Rhea at the wedding," you admitted. "She greatly desires to see this marriage annulled."

"So, I must deal with this from you as well. I see," your father sighed.

"His actions on Dragonstone have made a mockery of her marriage," you pushed, "and have left her cousins fearing he might try something similar on Runestone."

"Yes, Daemon's actions are abhorrent, I agree," Viserys said haggardly. "But he needs to honor his vows, not be allowed to run away from them."

"He's done nothing but run away from them," you argued. "As long as they are married, Rhea will never feel confident in her status as heir, nor will she have heirs of her own."

"This marriage was arranged by my grandmother," your father said pointedly. "How would it look if I undo the work of Queen Alysanne?"

"Has Daemon ever honored all the work that the good queen Alysanne put into arranging his marriage?" you asked pointedly.

Your father stared at you for a long moment, a flash of anger in his eyes, before he ultimately just shook his head.

"No. No, he has not," Viserys replied as he stared at his food. "But he still has time to make things right."

You had to force yourself not to laugh at the idea of your uncle suddenly deciding to actually honor his wife after spending your entire life actively ignoring her at best.

You looked at your father, purposefully making your eyes big and sad looking.

"Neither of them want this marriage anymore, father," you pleaded. " And neither of them will ever honor this marriage. You know that as well as I. They would both be happier if this marriage was erased, and the realm would benefit as well."

For a long moment, your father stared at his food, occasionally taking a bite, but saying nothing.

"It seems you will have to stop at Runestone as well on your visit," he said with resignation. "I will draft a letter tonight that officially agrees to both Rhea's recent and Daemon's long standing requests and dissolves their marriage."

"I am sorry it had to come to this, father," you replied gently.

"As am I," he said simply.

"Now," his mood suddenly shifted, "let's talk about more pleasant matters. There must be something less upsetting we could talk about."

And there went any chance of you talking about his illness tonight.

You pondered for a moment, trying to think of something that was both less depressing and useful for you. You didn't get to have dinner with your father every night, so you tried to make the most of it when you did.

"Oh, I just remembered something," you dredged up a nearly forgotten memory. "We need to discuss how you would make up for my fifteenth nameday."

The affair had been fine. Small, but fine. Yet it was clear everyone's minds were more focused on the upcoming wedding. You understood why and tolerated it, but you couldn't deny it still felt like an insult and a slap to the face.

"Ahh yes," your father nodded. "I was wondering if you would ever get back to me on that."

"We both have had a busy few months" you defended. "More important things kept coming up."

"True enough," he shrugged. "Now, I have been pondering this for sometime and I've decided, in a few short months you will be a grown woman, as much that pains me, and I should treat you like one. So, I will leave this matter up to you. Ask of me anything you wish, be it some exotic item or a hunting trip for your next name day, and if I have the power and I think it is within reason, I will grant you it to you."

You were taken aback.

"That's quite the offer," you replied.

"A lot has happened recently, and you have been an immense help, even if you still remain your defiant self," your father said with a smirk. "I thought it only fitting."

Your father was offering you a lot in this, but it was restrictive. You knew if you asked for something too grand or too bold he would refuse it. Too much and he might even think you greedy. So many possibilities were open to you, and you weren't sure where to begin.

Relationship with Viserys Targaryen Degraded

What Boon(s) do you ask of your Father (Pick as many as you want, though the more requests the more likely Viserys will refuse or your relationship will decay)

[] [Boon] A new dress

-[] [Boon] Dye for your hair (Write in what color(s))

-[] [Boon] A new set of armor

-[] [Boon] A new horse, suitable for Tourneys

-[] [Boon] A royal hunt for your sixteenth nameday

-[] [Boon] The right to wield Blackfyre

-[] [Boon] Permission to join your uncle's war in the Stepstones

-[] [Boon] A royal progress

-[] [Boon] A trip to Dorne

-[] [Boon] A trip to Essos (Write in where)

-[] [Boon] Write-in (Subject to QM approval)

Please use Plan Voting

QM's Note: Alicent stuff is going to most of an update, so I'm saving it for the second part. Also to be slightly evil as well.
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[X] Plan Stick To The Plan
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] A new dress
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress

Don't think that stunting our general growth to rush a tourney win is a good idea. We are not in a race here and I'd rather take permanent prowess gains over having the knighthood a bit earlier.

As for the boon, I'm going wit the royal progress we generally wanted and a new dress for the occasion to signal that we are not going to completely disregard social expectations during it.
[X] Plan Tourney Prep
-[X] [Training] Switch Focus to preparing for Tourneys (Slows Growth of Prowess, at least semi-regular training provides advantage to Tourney rolls)
-[X] [Boon] A new set of armor
-[X] [Boon] A new horse, suitable for Tourneys

We want to be a knight, winning a tourney is the way to do it
[X] Plan Stick To The Plan
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] A new dress
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress

Don't think that stunting our general growth to rush a tourney win is a good idea. We are not in a race here and I'd rather take permanent prowess gains over having the knighthood a bit earlier.

As for the boon, I'm going wit the royal progress we generally wanted and a new dress for the occasion to signal that we are not going to completely disregard social expectations during it.

I kinda worry that "A Royal Progress" is in itself too big.

Actually, question @Teen Spirit , am I to assume that the items are listed in order of how "big" of an ask they are?
Pretty sure both going to war and Blackfyre are the biggest things there.

The Royal Progress is also likely much less of an issue than trying to go to Dorne (which is veering towards hostile right now due to the Stepstones campaign) and Essos.
No, some things earlier on that list are a bigger ask than a Royal Progress.

How big of a deal IS permission to wield Blackfyre? I know Valarian Swords are a big deal, just not quite sure how big of one.

...that said, I do think that Azel's plan seems good. Though the lure of a cool sword is definitely tempting... even if I do kinda suspect that we'll be able to earn the right to wield it later.
[X] Plan Stick To The Plan
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] A new dress
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress

A tourny victory can always come later; progress with our weapons and sword arm seems like a more sure foundation that can pull a victory later with a bit of work.

While Rhaenyra is partially focused, that doesn't mean she has to reject dresses completely. Also, the new dress would go well with a royal progress. Having her stay in King's Landing is a bit of a waste when as heir she should familiarize herself with the rest of the realm and solidify her standing compared to Daemon who's busy in the Stepstones.
How big of a deal IS permission to wield Blackfyre? I know Valarian Swords are a big deal, just not quite sure how big of one.

...that said, I do think that Azel's plan seems good. Though the lure of a cool sword is definitely tempting... even if I do kinda suspect that we'll be able to earn the right to wield it later.
I'm fairly sure that Blackfyre will be much more achievable once we have the knighthood.
@Teen Spirit just to be sure but how is Rhaenyra's Wardrobe at this point? Do we need to renovate it due to all the new swole? And what ablut the armor are we at risk of outgrowing it soon?
You have tailors for your outfits, they are admittedly miffed at your swole gains, but your dresses have been adjusted. Your current armor has people adjusting it as well.
I favor a new suit of armor because we could use it to further our mystery knight plan. Get a nice suit of armor to bolster our glory and hide our identity while we properly trounce a tourney. Yep.

[X] Plan Tourney Prep
-[X] [Training] Switch Focus to preparing for Tourneys (Slows Growth of Prowess, at least semi-regular training provides advantage to Tourney rolls)
-[X] [Boon] A new set of armor
-[X] [Boon] A new horse, suitable for Tourneys
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[X] Plan: Nah We'd Win
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] A new set of armor
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress

the armour should last for longer than the horse, and have more use since we won't ride one often vs syrax
Ok, here is my plan I agree that this is the perfect moment to bring the Royal Progress idea, but we have the chance to visit Dorne as well, and considering that the next prince of Dorne is one of the very few men with whom we can have a true romance with, and the opportunity for a possible alliance in the future I think we may want to visit them now that we have time and relatively few enemies to worry about...

[X] Plan: A complete royal progress.
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] A trip to Dorne
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress
[X] I Have Altered The Plan
-[X] [Training] Switch Focus to preparing for Tourneys (Slows Growth of Prowess, at least semi-regular training provides advantage to Tourney rolls)
-[X] [Boon] A new dress
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress

[X] Plan Stick To The Plan

I like the dress and royal progress, but I'm willing to go for the tourney knighthood. We don't know when the great tourney opportunity will appear after all, we have to get ready for it.

I consider a trip to Dore out of the question at this point, our uncle and cousin dragon riders are currently fighting them for the Stepstone. Viserys would be right to turn us down.
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Focusing solely on jousting will hurt us even in a tourney, since we won't be as good at archery and the melee.

If we want a massive win to rub under everyone's nose, I'd rather sweep all three disciplines.
I would prefer to focus on attaining our knighthood over moving forward with the Royal Progress at this time.
We are not going to get another boon any time soon, but we can enter tourneys whenever they happen.

And we can't even use the horse and armor for a tourney anyway. What kind of mystery knight rides in on the princess' horse and wearing her armor?

This is just wasting an opportunity.